The Office365 table Files.
Table Specific Information
Retrieve files by using the UserId or File Id (Id) for instance, or simply filter by a certain column:
SELECT * FROM Files WHERE UserId = 'MyUserId' SELECT Name, LastModifiedDateTime FROM Files WHERE Name LIKE 'test%'
To work for Folder-level files, we need to specify the parentReference_path in the query.
SELECT * FROM files WHERE parentReference_path = '/drives/b!3LIvU2zISEqicGlWkgVknKxKT-q7gM5IqlBJ4w4MZqaX6BQc_vtwQpnqaldXkH9I/root:/Test_Shubham';
INSERT operation is not supported for this table.
Note: See UploadFile (or CreateFolder to create a folder) to insert and update content to a file.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
id [KEY] | String | True |
The id column for the table Files. | |
Etag | String | False |
The Etag column for the table Files. | |
createdBy_application_displayName | String | False |
The createdBy_application_displayName column for the table Files. | |
createdBy_application_id | String | False |
The createdBy_application_id column for the table Files. | |
createdDateTime | Datetime | False |
The createdDateTime column for the table Files. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table Files. | |
lastModifiedBy_application_displayName | String | False |
The lastModifiedBy_application_displayName column for the table Files. | |
lastModifiedBy_application_id | String | False |
The lastModifiedBy_application_id column for the table Files. | |
lastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False |
The lastModifiedDateTime column for the table Files. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_driveId | String | False |
The parentReference_driveId column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_driveType | String | False |
The parentReference_driveType column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_id | String | False |
The parentReference_id column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_name | String | False |
The parentReference_name column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_path | String | False |
The parentReference_path column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_shareId | String | False |
The parentReference_shareId column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_sharepointIds_listId | String | False |
The parentReference_sharepointIds_listId column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_sharepointIds_listItemId | String | False |
The parentReference_sharepointIds_listItemId column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_sharepointIds_listItemUniqueId | String | False |
The parentReference_sharepointIds_listItemUniqueId column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_sharepointIds_siteId | String | False |
The parentReference_sharepointIds_siteId column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_sharepointIds_siteUrl | String | False |
The parentReference_sharepointIds_siteUrl column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_sharepointIds_tenantId | String | False |
The parentReference_sharepointIds_tenantId column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_sharepointIds_webId | String | False |
The parentReference_sharepointIds_webId column for the table Files. | |
parentReference_siteId | String | False |
The parentReference_siteId column for the table Files. | |
webUrl | String | False |
The webUrl column for the table Files. | |
audio_album | String | False |
The audio_album column for the table Files. | |
audio_albumArtist | String | False |
The audio_albumArtist column for the table Files. | |
audio_artist | String | False |
The audio_artist column for the table Files. | |
audio_bitrate | Long | False |
The audio_bitrate column for the table Files. | |
audio_composers | String | False |
The audio_composers column for the table Files. | |
audio_copyright | String | False |
The audio_copyright column for the table Files. | |
audio_disc | Int | False |
The audio_disc column for the table Files. | |
audio_discCount | Int | False |
The audio_discCount column for the table Files. | |
audio_duration | Long | False |
The audio_duration column for the table Files. | |
audio_genre | String | False |
The audio_genre column for the table Files. | |
audio_hasDrm | Bool | False |
The audio_hasDrm column for the table Files. | |
audio_isVariableBitrate | Bool | False |
The audio_isVariableBitrate column for the table Files. | |
audio_title | String | False |
The audio_title column for the table Files. | |
audio_track | Int | False |
The audio_track column for the table Files. | |
audio_trackCount | Int | False |
The audio_trackCount column for the table Files. | |
audio_year | Int | False |
The audio_year column for the table Files. | |
content | String | False |
The content column for the table Files. | |
cTag | String | False |
The cTag column for the table Files. | |
deleted_state | String | False |
The deleted_state column for the table Files. | |
file_hashes_crc32Hash | String | False |
The file_hashes_crc32Hash column for the table Files. | |
file_hashes_quickXorHash | String | False |
The file_hashes_quickXorHash column for the table Files. | |
file_hashes_sha1Hash | String | False |
The file_hashes_sha1Hash column for the table Files. | |
file_hashes_sha256Hash | String | False |
The file_hashes_sha256Hash column for the table Files. | |
file_mimeType | String | False |
The file_mimeType column for the table Files. | |
file_processingMetadata | Bool | False |
The file_processingMetadata column for the table Files. | |
fileSystemInfo_createdDateTime | Datetime | False |
The fileSystemInfo_createdDateTime column for the table Files. | |
