CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるZoho CRM へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してZoho CRM に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、Zoho CRM への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのZoho CRM への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのZoho CRM への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してZoho CRM からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、Zoho CRM に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
デスクトップ経由で自分のローカルデータに接続する場合(非ブラウザ接続)は、CData が提供する埋め込みOAuth アプリケーションを使用します。
Cloud はすでにZoho CRM にOAuth アプリケーションとして登録されています。そのため、デスクトップアプリケーションを介したローカルデータへの接続には自動的に組み込みアプリケーションが使用されます。
OAuth 交換の繰り返しを避け、ローカルデータにアクセスするたびにOAuthAccessToken を手動で設定する必要がないようにするには、InitiateOAuth をGETANDREFRESH に設定します。
Note: Zoho CRM Cloud はパフォーマンスを向上させるためにデフォルトでUseServerSideFiltering がTrue に設定されていますが、この設定は誤った結果を返す場合があります。
ネットワーク経由で共有データに接続する場合(ブラウザ接続)は、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションを使用します。すべてのOAuth フローで、この認証を有効にするにはAuthScheme をOAuth に設定する必要があります。
以下のサブセクションでは、3つの一般的な認証フローでのZoho CRM への認証について詳しく説明します。
カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成についての情報と、埋め込みOAuth 認証情報を持つ認証フローでもカスタムOAuth アプリケーションを作成したほうがよい場合の説明については、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成 を参照してください。
Zoho CRM で利用可能な接続文字列プロパティの全リストは、Connection を参照してください。
アクセストークンの期限が切れたときは、Cloud は自動でアクセストークンをリフレッシュします。
OAuth アクセストークンの自動リフレッシュ:
Cloud がOAuth アクセストークンを自動的にリフレッシュするようにするには、次のように設定します。
OAuth アクセストークンの手動リフレッシュ:
OAuth アクセストークンを手動でリフレッシュするために必要な唯一の値は、OAuth リフレッシュトークンです。
OAuth リフレッシュトークンを保存し、OAuth アクセストークンの有効期限が切れた後に手動でリフレッシュできるようにします。
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
CData Cloud はZoho CRM モジュールをリレーショナルテーブルとしてモデル化します。
Each API Version supported- v2, v2.1 and v4 is assigned it's own data model.
Data Model | Description |
v2 |
The available tables from the v2 version of ZohoCRM. |
v2.1 |
The available tables from the v2.1 version of ZohoCRM |
v4 |
The available tables from the v4 version of ZohoCRM |
CData Cloud models Zoho CRM Modules as relational tables.
The Cloud offloads as much of the SELECT statement processing as possible to the Zoho CRM APIs and then processes the rest of the query within the Cloud. The following sections document API limitations and requirements.
The Cloud connects to Zoho CRM and retrieves the list of テーブル and the metadata for the tables by calling the appropriate Web services. Any changes you make to your Zoho CRM account, such as adding a custom module, adding a custom field, or changing the data type of a field, occur immediately when you connect using the Cloud. テーブル shows an example, based on the Zoho CRM development environment, of what the entities in your account may look like.
Most ビュー are defined in static configuration files. Custom Views are not. Instead, custom views are dynamically retrieved by connecting to Zoho CRM, calling the appropriate Web service, and retrieving the list of custom views from the metadata returned. Any changes you make to your Zoho CRM account, such as adding a new custom view, occur immediately when you connect using the Cloud.
To use Custom Views, set the IncludeCustomViews property to true. Its default value is false since custom views introduce an overhead when retrieving the list of tables and views.
Criteria applied in the custom view (either when creating it or when editing it in the UI) will be preserved in CData Zoho CRM Cloud. Nonetheless, further filtering on records is available at any time.
To use Relative Views set the IncludeRelatedLists property to true. Its default value is false since related views introduce an overhead when retrieving the list of tables and views.
EntityId is required to fetch the related module data. This field refers to the parent module Id.
ストアドプロシージャ provides additional capabilities in the Zoho CRM API, including working with files.
Cloud はZoho CRM のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
Accounts | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding accounts. |
Activities | Delete, and query information regarding activities. |
Attachments | Delete, and query information regarding attachments. |
Calls | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding calls. |
Campaigns | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns. |
Cases | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding cases. |
ContactRoles | Get, add, update, or delete the list of contact roles |
Contacts | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding contacts. |
Currencies | Get, add or update currencies to your organization. |
Deals | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding deals. |
Events | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding events. |
Invoices | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding invoices. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Leads | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding Leads. |
Notes | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding notes. |
Pipeline | To fetch the details of all or a specific pipeline in the Deals module. It works only with ApiVersion=2.1. |
PriceBooks | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding price books. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Products | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding products. |
PurchaseOrders | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding purchase orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Quotes | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding quotes. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
SalesOrders | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding sales orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Solutions | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding solutions. |
Tasks | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding tasks. |
Vendors | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding vendors. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
INSERT INTO Accounts(AccountName) VALUES('my name')
Required fields: AccountName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Accounts WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Accounts SET Description = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
AccountOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the account owner for the account. |
AccountOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the account owner for the account. |
AccountOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the account owner for the account. |
Rating | String | False |
The rating for the account. |
AccountName | String | False |
The name of the account. |
Phone | String | False |
The phone of the account. |
AccountSite | String | False |
The site for the account. |
Fax | String | False |
The fax of the account. |
ParentAccount_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent account of the account. |
Website | String | False |
The website of the account. |
AccountNumber | Long | False |
The account number of the account. |
TickerSymbol | String | False |
The ticker symbol of the account |
AccountType | String | False |
The type of the account. |
Ownership | String | False |
The ownership of the account. |
Industry | String | False |
The industry of the account. |
Employees | Int | False |
The number of employess the account has. |
AnnualRevenue | Double | False |
The annual revenue of the account. |
SICCode | Int | False |
The SIC code of the account |
Tag | String | False |
The tag of the account. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False |
The time of the last activity for the account. |
BillingStreet | String | False |
The billing street of the account. |
ShippingStreet | String | False |
The shipping street of the account. |
BillingCity | String | False |
The billing city of the account. |
ShippingCity | String | False |
The shipping city of the account. |
BillingState | String | False |
The billing state of the account. |
ShippingState | String | False |
The shipping state of the account. |
BillingCode | String | False |
The billing code of the account. |
ShippingCode | String | False |
The shipping code of the account. |
BillingCountry | String | False |
The billing country of the account. |
ShippingCountry | String | False |
The shipping country of the account. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the account. |
History | String | False |
The history of the account. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Delete, and query information regarding activities.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Id = '3152079000000154214' SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Subject = 'event'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Activities WHERE Id = '3152079000000156229'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
ActivityOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the activity owner. |
ActivityOwner_Name | String | True |
The name of the activity owner. |
Subject | String | False |
The subject of the activity. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True |
The name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
ActivityType | String | False |
The type of the activity. |
ContactName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact. |
ContactName_Name | String | True |
The name of the contact. |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False |
The Id to whom this activity is related to. |
RelatedTo_Name | String | True |
The name to whom this activity is related to. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the activity. |
DueDate | Date | False |
The due date of the activity. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the activity. |
Priority | String | False |
The priority of the activity. |
SendNotificationEmail | Bool | False |
Wheter to send a notification email for this activity or not |
Repeat | String | False |
If this is a repeat activity or not. |
ClosedTime | Datetime | False |
The closed time of the activity. |
Location | String | False |
The location where this activity will take place. |
From | Datetime | False |
The start time of the activity. |
Allday | Bool | False |
Whether this activity will take all day or not. |
To | Datetime | False |
The end time of the activity. |
Participants | Long | False |
The number of participants in this activity. |
Check_InTime | Datetime | True |
The time when check in has to happen. |
Check_InBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who is checking in. |
Check_InBy_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who is checking in. |
Check_InComment | String | True |
The comment of the check in for the activity. |
Check_InSub_Locality | String | True |
The sub-locality where the check in for this activity will happen. |
Check_InCity | String | True |
The city where the check in for this activity will happen. |
Check_InState | String | True |
The state where the check in for this activity will happen. |
Check_InCountry | String | True |
The country where the check in for this activity will happen. |
Latitude | String | True |
The latitude where the check in for this activity will happen. |
Longitude | String | True |
The longitude where the check in for this activity will happen. |
ZipCode | String | True |
The zip code where the check in for this activity will happen. |
Check_InAddress | String | True |
The address where the check in for this activity will happen. |
CheckedInStatus | String | True |
The status of the checked in for this activity. |
CallPurpose | String | False |
The purpose of the call for this activity. |
CallType | String | False |
The type of the call for this activity. |
CallStartTime | Datetime | False |
The start time of the call for this activity. |
CallDuration | String | False |
The duration of the call for this activity. |
CallDuration_inseconds_ | Int | False |
The duration of the call in seconds for this activity. |
CallResult | String | False |
The result of the call for this activity. |
Billable | Bool | False |
Whether this activity is billable or not. |
CTIEntry | Bool | False |
Whether this activity is a CTI entry or not. |
Reminder | String | False |
A reminder set for this activity. |
CallStatus | String | False |
The status of the call for this activity. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Delete, and query information regarding attachments.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Attachments
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Attachments WHERE Id = '3152079000000431011'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
AttachmentOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the attachment owner. |
AttachmentOwner_Name | String | True |
The name of the attachment owner. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True |
The name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
FileName | String | False |
The name of the file of the attachment. |
Size | String | False |
The size of the attachment. |
ParentID_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent of the attachment. |
ParentID_Name | String | True |
The name of the parent of the attachment. |
ModuleName | String | False |
The name of the module this attachment belongs to. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding calls.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Calls (Subject, ModuleName, RelatedTo_Id,CallType,CallStartTime) VALUES ('A test call', 'Accounts', '5768552000000433001','Outbound','May 20, 2023 12:00 AM')
Required fields: Subject, ModuleName, CallType, CallStartTime and ContactName_Id if ModuleName = Contacts and RelatedTo_Id if any other modulename is specified.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Calls WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Calls SET Subject = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000484001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
ContactName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact of the call. |
ContactName_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the contact of the call. |
ContactName_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the contact of the call. |
Subject | String | False |
The subject of the call. |
CallPurpose | String | False |
The purpose of the call. |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False |
The Id of the person this call was related to. |
CallType | String | False |
The type of the call. |
CallStartTime | Datetime | False |
The time of the start of the call. |
CallDuration | String | False |
The duration of the call. |
CallDuration_inseconds_ | Int | False |
The duration of the call in seconds. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the call. |
CallResult | String | False |
The result of the call. |
Billable | Bool | False |
Whether this call was billable or not. |
CallOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the call. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
Tag | String | False |
The tags of the call. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Reminder | String | False |
The reminder set for this call. |
CallStatus | String | True |
The status of the call. |
ModuleName | String | False |
The name of the module this call belongs to. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Campaigns (CampaignName) VALUES ('a test campaign')
Required fields: CampaignName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Campaigns WHERE Id = '3152079000000485001'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Campaigns SET CampaignName = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000485001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
CampaignOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the campaign owner. |
CampaignOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the campaign owner. |
CampaignOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the campaign owner. |
Type | String | False |
The type of the campaign. |
CampaignName | String | False |
The name of the campaign. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the campaign. |
StartDate | Date | False |
The date of the start of the campaign. |
EndDate | Date | False |
The date of the end of the campaign. |
ExpectedRevenue | Double | False |
The expected revenue from this campaign. |
BudgetedCost | Double | False |
The budgeted cost of the campaign. |
ActualCost | Double | False |
The actual cost of the campaign. |
ExpectedResponse | Long | False |
The expected response from this campaign. |
Numberssent | Long | False |
The number of sent campaigns. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Tag | String | False |
The tags for this campaign. |
Description | String | False |
The description of this campaign. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding cases.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Cases (Email, Priority, Description) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'Medium', 'A simple test case')
Required fields: None.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Cases WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Cases SET Priority = 'Low' WHERE Id = '3152079000000473022'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
CaseOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the case. |
CaseOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the owner of the case. |
CaseOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the owner of the case. |
CaseNumber | String | False |
The number of the case. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the case. |
ProductName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the product concerning this case. |
Priority | String | False |
The priority of the case. |
Type | String | False |
The type of the case. |
CaseReason | String | False |
The reason this case was opened. |
CaseOrigin | String | False |
The origin of this case. |
Subject | String | False |
The subject of the case. |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False |
The Id to what this case is related to. |
No_ofcomments | Int | True |
The number of comments in this case. |
AccountName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the account of this case. |
ReportedBy | String | False |
By whom this case was reported. |
DealName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the deal this case concerns. |
String | False |
The email of the person opening this case. | |
Tag | String | False |
The tags concerning this case. |
Phone | String | False |
The phone of the person opening this case. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Description | String | False |
The description of this case. |
InternalComments | String | False |
The internal comments of this case. |
Solution | String | False |
The solution of this case. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Get, add, update, or delete the list of contact roles
SELECT * FROM ContactRoles
Insert INTO ContactRoles(SequenceNumber, Name) VALUES(8, 'TEST3')
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM ContactRoles WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE ContactRoles SET Name='Sales Lead 1' where Id= '2732548000006917001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
Represents the unique ID of the contact role. |
SequenceNumber | Integer | False |
Represents the position of the contact role in the picklist in CRM UI. |
Name | String | False |
Represents the name of the contact role. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding contacts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Contacts (FirstName, LastName, Email) VALUES ('John', 'Smith', '[email protected]')
Required fields: LastName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Contacts WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Contacts SET Description = 'John helped us in the past with setting up the servers.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000484021'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
ContactOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the contact. |
ContactOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the owner of the contact. |
ContactOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the owner of the contact. |
LeadSource | String | False |
The source of the lead. |
FirstName | String | False |
The first name of the contact. |
LastName | String | False |
The last name of the contact. |
AccountName_Id | String | False |
The id of the account concerning this contact. |
VendorName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the vendor concerning this account. |
String | False |
The email of the contact. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the contact. |
Department | String | False |
The Department of the contact. |
Phone | String | False |
The phone of the contact. |
HomePhone | String | False |
The home phone of the contact. |
OtherPhone | String | False |
A different phone number of the contact. |
Fax | String | False |
The fax of the contact. |
Mobile | String | False |
The mobile of the contact. |
DateofBirth | Date | False |
The date of birth of the contact. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags of the contact. |
Assistant | String | False |
The assistant of the contact. |
AsstPhone | String | False |
The phone number of the assistant of the contact. |
ReportsTo | String | False |
To whom the contact reports to. |
EmailOptOut | Bool | False |
Whether this contact has opted out from receiving emails. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
SkypeID | String | False |
The Skype ID of the contact. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
FullName | String | False |
The full name of the contact. |
Salutation | String | False |
The salutation the contact likes to be referenced as. |
SecondaryEmail | String | False |
The secondary email of the contact. |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False |
The time of the contact's last activity. |
String | False |
The twitter handle of the contact. | |
MailingStreet | String | False |
The mailing street of the contact. |
OtherStreet | String | False |
The other street of the contact. |
MailingCity | String | False |
The mailing city of the contact. |
OtherCity | String | False |
The other city of the contact. |
MailingState | String | False |
The mailing state of the contact. |
OtherState | String | False |
The other state of the contact. |
MailingZip | String | False |
The mailing zip of the contact. |
OtherZip | String | False |
The other zip of the contact. |
MailingCountry | String | False |
The mailing country of the contact. |
OtherCountry | String | False |
The other country of the contact. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the contact. |
MostRecentVisit | Datetime | False |
The most recent visit of the contact. |
FirstVisit | Datetime | False |
The first visit of the contact. |
Referrer | String | False |
The referrer of the contact. |
FirstPageVisited | String | False |
The first page the contact has visited. |
NumberOfChats | Int | False |
The number of chats the contact has had. |
AverageTimeSpent_Minutes_ | String | False |
The average time in minutes the contact has spent. |
DaysVisited | Int | False |
The number of days the contact has visited. |
VisitorScore | Long | False |
The visitor score of the contact. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Get, add or update currencies to your organization.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Id = '1234';
INSERT INTO Currencies (ISO_Code, Name, ExchangeRate) VALUES ('1234', 'hello','1.000');
Bulk Insert operation:
INSERT INTO Currencies#TEMP (id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code) VALUES ('4150868000000236307', 'cdata1','$','true','1.0000','period','comma','2','true','2'); INSERT INTO Currencies#TEMP (id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code) VALUES ('1234', 'cdata','$','true','2.0000','period','comma','3','true','3'); INSERT INTO Currencies (id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code) SELECT id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code FROM currencies#TEMP;
Required fields: Name, ISO_Code, ExchangeRate.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
UPDATE Currencies SET symbol = 'hello', FormatDecimalSeparator = 'period', FormatThousandSeparator = 'comma',FormatDecimalPlaces = '2',prefixsymbol = 'true',exchangerate = '1.0000' WHERE Id = '1234';
Bulk Update Operation:
UPDATE Currencies SET symbol = '$',FormatDecimalSeparator = 'period',FormatThousandSeparator = 'comma',FormatDecimalPlaces = '2';
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated. NOTE: if Id field is not specified in the query, PostData will be created for each id ( driver will execute bulk update operation for each currency id).
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
Represents the unique ID of the currency. |
Name | String | False |
Represents the name of the currency. |
Symbol | String | False |
Represents the symbol of the currency. |
IsActive | Boolean | False |
Represents the status of the currency. |
ExchangeRate | Double | False |
Represents the exchange rate of the currency. |
FormatDecimalSeparator | String | False |
The decimal separator separates the integer part of the currency from its fractional part. |
FormatThousandSeparator | String | False |
The thousand separator separates groups of thousands in a currency. |
FormatDecimalPlaces | String | False |
Represents the number of decimal places allowed for the currency. |
ModifiedByName | String | True |
Represents the name of the user who last modified the currency details. |
ModifiedByid | String | True |
Represents the ID of the user who last modified the currency details. |
PrefixSymbol | Boolean | False |
Represents if the currency has a prefix symbol. |
IsBase | Boolean | True |
Represents if the currency is the base currency. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Represents the date and time at which the currency was created. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | True |
Represents the date and time at which the currency was last modified. |
ISO_Code | String | False |
Represents the ISO code of the currency. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding deals.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Deals (DealName, Stage) VALUES ('Converting company XYZ into our client.', 'Qualification')
Required fields: DealName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Deals WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Deals SET Description = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
DealOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the deal owner. |
DealOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the deal owner. |
DealOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the deal owner. |
Amount | Double | False |
The amount of the deal. |
DealName | String | False |
The name of the deal. |
ClosingDate | Date | False |
The closing date of the dal. |
AccountName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the account who created the deal. |
Stage | String | False |
The stage in which the deal is in. |
Type | String | False |
The type of the deal. |
Probability_ | Int | False |
The probability this deal has of being closed. |
NextStep | String | False |
The next step of the deal. |
ExpectedRevenue | Double | True |
The expected revenue from the deal. |
LeadSource | String | False |
The source of the deal. |
CampaignSource_Id | String | False |
The Id of the campaign source concerning this deal. |
ContactName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact regarding this deal. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags regarding this deal. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False |
The last activity time of this deal. |
LeadConversionTime | Int | False |
The time it took for this lead to convert. |
SalesCycleDuration | Int | False |
The duration of sales cycles it took for this deal. |
OverallSalesDuration | Int | False |
The overal sales duration of this deal. |
Description | String | False |
The descrption of this deal. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding events.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Events (Title, `From`, To) VALUES ('A test event', '2018/05/29 18:00:00', '2018/05/29 20:30:00') INSERT INTO Events (Title, `From`, To, ModuleName) VALUES ('A test event', '2018/05/29 18:00:00', '2018/05/29 20:30:00', 'Contacts') INSERT INTO Events (Title, `From`, To, ModuleName, RelatedTo_Id) VALUES ('A test event', '2018/05/29 18:00:00', '2018/05/29 20:30:00', 'Contacts', '2788704000120533263')
Required fields: Title, From, To, ModuleName if RelatedTo_Id is specified..
