ODBC Driver for Sage Intacct

Build 24.0.9029




Name Type Description
Recordno [KEY] String Record number
Docno [KEY] String Document number
Docid String Document ID
Createdfrom String Converted from
State String State
Closed Bool Closed
Whencreated Date Date created
Auwhencreated Datetime Audit timestamp when record was created.
Createdby Long User who created this.
Modifiedby Long User who modified this.
Whenmodified Datetime Modified date
Whendue Date Date due
Status String Active or inactive
Ponumber String PO number
Vendordocno String Vendor document number
Docparid String Document template ID
Docparkey String No description specified
Docparclass String No description specified
Updates_inv String Affects inventory
Term_name String Payment terms
Note String Note
Warehouse_locationid String Default site
Shipvia String Shipping method
User String User
Createduser String Created user
Userid String Modified by
Createduserid String Created by
Contact_contactname String Vendor
Contact_prefix String Prefix
Contact_firstname String First name
Contact_initial String Middle name
Contact_lastname String Last name
Contact_companyname String Full name of the company
Contact_printas String Name as appears on official documents
Contact_phone1 String Primary phone
Contact_phone2 String Secondary phone
Contact_cellphone String Mobile phone number
Contact_pager String Pager
Contact_fax String Fax
Contact_email1 String Primary email address
Contact_email2 String Secondary email address
Contact_url1 String Primary URL
Contact_url2 String Secondary URL
Contact_visible Bool Visible
Contact_mailaddress_address1 String Address line 1
Contact_mailaddress_address2 String Address line 2
Contact_mailaddress_city String City
Contact_mailaddress_state String State or territory
Contact_mailaddress_zip String ZIP or postal code
Contact_mailaddress_country String Country
Contact_mailaddress_countrycode String Country code
Shiptokey String Ship-to contact key
Shipto_contactname String Ship-to contact name
Shipto_prefix String Prefix
Shipto_firstname String First name
Shipto_initial String Middle name
Shipto_lastname String Last name
Shipto_companyname String Full name of the company
Shipto_printas String Name as appears on official documents
Shipto_phone1 String Primary phone
Shipto_phone2 String Secondary phone
Shipto_cellphone String Mobile phone number
Shipto_pager String Pager
Shipto_fax String Fax
Shipto_email1 String Primary email address
Shipto_email2 String Secondary email address
Shipto_url1 String Primary URL
Shipto_url2 String Secondary URL
Shipto_visible Bool Visible
Shipto_mailaddress_address1 String Address line 1
Shipto_mailaddress_address2 String Address line 2
Shipto_mailaddress_city String City
Shipto_mailaddress_state String State or territory
Shipto_mailaddress_zip String ZIP or postal code
Shipto_mailaddress_country String Country
Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode String Country code
Billtokey String Bill-to contact key
Billto_contactname String Bill-to contact
Billto_prefix String Prefix
Billto_firstname String First name
Billto_initial String Middle name
Billto_lastname String Last name
Billto_companyname String Full name of the company
Billto_printas String Name as appears on official documents
Billto_phone1 String Primary phone
Billto_phone2 String Secondary phone
Billto_cellphone String Mobile phone number
Billto_pager String Pager
Billto_fax String Fax
Billto_email1 String Primary email address
Billto_email2 String Secondary email address
Billto_url1 String Primary URL
Billto_url2 String Secondary URL
Billto_visible Bool Visible
Billto_mailaddress_address1 String Address line 1
Billto_mailaddress_address2 String Address line 2
Billto_mailaddress_city String City
Billto_mailaddress_state String State or territory
Billto_mailaddress_zip String ZIP or postal code
Billto_mailaddress_country String Country
Billto_mailaddress_countrycode String Country code
Message String Message
Prrecordkey Long No description specified
Invbatchkey String No description specified
Prinvbatchkey String No description specified
Addglbatchkey String No description specified
Printed String Document printed
Backorder String Back order?
