CData Python Connector for Microsoft Office 365

Build 24.0.9111


The Office365 table Contacts.



Id を指定するかすべてを選択することで、Contacts をクエリできます。

SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE Id = 'your Contact Id goes here'


SELECT GivenName FROM Contacts WHERE GivenName LIKE 'John%'


新しいContact を作成するには、GivenName とSurname を最低限に指定します。

INSERT INTO Contacts (GivenName, Surname) VALUES ('John', 'Smith')

Note: In case of client credentials, UserId is required in order to create a new Contact:

INSERT INTO Contacts (GivenName, Surname, UserId) VALUES ('John', 'Smith', '92dfdfc6-f1d4-4965-9f71-30e4da4fa7fe')


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
id [KEY] String True

The contact's unique identifier.

Etag String False

categories String False

The categories associated with the contact.

changeKey String False

Identifies the version of the contact. This changes every time the contact is changed.

createdDateTime Datetime False

The time the contact was created.

lastModifiedDateTime Datetime False

The time the contact was last modified.

assistantName String False

The name of the contact's assistant.

birthday Datetime False

The contact's birthday.

businessAddress_city String False

The city of the contact's business address.

businessAddress_countryOrRegion String False

The country or region of the contact's business address.

businessAddress_postalCode String False

The postal code of the contact's business address.

businessAddress_state String False

The state of the contact's business address.

businessAddress_street String False

The street of the contact's business address.

businessHomePage String False

The business home page of the contact.

businessPhones String False

The contact's business phone numbers.

children String False

The names of the contact's children.

companyName String False

The name of the contact's company.

department String False

The department of the contact.

displayName String False

The contact's display name.

emailAddresses String False

A collection of email address associated with the contact.

fileAs String False

The name the contact is filed under.

generation String False

The generation of the contact.

givenName String False

The given name of the contact.

homeAddress_city String False

The city of the contact's home address.

homeAddress_countryOrRegion String False

The country or region of the contact's home address.

homeAddress_postalCode String False

The postal code of the contact's home address.

homeAddress_state String False

The state of the contact's home address.

homeAddress_street String False

The street of the contact's home address.

homePhones String False

The contact's home phone numbers

imAddresses String False

The contact's instant messaging (IM) address.

initials String False

The initials of the contact.

jobTitle String False

The contact's job title.

manager String False

The name of the contact's manager.

middleName String False

The contact's middle name.

mobilePhone String False

The mobile phone number of the contact.

nickName String False

The contact's nickname.

officeLocation String False

The location of the contact's address.

otherAddress_city String False

The city of the customer's other address.

otherAddress_countryOrRegion String False

The country or region of the customer's other address.

otherAddress_postalCode String False

The postal code of the customer's other address

otherAddress_state String False

The state of the customer's other address.

otherAddress_street String False

The street of the customer's other address.

parentFolderId String False

The ID of the contact's parent folder.

personalNotes String False

The user's notes about the contact.

profession String False

The contact's profession.

spouseName String False

The name of the contact's spouse/partner.

surname String False

The contact's surname.

title String False

The contact's title.

yomiCompanyName String False

The phonetic Japanese company name of the contact.

yomiGivenName String False

The phonetic Japanese given name (first name) of the contact.

yomiSurname String False

The phonetic Japanese surname (last name) of the contact.

UserId [KEY] String False

The contact's user ID.

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Build 24.0.9111