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Events WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Events SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000154219'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
NOTE: This table is supported only in v2.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
Title | String | False |
The title of the event. |
Location | String | False |
The location of the event. |
From | Datetime | False |
The starting time of the event. |
Allday | Bool | False |
Whether the even will be going on for the whole day or not. |
To | Datetime | False |
The end time of the event. |
Host_Id | String | False |
The Id of the host of the event. |
Host_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the host of the event. |
Host_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the host of the event. |
ContactName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact of the event. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the event. |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False |
The Id to whom this event is related to. |
Repeat | String | False |
Whether this is a recurring activity or not. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Check_InTime | Datetime | True |
The time of the check in for this event. |
Check_InBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the person who checked in for this event. |
Check_InComment | String | True |
The check in comment for this event. |
Check_InSub_Locality | String | True |
The sub locality of the check in for this event. |
Reminder | String | False |
A reminder set for this event. |
Check_InCity | String | True |
The city where the check in for this event will be held at. |
Check_InState | String | True |
The state where the check in for this event will be held at. |
Check_InCountry | String | True |
The country where the check in for this event will be held at. |
Latitude | String | True |
The latitude of where the event will take place. |
Longitude | String | True |
The longitude of where the event will take place. |
ZipCode | String | True |
The ZIP code of where the event will take place. |
Check_InAddress | String | True |
The address of the check in for this event. |
CheckedInStatus | String | True |
The check in status for this event. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags for this event. |
ModuleName | String | False |
The name of the module this event belongs to. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding invoices. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Invoices (Status, DueDate, Subject, ProductDetails) VALUES ('Created', '2018/06/06', 'An invoice for the purchase of products XYZ.', '[ { "product": { "Product_Code": "12342321", "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, InvoicedItems.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Invoices WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Invoices SET Description = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
InvoiceOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of this invoice. |
InvoiceOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the owner of this invoice. |
InvoiceOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the owner of this invoice. |
InvoiceNumber | String | False |
The number of this invoice. |
Subject | String | False |
The subject of this invoice. |
SalesOrder_Id | String | False |
The Id of the sales order linked to this invoice. |
InvoiceDate | Date | False |
The date listed in the invoice. |
PurchaseOrder | String | False |
The purchase order linked with this invoice. |
DueDate | Date | False |
The date when this invoice is due at. |
ExciseDuty | Double | False |
The amount of excise duty for this invoice. |
SalesCommission | Double | False |
The amount of sales commission for this invoice. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the invoice. |
AccountName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the account linked with this invoice. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ContactName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact linked with this invoice. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags related to this invoice. |
BillingStreet | String | False |
The billing street of the invoice. |
ShippingStreet | String | False |
The shipping street of the invoice. |
BillingCity | String | False |
The billing city of the invoice. |
ShippingCity | String | False |
The shipping city of the invoice. |
BillingState | String | False |
The billing state of the invoice. |
ShippingState | String | False |
The shipping state of the invoice. |
BillingCode | String | False |
The billing code of the invoice. |
ShippingCode | String | False |
The shipping code of the invoice. |
BillingCountry | String | False |
The billing country of the invoice. |
ShippingCountry | String | False |
The shippingcountry of the invoice. |
ProductDetails | String | False |
A json aggregate of the product details for this invoice. |
SubTotal | Double | True |
The subtotal of this invoice. |
Discount | Double | False |
The discount applied to this invoice. |
Tax | Double | True |
The tax applied to this invoice. |
Adjustment | Double | False |
The adjustment applied to this invoice. |
GrandTotal | Double | True |
The grand total of this invoice. |
TermsandConditions | String | False |
The terms and conditions of this invoice. |
Description | String | False |
The description of this invoice. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
InvoicedItems | String |
Invoiced Items SubForm. This column can only be used for Insert and Update. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding Leads.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Leads(FirstName, LastName, Title) VALUES('Alert', 'Bat', 'Mr') INSERT INTO LEADS(FirstName, LastName, Email, Trigger) VALUES('Enthusiastic', 'Panda', '[email protected]', 'workflow,approval,blueprint')
Required fields: LastName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Leads WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Leads SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000488014'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
LeadOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the lead owner. |
LeadOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the lead owner. |
LeadOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the lead owner. |
Company | String | False |
The company of the lead. |
FirstName | String | False |
The first name of the lead. |
LastName | String | False |
The last name of the lead. |
Title | String | False |
The designation of the lead. |
String | False |
The email of the lead. | |
Phone | String | False |
The phone number of the lead. |
Fax | String | False |
The fax number of the lead. |
Mobile | String | False |
The mobile number of the lead. |
Website | String | False |
The website of the lead. |
LeadSource | String | False |
The source of the lead. |
LeadStatus | String | False |
The status of the lead. |
Industry | String | False |
The induystr in which the lead is in. |
No_ofEmployees | Int | False |
The number of employees in the lead's company. |
AnnualRevenue | Double | False |
The annual revenue of the lead. |
Rating | String | False |
The rating of the lead. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tag related to the lead. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
EmailOptOut | Bool | False |
Whether the lead has opted out of emails or not. |
SkypeID | String | False |
The skype id of the lead. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
FullName | String | False |
The full name of the lead. |
Salutation | String | False |
The salutation that the lead likes to be referred to. |
SecondaryEmail | String | False |
The secondary email of the lead. |
String | False |
The twitter handle of the lead. | |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False |
The last time the lead had any activity. |
Street | String | False |
The street where the lead resides in. |
City | String | False |
The city where the lead resides in. |
State | String | False |
The state where the lead resides in. |
ZipCode | String | False |
The zip code of the place where the lead resides in. |
Country | String | False |
The country where the lead resides in. |
Description | String | False |
A description of the lead. |
MostRecentVisit | Datetime | False |
The last time the lead visited. |
FirstVisit | Datetime | False |
The first time the lead visited. |
Referrer | String | False |
The referrer of the lead. |
FirstPageVisited | String | False |
The first URL that the lead has visited. |
NumberOfChats | Int | False |
The number of chats had with the lead. |
AverageTimeSpent_Minutes_ | String | False |
The average time the lead has spent in minutes. |
DaysVisited | Int | False |
The number of days the lead has visitied. |
VisitorScore | Long | False |
The visitor score calculated for this lead. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Trigger | String |
To trigger the rule while inserting record into CRM account. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding notes.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079' SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE NoteTitle = 'Deal details'
INSERT INTO Notes(ParentID_Id, ModuleName, NoteContent) VALUES('3276571000000184007', 'Leads', 'Janet converted this lead.')
Required fields: ParentID_Id (the Id of the item in which you are inserting the note to), ModuleName (the API name of the module you are inserting the note to), NoteContent.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Notes WHERE Id = '3152079000000488014'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Notes SET NoteTitle = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000304003'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
NoteOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the note owner. |
NoteOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the note owner. |
NoteOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the note owner. |
NoteTitle | String | False |
The title of the note. |
NoteContent | String | False |
The text content of the note. |
ParentID_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent of this note. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
ModuleName | String | False |
The name of the module this note belongs to. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
To fetch the details of all or a specific pipeline in the Deals module. It works only with ApiVersion=2.1.
The Cloud will use the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Pipeline WHERE Id = '228122000000223002' AND LayoutId = '228122000000000173' SELECT * FROM Pipeline WHERE LayoutId = '228122000000000173'
Insert Into Pipeline (LayoutId,DisplayValue,default,maps) VALUES ('4917206000000318488','Test_pipee11','true','[\n" + " {\n" + " \"display_value\": \"Qualification\",\n" + " \"sequence_number\": \"2\",\n" + " \"id\": \"4917206000000006801\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"display_value\": \"Needs Analysis\",\n" + " \"sequence_number\": \"1\",\n" + " \"id\": \"4917206000000006803\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]')
Required fields: LayoutId, DisplayValue, Default and maps.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id and LayoutId in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Pipeline Set DisplayValue = 'Pipeline_test12', default = 'false', maps = '[\n" + " {\n" + " \"display_value\": \"Qualification\",\n" + " \"sequence_number\": \"2\",\n" + " \"id\": \"4917206000000006801\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"display_value\": \"Needs Analysis\",\n" + " \"sequence_number\": \"1\",\n" + " \"id\": \"4917206000000006803\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]' WHERE Id = '4917206000000357004' AND LayoutId = '4917206000000318488' ")
Required fields: Id,LayoutId.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
The users can use the TransferAndDeltePipeline stored procedure to delete the pipeline.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
A unique numeric identifier for the profile. |
DisplayValue | String | False |
The name of the pipeline. |
Default | Boolean | False |
The default value of the pipeline. |
ActualValue | String | False |
The actual name of the pipeline. |
Maps | String | False |
The different stages that a deal has to pass through in the sales pipeline. |
LayoutId [KEY] | String | False |
The unique ID of the layout in the Deals module you want to fetch the pipeline's details from. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding price books. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO PriceBooks (PriceBookName, Active) VALUES ('pricebook_2018', true)
Required fields: PriceBookName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM PriceBooks WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE PriceBooks SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000488023'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
PriceBookOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the price book. |
PriceBookOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the owner of the price book. |
PriceBookOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the owner of the price book. |
PriceBookName | String | False |
The name of the price book. |
Active | Bool | False |
Whether this price book is active or not. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
PricingModel | String | False |
The pricing model of the price book. (Flat or Differential). |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags related to this price book. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the price book. |
PricingDetails | String | False |
A json aggregate with pricing details. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding products.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Products(ProductName, ProductActive) VALUES('C-3PO', true)
Required fields: ProductName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Products WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Products SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000487023'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
ProductOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the product owner. |
ProductOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the product owner. |
ProductOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the product owner. |
ProductName | String | False |
The name of the product. |
ProductCode | String | False |
The code of the product. |
VendorName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the vendor of the product.. |
ProductActive | Bool | False |
Whether this product is active or not. |
Manufacturer | String | False |
The manufacturer of the product. |
ProductCategory | String | False |
The category of the product. |
SalesStartDate | Date | False |
The start date of the sale of the product. |
SalesEndDate | Date | False |
The end date of the sale of the product. |
SupportStartDate | Date | False |
The start date of the support of the product. |
SupportEndDate | Date | False |
The end date of the support of the product. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags related to the product. |
UnitPrice | Double | False |
The unit price of the product. |
CommissionRate | Double | False |
The commission rate of the product. |
Tax | String | False |
A json aggregate of the tax related to this product. |
Taxable | Bool | False |
Whether this product is taxable or not. |
UsageUnit | String | False |
The unit of usage of the product. |
QtyOrdered | String | False |
The quantity ordered for this product. |
QuantityinStock | String | False |
The number of items in stock for this product. |
ReorderLevel | String | False |
The level of reorder for the product. |
Handler_Id | String | False |
The Id of the handler of the product. |
QuantityinDemand | String | False |
The quantity in demand of the product. |
Description | String | False |
A brief description of the product. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding purchase orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrders (Subject, ProductDetails) VALUES ('Purchase Order', '[ { "product": { "Product_Code": "12342321", "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, Purchase_Items
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE PurchaseOrders SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
PurchaseOrderOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the purchase order. |
PurchaseOrderOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the owner of the purchase order. |
PurchaseOrderOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the owner of the purchase order. |
PONumber | String | False |
The number of the purchase order. |
Subject | String | False |
The subject of the purchase order. |
VendorName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the vendor of the purchase order. |
RequisitionNumber | String | False |
The requisition number of the purchase order. |
TrackingNumber | String | False |
The tracking number of the purchase order. |
ContactName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contanct regarding this purchase order. |
PODate | Date | False |
The date listed in this purchase order. |
DueDate | Date | False |
The due date of this purchase order. |
Carrier | String | False |
The carrier listed in this purchase order. |
ExciseDuty | Double | False |
The amount of excise duty on this purchase order. |
SalesCommission | Double | False |
The amount of commision for the sale listed on this purchase order. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the purchase order. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags regarding this purchase order. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
BillingStreet | String | False |
The billing street of the purchase order. |
ShippingStreet | String | False |
The shipping street of the purchase order. |
BillingCity | String | False |
The billing city of this purchase order. |
ShippingCity | String | False |
The shipping city of this purchase order. |
BillingState | String | False |
The billing state of this purchase order. |
ShippingState | String | False |
The shipping state of this purchase order. |
BillingCode | String | False |
The billing code of this purchase order. |
ShippingCode | String | False |
The shipping code of this purchase order. |
BillingCountry | String | False |
The billing country of this purchase order. |
ShippingCountry | String | False |
The shipping country of this purchase order. |
ProductDetails | String | False |
A json aggregate of the product details. |
SubTotal | Double | True |
The sub total price of the purchase order. |
Discount | Double | False |
The discount listed in this purchase order. |
Tax | Double | True |
The amount of tax listed in this purchase order. |
Adjustment | Double | False |
The amount of adjustment regarding this purchase order. |
GrandTotal | Double | True |
The grand total of this purchase order. |
TermsandConditions | String | False |
The terms and conditions regarding this purchase order. |
Description | String | False |
The description of this purchase order. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
PurchaseItems | String |
Purchase Items SubForm. This column can only be used for Insert and Update. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding quotes. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Quotes (Subject, QuotedItems) VALUES ('QuotedItems', '[ { "product": { "Product_Code": "12342321", "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, QuotedItems.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Quotes WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Quotes SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000490009'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
QuoteOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the quote. |
QuoteOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the owner of the quote. |
QuoteOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the owner of the quote. |
QuoteNumber | String | False |
The number of the quote. |
Subject | String | False |
The subject of the quote. |
DealName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the deal related to this quote. |
QuoteStage | String | False |
The stage in which this quote is currently at. |
ValidUntil | Date | False |
The time until this quote is valid. |
Team | String | False |
The team who is related to this quote. |
ContactName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact of the quote. |
Carrier | String | False |
The carrier of this quote. |
AccountName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the account related to this quote. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags related to this quote. |
BillingStreet | String | False |
The billing street of the record. |
ShippingStreet | String | False |
The shipping street of the record. |
BillingCity | String | False |
The billing city of the record. |
ShippingCity | String | False |
The shipping city of the record. |
BillingState | String | False |
The billing state of the record. |
ShippingState | String | False |
The shipping state of the record. |
BillingCode | String | False |
The billing code of the record. |
ShippingCode | String | False |
The shipping code of the record. |
BillingCountry | String | False |
The billing country of the record. |
ShippingCountry | String | False |
The shipping country of the record. |
ProductDetails | String | False |
A json aggregate of the product details related to this quote. |
SubTotal | Double | True |
The sub total price of this quote. |
Discount | Double | False |
The disocunt applied to this quote. |
Tax | Double | True |
The amount of tax applied to this quote. |
Adjustment | Double | False |
The amount of adjusted price applied to this quote. |
GrandTotal | Double | True |
The gradn total of the quote. |
TermsandConditions | String | False |
The terms and conditions of this quote. |
Description | String | False |
The description of this quote. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
QuotedItems | String |
Quoted Items SubForm. This column can only be used for Insert and Update. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding sales orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO SalesOrders (Subject, ProductDetails) VALUES ('Sales Order', '[ { "product": { "Product_Code": "12342321", "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, OrderedItems
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM SalesOrders WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE SalesOrders SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000493027'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
Subject | String | False |
The subject of the sales order. |
SalesOrderOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the sales order. |
SalesOrderOwner_FirstName | String | True |
The First Name of the owner of the sales order. |
SalesOrderOwner_LastName | String | True |
The Last Name of the owner of the sales order. |
SONumber | String | False |
The sales order number. |
DealName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the deal regarding this sales order. |
CustomerNo_ | String | False |
The number of the customer regarding this sales order. |
EndDate | String | False |
The end date of the sales order. |
PurchaseOrder | String | False |
The purchase order linked to this sales order. |
DueDate | Date | False |
The due date of this sales order. |
QuoteName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the quote related to this sales order. |
ContactName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact of this sales order. |
Pending | String | False |
The pending status of this sales order. |
ExciseDuty | Double | False |
The amount of excise duty of this sales order. |
Carrier | String | False |
The carrier of this sales order. |
Status | String | False |
The status of this sales order. |
SalesCommission | Double | False |
The commission of sales for this sales order. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags related to this record. |
Layout_Id | String | False |
The Id of the layout used in this sales order. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
AccountName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the account of this sales order. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
BillingStreet | String | False |
The billing street of the record. |
ShippingStreet | String | False |
The shipping street of the record. |
BillingCity | String | False |
The billing city of the record. |
ShippingCity | String | False |
The shipping city of the record. |
BillingState | String | False |
The billing state of the record. |
ShippingState | String | False |
The shipping state of the record. |
BillingCode | String | False |
The billing code of the record. |
ShippingCode | String | False |
The shipping code of the record. |
BillingCountry | String | False |
The billing country of the record. |
ShippingCountry | String | False |
The shipping country of the record. |
ProductDetails | String | False |
A json aggregate of the product details related to this sales order. |
SubTotal | Double | True |
The sub total price of the sales order. |
Discount | Double | False |
The amount of discount applied to this sales order. |
Tax | Double | True |
The amount of tax applied to this sales order. |
Adjustment | Double | False |
The amount of adjustment applied to this sales order. |
GrandTotal | Double | True |
The grand total of the sales order. |
TermsandConditions | String | False |
The terms and conditions of the sales order. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the sales order. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
OrderedItems | String |
Ordered Items SubForm. This column can only be used for Insert and Update. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding solutions.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
