CData Python Connector for

Build 24.0.8963


Use this method to authorize and capture a credit card payment.

Note:このプロシージャは、インデックス付きパラメータを使用します。 インデックス付きパラメータは、プロシージャの入力として単一のパラメータを複数のインスタンスに提供することを容易にします。

Param# という名前の入力パラメータがあるとします。このようなインデックス付きパラメータの複数のインスタンスを入力するには、次のように実行します。

EXEC ProcedureName Param#1 = "value1", Param#2 = "value2", Param#3 = "value3"

以下の表では、インデックス付きの入力パラメータは、名前の末尾に '#' 文字が付きます。


Name Type Required Description
TransId String True The unique transaction Id.
Amount String True Amount of the transaction. This is the total amount and must include tax, shipping, and any other charges. The amount can either be hard coded or posted to a script.
CardNumber String True The customer's credit card number. Optional for Card Present.
ExpirationMonth String True The customer's credit card expiration month.
ExpirationYear String True The customer's credit card expiration year.
CardCode String True The customer's card code. The three- or four-digit number on the back of a credit card (on the front for American Express).
InvoiceNumber String False Merchant-defined invoice number associated with the order.
TransactionDescription String False Description of the item purchased.
ItemId# String False Item identification.
Name# String False Name of the item.
Description# String False Description of the item.
Quantity# String False Quantity purchased.
UnitPrice# String False Price of one item. Price of an item per unit, excluding tax, freight, and duty.
CustomerId String False Merchant assigned customer ID. Unique identifier to represent the customer associated with the transaction.
ShippingAddress String False Customer's shipping address.
ShippingFirstName String False First name associated with customer's shipping address.
ShippingLastName String False Last name associated with customer's shipping address.
ShippingState String False State of customer's shipping address.
ShippingZip String False ZIP code of customer's shipping address.
ShippingCountry String False Country of customer's shipping address.
ShippingCity String False City of customer's shipping address.
CustomerAddress String False Customer's billing address. Required if merchant would like to use the Address Verification Service security feature. Required when using GPN Canada or Worldpay Streamline Processing Platform.
CustomerFirstName String False First name associated with customer's billing address. Required only when using a European Payment Processor.
CustomerLastName String False Last name associated with customer's billing address. Required only when using a European Payment Processor.
CustomerState String False State of customer's billing address. Required only when using a European Payment Processor.
CustomerZip String False ZIP code of customer's billing address. Required if merchant would like to use the Address Verification Service security feature. Required when using GPN Canada or Worldpay Streamline Processing Platform.
CustomerCountry String False Country of customer's billing address. Required only when using a European Payment Processor.
CustomerCity String False City of customer's billing address. Required only when using a European Payment Processor.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
ResponseCode String Overall status of the transaction.Possible values are : 1 = Approved ,2 = Declined ,3 = Error ,4 = Held for Review
Code String Response code that represents the status.
Description String Text description of the status.
TransId String The payment gateway assigned identification number for transaction. The transId value must be used for any follow-on transactions such as a credit, prior authorization and capture, or void.
AvsResultCode String Address Verification Service (AVS) response code. Indicates the result of the AVS filter.

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Build 24.0.8963