JDBC Driver for Microsoft Office 365

Build 22.0.8479


Send mail.


Name Type Required Description
Id String False The Id of the message to be sent (this is optional). The user can either use an existing email Id or send a new email by optionally filling the other fields.
Subject String False The email subject.
Content String False Email body content.
Attachments String False The attachments. Specify File attachments in the following format: filename1,filecontent1;filename2,filecontent2. Each filecontent can be either base64 data, or the path of a local file with the @ character before it
FileName String False Name of the email attachment.
LocalFile String False The file containing the content of the attachment
ContentBytes String False Content of the attachment encoded to base 64.
ToRecipients String False The recipients. Specify recipients in the following order: [email protected];[email protected].
CCRecipients String False The CC recipients. Specify recipients in the following order: [email protected];[email protected].
SenderEmail String False The email address on who's behalf email needs to be sent. Set this if you want to send email on behalf of other user's account.
FromEmail String False The email address of the User from which email needs to be sent. Set this if you want to send email from other user's account.
ContentType String False The content type of the email body.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。text, html


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Build 22.0.8479