CData Python Connector for Microsoft Office 365

Build 23.0.8839

Modifying Data

Commands can be executed individually by the session with a call to "execute()".

Obtaining the Table Object

The query supplied to this method is constructed using the associated Table object of a mapped class. This Table object is obtained from the mapped class's metadata field, as below:

Events_table = Events.metadata.tables["Events"]

Once the table object is obtained, the write operations are executed in the following ways. The queries are executed immediately without the need for a call to "commit()":


The following example adds a new record to the table:

session.execute(Events_table.insert(), {"Id": "Town Hall Grille", "location_displayName": "Zenburger"})


The following example modifies an existing record in the table:

session.execute(Events_table.update().where(Events_table.c.Id == "Jq74mCczmFXk1tC10GB").values(Id="Town Hall Grille", location_displayName="Zenburger"))


The following example removes an existing record from the table:

session.execute(Events_table.delete().where(Events_table.c.Id == "Jq74mCczmFXk1tC10GB"))

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Build 23.0.8839