Cmdlets for Zoho CRM

Build 22.0.8479


Delete, and query information regarding activities.

Table-Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the 本製品.

  • DueDate supports the '=' operator.
  • ClosedTime supports the '=' operator.
  • Location supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • From supports the '=' operator.
  • To supports the '=' operator.
  • Check-InTime supports the '=' operator.
  • Check-InComment supports the '=, LIKE'.
  • Check-InSub-Locality supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • Check-InCity supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • Check-InState supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • Check-InCountry supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • ZipCode supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • Check-InAddress supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • CheckedInStatus supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • CallStartTime supports the '=' operator.
  • CallDuration supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • CallResult supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • Reminder supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • CallStatus supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • Subject supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • CreatedTime supports the '=' operator.
  • ModifiedTime supports the '=' operator.
  • ActivityType supports the '=, LIKE' operators.
  • Description supports the '=, LIKE' operators.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Id = '3152079000000154214'

SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Subject = 'event'


You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.

DELETE FROM Activities WHERE Id = '3152079000000156229'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

The unique identifier for this record.

ActivityOwner_Id String False

The Id of the activity owner.

ActivityOwner_Name String True

The name of the activity owner.

Subject String False

The subject of the activity.

CreatedBy_Id String False

The Id of the User who created the record.

CreatedBy_Name String True

The name of the user who created the record.

ModifiedBy_Id String False

The Id of the User who modified the record.

ModifiedBy_Name String True

The name of the User who modified the record.

CreatedAt Datetime False

The time when the record was created.

ModifiedAt Datetime False

The time when the record was modified.

ActivityType String False

The type of the activity.

ContactName_Id String False

The Id of the contact.

ContactName_Name String True

The name of the contact.

RelatedTo_Id String False

The Id to whom this activity is related to.

RelatedTo_Name String True

The name to whom this activity is related to.

Description String False

The description of the activity.

DueDate Date False

The due date of the activity.

Status String False

The status of the activity.

Priority String False

The priority of the activity.

SendNotificationEmail Bool False

Wheter to send a notification email for this activity or not

Repeat String False

If this is a repeat activity or not.

ClosedTime Datetime False

The closed time of the activity.

Location String False

The location where this activity will take place.

From Datetime False

The start time of the activity.

Allday Bool False

Whether this activity will take all day or not.

To Datetime False

The end time of the activity.

Participants Long False

The number of participants in this activity.

Check_InTime Datetime True

The time when check in has to happen.

Check_InBy_Id String False

The Id of the user who is checking in.

Check_InBy_Name String True

The name of the user who is checking in.

Check_InComment String True

The comment of the check in for the activity.

Check_InSub_Locality String True

The sub-locality where the check in for this activity will happen.

Check_InCity String True

The city where the check in for this activity will happen.

Check_InState String True

The state where the check in for this activity will happen.

Check_InCountry String True

The country where the check in for this activity will happen.

Latitude String True

The latitude where the check in for this activity will happen.

Longitude String True

The longitude where the check in for this activity will happen.

ZipCode String True

The zip code where the check in for this activity will happen.

Check_InAddress String True

The address where the check in for this activity will happen.

CheckedInStatus String True

The status of the checked in for this activity.

CallPurpose String False

The purpose of the call for this activity.

CallType String False

The type of the call for this activity.

CallStartTime Datetime False

The start time of the call for this activity.

CallDuration String False

The duration of the call for this activity.

CallDuration_inseconds_ Int False

The duration of the call in seconds for this activity.

CallResult String False

The result of the call for this activity.

Billable Bool False

Whether this activity is billable or not.

CTIEntry Bool False

Whether this activity is a CTI entry or not.

Reminder String False

A reminder set for this activity.

CallStatus String False

The status of the call for this activity.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Word String

Used to search for a specific word in records.

DuplicateCheckFields String

The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert.

Converted Boolean

Set to true to return only converted records.

Approved Boolean

Set to true to return only approved records.

CustomViewId String

The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8479