CData Python Connector for Microsoft Office 365

Build 23.0.8839


The Office365 table Messages.



Messages からすべてを取得したり、Message (Id)、UserId、またはParentFolderId を指定したり、あるいは結果を特定のカラムでフィルタしたりできます。

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE Id = 'MyMessageId'

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE UserId = 'MyUserId'

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE ParentFolderId = 'MyParentfolderId' 
SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE ParentFolderId = 'Drafts'
SELECT DisplayName, Id FROM Users WHERE DisplayName LIKE 'John%'


挿入後、新しいMessage がユーザーのDrafts フォルダに作成されます。

INSERT INTO Messages (Subject, Body_Content, UserId) VALUES ('New test Email', 'Test Email created.', 'User Id goes here')

Note:メールを送信するには、SendMail を参照してください。

Known Issues

There's currently an issue with this table. Sometimes it may return an inconsistent number of results. That is, it can return X number of rows for some query and if you try that query again shortly after it will return a different numbers of rows, even though you haven't changed anything. Some rows may be missing.
This is a known API issue that currently has no workaround. As soon as Microsoft fixes it on their Microsoft Graph API then it will automatically work on this 本製品 too.

That being said, there is a configuration that you can apply on the 本製品 to retrieve all messages, but it comes with a downfall: 'events' and 'contacts' data will be returned along with 'messages' data. So we guarantee no purity of information. You will have to rely on your own filtering to distinguish between message and non-message rows.

In order to activate the configuration simply add "ClientSidePaging=true;" (without quotation marks) in the value of Other connection property.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
id [KEY] String True

The id column of the Messages table.

Etag String False

The Etag column of the Messages table.

categories String False

The categories column of the Messages table.

changeKey String False

The changeKey column of the Messages table.

createdDateTime Datetime False

The createdDateTime column of the Messages table.

lastModifiedDateTime Datetime False

The lastModifiedDateTime column of the Messages table.

bccRecipients String False

The bccRecipients column of the Messages table.

body_content String False

The body_content column of the Messages table.

body_contentType String False

The body_contentType column of the Messages table.

bodyPreview String False

The bodyPreview column of the Messages table.

ccRecipients String False

The ccRecipients column of the Messages table.

conversationId String False

The conversationId column of the Messages table.

conversationIndex Binary False

The conversationIndex column of the Messages table.

flag_completedDateTime_dateTime Datetime False

The flag_completedDateTime_dateTime column of the Messages table.

flag_completedDateTime_timeZone String False

The flag_completedDateTime_timeZone column of the Messages table.

flag_flagStatus String False

The flag_flagStatus column of the Messages table.

from_emailAddress_address String False

The from_emailAddress_address column of the Messages table.

from_emailAddress_name String False

The from_emailAddress_name column of the Messages table.

hasAttachments Bool False

The hasAttachments column of the Messages table.

importance String False

The importance column of the Messages table.

inferenceClassification String False

The inferenceClassification column of the Messages table.

internetMessageHeaders String False

The internetMessageHeaders column of the Messages table.

internetMessageId String False

The internetMessageId column of the Messages table.

isDeliveryReceiptRequested Bool False

The isDeliveryReceiptRequested column of the Messages table.

isDraft Bool False

The isDraft column of the Messages table.

isRead Bool False

The isRead column of the Messages table.

isReadReceiptRequested Bool False

The isReadReceiptRequested column of the Messages table.

parentFolderId String False

The parentFolderId column of the Messages table.

receivedDateTime Datetime False

The receivedDateTime column of the Messages table.

replyTo String False

The replyTo column of the Messages table.

sender_emailAddress_address String False

The sender_emailAddress_address column of the Messages table.

sender_emailAddress_name String False

The sender_emailAddress_name column of the Messages table.

sentDateTime Datetime False

The sentDateTime column of the Messages table.

subject String False

The subject column of the Messages table.

toRecipients String False

The toRecipients column of the Messages table.

uniqueBody_content String False

The uniqueBody_content column of the Messages table.

uniqueBody_contentType String False

The uniqueBody_contentType column of the Messages table.

webLink String False

The webLink column of the Messages table.

UserId String False

The UserId column of the Messages table.

IsEventMessage Bool False

he column to distinguish if the messages is with calendar/event invites

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Build 23.0.8839