INSERT INTO Solutions (SolutionTitle, Status) VALUES ('Converting from XML to JSON', 'Created')
Required fields: SolutionTitle.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Solutions WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Solutions SET Question = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492018'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
SolutionNumber | String | False |
The number of the solution. |
SolutionOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the solution. |
SolutionOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the owner of the solution. |
SolutionOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the owner of the solution. |
SolutionTitle | String | False |
The title of the solution. |
Published | Bool | False |
Whether the solution is published or not. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the solution. |
ProductName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the product concerning this solution. |
No_ofcomments | Int | True |
The number of different comments in this solution. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags related to this record. |
Question | String | False |
The question which was asked that led to the creating of this solution. |
Answer | String | False |
The answer given for this solution. |
AddComment | String | False |
An additional comment give for this solution. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding tasks.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Tasks(Subject, Status) VALUES ('Finish sending emails to potential leads.', 'Created') INSERT INTO Tasks(Subject, Status, ModuleName) VALUES ('Finish sending emails to potential leads.', 'Created', 'Contacts') INSERT INTO Tasks(Subject, Status, ModuleName, RelatedTo_Id) VALUES ('Finish sending emails to potential leads.', 'Created', 'Contacts', '2788704000120533263')
Required fields: Subject, ModuleName if RelatedTo_Id is specified.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Tasks WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Tasks SET Status = 'In progress' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492026'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
TaskOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the task. |
TaskOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the owner of the task. |
TaskOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the owner of the task. |
Subject | String | False |
The subject of the task. |
DueDate | Date | False |
The date when this task is due. |
ContactName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact of the task. |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False |
The Id of the object related to the task. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the task. |
Priority | String | False |
The priority of the task. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags related to this record. |
SendNotificationEmail | Bool | False |
Whether a notification email should be sent for this task or not. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Repeat | String | False |
If this task is recurring or not. |
ClosedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when this task closes. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the tax. |
ModuleName | String | False |
The name of the module this task belongs to. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding vendors.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Vendors(VendorName, Email, Website) VALUES('XYZVendor', '[email protected]', '')
Required fields: VendorName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Vendors WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Vendors SET Description = 'Changed from the API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492032'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
VendorOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the vendor. |
VendorOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the owner of the vendor. |
VendorOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the owner of the vendor. |
VendorName | String | False |
The name of the vendor. |
Phone | String | False |
The phone number of the vendor. |
String | False |
The email address of the vendor. | |
Website | String | False |
The website of the vendor. |
GLAccount | String | False |
The GL account of the vendor. |
Category | String | False |
The category in which this vendor is placed at. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags related to this record. |
Street | String | False |
The street associated with this vendo's address. |
City | String | False |
The city associated with this vendo's address. |
State | String | False |
The state associated with this vendo's address. |
ZipCode | String | False |
The ZIP code associated with this vendo's address. |
Country | String | False |
The country associated with this vendo's address. |
Description | String | False |
A brief description regarding this vendor. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Name | Description |
ActionsPerformed | Query information regarding performed actions. |
CustomFieldHistoryTracking | Query information regarding different histories for a particular custom field. |
Fields | To get the field metadata for the specified module. |
InvoiceProductDetails | Query information regarding different product details. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Layouts | To get the layouts metadata for the specified module. |
ListFields | Get the field metadata for the specified module. |
ModuleAttachedFiles | Retrieves all the files attached to a specified module. |
Modules | To get the modules metadata for the specified account. |
Organizations | Query information regarding different organizations. |
PriceBookPricingDetails | Query information regarding different pricing details. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Profiles | Query information regarding different profiles. |
PurchaseOrderProductDetails | Query information regarding different product details. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
QuoteProductDetails | Query information regarding different product details. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
RecordCount | To fetch the total number of records in the module. |
Roles | Query information regarding different roles. |
SalesOrderProductDetails | Query information regarding different product details. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
StageHistories | Query information regarding different stage histories for a particular deal. |
Territories | Get the list of territories enabled for your organization. |
Users | Query information regarding different users. |
Visits | Query information regarding recent visits. |
Query information regarding performed actions.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id of the performed action. |
ActionType | String | The type of the performed action. |
Actions | String | The actions performed. |
TimeSpent | String | The time spent performing the action. |
ActionPerformedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the action was performed. |
ParentID_Id | String | The Id of the parent object where the action was performed. |
ParentID_Name | String | The name of the parent object where the action was performed. |
ChatAttachment_Id | String | The Id of the chat attachment for the action. |
ChatAttachment_Name | String | The name of the chat attachment for the action. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Bool | Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Bool | Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String | The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Query information regarding different histories for a particular custom field.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
All columns used in the criteria are required. Use FieldName to specify the actual name of the tracked custom field and HistoryName to specify the name of the history tracking section. If you want to retrieve data for a specific entity of a module specify EntityId in the criteria.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM [CustomFieldHistoryTracking] WHERE ModuleName = 'Leads' AND FieldName = 'pickListField' AND HistoryName = 'Pick List 1' SELECT * FROM [CustomFieldHistoryTracking] WHERE ModuleName = 'Leads' AND FieldName = 'pickListField' AND HistoryName = 'Pick List 1' AND EntityId = '12345665'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the history. |
ModuleName | String | A unique numeric identifier for the module instance this custom field tracking belongs to. |
EntityId | String | A unique numeric identifier for the module instance this custom field tracking belongs to. |
FieldName | String | The name of the custom field. |
HistoryName | String | The name of the custom field tracking history. |
FieldValue | String | The value of the custom field. |
DurationDays | Integer | The duration of this stage. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | The time this historical value was last modified. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified the value. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified the value. |
CurrencySymbol | String | The currency symbol for the value. |
ProcessFlow | Boolean | The boolean indicating the process flow for this historical value. |
Editable | Boolean | The boolean indicating if this historical value can be edited. |
Approved | Boolean | The boolean indicating if this historical value has been approved. |
To get the field metadata for the specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Fields WHERE ModuleName = 'Deals'
Name | Type | Description |
DisplayValue | String | The name of the field. |
ActualValue | String | The actual name of the field. |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the field |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the fields. |
Query information regarding different product details. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM InvoiceProductDetails WHERE InvoiceId = '3152079000000301143'
NOTE: ProductDetails has been changed to InvoicedItems after v2
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the product detail. |
InvoiceId [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the invoice this product detail belongs to. |
ProductId | String | A unique numeric identifier for the id of the product. |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product. |
ProductName | String | The name of the product. |
ProductDescription | String | The description of the product. |
Quantity | Double | The quantity of products in this product detail. |
Discount | Double | The discount applied to this product detail. |
TotalAfterDiscount | Double | The total after discount for this product detail. |
NetTotal | Double | The net total for this product detail. |
Book | String | The book linked with this product detail. |
Tax | Double | The total tax of this product detail. |
ListPrice | Double | The listing price of this product detail. |
UnitPrice | Double | The unit price of the product. |
QuantityInStock | Double | The quantity in stock for this product. |
Total | Double | The total price for this product detail. |
LineTax | String | A line tax aggregate regarding this product detail. |
To get the layouts metadata for the specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Layouts WHERE ModuleName = 'Deals'
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the layout. |
Name | String | Represents the name of the layout. |
Type | String | Represents if the section is used or not in the layout. |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the layout. |
Get the field metadata for the specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM ListFields WHERE ModuleName = 'Deals'
Name | Type | Description |
ApiName | String | The API Name. |
AssociationDetails | String | The Association Details. |
BlueprintSupported | Boolean | Is Blueprint Supported. |
BusinesscardSupported | Boolean | Is Businesscard Supported. |
ConvertMappingAccounts | String | The Convert Mapping Accounts. |
ConvertMappingContacts | String | The Convert Mapping Contacts. |
ConvertMappingDeals | String | The Convert Mapping Deals. |
CreatedSource | String | The Created Source. |
Crypt | String | The Crypt. |
CurrencyPrecision | Integer | The Currency Precision. |
CurrencyRoundingOption | String | The Currency Rounding Option. |
CustomField | Boolean | Is Custom Field. |
DataType | String | The Data Type. |
DecimalPlace | Integer | The Decimal Place. |
DisplayField | Boolean | Is Display Field. |
DisplayLabel | String | The Display Label. |
DisplayType | Integer | The Display Type. |
External | String | The External. |
FieldLabel | String | The Field Label. |
FieldReadOnly | Boolean | Is Field ReadOnly. |
Filterable | Boolean | Is Filterable. |
HistoryTracking | String | The History Tracking. |
Id | String | The Id. |
JsonType | String | The JSON Type. |
Length | Integer | The Length. |
MassUpdate | Boolean | Is Mass Update. |
PickListValues | String | The Pick List Values. |
PickListValuesSortedLexically | Boolean | Are Pick List Values Sorted Lexically. |
Profiles | String | The Profiles. |
QuickSequenceNumber | String | The QuickSequenceNumber. |
ReadOnly | Boolean | Is ReadOnly. |
Sortable | Boolean | Is Sortable. |
Subform | String | The Subform. |
SystemMandatory | Boolean | Is System Mandatory. |
Tooltip | String | The Tool tip. |
Type | String | The Type. |
UiType | Integer | The Ui Type. |
ViewTypeCreate | Boolean | Is View Type Create. |
ViewTypeEdit | Boolean | Is View Type Edit. |
ViewTypeQuickCreate | Boolean | Is View Type Quick Create. |
ViewTypeView | Boolean | Is View Type View. |
Visible | Boolean | Is Visible. |
Webhook | Boolean | Is Webhook. |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the fields. |
Retrieves all the files attached to a specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ModuleAttachedFiles WHERE ModuleName = "Leads"
Note: The UploadFile and DownloadFile stored procedures will not work as expected if executed in regards to a custom field. They only upload or download files in the "Attachments" section of the module. Uploading and deleting files from a custom field of type "fileupload" can be done only through the UI.
Name | Type | Description |
FileId | String | Id of the file attached to the module. |
FileName | String | Name of the file attached to the module. |
AttachmentId [KEY] | String | Id of the attachment. |
CreatorId | String | Id of the user who uploaded the attachment. |
EntityId | String | Id of the entity. |
DownloadUrl | String | URL to download the attachment. |
PreviewUrl | String | URL to preview the attachmen. |
FileSize | String | The size of the attachment. |
FileExtension | String | Extension of the attachment. |
ModuleName | String | Id of the module. |
To get the modules metadata for the specified account.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the modules |
Name | String | The name of the module which the user wants. |
SequenceNumber | Integer | The sequence number of the field. |
ApiName | String | The api name of the field. |
Query information regarding different organizations.
The Cloud processes filters client-side within the Cloud.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the organization. |
CompanyName | String | The name of the company for this organization. |
PrimaryEmail | String | The primary email of the organization. |
Phone | String | The phone number of the organization. |
Mobile | String | The mobile phone number of the organization. |
IsoCode | String | The ISO code of the organization. |
Description | String | The description of the organization. |
Country | String | The country where this organization is situated. |
City | String | The city where this organization is situated. |
State | String | The state where this organization is situated. |
Street | String | The street where this organization is situated. |
Zip | String | The zip where this organization is situated. |
CountryCode | String | The country code of the organization. |
Alias | String | The alias of the organization. |
Fax | String | The fax of the organization. |
EmployeeCount | Int | The number of employees this organization has. |
Website | String | The website of the organization. |
CurrencySymbol | String | The default currency symbol for the organization. |
CurrencyLocale | String | The default currency locale for the organization. |
PrimaryZuid | String | The primary ZUID for the organization. |
TimeZone | String | The time zone for the organization. |
Zgid | String | The zgid for the organization. |
MCStatus | Boolean | Whether this organization has MC status or not. |
GappsEnabled | Boolean | Whether this organization has gapps enabled or not. |
LicenseDetailsPaidExpiry | Datetime | The date and time the subscription expires for this organization. |
LicenseDetailsTrialType | String | The trial type of subscription the organization has. |
LicenseDetailsTrialExpiry | Datetime | The date and time the trial subscription expires for this organization. |
LicenseDetailsPaid | Boolean | Whether the organization has a paid subscription. |
LicenseDetailsPaidType | String | The type of subscription the organization has. |
Query information regarding different pricing details. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PriceBookPricingDetails WHERE PriceBookId = '3152079000000317001'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the pricing detail. |
PriceBookId [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the price book this pricing detail belongs to. |
Discount | Double | How much discount should be applied for this pricing detail. |
FromRange | Double | Starting from what amount should this discount be applied. |
ToRange | Double | Until what amount should this discount be applied. |
Query information regarding different profiles.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE Id = '3152079000000026011'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the profile. |
Name | String | The name of the profile. |
Description [KEY] | String | A small description regarding this profile. |
CreatedByName | String | The name of the user who created this profile. |
CreatedById | String | The id of the user who created this profile. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time this profile was created. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified this profile. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified this profile. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | The time this profile was last modified. |
Category | Boolean | Whether this profile is a category or not. |
Query information regarding different product details. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderProductDetails WHERE PurchaseOrderId = '3152079000000317029'
NOTE: ProductDetails has been changed to PurchaseItems after v2.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the product detail. |
PurchaseOrderId [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the purchase order this product detail belongs to. |
ProductId | String | A unique numeric identifier for the id of the product. |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product. |
ProductName | String | The name of the product. |
ProductDescription | String | The description of the product. |
Quantity | Double | The quantity of products in this product detail. |
Discount | Double | The discount applied to this product detail. |
TotalAfterDiscount | Double | The total after discount for this product detail. |
NetTotal | Double | The net total for this product detail. |
Book | String | The book linked with this product detail. |
Tax | Double | The total tax of this product detail. |
ListPrice | Double | The listing price of this product detail. |
UnitPrice | Double | The unit price of the product. |
QuantityInStock | Double | The quantity in stock for this product. |
Total | Double | The total price for this product detail. |
LineTax | String | A line tax aggregate regarding this product detail. |
Query information regarding different product details. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM QuoteProductDetails WHERE QuoteId = '3152079000000317060'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the product detail. |
QuoteId [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the quote this product detail belongs to. |
ProductId | String | A unique numeric identifier for the id of the product. |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product. |
ProductName | String | The name of the product. |
ProductDescription | String | The description of the product. |
Quantity | Double | The quantity of products in this product detail. |
Discount | Double | The discount applied to this product detail. |
TotalAfterDiscount | Double | The total after discount for this product detail. |
NetTotal | Double | The net total for this product detail. |
Book | String | The book linked with this product detail. |
Tax | Double | The total tax of this product detail. |
ListPrice | Double | The listing price of this product detail. |
UnitPrice | Double | The unit price of the product. |
QuantityInStock | Double | The quantity in stock for this product. |
Total | Double | The total price for this product detail. |
LineTax | String | A line tax aggregate regarding this product detail. |
To fetch the total number of records in the module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The module is a mandatory filter for the Cloud.
Note: It works only with ApiVersion=2.1.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM RecordCount WHERE ModuleName = 'Leads' SELECT * FROM RecordCount WHERE ModuleName IN ('Leads','Invoices')
Name | Type | Description |
Count [KEY] | Integer | The total number of records in the module. |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the count. |
Query information regarding different roles.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Id = '3152079000000026008'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the role. |
Name | String | The name of the role. |
DisplayLabel [KEY] | String | The way the role is displayed in the UI. |
ReportingToName | String | The name of the role this role reports to. |
ReportingToId | String | The id of the role this role reports to. |
AdminUser | Boolean | Whether this role has administrative privileges or not. |
Query information regarding different product details. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderProductDetails WHERE SalesOrderId = '3152079000000355025'
NOTE: ProductDetails has been changed to OrderedItems after v2.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the product detail. |
SalesOrderId [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the sales order this product detail belongs to. |
ProductId | String | A unique numeric identifier for the id of the product. |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product. |
ProductName | String | The name of the product. |
ProductDescription | String | The description of the product. |
Quantity | Double | The quantity of products in this product detail. |
Discount | Double | The discount applied to this product detail. |
TotalAfterDiscount | Double | The total after discount for this product detail. |
NetTotal | Double | The net total for this product detail. |
Book | String | The book linked with this product detail. |
Tax | Double | The total tax of this product detail. |
ListPrice | Double | The listing price of this product detail. |
UnitPrice | Double | The unit price of the product. |
QuantityInStock | Double | The quantity in stock for this product. |
Total | Double | The total price for this product detail. |
LineTax | String | A line tax aggregate regarding this product detail. |
Query information regarding different stage histories for a particular deal.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the stage. |
DealId | String | A unique numeric identifier for the deal this stage belongs to. |
Stage | String | The stage number for this stage. |
Amount | Decimal | The amount of money spent for this stage. |
DurationDays | Integer | The duration of this stage. |
ExpectedRevenue | Decimal | The expected revenue from this stage. |
Probability | Decimal | The probability for the stage to happen. |
CloseDate | Date | The date when this stage closes. |
LastModifiedTime | Datetime | The time this stage was last modified. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified the stage. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified the stage. |
Get the list of territories enabled for your organization.
All the filters are executed at client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * from Territories;
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Represents the unique ID of the territory. |
Name | String | Represents the name of the territory. |
ParentId | String | Represents the unique ID of the parent territory, if any. |
Criteria | String | Represents the territory criteria details. |
Managername | String | Represents the name of the current territory's manager. |
Managerid | String | Represents the ID of the current territory's manager. |
CreatedByName | String | Represents the name of the user who created the current territory. |
CreatedById | String | Represents the ID of the user who created the current territory. |
ModifiedByName | String | Represents the name of the user who last modified the current territory. |
ModifiedByid | String | Represents the ID of the user who last modified the current territory. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | Represents the date and time at which the current territory was created. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | Represents the date and time at which the current territory was last modified. |
Desription | String | Represents the description of the territory, if any. |
Query information regarding different users.
