JDBC Driver for Authorize.Net

Build 22.0.8462


Query BatchStatistics for an Authorize.Net merchant account.

Table Specific Information

The BatchId is the only available supported column in the WHERE clause and it is required to retrieve results from BatchStatistics. BatchId can be used with (=) or IN operator.

SELECT * FROM BatchStatistics WHERE BatchId = '236274'

SELECT * FROM BatchStatistics WHERE BatchId IN ('236274', '237832')


Name Type Statistic Description
BatchId [KEY] String The unique batch Id.
AccountType [KEY] String The card type for this transaction (including eCheck). Valid values are Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, DinersClub, and eCheck. Note a batch will contain either credit card or eCheck statistics, because eCheck transactions go in their own batch.

The allowed values are Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, DinersClub, eCheck.

SettlementTime Datetime Date and time the batch was settled.
SettlementState String The status of the batch. Valid values are settledSuccessfully or error.

The allowed values are settledSuccessfully, error.

PaymentMethod String The payment method associated with the batch. Valid values are creditCard or eCheck.

The allowed values are creditCard, eCheck.

MarketType String The market type associated with the batch. Valid values are 0 (eCommerce), 1 (MOTO), or 2 (Retail).
Product String The product associated with the batch. Valid values are Card Not Present or Card Present.

The allowed values are Card Not Present, Card Present.

ReturnedItemAmount Decimal The total amount of all returned items. Only applicable for eCheck transactions.
ReturnedItemCount Integer The total count of all returned items. Only applicable for eCheck transactions.
ChargeBackAmount Decimal The total amount of all charge backs. Only applicable for credit card transactions.
ChargeBackCount Integer The total count of all charge backs. Only applicable for credit card transactions.
CorrectionNoticeCount Integer The total count of all correction notices. Only applicable for credit card transactions.
ChargeChargeBackAmount Decimal Only applicable for credit card transactions.
ChargeChargeBackCount Integer Only applicable for credit card transactions.
BatchStatisticsAmount Decimal The total amount of all transactions as returned in the response of a getBatchStatistics call. Only applicable for credit card transactions.
BatchStatisticsCount Integer The total count of all transactions as returned in the response of a getBatchStatistics call. Only applicable for credit card transactions.
ChargeReturnedItemsAmount Decimal The total amount of returned items purchased using credit cards.
ChargeReturnedItemsCount Integer The total count of returned items purchased using credit cards.
RefundReturnedItemsAmount Decimal The total amount of returned items that have been refunded.
RefundReturnedItemsCount Integer The total count of returned items that have been refunded.
ChargeAmount Decimal The total amount of all charge (i.e., Sale) transactions.
ChargeCount Integer The total count of all charge transactions.
RefundAmount Decimal The total amount of all refund transactions.
RefundCount Integer The total count of all refund transactions.
VoidCount Integer The total count of all voided transactions.
DeclineCount Integer The total count of all declined transactions.
ErrorCount Integer The total count of all transactions that resulted in an error.

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Build 22.0.8462