This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API.
イベントを返すにはデフォルトで'me' プロパティが使用されます。
Events を検索するときにWHERE 句のUserId を使用してこれをオーバーライドできます。
SELECT * FROM Events WHERE UserId = 'abc123' AND Subject LIKE '%test%'
GroupId にはカレンダータイプのId またはグループId を指定できます。例:
SELECT * FROM Events WHERE GroupId = 'enter your group Id here'
新しいイベントを作成するには、タイムゾーンを含むstart とend が必須です。
INSERT INTO Events (Subject, Body_Content, Start_DateTime, Start_TimeZone, End_DateTime, End_TimeZone) VALUES ('New Test Event', 'Event created using Office365Provider', '2016-01-01T10:00:00', 'UTC', '2016-01-01T11:00:00', 'UTC')
Note: In case of client credentials, UserId is required in order to create a new Event:
INSERT INTO Events (Subject, Body_Content, Start_DateTime, Start_TimeZone, End_DateTime, End_TimeZone, UserId) VALUES ('New Test Event', 'Event created using Office365Provider', '2016-01-01T10:00:00', 'UTC', '2016-01-01T11:00:00', 'UTC', '92dfdfc6-f1d4-4965-9f71-30e4da4fa7fe')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
id [KEY] | String | True |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
Etag | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
categories | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
changeKey | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
createdDateTime | Datetime | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
lastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
allowNewTimeProposals | Bool | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
attendees | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
body_content | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
body_contentType | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
bodyPreview | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
end_dateTime | Datetime | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
end_timeZone | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
hasAttachments | Bool | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
hideAttendees | Bool | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
iCalUId | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
importance | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
isAllDay | Bool | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
isCancelled | Bool | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
isDraft | Bool | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
isOnlineMeeting | Bool | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
isOrganizer | Bool | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
isReminderOn | Bool | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_address_city | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_address_countryOrRegion | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_address_postalCode | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_address_state | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_address_street | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_coordinates_accuracy | Double | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_coordinates_altitude | Double | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_coordinates_altitudeAccuracy | Double | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_coordinates_latitude | Double | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_coordinates_longitude | Double | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_displayName | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_locationEmailAddress | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_locationType | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_locationUri | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_uniqueId | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
location_uniqueIdType | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
locations | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
onlineMeeting_conferenceId | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
onlineMeeting_joinUrl | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
onlineMeeting_phones | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
onlineMeeting_quickDial | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
onlineMeeting_tollFreeNumbers | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
onlineMeeting_tollNumber | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
onlineMeetingProvider | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
onlineMeetingUrl | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
organizer_emailAddress_address | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
organizer_emailAddress_name | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
originalEndTimeZone | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
originalStart | Datetime | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
originalStartTimeZone | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_pattern_dayOfMonth | Int | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_pattern_daysOfWeek | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_pattern_firstDayOfWeek | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_pattern_index | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_pattern_interval | Int | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_pattern_month | Int | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_pattern_type | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_range_endDate | Datetime | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_range_numberOfOccurrences | Int | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_range_recurrenceTimeZone | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_range_startDate | Datetime | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
recurrence_range_type | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
reminderMinutesBeforeStart | Int | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
responseRequested | Bool | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
responseStatus_response | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
responseStatus_time | Datetime | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
sensitivity | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
seriesMasterId | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
showAs | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
start_dateTime | Datetime | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
start_timeZone | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
subject | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
transactionId | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
type | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
webLink | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
UserId | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. | |
GroupId | String | False |
This field is dynamic and maps to the corresponding field in the API. |