The Cloud will use the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = '3152079000000150015'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the user. |
FirstName | String | The first name of the user. |
LastName | String | The last name of the user. |
FullName | String | The full name of the user. |
String | The email of the user. | |
RoleName | String | The name of the role the user has. |
RoleId | String | The Id of the role the user has. |
ProfileName | String | The name of the profile the user has. |
ProfileId | String | The Id of the profile the user has. |
Country | String | The country where the user is situated. |
City | String | The city where the user is situated. |
Street | String | The street where the user is situated. |
State | String | The state where the user is situated. |
Zip | String | The zip where the user is situated. |
Alias | String | The alias of the user. |
Signature | String | The signature of the user. |
NameFormat | String | The format of the name of the user. |
PersonalAccount | Boolean | Whether this user has a personal account or not. |
DefaultTabGroup | String | The default tab group for this user. |
CountryLocale | String | The default country locale of the user. |
Fax | String | The fax of the user. |
Website | String | The website of the user. |
Mobile | String | The mobile phone number of the user. |
Phone | String | The phone number of the user. |
Dob | String | The date of birth of the user. |
Status | String | The status of the user. |
Confirm | Boolean | Whether this user has confirmed his email or not. |
Language | String | The Language of the user. |
Locale | String | The locale of the user. |
TimeFormat | String | The default time format of the user. |
DateFormat | String | The default date format of the user. |
DecimalSeparator | String | The locale of the default decimal separator of the user. |
TimeZone | String | The time zone of the user. |
Zuid | String | The default ZUID of the user. |
Territories | String | A comma separeted string of the user's territories. |
CreatedByName | String | The name of the user who created this user. |
CreatedById | String | The id of the user who created this user. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time this user was created. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified this user. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified this user. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | The time this user was last modified. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Type | String | Limit the users returned to the ones of this type
使用できる値は次のとおりです。AllUsers, ActiveUsers, DeactiveUsers, ConfirmedUsers, NotConfirmedUsers, DeletedUsers, ActiveConfirmedUsers, AdminUsers, ActiveConfirmedAdmins, CurrentUser |
Query information regarding recent visits.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id of the visit. |
PageVisited | String | The name of the visited page. |
VisitedBy_Id | String | The Id of the visitor. |
VisitedBy_FirstName | String | The First Name of the visitor. |
VisitedBy_LastName | String | The Last Name of the visitor. |
IPAddress | String | The IP address of the visitor. |
TimeSpent(Minutes) | String | The time spent in minutes for the visit. |
Referrer | String | The referrer of the visitor. |
VisitedPageURL | String | The URL of the visited page. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | The Id of the object which created the visit. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | The Id of the object which modified the visit. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | The First Name of the object which modified the visit. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | The Last Name of the object which modified the visit. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the visit was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the visit was modified. |
AttendedBy | String | Who attended the visit. |
UserDetails | String | The user details of the visit. |
Browser | String | The browser used for the visit. |
TimeVisited | Datetime | The date and time of the visit. |
VisitorType | String | The type of visitor for the visit. |
Revenue | Decimal | The revenue generated by the visit. |
NumberofPages | Int | The number of pages visited from the visit. |
PortalName | String | The name of the portal used for the visit. |
SearchKeyword | String | The search keyword used for the visit. |
SearchEngine | String | The search engine used for the visit. |
OperatingSystem | String | The operating system of the visitor. |
Gclid | String | The GCLID of the visitor. |
Keyword | String | The keyword used in the visit. |
ClickType | String | The click type of the visit. |
Devicetype | String | The type of the device of the visitor. |
AdNetwork | String | The ad network used in the visit. |
SearchPartnerNetwork | String | The search partner network for the visit. |
AdCampaignName | String | The ad campaign name of the visit. |
AdGroupName | String | The ad group name of the visit. |
Ad | String | The ad used for the visit. |
AdClickDate | Date | The date and time when the ad was clicked. |
VisitSource | String | The source of the visit. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Bool | Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Bool | Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String | The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Zoho CRM の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにZoho CRM から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
ConvertLead | Convert a lead. |
DeleteFile | Delete a file attached to a record. |
DelinkRelatedRecords | It will remove the relation between modules. |
LinkRelatedRecords | It is used to add the relation between modules. |
TransferAndDeletePipeline | To delete a pipeline and transfer the associated stages to another pipeline. |
Convert a lead.
Name | Type | Description |
LeadId | String | Unique ID of the record you are converting. |
Overwrite | String | Indicates if the convertions should be overwritten or not.Deafult value is true.
デフォルト値はtrueです。 |
NotifyLeaderOwner | String | Notifies the lead owner if set to true.
デフォルト値はfalseです。 |
NotifyNewEntityOwner | String | Notifies the lead owner if set to true.
デフォルト値はfalseです。 |
AccountId | String | The id of the account. |
ContactId | String | The id of the contact. |
UserId | String | Id of the user that the converted lead will be assigned to. |
CampaignSource | String | the campaign source. Can be found on Deals. |
DealName | String | The name of the deal. |
ClosingDate | String | The closing date. |
Stage | String | The stage Id. |
Amount | String | The total amount. |
Name | Type | Description |
Contacts | String | The converted contact ID. |
Deals | String | The converted deal ID. |
Accounts | String | The converted account ID. |
Delete a file attached to a record.
Name | Type | Description |
ModuleName | String | The API name of the module you are deleting an attachment for. |
RecordID | String | Unique ID of the record you are deleting an attachment for. |
AttachmentID | String | Unique ID of the attachment you are deleting. |
Name | Type | Description |
Message | String | The message from Zoho CRM indicating if the operation was successful. |
Status | String | The status received from Zoho CRM regarding this operation. |
To delete a pipeline and transfer the associated stages to another pipeline.
ZohoCRM Supports deleting a pipeline and transferring the associated stages to another pipeline by providing the FromId, ToId,Stages and LayoutId of the related pipeline.
Note: It works only with ApiVersion=2.1.
For Example:
EXEC TransferAndDeletePipeline FromId = '228122000000252002',ToId = '228122000000202388', Stages = '[\n" + " {\n" + " \"from\": \"4917206000000006801\",\n" + " \"to\": \"4917206000000006801\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]', LayoutId = '228122000000202258'
Name | Type | Description |
FromId | String | The ID of the pipeline you want to delete and transfer the associated deals from. |
ToId | String | The ID of the pipeline you want to transfer deals to from another pipeline. |
Stages | String | The stages in the pipeline you want to map to the new one. |
LayoutId | String | The unique ID of the layout in the Deals module you want to fetch the pipeline's details from. |
CData Cloud models Zoho CRM Modules as relational tables.
The Cloud offloads as much of the SELECT statement processing as possible to the Zoho CRM APIs and then processes the rest of the query in the Cloud. The following sections document API limitations and requirements.
The Cloud connects to Zoho CRM and gets the list of テーブル and the metadata for the tables by calling the appropriate Web services. Any changes you make to your Zoho CRM account, such as adding a custom module, adding a custom field, or changing the data type of a field, occur immediately when you connect using the Cloud. テーブル shows an example, based on the Zoho CRM development environment, of what the entities in your account may look like.
Most ビュー are defined in static configuration files. Custom Views are not. Instead, custom views are dynamically retrieved by connecting to Zoho CRM, calling the appropriate Web service and retrieving the list of custom views from the metadata returned. Any changes you make to your Zoho CRM account, such as adding a new custom view, occur immediately when you connect using the Cloud.
To use Custom Views, set the IncludeCustomViews property to true. Its default value is false since custom views introduce an overhead when retrieving the list of tables and views.
Criteria applied in the custom view (either when creating it or when editing it in the UI) are preserved in CData Zoho CRM Cloud. Nonetheless, further filtering on records is available at any time.
To use Relative Views, set the IncludeRelatedLists property to true. Its default value is false since related views introduce an overhead when retrieving the list of tables and views.
The EntityId field is required to fetch related module data. This field refers to the parent module Id.
ストアドプロシージャ provides additional capabilities in the Zoho CRM API, including working with files.
Cloud はZoho CRM のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
Accounts | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding accounts. |
Activities | Delete, and query information regarding activities. |
Attachments | Delete, and query information regarding attachments. |
Calls | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding calls. |
Campaigns | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns. |
Cases | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns. |
ContactRoles | Get, add, update, or delete the list of contact roles |
Contacts | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding contacts. |
Currencies | Get, add or update currencies to your organization. |
DealHistory | null |
Deals | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding deals. |
Invoices | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding invoices. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Leads | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding Leads. |
Meetings | Get list of meetings scheduled |
Notes | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding Leads. |
Pipeline | To fetch the details of all or a specific pipeline in the Deals module. It works only with ApiVersion=2.1. |
PriceBooks | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding price books. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Products | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding price books. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
PurchaseOrders | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding purchase orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Quotes | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding quotes. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
SalesOrders | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding sales orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Solutions | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding solutions. |
Tasks | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding tasks. |
Vendors | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding vendors. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
INSERT INTO Accounts(AccountName) VALUES('my name')
Required fields: AccountName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Accounts WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Accounts SET Description = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
AccountOwner_Id | String | False | |
AccountOwner_Name | String | False | |
Rating | String | False | |
AccountName | String | False | |
Phone | String | False | |
AccountSite | String | False | |
Fax | String | False | |
ParentAccount_Id | String | False | |
ParentAccount_Name | String | False | |
Website | String | False | |
AccountNumber | Long | False | |
TickerSymbol | String | False | |
AccountType | String | False | |
Ownership | String | False | |
Industry | String | False | |
Employees | Int | False | |
AnnualRevenue | Decimal | False | |
SICCode | Int | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False | |
LastEnrichedTime | Datetime | True | |
EnrichStatus | String | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
BillingStreet | String | False | |
ShippingStreet | String | False | |
BillingCity | String | False | |
ShippingCity | String | False | |
BillingState | String | False | |
ShippingState | String | False | |
BillingCode | String | False | |
ShippingCode | String | False | |
BillingCountry | String | False | |
ShippingCountry | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
AccountImage | String | False | |
Attachment | String | False | |
CF1 | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Delete, and query information regarding activities.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Id = '3152079000000154214' SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Subject = 'event'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Activities WHERE Id = '3152079000000156229'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
ActivityOwner_Id | String | False | |
ActivityOwner_Name | String | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | False | |
ActivityType | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Name | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
DueDate | Date | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Priority | String | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
Repeat_Id | String | False | |
Repeat_Name | String | False | |
ClosedTime | Datetime | False | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
CallType | String | False | |
OutgoingCallStatus | String | False | |
CallStartTime | Datetime | False | |
CallDuration | String | False | |
DialledNumber | String | True | |
CallerID | String | True | |
Reminder | String | False | |
VoiceRecording | String | False | |
CallDuration(inseconds) | Int | False | |
ScheduledinCRM | String | True | |
CTIEntry | Bool | False | |
CallPurpose | String | False | |
CallAgenda | String | False | |
CallResult | String | False | |
Location | String | False | |
Allday | Bool | False | |
From | Datetime | False | |
To | Datetime | False | |
Participants | String | False | |
Check-InTime | Datetime | True | |
Check-InBy_Id | String | False | |
Check-InBy_Name | String | False | |
Check-InComment | String | True | |
Check-InSub-Locality | String | True | |
Check-InCity | String | True | |
Check-InState | String | True | |
Check-InCountry | String | True | |
Latitude | String | True | |
Longitude | String | True | |
ZipCode | String | True | |
Check-InAddress | String | True | |
CheckedInStatus | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Delete, and query information regarding attachments.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Attachments
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Attachments WHERE Id = '3152079000000431011'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
AttachmentOwner_Id | String | False | |
AttachmentOwner_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | False | |
FileName | String | False | |
Size | String | False | |
ParentID_Id | String | False | |
ParentID_Name | String | False | |
ModuleName | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding calls.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Calls (Subject, ModuleName, RelatedTo_Id,CallType,CallStartTime) VALUES ('A test call', 'Accounts', '5768552000000433001','Outbound','May 20, 2023 12:00 AM')
Required fields: Subject, ModuleName, CallType, CallStartTime and ContactName_Id if ModuleName = Contacts and RelatedTo_Id if any other modulename is specified.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Calls WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Calls SET Subject = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000484001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Name | String | False | |
CallType | String | False | |
OutgoingCallStatus | String | False | |
CallStartTime | Datetime | False | |
CallDuration | String | False | |
CallOwner_Id | String | False | |
CallOwner_Name | String | False | |
DialledNumber | String | True | |
Subject | String | False | |
CallerID | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Reminder | String | False | |
CallDuration(inseconds) | Int | False | |
ScheduledinCRM | String | True | |
CTIEntry | Bool | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
CallPurpose | String | False | |
CallAgenda | String | False | |
CallResult | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
ModuleName | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Campaigns (CampaignName) VALUES ('a test campaign')
Required fields: CampaignName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Campaigns WHERE Id = '3152079000000485001'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Campaigns SET CampaignName = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000485001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
CampaignOwner_Id | String | False | |
CampaignOwner_Name | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
CampaignName | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
StartDate | Date | False | |
EndDate | Date | False | |
ExpectedRevenue | Decimal | False | |
BudgetedCost | Decimal | False | |
ActualCost | Decimal | False | |
ExpectedResponse | Long | False | |
Numberssent | Long | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
ParentCampaign_Id | String | False | |
ParentCampaign_Name | String | False | |
Description | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Cases (Email, Priority, Description) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'Medium', 'A simple test case')
Required fields: None.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Cases WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Cases SET Priority = 'Low' WHERE Id = '3152079000000473022'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
CaseOwner_Id | String | False | |
CaseOwner_Name | String | False | |
CaseNumber | String | True | |
Status | String | False | |
ProductName_Id | String | False | |
ProductName_Name | String | False | |
Priority | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
CaseReason | String | False | |
CaseOrigin | String | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Name | String | False | |
No.ofcomments | Int | True | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
ReportedBy | String | False | |
DealName_Id | String | False | |
DealName_Name | String | False | |
String | False | ||
Tag | String | False | |
Phone | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Description | String | False | |
InternalComments | String | False | |
Solution | String | False | |
AddComment | String | False | |
Comments | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Get, add, update, or delete the list of contact roles
SELECT * FROM ContactRoles
Insert INTO ContactRoles(SequenceNumber, Name) VALUES(8, 'TEST3')
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM ContactRoles WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE ContactRoles SET Name='Sales Lead 1' where Id= '2732548000006917001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
Represents the unique ID of the contact role. |
SequenceNumber | Integer | False |
Represents the position of the contact role in the picklist in CRM UI. |
Name | String | False |
Represents the name of the contact role. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding contacts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Contacts (FirstName, LastName, Email) VALUES ('John', 'Smith', '[email protected]')
Required fields: LastName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Contacts WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Contacts SET Description = 'John helped us in the past with setting up the servers.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000484021'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
ContactOwner_Id | String | False | |
ContactOwner_Name | String | False | |
LeadSource | String | False | |
FirstName | String | False | |
LastName | String | False | |
FullName | String | False | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
VendorName_Id | String | False | |
VendorName_Name | String | False | |
String | False | ||
Title | String | False | |
Department | String | False | |
Phone | String | False | |
HomePhone | String | False | |
OtherPhone | String | False | |
Fax | String | False | |
Mobile | String | False | |
DateofBirth | Date | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
Assistant | String | False | |
AsstPhone | String | False | |
EmailOptOut | Bool | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
SkypeID | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Salutation | String | False | |
SecondaryEmail | String | False | |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False | |
String | False | ||
ReportingTo_Id | String | False | |
ReportingTo_Name | String | False | |
UnsubscribedMode | String | True | |
UnsubscribedTime | Datetime | True | |
LastEnrichedTime | Datetime | True | |
EnrichStatus | String | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
MailingStreet | String | False | |
OtherStreet | String | False | |
MailingCity | String | False | |
OtherCity | String | False | |
MailingState | String | False | |
OtherState | String | False | |
MailingZip | String | False | |
OtherZip | String | False | |
MailingCountry | String | False | |
OtherCountry | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
ContactImage | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Get, add or update currencies to your organization.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Id = '1234';
INSERT INTO Currencies (ISO_Code, Name, ExchangeRate) VALUES ('1234', 'hello','1.000');
Bulk Insert operation:
INSERT INTO Currencies#TEMP (id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code) VALUES ('4150868000000236307', 'cdata1','$','true','1.0000','period','comma','2','true','2'); INSERT INTO Currencies#TEMP (id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code) VALUES ('1234', 'cdata','$','true','2.0000','period','comma','3','true','3'); INSERT INTO Currencies (id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code) SELECT id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code FROM currencies#TEMP;
Required fields: Name, ISO_Code, ExchangeRate.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
UPDATE Currencies SET symbol = 'hello', FormatDecimalSeparator = 'period', FormatThousandSeparator = 'comma',FormatDecimalPlaces = '2',prefixsymbol = 'true',exchangerate = '1.0000' WHERE Id = '1234';
Bulk Update Operation:
UPDATE Currencies SET symbol = '$',FormatDecimalSeparator = 'period',FormatThousandSeparator = 'comma',FormatDecimalPlaces = '2';
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated. NOTE: if Id field is not specified in the query, PostData will be created for each id ( driver will execute bulk update operation for each currency id).
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
Represents the unique ID of the currency. |
Name | String | False |
Represents the name of the currency. |
Symbol | String | False |
Represents the symbol of the currency. |
IsActive | Boolean | False |
Represents the status of the currency. |
ExchangeRate | Double | False |
Represents the exchange rate of the currency. |
FormatDecimalSeparator | String | False |
The decimal separator separates the integer part of the currency from its fractional part. |
FormatThousandSeparator | String | False |
The thousand separator separates groups of thousands in a currency. |
FormatDecimalPlaces | String | False |
Represents the number of decimal places allowed for the currency. |
ModifiedByName | String | True |
Represents the name of the user who last modified the currency details. |
ModifiedByid | String | True |
Represents the ID of the user who last modified the currency details. |
PrefixSymbol | Boolean | False |
Represents if the currency has a prefix symbol. |
IsBase | Boolean | True |
Represents if the currency is the base currency. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Represents the date and time at which the currency was created. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | True |
Represents the date and time at which the currency was last modified. |
ISO_Code | String | False |
Represents the ISO code of the currency. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
DealName_Id | String | False | |
DealName_Name | String | False | |
Stage | String | False | |
StageDuration(CalendarDays) | Int | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Amount | Decimal | False | |
Probability(%) | Int | False | |
ExpectedRevenue | Decimal | True | |
ClosingDate | Date | False | |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | True | |
MovedTo | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding deals.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Deals (DealName, Stage) VALUES ('Converting company XYZ into our client.', 'Qualification')
Required fields: DealName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Deals WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Deals SET Description = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
DealOwner_Id | String | False | |
DealOwner_Name | String | False | |
Amount | Decimal | False | |
DealName | String | False | |
ClosingDate | Date | False | |
Pipeline | String | False | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
Stage | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
ReasonForLoss | String | False | |
NextStep | String | False | |
Probability(%) | Int | False | |
LeadSource | String | False | |
ExpectedRevenue | Decimal | True | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
CampaignSource_Id | String | False | |
CampaignSource_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False | |
SalesCycleDuration | Int | False | |
LeadConversionTime | Int | False | |
OverallSalesDuration | Int | False | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Description | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding invoices. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Invoices (Status, DueDate, Subject, InvoicedItems) VALUES ('Created', '2018/06/06', 'An invoice for the purchase of products XYZ.', '[ { "Product_Name": { "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, InvoicedItems.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Invoices WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Invoices SET Description = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
InvoiceOwner_Id | String | False | |
InvoiceOwner_Name | String | False | |
InvoiceNumber | String | True | |
Subject | String | False | |
SalesOrder_Id | String | False | |
SalesOrder_Name | String | False | |
InvoiceDate | Date | False | |
PurchaseOrder | String | False | |
DueDate | Date | False | |
ExciseDuty | Decimal | False | |
SalesCommission | Decimal | False | |
Status | String | False | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
DealName_Id | String | False | |
DealName_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
BillingStreet | String | False | |
ShippingStreet | String | False | |
BillingCity | String | False | |
ShippingCity | String | False | |
BillingState | String | False | |
ShippingState | String | False | |
BillingCode | String | False | |
ShippingCode | String | False | |
BillingCountry | String | False | |
ShippingCountry | String | False | |
TermsandConditions | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
InvoicedItems | String | False | |
SubTotal | String | True | |
Discount | Decimal | False | |
Tax | Decimal | False | |
Adjustment | Decimal | False | |
GrandTotal | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding Leads.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Leads(FirstName, LastName, Title) VALUES('Alert', 'Bat', 'Mr') INSERT INTO LEADS(FirstName, LastName, Email, Trigger) VALUES('Enthusiastic', 'Panda', '[email protected]', 'workflow,approval,blueprint')
Required fields: LastName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Leads WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Leads SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000488014'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
LeadOwner_Id | String | False | |
LeadOwner_Name | String | False | |
FirstName | String | False | |
Salutation | String | False | |
Company | String | False | |
Title | String | False | |
LastName | String | False | |
FullName | String | False | |
Phone | String | False | |
String | False | ||
Mobile | String | False | |
Fax | String | False | |
LeadSource | String | False | |
Website | String | False | |
Industry | String | False | |
LeadStatus | String | False | |
EmailOptOut | Bool | False | |
No.ofEmployees | Int | False | |
AnnualRevenue | Decimal | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
Layout_Id | String | False | |
Layout_Name | String | False | |
Rating | String | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
SkypeID | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
SecondaryEmail | String | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
String | False | ||
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False | |
UnsubscribedMode | String | True | |
LeadConversionTime | Int | False | |
UnsubscribedTime | Datetime | True | |
LastEnrichedTime | Datetime | True | |
EnrichStatus | String | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Street | String | False | |
City | String | False | |
State | String | False | |
ZipCode | String | False | |
Country | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
LeadImage | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Get list of meetings scheduled
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Title | String | False | |
Location | String | False | |
Allday | Bool | False | |
From | Datetime | False | |
To | Datetime | False | |
Host_Id | String | False | |
Host_Name | String | False | |
Participants | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
Repeat_Id | String | False | |
Repeat_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Reminder | String | False | |
Check-InTime | Datetime | True | |
Check-InBy_Id | String | False | |
Check-InBy_Name | String | False | |
Check-InComment | String | True | |
Check-InSub-Locality | String | True | |
Check-InCity | String | True | |
Check-InState | String | True | |
Check-InCountry | String | True | |
Latitude | String | True | |
Longitude | String | True | |
ZipCode | String | True | |
Check-InAddress | String | True | |
CheckedInStatus | String | True | |
Tag | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding Leads.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079' SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE NoteTitle = 'Deal details'
INSERT INTO Notes(ParentID_Id, ModuleName, NoteContent) VALUES('3276571000000184007', 'Leads', 'Janet converted this lead.')