fileSystemInfo_lastAccessedDateTime | Datetime | False |
The fileSystemInfo_lastAccessedDateTime column for the table Files. | |
fileSystemInfo_lastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False |
The fileSystemInfo_lastModifiedDateTime column for the table Files. | |
folder_childCount | Int | False |
The folder_childCount column for the table Files. | |
folder_view_sortBy | String | False |
The folder_view_sortBy column for the table Files. | |
folder_view_sortOrder | String | False |
The folder_view_sortOrder column for the table Files. | |
folder_view_viewType | String | False |
The folder_view_viewType column for the table Files. | |
image_height | Int | False |
The image_height column for the table Files. | |
image_width | Int | False |
The image_width column for the table Files. | |
location_altitude | Double | False |
The location_altitude column for the table Files. | |
location_latitude | Double | False |
The location_latitude column for the table Files. | |
location_longitude | Double | False |
The location_longitude column for the table Files. | |
package_type | String | False |
The package_type column for the table Files. | |
pendingOperations_pendingContentUpdate_queuedDateTime | Datetime | False |
The pendingOperations_pendingContentUpdate_queuedDateTime column for the table Files. | |
photo_cameraMake | String | False |
The photo_cameraMake column for the table Files. | |
photo_cameraModel | String | False |
The photo_cameraModel column for the table Files. | |
photo_exposureDenominator | Double | False |
The photo_exposureDenominator column for the table Files. | |
photo_exposureNumerator | Double | False |
The photo_exposureNumerator column for the table Files. | |
photo_fNumber | Double | False |
The photo_fNumber column for the table Files. | |
photo_focalLength | Double | False |
The photo_focalLength column for the table Files. | |
photo_iso | Int | False |
The photo_iso column for the table Files. | |
photo_orientation | Int | False |
The photo_orientation column for the table Files. | |
photo_takenDateTime | Datetime | False |
The photo_takenDateTime column for the table Files. | |
publication_level | String | False |
The publication_level column for the table Files. | |
publication_versionId | String | False |
The publication_versionId column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_createdBy_application_displayName | String | False |
The remoteItem_createdBy_application_displayName column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_createdBy_application_id | String | False |
The remoteItem_createdBy_application_id column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_createdDateTime | Datetime | False |
The remoteItem_createdDateTime column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_file_hashes_crc32Hash | String | False |
The remoteItem_file_hashes_crc32Hash column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_file_hashes_quickXorHash | String | False |
The remoteItem_file_hashes_quickXorHash column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_file_hashes_sha1Hash | String | False |
The remoteItem_file_hashes_sha1Hash column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_file_hashes_sha256Hash | String | False |
The remoteItem_file_hashes_sha256Hash column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_file_mimeType | String | False |
The remoteItem_file_mimeType column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_file_processingMetadata | Bool | False |
The remoteItem_file_processingMetadata column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_fileSystemInfo_createdDateTime | Datetime | False |
The remoteItem_fileSystemInfo_createdDateTime column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_fileSystemInfo_lastAccessedDateTime | Datetime | False |
The remoteItem_fileSystemInfo_lastAccessedDateTime column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_fileSystemInfo_lastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False |
The remoteItem_fileSystemInfo_lastModifiedDateTime column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_folder_childCount | Int | False |
The remoteItem_folder_childCount column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_folder_view_sortBy | String | False |
The remoteItem_folder_view_sortBy column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_folder_view_sortOrder | String | False |
The remoteItem_folder_view_sortOrder column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_folder_view_viewType | String | False |
The remoteItem_folder_view_viewType column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_id | String | False |
The remoteItem_id column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_image_height | Int | False |
The remoteItem_image_height column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_image_width | Int | False |
The remoteItem_image_width column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_lastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | False |
The remoteItem_lastModifiedDateTime column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_name | String | False |
The remoteItem_name column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_package_type | String | False |
