Power BI Connector for Microsoft Office 365

Build 24.0.8963


This section provides a complete list of the OAuth properties you can configure in the connection settings for this provider.

OAuthVersionThe version of OAuth being used.
OAuthClientIdThe client Id assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecretThe client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthAccessTokenThe access token for connecting using OAuth.
OAuthSettingsLocationThe location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH . Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
CallbackURLThe OAuth callback URL to return to when authenticating. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.
OAuthGrantTypeThe grant type for the OAuth flow.
OAuthAuthorizationURLThe authorization URL for the OAuth service.
OAuthAccessTokenURLThe URL to retrieve the OAuth access token from.
OAuthVerifierThe verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL.
OAuthRefreshTokenThe OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.
OAuthExpiresInThe lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.
OAuthTokenTimestampThe Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.

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Build 24.0.8963