Required fields: ParentID_Id (the Id of the item in which you are inserting the note to), ModuleName (the API name of the module you are inserting the note to), NoteContent.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Notes WHERE Id = '3152079000000488014'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Notes SET NoteTitle = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000304003'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
NoteOwner_Id | String | False | |
NoteOwner_Name | String | False | |
NoteTitle | String | False | |
NoteContent | String | False | |
ParentID_Id | String | False | |
ParentID_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModuleName | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
To fetch the details of all or a specific pipeline in the Deals module. It works only with ApiVersion=2.1.
The Cloud will use the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Pipeline WHERE Id = '228122000000223002' AND LayoutId = '228122000000000173' SELECT * FROM Pipeline WHERE LayoutId = '228122000000000173'
Insert Into Pipeline (LayoutId,DisplayValue,default,maps) VALUES ('4917206000000318488','Test_pipee11','true','[\n" + " {\n" + " \"display_value\": \"Qualification\",\n" + " \"sequence_number\": \"2\",\n" + " \"id\": \"4917206000000006801\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"display_value\": \"Needs Analysis\",\n" + " \"sequence_number\": \"1\",\n" + " \"id\": \"4917206000000006803\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]')
Required fields: LayoutId, DisplayValue, Default and maps.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id and LayoutId in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Pipeline Set DisplayValue = 'Pipeline_test12', default = 'false', maps = '[\n" + " {\n" + " \"display_value\": \"Qualification\",\n" + " \"sequence_number\": \"2\",\n" + " \"id\": \"4917206000000006801\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"display_value\": \"Needs Analysis\",\n" + " \"sequence_number\": \"1\",\n" + " \"id\": \"4917206000000006803\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]' WHERE Id = '4917206000000357004' AND LayoutId = '4917206000000318488' ")
Required fields: Id,LayoutId.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
The users can use the TransferAndDeltePipeline stored procedure to delete the pipeline.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
A unique numeric identifier for the profile. |
DisplayValue | String | False |
The name of the pipeline. |
Default | Boolean | False |
The default value of the pipeline. |
ActualValue | String | False |
The actual name of the pipeline. |
Maps | String | False |
The different stages that a deal has to pass through in the sales pipeline. |
LayoutId [KEY] | String | False |
The unique ID of the layout in the Deals module you want to fetch the pipeline's details from. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding price books. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO PriceBooks (PriceBookName, Active) VALUES ('pricebook_2018', true)
Required fields: PriceBookName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM PriceBooks WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE PriceBooks SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000488023'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
PriceBookOwner_Id | String | False | |
PriceBookOwner_Name | String | False | |
PriceBookName | String | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
PricingModel | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Description | String | False | |
PricingDetails | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding price books. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Products(ProductName, ProductActive) VALUES('C-3PO', true)
Required fields: ProductName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Products WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Products SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000487023'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
ProductOwner_Id | String | False | |
ProductOwner_Name | String | False | |
ProductName | String | False | |
ProductCode | String | False | |
VendorName_Id | String | False | |
VendorName_Name | String | False | |
ProductActive | Bool | False | |
Manufacturer | String | False | |
ProductCategory | String | False | |
SalesStartDate | Date | False | |
SalesEndDate | Date | False | |
SupportStartDate | Date | False | |
SupportEndDate | Date | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
UnitPrice | Decimal | False | |
CommissionRate | Decimal | False | |
Tax | String | False | |
Taxable | Bool | False | |
UsageUnit | String | False | |
QtyOrdered | String | False | |
QuantityinStock | String | False | |
ReorderLevel | String | False | |
Handler_Id | String | False | |
Handler_Name | String | False | |
QuantityinDemand | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
ProductImage | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding purchase orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrders (Subject, PurchaseItems) VALUES ('Purchase Order', '[ { "Product_Name": { "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, Purchase_Items
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE PurchaseOrders SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
PurchaseOrderOwner_Id | String | False | |
PurchaseOrderOwner_Name | String | False | |
PONumber | String | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
VendorName_Id | String | False | |
VendorName_Name | String | False | |
RequisitionNumber | String | False | |
TrackingNumber | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
PODate | Date | False | |
DueDate | Date | False | |
Carrier | String | False | |
ExciseDuty | Decimal | False | |
SalesCommission | Decimal | False | |
Status | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
BillingStreet | String | False | |
ShippingStreet | String | False | |
BillingCity | String | False | |
ShippingCity | String | False | |
BillingState | String | False | |
ShippingState | String | False | |
BillingCode | String | False | |
ShippingCode | String | False | |
BillingCountry | String | False | |
ShippingCountry | String | False | |
TermsandConditions | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
PurchaseItems | String | False | |
SubTotal | String | True | |
Discount | Decimal | False | |
Tax | Decimal | False | |
Adjustment | Decimal | False | |
GrandTotal | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding quotes. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Quotes (Subject, QuotedItems) VALUES ('QuotedItems', '[ { "Product_Name": { "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, QuotedItems.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Quotes WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Quotes SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000490009'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
QuoteOwner_Id | String | False | |
QuoteOwner_Name | String | False | |
QuoteNumber | String | True | |
Subject | String | False | |
DealName_Id | String | False | |
DealName_Name | String | False | |
QuoteStage | String | False | |
ValidUntil | Date | False | |
Team | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
Carrier | String | False | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
BillingStreet | String | False | |
ShippingStreet | String | False | |
BillingCity | String | False | |
ShippingCity | String | False | |
BillingState | String | False | |
ShippingState | String | False | |
BillingCode | String | False | |
ShippingCode | String | False | |
BillingCountry | String | False | |
ShippingCountry | String | False | |
TermsandConditions | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
QuotedItems | String | False | |
SubTotal | String | True | |
Discount | Decimal | False | |
Tax | Decimal | False | |
Adjustment | Decimal | False | |
GrandTotal | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding sales orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO SalesOrders (Subject, OrderedItems) VALUES ('Sales Order', '[ { "Product_Name": { "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, OrderedItems
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM SalesOrders WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE SalesOrders SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000493027'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
SalesOrderOwner_Id | String | False | |
SalesOrderOwner_Name | String | False | |
SONumber | String | True | |
Subject | String | False | |
DealName_Id | String | False | |
DealName_Name | String | False | |
CustomerNo. | String | False | |
PurchaseOrder | String | False | |
QuoteName_Id | String | False | |
QuoteName_Name | String | False | |
DueDate | Date | False | |
Pending | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
Carrier | String | False | |
ExciseDuty | Decimal | False | |
SalesCommission | Decimal | False | |
Status | String | False | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
BillingStreet | String | False | |
ShippingStreet | String | False | |
BillingCity | String | False | |
ShippingCity | String | False | |
BillingState | String | False | |
ShippingState | String | False | |
BillingCode | String | False | |
ShippingCode | String | False | |
BillingCountry | String | False | |
ShippingCountry | String | False | |
TermsandConditions | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
OrderedItems | String | False | |
SubTotal | String | True | |
Discount | Decimal | False | |
Tax | Decimal | False | |
Adjustment | Decimal | False | |
GrandTotal | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding solutions.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
INSERT INTO Solutions (SolutionTitle, Status) VALUES ('Converting from XML to JSON', 'Created')
Required fields: SolutionTitle.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Solutions WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Solutions SET Question = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492018'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
SolutionNumber | String | False |
The number of the solution. |
SolutionOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the solution. |
SolutionOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the owner of the solution. |
SolutionOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the owner of the solution. |
SolutionTitle | String | False |
The title of the solution. |
Published | Bool | False |
Whether the solution is published or not. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the solution. |
ProductName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the product concerning this solution. |
No_ofcomments | Int | True |
The number of different comments in this solution. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags related to this record. |
Question | String | False |
The question which was asked that led to the creating of this solution. |
Answer | String | False |
The answer given for this solution. |
AddComment | String | False |
An additional comment give for this solution. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding tasks.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Tasks(Subject, Status) VALUES ('Finish sending emails to potential leads.', 'Created') INSERT INTO Tasks(Subject, Status, ModuleName) VALUES ('Finish sending emails to potential leads.', 'Created', 'Contacts') INSERT INTO Tasks(Subject, Status, ModuleName, RelatedTo_Id) VALUES ('Finish sending emails to potential leads.', 'Created', 'Contacts', '2788704000120533263')
Required fields: Subject, ModuleName if RelatedTo_Id is specified.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Tasks WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Tasks SET Status = 'In progress' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492026'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
TaskOwner_Id | String | False | |
TaskOwner_Name | String | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
DueDate | Date | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Name | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Priority | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
SendNotificationEmail | Bool | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
Reminder_Id | String | False | |
Reminder_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Repeat_Id | String | False | |
Repeat_Name | String | False | |
ClosedTime | Datetime | False | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Description | String | False | |
ModuleName | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding vendors.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Vendors(VendorName, Email, Website) VALUES('XYZVendor', '[email protected]', '')
Required fields: VendorName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Vendors WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Vendors SET Description = 'Changed from the API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492032'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
VendorOwner_Id | String | False | |
VendorOwner_Name | String | False | |
VendorName | String | False | |
Phone | String | False | |
String | False | ||
Website | String | False | |
GLAccount | String | False | |
Category | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Street | String | False | |
City | String | False | |
State | String | False | |
ZipCode | String | False | |
Country | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
VendorImage | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Name | Description |
CustomFieldHistoryTracking | Query information regarding different histories for a particular custom field. |
Fields | To get the field metadata for the specified module. |
InvoicedItems | Query information regarding different product details. |
Layouts | To get the layouts metadata for the specified module. |
ListFields | Get the field metadata for the specified module. |
ModuleAttachedFiles | Retrieves all the files attached to a specified module. |
Modules | To get the modules metadata for the specified account. |
OrderedItems | Query information regarding different product details. |
Organizations | Query information regarding different organizations. |
Profiles | Query information regarding different profiles. |
PurchaseItems | Query information regarding different product details. |
QuotedItems | null |
RecordCount | To fetch the total number of records in the module. |
Roles | Query information regarding different roles. |
StageHistories | Query information regarding different stage histories for a particular deal. |
Territories | Get the list of territories enabled for your organization. |
Users | Query information regarding different users. |
Visits | Query information regarding recent visits. |
Query information regarding different histories for a particular custom field.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
All columns used in the criteria are required. Use FieldName to specify the actual name of the tracked custom field and HistoryName to specify the name of the history tracking section. If you want to retrieve data for a specific entity of a module specify EntityId in the criteria.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM [CustomFieldHistoryTracking] WHERE ModuleName = 'Leads' AND FieldName = 'pickListField' AND HistoryName = 'Pick List 1' SELECT * FROM [CustomFieldHistoryTracking] WHERE ModuleName = 'Leads' AND FieldName = 'pickListField' AND HistoryName = 'Pick List 1' AND EntityId = '12345665'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the history. |
ModuleName | String | A unique numeric identifier for the module instance this custom field tracking belongs to. |
EntityId | String | A unique numeric identifier for the module instance this custom field tracking belongs to. |
FieldName | String | The name of the custom field. |
HistoryName | String | The name of the custom field tracking history. |
FieldValue | String | The value of the custom field. |
DurationDays | Integer | The duration of this stage. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | The time this historical value was last modified. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified the value. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified the value. |
CurrencySymbol | String | The currency symbol for the value. |
ProcessFlow | Boolean | The boolean indicating the process flow for this historical value. |
Editable | Boolean | The boolean indicating if this historical value can be edited. |
Approved | Boolean | The boolean indicating if this historical value has been approved. |
To get the field metadata for the specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Fields WHERE ModuleName = 'Deals'
Name | Type | Description |
DisplayValue | String | The name of the field. |
ActualValue | String | The actual name of the field. |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the field |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the fields. |
Query information regarding different product details.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM InvoicedItems WHERE Id = '3152079000000301143'
NOTE: This table is not supported in v2.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | |
S.NO | Long | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | |
ParentID_Id | String | |
ParentID_Name | String | |
ProductName_Id | String | |
ProductName_Name | String | |
PriceBook_Id | String | |
PriceBook_Name | String | |
Description | String | |
Quantity | String | |
ListPrice | Decimal | |
Amount | String | |
Discount | Decimal | |
TotalAfterDiscount | String | |
Tax | Decimal | |
Total | String | |
TaxbyPercentage | String |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
To get the layouts metadata for the specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Layouts WHERE ModuleName = 'Deals'
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the layout. |
Name | String | Represents the name of the layout. |
Type | String | Represents if the section is used or not in the layout. |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the layout. |
Get the field metadata for the specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM ListFields WHERE ModuleName = 'Deals'
Name | Type | Description |
ApiName | String | The API Name. |
AssociationDetails | String | The Association Details. |
BlueprintSupported | Boolean | Is Blueprint Supported. |
BusinesscardSupported | Boolean | Is Businesscard Supported. |
ConvertMappingAccounts | String | The Convert Mapping Accounts. |
ConvertMappingContacts | String | The Convert Mapping Contacts. |
ConvertMappingDeals | String | The Convert Mapping Deals. |
CreatedSource | String | The Created Source. |
Crypt | String | The Crypt. |
CurrencyPrecision | Integer | The Currency Precision. |
CurrencyRoundingOption | String | The Currency Rounding Option. |
CustomField | Boolean | Is Custom Field. |
DataType | String | The Data Type. |
DecimalPlace | Integer | The Decimal Place. |
DisplayField | Boolean | Is Display Field. |
DisplayLabel | String | The Display Label. |
DisplayType | Integer | The Display Type. |
External | String | The External. |
FieldLabel | String | The Field Label. |
FieldReadOnly | Boolean | Is Field ReadOnly. |
Filterable | Boolean | Is Filterable. |
HistoryTracking | String | The History Tracking. |
Id | String | The Id. |
JsonType | String | The JSON Type. |
Length | Integer | The Length. |
MassUpdate | Boolean | Is Mass Update. |
PickListValues | String | The Pick List Values. |
PickListValuesSortedLexically | Boolean | Are Pick List Values Sorted Lexically. |
Profiles | String | The Profiles. |
QuickSequenceNumber | String | The QuickSequenceNumber. |
ReadOnly | Boolean | Is ReadOnly. |
Sortable | Boolean | Is Sortable. |
Subform | String | The Subform. |
SystemMandatory | Boolean | Is System Mandatory. |
Tooltip | String | The Tool tip. |
Type | String | The Type. |
UiType | Integer | The Ui Type. |
ViewTypeCreate | Boolean | Is View Type Create. |
ViewTypeEdit | Boolean | Is View Type Edit. |
ViewTypeQuickCreate | Boolean | Is View Type Quick Create. |
ViewTypeView | Boolean | Is View Type View. |
Visible | Boolean | Is Visible. |
Webhook | Boolean | Is Webhook. |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the fields. |
Retrieves all the files attached to a specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ModuleAttachedFiles WHERE ModuleName = "Leads"
Note: The UploadFile and DownloadFile stored procedures will not work as expected if executed in regards to a custom field. They only upload or download files in the "Attachments" section of the module. Uploading and deleting files from a custom field of type "fileupload" can be done only through the UI.
Name | Type | Description |
FileId | String | Id of the file attached to the module. |
FileName | String | Name of the file attached to the module. |
AttachmentId [KEY] | String | Id of the attachment. |
CreatorId | String | Id of the user who uploaded the attachment. |
EntityId | String | Id of the entity. |
DownloadUrl | String | URL to download the attachment. |
PreviewUrl | String | URL to preview the attachmen. |
FileSize | String | The size of the attachment. |
FileExtension | String | Extension of the attachment. |
ModuleName | String | Id of the module. |
To get the modules metadata for the specified account.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the modules |
Name | String | The name of the module which the user wants. |
SequenceNumber | Integer | The sequence number of the field. |
ApiName | String | The api name of the field. |
Query information regarding different product details.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrderedItems WHERE Id = '3152079000000301143'
NOTE: This table is not supported in v2.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | |
S.NO | Long | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | |
ParentID_Id | String | |
ParentID_Name | String | |
ProductName_Id | String | |
ProductName_Name | String | |
PriceBook_Id | String | |
PriceBook_Name | String | |
Description | String | |
Quantity | String | |
ListPrice | Decimal | |
Amount | String | |
Discount | Decimal | |
TotalAfterDiscount | String | |
Tax | Decimal | |
Total | String | |
TaxbyPercentage | String |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Query information regarding different organizations.
