CData Python Connector for Microsoft Office 365

Build 24.0.9111


Add or remove subscriptions for the user. You can also enable and disable specific plans associated with a subscription


Name Type Required Description
UserID String False The Id of the User for which License needs to be assigned. Don't feed if you have to do for the User with which you are logged in.
UserPrincipalName String False The Principal Name of the User for which License needs to be assigned. Don't feed if you have to do for the User with which you are logged in.
AddLicenseSkuId String False The unique identifier for the SKU.
DisabledPlans String False A collection of the comma seperated unique identifiers for plans that have been disabled.
RemoveLicenses String False A collection of comma seperated GUIDs that identify the licenses to remove.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Status String Stored Procedure Execution Status

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Build 24.0.9111