The remoteItem_package_type column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_driveId | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_driveId column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_driveType | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_driveType column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_id | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_id column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_name | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_name column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_path | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_path column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_shareId | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_shareId column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_listId | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_listId column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_listItemId | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_listItemId column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_listItemUniqueId | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_listItemUniqueId column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_siteId | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_siteId column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_siteUrl | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_siteUrl column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_tenantId | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_tenantId column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_webId | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_sharepointIds_webId column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_parentReference_siteId | String | False |
The remoteItem_parentReference_siteId column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_shared_scope | String | False |
The remoteItem_shared_scope column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_shared_sharedDateTime | Datetime | False |
The remoteItem_shared_sharedDateTime column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_size | Long | False |
The remoteItem_size column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_specialFolder_name | String | False |
The remoteItem_specialFolder_name column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_video_audioBitsPerSample | Int | False |
The remoteItem_video_audioBitsPerSample column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_video_audioChannels | Int | False |
The remoteItem_video_audioChannels column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_video_audioSamplesPerSecond | Int | False |
The remoteItem_video_audioSamplesPerSecond column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_video_bitrate | Int | False |
The remoteItem_video_bitrate column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_video_duration | Long | False |
The remoteItem_video_duration column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_video_fourCC | String | False |
The remoteItem_video_fourCC column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_video_frameRate | Double | False |
The remoteItem_video_frameRate column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_video_height | Int | False |
The remoteItem_video_height column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_video_width | Int | False |
The remoteItem_video_width column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_webDavUrl | String | False |
The remoteItem_webDavUrl column for the table Files. | |
remoteItem_webUrl | String | False |
The remoteItem_webUrl column for the table Files. | |
searchResult_onClickTelemetryUrl | String | False |
The searchResult_onClickTelemetryUrl column for the table Files. | |
shared_owner_application_displayName | String | False |
The shared_owner_application_displayName column for the table Files. | |
shared_owner_application_id | String | False |
The shared_owner_application_id column for the table Files. | |
shared_scope | String | False |
The shared_scope column for the table Files. | |
shared_sharedDateTime | Datetime | False |
The shared_sharedDateTime column for the table Files. | |
sharepointIds_listId | String | False |
The sharepointIds_listId column for the table Files. | |
sharepointIds_listItemId | String | False |
The sharepointIds_listItemId column for the table Files. | |
sharepointIds_listItemUniqueId | String | False |
The sharepointIds_listItemUniqueId column for the table Files. | |
sharepointIds_siteId | String | False |
The sharepointIds_siteId column for the table Files. | |
sharepointIds_siteUrl | String | False |
The sharepointIds_siteUrl column for the table Files. | |
sharepointIds_tenantId | String | False |
The sharepointIds_tenantId column for the table Files. | |
sharepointIds_webId | String | False |
The sharepointIds_webId column for the table Files. | |
size | Long | False |
The size column for the table Files. | |
specialFolder_name | String | False |
The specialFolder_name column for the table Files. | |
video_audioBitsPerSample | Int | False |
The video_audioBitsPerSample column for the table Files. | |
video_audioChannels | Int | False |
The video_audioChannels column for the table Files. | |
video_audioFormat | String | False |
The video_audioFormat column for the table Files. | |
video_audioSamplesPerSecond | Int | False |
The video_audioSamplesPerSecond column for the table Files. | |
video_bitrate | Int | False |
The video_bitrate column for the table Files. | |
video_duration | Long | False |
The video_duration column for the table Files. | |
video_fourCC | String | False |
The video_fourCC column for the table Files. | |
video_frameRate | Double | False |
The video_frameRate column for the table Files. | |
video_height | Int | False |
The video_height column for the table Files. | |
video_width | Int | False |
The video_width column for the table Files. | |
webDavUrl | String | False |
The webDavUrl column for the table Files. | |
UserId | String | False |
The UserId column for the table Files. |