The Cloud processes filters client-side within the Cloud.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the organization. |
CompanyName | String | The name of the company for this organization. |
PrimaryEmail | String | The primary email of the organization. |
Phone | String | The phone number of the organization. |
Mobile | String | The mobile phone number of the organization. |
IsoCode | String | The ISO code of the organization. |
Description | String | The description of the organization. |
Country | String | The country where this organization is situated. |
City | String | The city where this organization is situated. |
State | String | The state where this organization is situated. |
Street | String | The street where this organization is situated. |
Zip | String | The zip where this organization is situated. |
CountryCode | String | The country code of the organization. |
Alias | String | The alias of the organization. |
Fax | String | The fax of the organization. |
EmployeeCount | Int | The number of employees this organization has. |
Website | String | The website of the organization. |
CurrencySymbol | String | The default currency symbol for the organization. |
CurrencyLocale | String | The default currency locale for the organization. |
PrimaryZuid | String | The primary ZUID for the organization. |
TimeZone | String | The time zone for the organization. |
Zgid | String | The zgid for the organization. |
MCStatus | Boolean | Whether this organization has MC status or not. |
GappsEnabled | Boolean | Whether this organization has gapps enabled or not. |
LicenseDetailsPaidExpiry | Datetime | The date and time the subscription expires for this organization. |
LicenseDetailsTrialType | String | The trial type of subscription the organization has. |
LicenseDetailsTrialExpiry | Datetime | The date and time the trial subscription expires for this organization. |
LicenseDetailsPaid | Boolean | Whether the organization has a paid subscription. |
LicenseDetailsPaidType | String | The type of subscription the organization has. |
Query information regarding different profiles.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE Id = '3152079000000026011'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the profile. |
Name | String | The name of the profile. |
Description [KEY] | String | A small description regarding this profile. |
CreatedByName | String | The name of the user who created this profile. |
CreatedById | String | The id of the user who created this profile. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time this profile was created. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified this profile. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified this profile. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | The time this profile was last modified. |
Category | Boolean | Whether this profile is a category or not. |
Query information regarding different product details.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseItems WHERE Id = '3152079000000301143'
NOTE: This table is not supported in v2.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | |
S.NO | Long | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | |
ParentID_Id | String | |
ParentID_Name | String | |
ProductName_Id | String | |
ProductName_Name | String | |
PriceBook_Id | String | |
PriceBook_Name | String | |
Description | String | |
Quantity | String | |
ListPrice | Decimal | |
Amount | String | |
Discount | Decimal | |
TotalAfterDiscount | String | |
Tax | Decimal | |
Total | String | |
TaxbyPercentage | String |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM QuotedItems WHERE Id = '3152079000000301143'
NOTE: This table is not supported in v2.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | |
S.NO | Long | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | |
ParentID_Id | String | |
ParentID_Name | String | |
ProductName_Id | String | |
ProductName_Name | String | |
PriceBook_Id | String | |
PriceBook_Name | String | |
Description | String | |
Quantity | String | |
ListPrice | Decimal | |
Amount | String | |
Discount | Decimal | |
TotalAfterDiscount | String | |
Tax | Decimal | |
Total | String | |
TaxbyPercentage | String |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
To fetch the total number of records in the module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The module is a mandatory filter for the Cloud.
Note: It works only with ApiVersion=2.1.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM RecordCount WHERE ModuleName = 'Leads' SELECT * FROM RecordCount WHERE ModuleName IN ('Leads','Invoices')
Name | Type | Description |
Count [KEY] | Integer | The total number of records in the module. |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the count. |
Query information regarding different roles.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Id = '3152079000000026008'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the role. |
Name | String | The name of the role. |
DisplayLabel [KEY] | String | The way the role is displayed in the UI. |
ReportingToName | String | The name of the role this role reports to. |
ReportingToId | String | The id of the role this role reports to. |
AdminUser | Boolean | Whether this role has administrative privileges or not. |
Query information regarding different stage histories for a particular deal.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the stage. |
DealId | String | A unique numeric identifier for the deal this stage belongs to. |
Stage | String | The stage number for this stage. |
Amount | Decimal | The amount of money spent for this stage. |
DurationDays | Integer | The duration of this stage. |
ExpectedRevenue | Decimal | The expected revenue from this stage. |
Probability | Decimal | The probability for the stage to happen. |
CloseDate | Date | The date when this stage closes. |
LastModifiedTime | Datetime | The time this stage was last modified. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified the stage. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified the stage. |
Get the list of territories enabled for your organization.
All the filters are executed at client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * from Territories;
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Represents the unique ID of the territory. |
Name | String | Represents the name of the territory. |
ParentId | String | Represents the unique ID of the parent territory, if any. |
Criteria | String | Represents the territory criteria details. |
Managername | String | Represents the name of the current territory's manager. |
Managerid | String | Represents the ID of the current territory's manager. |
CreatedByName | String | Represents the name of the user who created the current territory. |
CreatedById | String | Represents the ID of the user who created the current territory. |
ModifiedByName | String | Represents the name of the user who last modified the current territory. |
ModifiedByid | String | Represents the ID of the user who last modified the current territory. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | Represents the date and time at which the current territory was created. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | Represents the date and time at which the current territory was last modified. |
Desription | String | Represents the description of the territory, if any. |
Query information regarding different users.
The Cloud will use the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = '3152079000000150015'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the user. |
FirstName | String | The first name of the user. |
LastName | String | The last name of the user. |
FullName | String | The full name of the user. |
String | The email of the user. | |
RoleName | String | The name of the role the user has. |
RoleId | String | The Id of the role the user has. |
ProfileName | String | The name of the profile the user has. |
ProfileId | String | The Id of the profile the user has. |
Country | String | The country where the user is situated. |
City | String | The city where the user is situated. |
Street | String | The street where the user is situated. |
State | String | The state where the user is situated. |
Zip | String | The zip where the user is situated. |
Alias | String | The alias of the user. |
Signature | String | The signature of the user. |
NameFormat | String | The format of the name of the user. |
PersonalAccount | Boolean | Whether this user has a personal account or not. |
DefaultTabGroup | String | The default tab group for this user. |
CountryLocale | String | The default country locale of the user. |
Fax | String | The fax of the user. |
Website | String | The website of the user. |
Mobile | String | The mobile phone number of the user. |
Phone | String | The phone number of the user. |
Dob | String | The date of birth of the user. |
Status | String | The status of the user. |
Confirm | Boolean | Whether this user has confirmed his email or not. |
Language | String | The Language of the user. |
Locale | String | The locale of the user. |
TimeFormat | String | The default time format of the user. |
DateFormat | String | The default date format of the user. |
DecimalSeparator | String | The locale of the default decimal separator of the user. |
TimeZone | String | The time zone of the user. |
Zuid | String | The default ZUID of the user. |
Territories | String | A comma separeted string of the user's territories. |
CreatedByName | String | The name of the user who created this user. |
CreatedById | String | The id of the user who created this user. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time this user was created. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified this user. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified this user. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | The time this user was last modified. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Type | String | Limit the users returned to the ones of this type
使用できる値は次のとおりです。AllUsers, ActiveUsers, DeactiveUsers, ConfirmedUsers, NotConfirmedUsers, DeletedUsers, ActiveConfirmedUsers, AdminUsers, ActiveConfirmedAdmins, CurrentUser |
Query information regarding recent visits.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id of the visit. |
PageVisited | String | The name of the visited page. |
VisitedBy_Id | String | The Id of the visitor. |
VisitedBy_FirstName | String | The First Name of the visitor. |
VisitedBy_LastName | String | The Last Name of the visitor. |
IPAddress | String | The IP address of the visitor. |
TimeSpent(Minutes) | String | The time spent in minutes for the visit. |
Referrer | String | The referrer of the visitor. |
VisitedPageURL | String | The URL of the visited page. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | The Id of the object which created the visit. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | The Id of the object which modified the visit. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | The First Name of the object which modified the visit. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | The Last Name of the object which modified the visit. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the visit was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the visit was modified. |
AttendedBy | String | Who attended the visit. |
UserDetails | String | The user details of the visit. |
Browser | String | The browser used for the visit. |
TimeVisited | Datetime | The date and time of the visit. |
VisitorType | String | The type of visitor for the visit. |
Revenue | Decimal | The revenue generated by the visit. |
NumberofPages | Int | The number of pages visited from the visit. |
PortalName | String | The name of the portal used for the visit. |
SearchKeyword | String | The search keyword used for the visit. |
SearchEngine | String | The search engine used for the visit. |
OperatingSystem | String | The operating system of the visitor. |
Gclid | String | The GCLID of the visitor. |
Keyword | String | The keyword used in the visit. |
ClickType | String | The click type of the visit. |
Devicetype | String | The type of the device of the visitor. |
AdNetwork | String | The ad network used in the visit. |
SearchPartnerNetwork | String | The search partner network for the visit. |
AdCampaignName | String | The ad campaign name of the visit. |
AdGroupName | String | The ad group name of the visit. |
Ad | String | The ad used for the visit. |
AdClickDate | Date | The date and time when the ad was clicked. |
VisitSource | String | The source of the visit. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Bool | Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Bool | Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String | The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Zoho CRM の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにZoho CRM から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
ConvertLead | Convert a lead. |
DeleteFile | Delete a file attached to a record. |
DelinkRelatedRecords | It will remove the relation between modules. |
LinkRelatedRecords | It is used to add the relation between modules. |
TransferAndDeletePipeline | To delete a pipeline and transfer the associated stages to another pipeline. |
Convert a lead.
Name | Type | Description |
LeadId | String | Unique ID of the record you are converting. |
Overwrite | String | Indicates if the convertions should be overwritten or not.Deafult value is true.
デフォルト値はtrueです。 |
NotifyLeaderOwner | String | Notifies the lead owner if set to true.
デフォルト値はfalseです。 |
NotifyNewEntityOwner | String | Notifies the lead owner if set to true.
デフォルト値はfalseです。 |
AccountId | String | The id of the account. |
ContactId | String | The id of the contact. |
UserId | String | Id of the user that the converted lead will be assigned to. |
CampaignSource | String | the campaign source. Can be found on Deals. |
DealName | String | The name of the deal. |
ClosingDate | String | The closing date. |
Stage | String | The stage Id. |
Amount | String | The total amount. |
Pipeline | String | Pipeline. |
Name | Type | Description |
Contacts | String | The converted contact ID. |
Deals | String | The converted deal ID. |
Accounts | String | The converted account ID. |
Delete a file attached to a record.
Name | Type | Description |
ModuleName | String | The API name of the module you are deleting an attachment for. |
RecordID | String | Unique ID of the record you are deleting an attachment for. |
AttachmentID | String | Unique ID of the attachment you are deleting. |
Name | Type | Description |
Message | String | The message from Zoho CRM indicating if the operation was successful. |
Status | String | The status received from Zoho CRM regarding this operation. |
To delete a pipeline and transfer the associated stages to another pipeline.
ZohoCRM Supports deleting a pipeline and transferring the associated stages to another pipeline by providing the FromId, ToId,Stages and LayoutId of the related pipeline.
Note: It works only with ApiVersion=2.1.
For Example:
EXEC TransferAndDeletePipeline FromId = '228122000000252002',ToId = '228122000000202388', Stages = '[\n" + " {\n" + " \"from\": \"4917206000000006801\",\n" + " \"to\": \"4917206000000006801\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]', LayoutId = '228122000000202258'
Name | Type | Description |
FromId | String | The ID of the pipeline you want to delete and transfer the associated deals from. |
ToId | String | The ID of the pipeline you want to transfer deals to from another pipeline. |
Stages | String | The stages in the pipeline you want to map to the new one. |
LayoutId | String | The unique ID of the layout in the Deals module you want to fetch the pipeline's details from. |
CData Cloud models Zoho CRM Modules as relational tables.
The Cloud offloads as much of the SELECT statement processing as possible to the Zoho CRM APIs and then processes the rest of the query within the Cloud. The following sections document API limitations and requirements.
The Cloud connects to Zoho CRM and retrieves the list of テーブル and the metadata for the tables by calling the appropriate Web services. Any changes you make to your Zoho CRM account, such as adding a custom module, adding a custom field, or changing the data type of a field, occur immediately when you connect using the Cloud. テーブル shows an example, based on the Zoho CRM development environment, of what the entities in your account may look like.
Most ビュー are defined in static configuration files. Custom Views are not. Instead, custom views are dynamically retrieved by connecting to Zoho CRM, calling the appropriate Web service, and retreving the list of custom views from the metadata returned. Any changes you make to your Zoho CRM account, such as adding a new custom view, occur immediately when you connect using the Cloud.
To use Custom Views, set the IncludeCustomViews property to true. Its default value is false since custom views introduce an overhead when retrieving the list of tables and views.
Criteria applied in the custom view (either when creating it or when editing it in the UI) are preserved in CData Zoho CRM Cloud. Nonetheless, further filtering on records is available at any time.
To use Relative Views you must set property IncludeRelatedLists to true. Its default value is false since related views introduce an overhead when retrieving the list of tables and views.
EntityId is required to fetch the related module data. This field refers to the parent module Id.
ストアドプロシージャ provides additional capabilities in the Zoho CRM API, including working with files.
Cloud はZoho CRM のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
Accounts | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns. |
Attachments | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns. |
Calls | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns. |
Campaigns | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns. |
Cases | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding cases. |
ContactRoles | Get, add, update, or delete the list of contact roles |
Contacts | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding deals. |
Currencies | Get, add or update currencies to your organization. |
DealHistory | null |
Deals | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding deals. |
Invoices | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding invoices. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Leads | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding notes. |
Meetings | null |
Notes | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding notes. |
Pipeline | To fetch the details of all or a specific pipeline in the Deals module. It works only with ApiVersion=2.1. |
PriceBooks | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding price books. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Products | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding products. |
Purchaseorders | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding purchase orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Quotes | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding sales orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Salesorders | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding sales orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts. |
Solutions | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding solutions. |
Tasks | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding vendors. |
Vendors | Create, update, delete, and query information regarding vendors. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
INSERT INTO Accounts(AccountName) VALUES('my name')
Required fields: AccountName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Accounts WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Accounts SET Description = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
AccountOwner_Id | String | False | |
AccountOwner_Name | String | False | |
Rating | String | False | |
AccountName | String | False | |
Phone | String | False | |
AccountSite | String | False | |
Fax | String | False | |
ParentAccount_Id | String | False | |
ParentAccount_Name | String | False | |
Website | String | False | |
AccountNumber | Long | False | |
TickerSymbol | String | False | |
AccountType | String | False | |
Ownership | String | False | |
Industry | String | False | |
Employees | Int | False | |
AnnualRevenue | Decimal | False | |
SICCode | Int | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
LastEnrichedTime | Datetime | True | |
EnrichStatus | String | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
BillingStreet | String | False | |
ShippingStreet | String | False | |
BillingCity | String | False | |
ShippingCity | String | False | |
BillingState | String | False | |
ShippingState | String | False | |
BillingCode | String | False | |
ShippingCode | String | False | |
BillingCountry | String | False | |
ShippingCountry | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
AccountImage | String | False | |
Attachment | String | False | |
CF1 | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Attachments
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Attachments WHERE Id = '3152079000000431011'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
AttachmentOwner_Id | String | False | |
AttachmentOwner_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | False | |
FileName | String | False | |
Size | Long | False | |
ParentID_Id | String | False | |
ParentID_Name | String | False | |
ModuleName | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Calls (Subject, ModuleName, RelatedTo_Id,CallType,CallStartTime) VALUES ('A test call', 'Accounts', '5768552000000433001','Outbound','May 20, 2023 12:00 AM')
Required fields: Subject, ModuleName, CallType, CallStartTime and ContactName_Id if ModuleName = Contacts and RelatedTo_Id if any other modulename is specified.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Calls WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Calls SET Subject = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000484001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Name | String | False | |
CallType | String | False | |
OutgoingCallStatus | String | False | |
CallStartTime | Datetime | False | |
CallDuration | String | False | |
CallOwner_Id | String | False | |
CallOwner_Name | String | False | |
DialledNumber | String | True | |
Subject | String | False | |
CallerID | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Reminder | String | False | |
VoiceRecording | String | False | |
CallDuration(inseconds) | Int | False | |
ScheduledinCRM | String | True | |
CTIEntry | Bool | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
CallPurpose | String | False | |
CallAgenda | String | False | |
CallResult | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
ModuleName | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding campaigns.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Campaigns (CampaignName) VALUES ('a test campaign')
Required fields: CampaignName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Campaigns WHERE Id = '3152079000000485001'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Campaigns SET CampaignName = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000485001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
VendorOwner_Id | String | False | |
VendorOwner_Name | String | False | |
VendorName | String | False | |
Phone | String | False | |
String | False | ||
Website | String | False | |
GLAccount | String | False | |
Category | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Street | String | False | |
City | String | False | |
State | String | False | |
ZipCode | String | False | |
Country | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
VendorImage | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding cases.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Cases (Email, Priority, Subject) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'Medium', 'A simple test case')
Required fields: Subject.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Cases WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Cases SET Priority = 'Low' WHERE Id = '3152079000000473022'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
CaseOwner_Id | String | False | |
CaseOwner_Name | String | False | |
CaseNumber | String | True | |
Status | String | False | |
ProductName_Id | String | False | |
ProductName_Name | String | False | |
Priority | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
CaseReason | String | False | |
CaseOrigin | String | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Name | String | False | |
No.ofcomments | Int | True | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
ReportedBy | String | False | |
DealName_Id | String | False | |
DealName_Name | String | False | |
String | False | ||
Tag | String | False | |
Phone | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Description | String | False | |
InternalComments | String | False | |
Solution | String | False | |
AddComment | String | False | |
Comments | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Get, add, update, or delete the list of contact roles
SELECT * FROM ContactRoles
Insert INTO ContactRoles(SequenceNumber, Name) VALUES(8, 'TEST3')
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM ContactRoles WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE ContactRoles SET Name='Sales Lead 1' where Id= '2732548000006917001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
Represents the unique ID of the contact role. |
SequenceNumber | Integer | False |
Represents the position of the contact role in the picklist in CRM UI. |
Name | String | False |
Represents the name of the contact role. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding deals.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Contacts (FirstName, LastName, Email) VALUES ('John', 'Smith', '[email protected]')
Required fields: LastName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Contacts WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Contacts SET Description = 'John helped us in the past with setting up the servers.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000484021'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
ContactOwner_Id | String | False | |
ContactOwner_Name | String | False | |
LeadSource | String | False | |
FirstName | String | False | |
LastName | String | False | |
FullName | String | False | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
VendorName_Id | String | False | |
VendorName_Name | String | False | |
String | False | ||
Title | String | False | |
Department | String | False | |
Phone | String | False | |
HomePhone | String | False | |
OtherPhone | String | False | |
Fax | String | False | |
Mobile | String | False | |
DateofBirth | Date | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
Assistant | String | False | |
AsstPhone | String | False | |
EmailOptOut | Bool | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
SkypeID | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Salutation | String | False | |
SecondaryEmail | String | False | |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False | |
String | False | ||
ReportingTo_Id | String | False | |
ReportingTo_Name | String | False | |
UnsubscribedMode | String | True | |
UnsubscribedTime | Datetime | True | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
LastEnrichedTime | Datetime | True | |
EnrichStatus | String | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
MailingStreet | String | False | |
OtherStreet | String | False | |
MailingCity | String | False | |
OtherCity | String | False | |
MailingState | String | False | |
OtherState | String | False | |
MailingZip | String | False | |
OtherZip | String | False | |
MailingCountry | String | False | |
OtherCountry | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
ContactImage | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Get, add or update currencies to your organization.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Id = '1234';
INSERT INTO Currencies (ISO_Code, Name, ExchangeRate) VALUES ('1234', 'hello','1.000');
Bulk Insert operation:
INSERT INTO Currencies#TEMP (id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code) VALUES ('4150868000000236307', 'cdata1','$','true','1.0000','period','comma','2','true','2'); INSERT INTO Currencies#TEMP (id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code) VALUES ('1234', 'cdata','$','true','2.0000','period','comma','3','true','3'); INSERT INTO Currencies (id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code) SELECT id, Name, Symbol, IsActive, ExchangeRate, FormatDecimalSeparator, FormatThousandSeparator, FormatDecimalPlaces, PrefixSymbol, ISO_Code FROM currencies#TEMP;
Required fields: Name, ISO_Code, ExchangeRate.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
UPDATE Currencies SET symbol = 'hello', FormatDecimalSeparator = 'period', FormatThousandSeparator = 'comma',FormatDecimalPlaces = '2',prefixsymbol = 'true',exchangerate = '1.0000' WHERE Id = '1234';
Bulk Update Operation:
UPDATE Currencies SET symbol = '$',FormatDecimalSeparator = 'period',FormatThousandSeparator = 'comma',FormatDecimalPlaces = '2';
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated. NOTE: if Id field is not specified in the query, PostData will be created for each id ( driver will execute bulk update operation for each currency id).
