CData Python Connector for Microsoft Office 365

Build 24.0.9111


The Office365 table Conversations.



グループConversations を取得するには、GroupId が必要です

SELECT * FROM Conversations WHERE GroupId = 'your GroupId goes here'

また、GroupId とConversation Id を使ってグループConversations を取得することもできます。

SELECT * FROM Conversations WHERE Id = 'conversation Id here' AND GroupId = 'your GroupId goes here'


新しいConversation を作成するには、GroupId、Topic、Content、およびNewParticipants を指定します。NewParticipants は複合型です。フォーマットは次のとおりです:'name1, email1; name2, email2'。

INSERT INTO Conversations (GroupId, Topic, Content, NewParticipants) VALUES ('GroupId here', 'This is a test topic.', 'Hi, How Are you?', 'someone, [email protected]')


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
id [KEY] String True

The id column for the table Conversations.

Etag String False

hasAttachments Bool False

The hasAttachments column for the table Conversations.

lastDeliveredDateTime Datetime False

The lastDeliveredDateTime column for the table Conversations.

preview String False

The preview column for the table Conversations.

topic String False

The topic column for the table Conversations.

uniqueSenders String False

The uniqueSenders column for the table Conversations.

GroupId [KEY] String False

The GroupId column for the table Conversations.

Content String False

The Content column for the table Conversations.

NewParticipants String False

The NewParticipants column for the table Conversations.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111