CData Python Connector for Microsoft Office 365

Build 24.0.9111


This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.



イベントを返すにはデフォルトで'me' プロパティが使用されます。

Events を検索するときにWHERE 句のUserId を使用してこれをオーバーライドできます。

SELECT * FROM Events WHERE UserId = 'abc123' AND Subject LIKE '%test%'

GroupId にはカレンダータイプのId またはグループId を指定できます。例:

SELECT * FROM Events WHERE GroupId = 'enter your group Id here'


新しいイベントを作成するには、タイムゾーンを含むstart とend が必須です。

INSERT INTO Events (Subject, Body_Content, Start_DateTime, Start_TimeZone, End_DateTime, End_TimeZone) VALUES ('New Test Event', 'Event created using Office365Provider', '2016-01-01T10:00:00', 'UTC', '2016-01-01T11:00:00', 'UTC')


Note: In case of client credentials, UserId is required in order to create a new Event:

INSERT INTO Events (Subject, Body_Content, Start_DateTime, Start_TimeZone, End_DateTime, End_TimeZone, UserId) VALUES ('New Test Event', 'Event created using Office365Provider', '2016-01-01T10:00:00', 'UTC', '2016-01-01T11:00:00', 'UTC', '92dfdfc6-f1d4-4965-9f71-30e4da4fa7fe')


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
id [KEY] String True

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

Etag String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

categories String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

changeKey String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

createdDateTime Datetime False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

lastModifiedDateTime Datetime False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

allowNewTimeProposals Bool False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

attendees String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

body_content String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

body_contentType String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

bodyPreview String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

end_dateTime Datetime False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

end_timeZone String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

hasAttachments Bool False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

hideAttendees Bool False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

iCalUId String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

importance String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

isAllDay Bool False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

isCancelled Bool False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

isDraft Bool False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

isOnlineMeeting Bool False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

isOrganizer Bool False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

isReminderOn Bool False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_address_city String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_address_countryOrRegion String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_address_postalCode String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_address_state String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_address_street String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_coordinates_accuracy Double False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_coordinates_altitude Double False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_coordinates_altitudeAccuracy Double False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_coordinates_latitude Double False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_coordinates_longitude Double False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_displayName String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_locationEmailAddress String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_locationType String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_locationUri String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_uniqueId String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

location_uniqueIdType String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

locations String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

onlineMeeting_conferenceId String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

onlineMeeting_joinUrl String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

onlineMeeting_phones String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

onlineMeeting_quickDial String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

onlineMeeting_tollFreeNumbers String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

onlineMeeting_tollNumber String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

onlineMeetingProvider String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

onlineMeetingUrl String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

organizer_emailAddress_address String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

organizer_emailAddress_name String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

originalEndTimeZone String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

originalStart Datetime False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

originalStartTimeZone String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_pattern_dayOfMonth Int False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_pattern_daysOfWeek String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_pattern_firstDayOfWeek String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_pattern_index String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_pattern_interval Int False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_pattern_month Int False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_pattern_type String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_range_endDate Datetime False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_range_numberOfOccurrences Int False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_range_recurrenceTimeZone String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_range_startDate Datetime False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

recurrence_range_type String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

reminderMinutesBeforeStart Int False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

responseRequested Bool False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

responseStatus_response String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

responseStatus_time Datetime False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

sensitivity String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

seriesMasterId String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

showAs String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

start_dateTime Datetime False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

start_timeZone String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

subject String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

transactionId String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

type String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

webLink String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

UserId String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

GroupId String False

This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111