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
Represents the unique ID of the currency. |
Name | String | False |
Represents the name of the currency. |
Symbol | String | False |
Represents the symbol of the currency. |
IsActive | Boolean | False |
Represents the status of the currency. |
ExchangeRate | Double | False |
Represents the exchange rate of the currency. |
FormatDecimalSeparator | String | False |
The decimal separator separates the integer part of the currency from its fractional part. |
FormatThousandSeparator | String | False |
The thousand separator separates groups of thousands in a currency. |
FormatDecimalPlaces | String | False |
Represents the number of decimal places allowed for the currency. |
ModifiedByName | String | True |
Represents the name of the user who last modified the currency details. |
ModifiedByid | String | True |
Represents the ID of the user who last modified the currency details. |
PrefixSymbol | Boolean | False |
Represents if the currency has a prefix symbol. |
IsBase | Boolean | True |
Represents if the currency is the base currency. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Represents the date and time at which the currency was created. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | True |
Represents the date and time at which the currency was last modified. |
ISO_Code | String | False |
Represents the ISO code of the currency. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
DealName_Id | String | False | |
DealName_Name | String | False | |
Stage | String | False | |
StageDuration(CalendarDays) | Int | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Amount | Decimal | False | |
Probability(%) | Int | False | |
ExpectedRevenue | Decimal | True | |
ClosingDate | Date | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | True | |
MovedTo | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding deals.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Deals (DealName, Stage) VALUES ('Converting company XYZ into our client.', 'Qualification')
Required fields: DealName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Deals WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Deals SET Description = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
DealOwner_Id | String | False | |
DealOwner_Name | String | False | |
Amount | Decimal | False | |
DealName | String | False | |
ClosingDate | Date | False | |
Pipeline | String | False | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
Stage | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
ReasonForLoss | String | False | |
NextStep | String | False | |
Probability(%) | Int | False | |
LeadSource | String | False | |
ExpectedRevenue | Decimal | True | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
CampaignSource_Id | String | False | |
CampaignSource_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False | |
SalesCycleDuration | Int | False | |
LeadConversionTime | Int | False | |
OverallSalesDuration | Int | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Description | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding invoices. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Invoices (Status, DueDate, Subject, InvoicedItems) VALUES ('Created', '2018/06/06', 'An invoice for the purchase of products XYZ.', '[ { "Product_Name": { "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, InvoicedItems.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Invoices WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Invoices SET Description = 'Updated from API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
InvoiceOwner_Id | String | False | |
InvoiceOwner_Name | String | False | |
InvoiceNumber | String | True | |
Subject | String | False | |
SalesOrder_Id | String | False | |
SalesOrder_Name | String | False | |
InvoiceDate | Date | False | |
PurchaseOrder | String | False | |
DueDate | Date | False | |
ExciseDuty | Decimal | False | |
SalesCommission | Decimal | False | |
Status | String | False | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
DealName_Id | String | False | |
DealName_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
BillingStreet | String | False | |
ShippingStreet | String | False | |
BillingCity | String | False | |
ShippingCity | String | False | |
BillingState | String | False | |
ShippingState | String | False | |
BillingCode | String | False | |
ShippingCode | String | False | |
BillingCountry | String | False | |
ShippingCountry | String | False | |
TermsandConditions | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
InvoicedItems | String | False | |
SubTotal | String | True | |
Discount | Decimal | False | |
Tax | Decimal | False | |
Adjustment | Decimal | False | |
GrandTotal | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding notes.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Leads(FirstName, LastName, Title) VALUES('Alert', 'Bat', 'Mr') INSERT INTO LEADS(FirstName, LastName, Email, Trigger) VALUES('Enthusiastic', 'Panda', '[email protected]', 'workflow,approval,blueprint')
Required fields: LastName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Leads WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Leads SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000488014'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
LeadOwner_Id | String | False | |
LeadOwner_Name | String | False | |
FirstName | String | False | |
Salutation | String | False | |
Company | String | False | |
Title | String | False | |
LastName | String | False | |
FullName | String | False | |
Phone | String | False | |
String | False | ||
Mobile | String | False | |
Fax | String | False | |
LeadSource | String | False | |
Website | String | False | |
Industry | String | False | |
LeadStatus | String | False | |
EmailOptOut | Bool | False | |
No.ofEmployees | Int | False | |
AnnualRevenue | Decimal | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
Layout_Id | String | False | |
Layout_Name | String | False | |
Rating | String | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
SkypeID | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
SecondaryEmail | String | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
String | False | ||
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False | |
UnsubscribedMode | String | True | |
ConvertedDateTime | Datetime | False | |
ConvertedAccount_Id | String | False | |
ConvertedAccount_Name | String | False | |
LeadConversionTime | Int | False | |
ConvertedDeal_Id | String | False | |
ConvertedDeal_Name | String | False | |
UnsubscribedTime | Datetime | True | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
ConvertedContact_Id | String | False | |
ConvertedContact_Name | String | False | |
LastEnrichedTime | Datetime | True | |
IsConverted | Bool | True | |
EnrichStatus | String | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Street | String | False | |
City | String | False | |
State | String | False | |
ZipCode | String | False | |
Country | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
LeadImage | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Title | String | False | |
Location | String | False | |
Allday | Bool | False | |
From | Datetime | False | |
To | Datetime | False | |
Host_Id | String | False | |
Host_Name | String | False | |
Participants | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
Repeat_Id | String | False | |
Repeat_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Reminder | String | False | |
Check-InTime | Datetime | True | |
Check-InBy_Id | String | False | |
Check-InBy_Name | String | False | |
Check-InComment | String | True | |
Check-InSub-Locality | String | True | |
Check-InCity | String | True | |
Check-InState | String | True | |
Check-InCountry | String | True | |
Latitude | String | True | |
Longitude | String | True | |
ZipCode | String | True | |
Check-InAddress | String | True | |
CheckedInStatus | String | True | |
Tag | String | False | |
RecordId | Long | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding notes.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
INSERT INTO Notes(ParentID_Id, ModuleName, NoteContent) VALUES('3276571000000184007', 'Leads', 'Janet converted this lead.')
Required fields:
You can insert any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below).
Specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete in this table.
DELETE FROM Notes WHERE Id = '3152079000000488014'
Specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update in this table.
UPDATE Notes SET NoteTitle = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000304003'
Required fields: Id.
You can update any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below).
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
NoteOwner_Id | String | False | |
NoteOwner_Name | String | False | |
NoteTitle | String | False | |
NoteContent | String | False | |
ParentID_Id | String | False | |
ParentID_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
ModuleName | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
To fetch the details of all or a specific pipeline in the Deals module. It works only with ApiVersion=2.1.
The Cloud will use the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Pipeline WHERE Id = '228122000000223002' AND LayoutId = '228122000000000173' SELECT * FROM Pipeline WHERE LayoutId = '228122000000000173'
Insert Into Pipeline (LayoutId,DisplayValue,default,maps) VALUES ('4917206000000318488','Test_pipee11','true','[\n" + " {\n" + " \"display_value\": \"Qualification\",\n" + " \"sequence_number\": \"2\",\n" + " \"id\": \"4917206000000006801\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"display_value\": \"Needs Analysis\",\n" + " \"sequence_number\": \"1\",\n" + " \"id\": \"4917206000000006803\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]')
Required fields: LayoutId, DisplayValue, Default and maps.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id and LayoutId in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Pipeline Set DisplayValue = 'Pipeline_test12', default = 'false' WHERE Id = '4917206000000357004' AND LayoutId = '4917206000000318488' ")
Required fields: Id,LayoutId.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
The users can use the TransferAndDeltePipeline stored procedure to delete the pipeline.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
A unique numeric identifier for the profile. |
DisplayValue | String | False |
The name of the pipeline. |
Default | Boolean | False |
The default value of the pipeline. |
ActualValue | String | False |
The actual name of the pipeline. |
Maps | String | False |
The different stages that a deal has to pass through in the sales pipeline. |
LayoutId [KEY] | String | False |
The unique ID of the layout in the Deals module you want to fetch the pipeline's details from. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding price books. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO PriceBooks (PriceBookName, Active) VALUES ('pricebook_2018', true)
Required fields: PriceBookName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM PriceBooks WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE PriceBooks SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000488023'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
PriceBookOwner_Id | String | False | |
PriceBookOwner_Name | String | False | |
PriceBookName | String | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
PricingModel | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Description | String | False | |
PricingDetails | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding products.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Products(ProductName, ProductActive) VALUES('C-3PO', true)
Required fields: ProductName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Products WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Products SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000487023'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
ProductOwner_Id | String | False | |
ProductOwner_Name | String | False | |
ProductName | String | False | |
ProductCode | String | False | |
VendorName_Id | String | False | |
VendorName_Name | String | False | |
ProductActive | Bool | False | |
Manufacturer | String | False | |
ProductCategory | String | False | |
SalesStartDate | Date | False | |
SalesEndDate | Date | False | |
SupportStartDate | Date | False | |
SupportEndDate | Date | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
UnitPrice | Decimal | False | |
CommissionRate | Decimal | False | |
Tax | String | False | |
Taxable | Bool | False | |
UsageUnit | String | False | |
QtyOrdered | String | False | |
QuantityinStock | String | False | |
ReorderLevel | String | False | |
Handler_Id | String | False | |
Handler_Name | String | False | |
QuantityinDemand | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
ProductImage | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding purchase orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrders (Subject, PurchaseItems) VALUES ('Purchase Order', '[ { "Product_Name": { "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, Purchase_Items
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE PurchaseOrders SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492001'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
PurchaseOrderOwner_Id | String | False | |
PurchaseOrderOwner_Name | String | False | |
PONumber | String | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
VendorName_Id | String | False | |
VendorName_Name | String | False | |
RequisitionNumber | String | False | |
TrackingNumber | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
PODate | Date | False | |
DueDate | Date | False | |
Carrier | String | False | |
ExciseDuty | Decimal | False | |
SalesCommission | Decimal | False | |
Status | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
BillingStreet | String | False | |
ShippingStreet | String | False | |
BillingCity | String | False | |
ShippingCity | String | False | |
BillingState | String | False | |
ShippingState | String | False | |
BillingCode | String | False | |
ShippingCode | String | False | |
BillingCountry | String | False | |
ShippingCountry | String | False | |
TermsandConditions | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
PurchaseItems | String | False | |
SubTotal | String | True | |
Discount | Decimal | False | |
Tax | Decimal | False | |
Adjustment | Decimal | False | |
GrandTotal | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding sales orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Quotes (Subject, QuotedItems) VALUES ('QuotedItems', '[ { "Product_Name": { "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, QuotedItems.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Quotes WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Quotes SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000490009'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
QuoteOwner_Id | String | False | |
QuoteOwner_Name | String | False | |
QuoteNumber | String | True | |
Subject | String | False | |
DealName_Id | String | False | |
DealName_Name | String | False | |
QuoteStage | String | False | |
ValidUntil | Date | False | |
Team | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
Carrier | String | False | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
BillingStreet | String | False | |
ShippingStreet | String | False | |
BillingCity | String | False | |
ShippingCity | String | False | |
BillingState | String | False | |
ShippingState | String | False | |
BillingCode | String | False | |
ShippingCode | String | False | |
BillingCountry | String | False | |
ShippingCountry | String | False | |
TermsandConditions | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
QuotedItems | String | False | |
SubTotal | String | True | |
Discount | Decimal | False | |
Tax | Decimal | False | |
Adjustment | Decimal | False | |
GrandTotal | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding sales orders. Not available in free and standard ZohoCRM accounts.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO SalesOrders (Subject, OrderedItems) VALUES ('Sales Order', '[ { "Product_Name": { "name": "Egg", "id": "3276571000000184076" }, "quantity": 1024, "Discount": 0, "total_after_discount": 1239.04, "net_total": 1239.04, "book": null, "Tax": 0, "list_price": 1.21, "unit_price": 1.21, "quantity_in_stock": -1024, "total": 1239.04, "id": "3276571000000184104", "product_description": null, "line_tax": [] } ]')
Required fields: Subject, OrderedItems
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM SalesOrders WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE SalesOrders SET Description = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000493027'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
SalesOrderOwner_Id | String | False | |
SalesOrderOwner_Name | String | False | |
SONumber | String | True | |
Subject | String | False | |
DealName_Id | String | False | |
DealName_Name | String | False | |
CustomerNo. | String | False | |
PurchaseOrder | String | False | |
QuoteName_Id | String | False | |
QuoteName_Name | String | False | |
DueDate | Date | False | |
Pending | String | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
Carrier | String | False | |
ExciseDuty | Decimal | False | |
SalesCommission | Decimal | False | |
Status | String | False | |
AccountName_Id | String | False | |
AccountName_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
BillingStreet | String | False | |
ShippingStreet | String | False | |
BillingCity | String | False | |
ShippingCity | String | False | |
BillingState | String | False | |
ShippingState | String | False | |
BillingCode | String | False | |
ShippingCode | String | False | |
BillingCountry | String | False | |
ShippingCountry | String | False | |
TermsandConditions | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
OrderedItems | String | False | |
SubTotal | String | True | |
Discount | Decimal | False | |
Tax | Decimal | False | |
Adjustment | Decimal | False | |
GrandTotal | String | True |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding solutions.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
INSERT INTO Solutions (SolutionTitle, Status) VALUES ('Converting from XML to JSON', 'Created')
Required fields: SolutionTitle.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Solutions WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Solutions SET Question = 'Changed from the API.' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492018'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for this record. |
SolutionNumber | String | False |
The number of the solution. |
SolutionOwner_Id | String | False |
The Id of the owner of the solution. |
SolutionOwner_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the owner of the solution. |
SolutionOwner_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the owner of the solution. |
SolutionTitle | String | False |
The title of the solution. |
Published | Bool | False |
Whether the solution is published or not. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the solution. |
ProductName_Id | String | False |
The Id of the product concerning this solution. |
No_ofcomments | Int | True |
The number of different comments in this solution. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who created the record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False |
The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | False |
The First Name of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | False |
The Last Name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False |
The time when the record was modified. |
Tag | String | False |
A list of tags related to this record. |
Question | String | False |
The question which was asked that led to the creating of this solution. |
Answer | String | False |
The answer given for this solution. |
AddComment | String | False |
An additional comment give for this solution. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String |
Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String |
The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Boolean |
Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Boolean |
Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String |
The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding vendors.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Tasks(Subject, Status) VALUES ('Finish sending emails to potential leads.', 'Created') INSERT INTO Tasks(Subject, Status, ModuleName) VALUES ('Finish sending emails to potential leads.', 'Created', 'Contacts') INSERT INTO Tasks(Subject, Status, ModuleName, RelatedTo_Id) VALUES ('Finish sending emails to potential leads.', 'Created', 'Contacts', '2788704000120533263')
Required fields: Subject, ModuleName if RelatedTo_Id is specified.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Tasks WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Tasks SET Status = 'In progress' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492026'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
TaskOwner_Id | String | False | |
TaskOwner_Name | String | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
DueDate | Date | False | |
ContactName_Id | String | False | |
ContactName_Name | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Id | String | False | |
RelatedTo_Name | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Priority | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
SendNotificationEmail | Bool | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
Reminder_Id | String | False | |
Reminder_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Repeat_Id | String | False | |
Repeat_Name | String | False | |
ClosedTime | Datetime | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Description | String | False | |
ModuleName | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Create, update, delete, and query information regarding vendors.
This table supports COQL for filtering, meaning that most filters comparing columns to values are submitted server-side.
INSERT INTO Vendors(VendorName, Email, Website) VALUES('XYZVendor', '[email protected]', '')
Required fields: VendorName.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be inserted.
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.
DELETE FROM Vendors WHERE Id = '3152079000000153079'
You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.
UPDATE Vendors SET Description = 'Changed from the API' WHERE Id = '3152079000000492032'
Required fields: Id.
Any field which is not read-only (ReadOnly = false in the table below) can be updated.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
VendorOwner_Id | String | False | |
VendorOwner_Name | String | False | |
VendorName | String | False | |
Phone | String | False | |
String | False | ||
Website | String | False | |
GLAccount | String | False | |
Category | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | False | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
RecordId | Long | True | |
Locked | Bool | True | |
Street | String | False | |
City | String | False | |
State | String | False | |
ZipCode | String | False | |
Country | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
VendorImage | String | False |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Name | Description |
CustomFieldHistoryTracking | Query information regarding different histories for a particular custom field. |
Fields | To get the field metadata for the specified module. |
InvoicedItems | Query information regarding different product details. |
Layouts | To get the layouts metadata for the specified module. |
ListFields | Get the field metadata for the specified module. |
ModuleAttachedFiles | Retrieves all the files attached to a specified module. |
Modules | To get the modules metadata for the specified account. |
OrderedItems | Query information regarding different product details. |
Organizations | Query information regarding different organizations. |
Profiles | Query information regarding different profiles. |
PurchaseItems | Query information regarding different product details. |
QuotedItems | Query information regarding different product details. |
RecordCount | To fetch the total number of records in the module. |
Roles | Query information regarding different roles. |
StageHistories | Query information regarding different stage histories for a particular deal. |
Territories | Get the list of territories enabled for your organization. |
Users | Query information regarding different users. |
Visits | Query information regarding recent visits. |
Query information regarding different histories for a particular custom field.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
All columns used in the criteria are required. Use FieldName to specify the actual name of the tracked custom field and HistoryName to specify the name of the history tracking section. If you want to retrieve data for a specific entity of a module specify EntityId in the criteria.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM [CustomFieldHistoryTracking] WHERE ModuleName = 'Leads' AND FieldName = 'pickListField' AND HistoryName = 'Pick List 1' SELECT * FROM [CustomFieldHistoryTracking] WHERE ModuleName = 'Leads' AND FieldName = 'pickListField' AND HistoryName = 'Pick List 1' AND EntityId = '12345665'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the history. |
ModuleName | String | A unique numeric identifier for the module instance this custom field tracking belongs to. |
EntityId | String | A unique numeric identifier for the module instance this custom field tracking belongs to. |
FieldName | String | The name of the custom field. |
HistoryName | String | The name of the custom field tracking history. |
FieldValue | String | The value of the custom field. |
DurationDays | Integer | The duration of this stage. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | The time this historical value was last modified. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified the value. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified the value. |
CurrencySymbol | String | The currency symbol for the value. |
ProcessFlow | Boolean | The boolean indicating the process flow for this historical value. |
Editable | Boolean | The boolean indicating if this historical value can be edited. |
Approved | Boolean | The boolean indicating if this historical value has been approved. |
To get the field metadata for the specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Fields WHERE ModuleName = 'Deals'
Name | Type | Description |
DisplayValue | String | The name of the field. |
ActualValue | String | The actual name of the field. |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the field |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the fields. |
Query information regarding different product details.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM InvoicedItems WHERE Id = '3152079000000301143'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | |
S.NO | Long | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | |
ParentID_Id | String | |
ParentID_Name | String | |
ProductName_Id | String | |
ProductName_Name | String | |
PriceBook_Id | String | |
PriceBook_Name | String | |
Description | String | |
Quantity | String | |
ListPrice | Decimal | |
Amount | String | |
Discount | Decimal | |
TotalAfterDiscount | String | |
Tax | Decimal | |
Total | String | |
TaxbyPercentage | String |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
To get the layouts metadata for the specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Layouts WHERE ModuleName = 'Deals'
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the layout. |
Name | String | Represents the name of the layout. |
Type | String | Represents if the section is used or not in the layout. |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the layout. |
Get the field metadata for the specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM ListFields WHERE ModuleName = 'Deals'
Name | Type | Description |
ApiName | String | The API Name. |
AssociationDetails | String | The Association Details. |
BlueprintSupported | Boolean | Is Blueprint Supported. |
BusinesscardSupported | Boolean | Is Businesscard Supported. |
ConvertMappingAccounts | String | The Convert Mapping Accounts. |
ConvertMappingContacts | String | The Convert Mapping Contacts. |
ConvertMappingDeals | String | The Convert Mapping Deals. |
CreatedSource | String | The Created Source. |
Crypt | String | The Crypt. |
CurrencyPrecision | Integer | The Currency Precision. |
CurrencyRoundingOption | String | The Currency Rounding Option. |
CustomField | Boolean | Is Custom Field. |
DataType | String | The Data Type. |
DecimalPlace | Integer | The Decimal Place. |
DisplayField | Boolean | Is Display Field. |
DisplayLabel | String | The Display Label. |
DisplayType | Integer | The Display Type. |
External | String | The External. |
FieldLabel | String | The Field Label. |
FieldReadOnly | Boolean | Is Field ReadOnly. |
Filterable | Boolean | Is Filterable. |
HistoryTracking | String | The History Tracking. |
Id | String | The Id. |
JsonType | String | The JSON Type. |
Length | Integer | The Length. |
MassUpdate | Boolean | Is Mass Update. |
PickListValues | String | The Pick List Values. |
PickListValuesSortedLexically | Boolean | Are Pick List Values Sorted Lexically. |
Profiles | String | The Profiles. |
QuickSequenceNumber | String | The QuickSequenceNumber. |
ReadOnly | Boolean | Is ReadOnly. |
Sortable | Boolean | Is Sortable. |
Sortable | Boolean | Is Sortable. |
SystemMandatory | Boolean | Is System Mandatory. |
Tooltip | String | The Tool tip. |
Type | String | The Type. |
UiType | Integer | The Ui Type. |
ViewTypeCreate | Boolean | Is View Type Create. |
ViewTypeEdit | Boolean | Is View Type Edit. |
ViewTypeQuickCreate | Boolean | Is View Type Quick Create. |
ViewTypeView | Boolean | Is View Type View. |
Visible | Boolean | Is Visible. |
Webhook | Boolean | Is Webhook. |
Searchable | Boolean | Represents whether the field is supported in a search. |
SharingProperties | String | In a lookup field, represents if the user has access to the records that the field looks up to. |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the fields. |
Retrieves all the files attached to a specified module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ModuleAttachedFiles WHERE ModuleName = "Leads"
Note: The UploadFile and DownloadFile stored procedures will not work as expected if executed in regards to a custom field. They only upload or download files in the "Attachments" section of the module. Uploading and deleting files from a custom field of type "fileupload" can be done only through the UI.
Name | Type | Description |
FileId | String | Id of the file attached to the module. |
FileName | String | Name of the file attached to the module. |
AttachmentId [KEY] | String | Id of the attachment. |
CreatorId | String | Id of the user who uploaded the attachment. |
EntityId | String | Id of the entity. |
DownloadUrl | String | URL to download the attachment. |
PreviewUrl | String | URL to preview the attachmen. |
FileSize | String | The size of the attachment. |
FileExtension | String | Extension of the attachment. |
ModuleName | String | Id of the module. |
To get the modules metadata for the specified account.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the modules |
Name | String | The name of the module which the user wants. |
SequenceNumber | Integer | The sequence number of the field. |
ApiName | String | The api name of the field. |
Query information regarding different product details.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrderedItems WHERE Id = '3152079000000301143'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | |
S.NO | Long | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | |
ParentID_Id | String | |
ParentID_Name | String | |
ProductName_Id | String | |
ProductName_Name | String | |
PriceBook_Id | String | |
PriceBook_Name | String | |
Description | String | |
Quantity | String | |
ListPrice | Decimal | |
Amount | String | |
Discount | Decimal | |
TotalAfterDiscount | String | |
Tax | Decimal | |
Total | String | |
TaxbyPercentage | String |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Query information regarding different organizations.
The Cloud processes filters client-side within the Cloud.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the organization. |
CompanyName | String | The name of the company for this organization. |
PrimaryEmail | String | The primary email of the organization. |
Phone | String | The phone number of the organization. |
Mobile | String | The mobile phone number of the organization. |
IsoCode | String | The ISO code of the organization. |
Description | String | The description of the organization. |
Country | String | The country where this organization is situated. |
City | String | The city where this organization is situated. |
State | String | The state where this organization is situated. |
Street | String | The street where this organization is situated. |
Zip | String | The zip where this organization is situated. |
CountryCode | String | The country code of the organization. |
Alias | String | The alias of the organization. |
Fax | String | The fax of the organization. |
EmployeeCount | Int | The number of employees this organization has. |
Website | String | The website of the organization. |
CurrencySymbol | String | The default currency symbol for the organization. |
CurrencyLocale | String | The default currency locale for the organization. |
PrimaryZuid | String | The primary ZUID for the organization. |
TimeZone | String | The time zone for the organization. |
Zgid | String | The zgid for the organization. |
MCStatus | Boolean | Whether this organization has MC status or not. |
GappsEnabled | Boolean | Whether this organization has gapps enabled or not. |
LicenseDetailsPaidExpiry | Datetime | The date and time the subscription expires for this organization. |
LicenseDetailsTrialType | String | The trial type of subscription the organization has. |
LicenseDetailsTrialExpiry | Datetime | The date and time the trial subscription expires for this organization. |
LicenseDetailsPaid | Boolean | Whether the organization has a paid subscription. |
LicenseDetailsPaidType | String | The type of subscription the organization has. |
DeletableOrgAccount | Boolean | Represents if the account related to this organization is deletable. |
Query information regarding different profiles.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE Id = '3152079000000026011'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the profile. |
Name | String | The name of the profile. |
Description [KEY] | String | A small description regarding this profile. |
CreatedByName | String | The name of the user who created this profile. |
CreatedById | String | The id of the user who created this profile. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time this profile was created. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified this profile. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified this profile. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | The time this profile was last modified. |
Category | Boolean | Whether this profile is a category or not. |
Query information regarding different product details.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseItems WHERE Id = '3152079000000301143'
NOTE: This table is not supported in v2.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | |
S.NO | Long | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | |
ParentID_Id | String | |
ParentID_Name | String | |
ProductName_Id | String | |
ProductName_Name | String | |
PriceBook_Id | String | |
PriceBook_Name | String | |
Description | String | |
Quantity | String | |
ListPrice | Decimal | |
Amount | String | |
Discount | Decimal | |
TotalAfterDiscount | String | |
Tax | Decimal | |
Total | String | |
TaxbyPercentage | String |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
Query information regarding different product details.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM QuotedItems WHERE Id = '3152079000000301143'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | |
S.NO | Long | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | |
ParentID_Id | String | |
ParentID_Name | String | |
ProductName_Id | String | |
ProductName_Name | String | |
PriceBook_Id | String | |
PriceBook_Name | String | |
Description | String | |
Quantity | String | |
ListPrice | Decimal | |
Amount | String | |
Discount | Decimal | |
TotalAfterDiscount | String | |
Tax | Decimal | |
Total | String | |
TaxbyPercentage | String |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | |
Converted | Bool | |
Approved | Bool | |
CustomViewId | String | |
Trigger | String |
To fetch the total number of records in the module.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The module is a mandatory filter for the Cloud.
Note: It works only with ApiVersion=2.1.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM RecordCount WHERE ModuleName = 'Leads' SELECT * FROM RecordCount WHERE ModuleName IN ('Leads','Invoices')
Name | Type | Description |
Count [KEY] | Integer | The total number of records in the module. |
ModuleName | String | The name of the module which the user wants the count. |
Query information regarding different roles.
The Cloud uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Id = '3152079000000026008'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the role. |
Name | String | The name of the role. |
DisplayLabel [KEY] | String | The way the role is displayed in the UI. |
ReportingToName | String | The name of the role this role reports to. |
ReportingToId | String | The id of the role this role reports to. |
CreatedByID | String | Represents the ID of the user that created this role. |
CreatedByName | String | Represents the name of the user that created this role. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | Represents the date and time at which the role was created. |
ModifiedByID | String | Represents the ID of the user who modified this role last. |
ModifiedByName | String | Represents the name of the user who modified this role last. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | Represents the date and time at which the role was modified last. |
Query information regarding different stage histories for a particular deal.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the stage. |
DealId | String | A unique numeric identifier for the deal this stage belongs to. |
Stage | String | The stage number for this stage. |
Amount | Decimal | The amount of money spent for this stage. |
DurationDays | Integer | The duration of this stage. |
ExpectedRevenue | Decimal | The expected revenue from this stage. |
Probability | Decimal | The probability for the stage to happen. |
CloseDate | Date | The date when this stage closes. |
LastModifiedTime | Datetime | The time this stage was last modified. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified the stage. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified the stage. |
ModifiedByEmail | String | The email of the user who modified the stage. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Fields | String | The fields that must be shown in response. |
Get the list of territories enabled for your organization.
All the filters are executed at client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * from Territories;
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Represents the unique ID of the territory. |
Name | String | Represents the name of the territory. |
ParentId | String | Represents the unique ID of the parent territory, if any. |
Criteria | String | Represents the territory criteria details. |
Managername | String | Represents the name of the current territory's manager. |
Managerid | String | Represents the ID of the current territory's manager. |
CreatedByName | String | Represents the name of the user who created the current territory. |
CreatedById | String | Represents the ID of the user who created the current territory. |
ModifiedByName | String | Represents the name of the user who last modified the current territory. |
ModifiedByid | String | Represents the ID of the user who last modified the current territory. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | Represents the date and time at which the current territory was created. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | Represents the date and time at which the current territory was last modified. |
Desription | String | Represents the description of the territory, if any. |
Query information regarding different users.
The Cloud will use the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = '3152079000000150015'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique numeric identifier for the user. |
FirstName | String | The first name of the user. |
LastName | String | The last name of the user. |
FullName | String | The full name of the user. |
String | The email of the user. | |
RoleName | String | The name of the role the user has. |
RoleId | String | The Id of the role the user has. |
ProfileName | String | The name of the profile the user has. |
ProfileId | String | The Id of the profile the user has. |
Country | String | The country where the user is situated. |
City | String | The city where the user is situated. |
Street | String | The street where the user is situated. |
State | String | The state where the user is situated. |
Zip | String | The zip where the user is situated. |
Alias | String | The alias of the user. |
Signature | String | The signature of the user. |
NameFormat | String | The format of the name of the user. |
PersonalAccount | Boolean | Whether this user has a personal account or not. |
DefaultTabGroup | String | The default tab group for this user. |
CountryLocale | String | The default country locale of the user. |
Fax | String | The fax of the user. |
Website | String | The website of the user. |
Mobile | String | The mobile phone number of the user. |
Phone | String | The phone number of the user. |
Dob | String | The date of birth of the user. |
Status | String | The status of the user. |
Confirm | Boolean | Whether this user has confirmed his email or not. |
Language | String | The Language of the user. |
Locale | String | The locale of the user. |
TimeFormat | String | The default time format of the user. |
DateFormat | String | The default date format of the user. |
DecimalSeparator | String | The locale of the default decimal separator of the user. |
TimeZone | String | The time zone of the user. |
Zuid | String | The default ZUID of the user. |
CreatedByName | String | The name of the user who created this user. |
CreatedById | String | The id of the user who created this user. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time this user was created. |
ModifiedByName | String | The name of the user who modified this user. |
ModifiedById | String | The id of the user who modified this user. |
ModifiedAt | Datetime | The time this user was last modified. |
NumberSeparator | String | Represents the format of the number fields. The possible values are comma, period and space. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Type | String | Limit the users returned to the ones of this type
使用できる値は次のとおりです。AllUsers, ActiveUsers, DeactiveUsers, ConfirmedUsers, NotConfirmedUsers, DeletedUsers, ActiveConfirmedUsers, AdminUsers, ActiveConfirmedAdmins, CurrentUser |
Query information regarding recent visits.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id of the visit. |
PageVisited | String | The name of the visited page. |
VisitedBy_Id | String | The Id of the visitor. |
VisitedBy_FirstName | String | The First Name of the visitor. |
VisitedBy_LastName | String | The Last Name of the visitor. |
IPAddress | String | The IP address of the visitor. |
TimeSpent(Minutes) | String | The time spent in minutes for the visit. |
Referrer | String | The referrer of the visitor. |
VisitedPageURL | String | The URL of the visited page. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | The Id of the object which created the visit. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | The Id of the object which modified the visit. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | The First Name of the object which modified the visit. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | The Last Name of the object which modified the visit. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the visit was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the visit was modified. |
AttendedBy | String | Who attended the visit. |
UserDetails | String | The user details of the visit. |
Browser | String | The browser used for the visit. |
TimeVisited | Datetime | The date and time of the visit. |
VisitorType | String | The type of visitor for the visit. |
Revenue | Decimal | The revenue generated by the visit. |
NumberofPages | Int | The number of pages visited from the visit. |
PortalName | String | The name of the portal used for the visit. |
SearchKeyword | String | The search keyword used for the visit. |
SearchEngine | String | The search engine used for the visit. |
OperatingSystem | String | The operating system of the visitor. |
Gclid | String | The GCLID of the visitor. |
Keyword | String | The keyword used in the visit. |
ClickType | String | The click type of the visit. |
Devicetype | String | The type of the device of the visitor. |
AdNetwork | String | The ad network used in the visit. |
SearchPartnerNetwork | String | The search partner network for the visit. |
AdCampaignName | String | The ad campaign name of the visit. |
AdGroupName | String | The ad group name of the visit. |
Ad | String | The ad used for the visit. |
AdClickDate | Date | The date and time when the ad was clicked. |
VisitSource | String | The source of the visit. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Word | String | Used to search for a specific word in records. |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
Converted | Bool | Set to true to return only converted records. |
Approved | Bool | Set to true to return only approved records. |
CustomViewId | String | The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Zoho CRM の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにZoho CRM から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
ConvertLead | Convert a lead. |
DeleteFile | Delete a file attached to a record. |
DelinkRelatedRecords | It will remove the relation between modules. |
LinkRelatedRecords | It is used to add the relation between modules. |
TransferAndDeletePipeline | To delete a pipeline and transfer the associated stages to another pipeline. |
Convert a lead.
Name | Type | Description |
LeadId | String | Unique ID of the record you are converting. |
Overwrite | String | Indicates if the convertions should be overwritten or not.Deafult value is true.
デフォルト値はtrueです。 |
NotifyLeaderOwner | String | Notifies the lead owner if set to true.
デフォルト値はfalseです。 |
NotifyNewEntityOwner | String | Notifies the lead owner if set to true.
デフォルト値はfalseです。 |
AccountId | String | The id of the account. |
ContactId | String | The id of the contact. |
UserId | String | Id of the user that the converted lead will be assigned to. |
CampaignSource | String | the campaign source. Can be found on Deals. |
DealName | String | The name of the deal. |
ClosingDate | String | The closing date. |
Stage | String | The stage Id. |
Amount | String | The total amount. |
Pipeline | String | Pipeline. |
Name | Type | Description |
Contacts | String | The converted contact ID. |
Deals | String | The converted deal ID. |
Accounts | String | The converted account ID. |
Delete a file attached to a record.
Name | Type | Description |
ModuleName | String | The API name of the module you are deleting an attachment for. |
RecordID | String | Unique ID of the record you are deleting an attachment for. |
AttachmentID | String | Unique ID of the attachment you are deleting. |
Name | Type | Description |
Message | String | The message from Zoho CRM indicating if the operation was successful. |
Status | String | The status received from Zoho CRM regarding this operation. |
To delete a pipeline and transfer the associated stages to another pipeline.
ZohoCRM Supports deleting a pipeline and transferring the associated stages to another pipeline by providing the FromId, ToId,Stages and LayoutId of the related pipeline.
Note: It works only with ApiVersion=2.1.
For Example:
EXEC TransferAndDeletePipeline FromId = '228122000000252002',ToId = '228122000000202388', Stages = '[\n" + " {\n" + " \"from\": \"4917206000000006801\",\n" + " \"to\": \"4917206000000006801\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]', LayoutId = '228122000000202258'
Name | Type | Description |
FromId | String | The ID of the pipeline you want to delete and transfer the associated deals from. |
ToId | String | The ID of the pipeline you want to transfer deals to from another pipeline. |
Stages | String | The stages in the pipeline you want to map to the new one. |
LayoutId | String | The unique ID of the layout in the Deals module you want to fetch the pipeline's details from. |
以下のテーブルは、Zoho CRM のデータベースメタデータを返します。