Subtotal Decimal Subtotal
Total Decimal Total
Entglgroup Long ENTGLGROUP
Currency String Defaulting currency
Exchratedate Date No description specified
Exchratetypes_name String No description specified
Exchrate Decimal No description specified
Schopkey String No description specified
Salescontract String Sales contract
Usedascontract String Used as contract
Trx_subtotal Decimal Transaction subtotal
Trx_total Decimal Transaction total
Exch_rate_type_id String No description specified
Reneweddoc String No description specified
Basecurr String No description specified
Systemgenerated String True/false
Invoicerunkey Long No description specified
Docpar_in_out String Increases or decreases inventory
Whenposted Date GL posting date
Printeduserid String Last delivered by
Dateprinted Datetime Last delivered date
Printedby Long Printed by
Adj Bool Adjustment
Taxsolutionid String Tax solution
Delivertokey String Deliver-to contact key
Deliverto_contactname String Deliver-to contact name
Deliverto_companyname String Full name of the company
Deliverto_prefix String Prefix
Deliverto_firstname String First name
Deliverto_lastname String Last name
Deliverto_initial String Middle name
Deliverto_printas String Name as appears on official documents
Deliverto_phone1 String Primary phone
Deliverto_phone2 String Secondary phone
Deliverto_cellphone String Mobile phone number
Deliverto_pager String Pager
Deliverto_fax String Fax
Deliverto_email1 String Primary email address
Deliverto_email2 String Secondary email address
Deliverto_url1 String Primary URL
Deliverto_url2 String Secondary URL
Deliverto_visible Bool Visible
Deliverto_mailaddress_address1 String Address line 1
Deliverto_mailaddress_address2 String Address line 2
Deliverto_mailaddress_city String City
Deliverto_mailaddress_state String State or territory
Deliverto_mailaddress_zip String ZIP or postal code
Deliverto_mailaddress_country String Country
Deliverto_mailaddress_countrycode String Country code
Retainagepercentage String No description specified
Scope String Scope
Inclusions String Inclusions
Exclusions String Exclusions
Terms String Terms
Schedulestartdate Date Scheduled start date
Actualstartdate Date Actual start date
Scheduledcompletiondate Date Scheduled completion date
Revisedcompletiondate Date Revised completion date
Substantialcompletiondate Date Substantial completion date
Actualcompletiondate Date Actual completion date
Noticetoproceed Date Notice to proceed
Responsedue Date Response due
Executedon Date Executed on
Scheduleimpact String Schedule impact
Internalrefno String Internal reference no.
Internalinitiatedbykey String Initiated by key
Internalinitiatedby String Internal initiated by
Internalinitiatedbyname String Internal initiated by name
Internalverbalbykey String Verbal by key
Internalverbalby String Internal verbal by
Internalverbalbyname String Internal verbal by name
Internalissuedbykey String Issued by key
Internalissuedby String Internal issued by
Internalissuedbyname String Internal issued by name
Internalissuedon Date Internal issued on
Internalapprovedbykey String Approved by key
Internalapprovedby String Internal approved by
Internalapprovedbyname String Internal approved by name
Internalapprovedon Date Internal approved on
Internalsignedbykey String Signed by key
Internalsignedby String Internal signed by
Internalsignedbyname String Internal signed by name
Internalsignedon Date Internal signed on
Internalsource String Internal source
Internalsourcerefno String Internal source reference no.
Externalrefno String External reference no.
Externalverbalbykey String Verbal by key
Externalverbalby String External verbal by
Externalapprovedbykey String Approved by key
Externalapprovedby String External approved by
Externalapprovedon Date External approved on
Externalsignedbykey String Signed by key
Externalsignedby String External signed by
Externalsignedon Date External signed on
Performancebondrequired Bool Performance bond required
Performancebondreceived Bool Performance bond received
Performancebondamount Decimal Performance bond amount
Performancesuretycompanykey String Surety company key
Performancesuretycompany String Performance surety company
Performancesuretycompanyname String Surety company name
Paymentbondrequired Bool Payment bond required
Paymentbondreceived Bool Payment bond received
Paymentbondamount Decimal Payment bond amount
Paymentsuretycompanykey String Surety company key
Paymentsuretycompany String Payment surety company
Paymentsuretycompanyname String Surety company name
Haschange Bool Change applied
Revisedtotal Decimal Revised total
Revisedsubtotal Decimal Revised subtotal
Trx_revisedtotal Decimal Transaction revised total
Trx_revisedsubtotal Decimal Transaction revised subtotal
Postedchangestotal Decimal No description specified
Relateddocno String No description specified
Changelognumber Long No description specified
Projectkey Long Project key
Project String No description specified
Projectname String Project name
Custvendid String Vendor
Custvendname String Vendor name
Trx_totalpaid Decimal Total paid
Totalpaid Decimal (includes exchange rate gain and loss base total paid)
Trx_totalentered Decimal Bill amount
Totalentered Decimal Base bill amount
Trx_totaldue Decimal Amount due
Totaldue Decimal Base amount due
Paymentstatus String Payment status
Needbydate Date Need by date
Donotshipbeforedate Date Do not ship before date
Donotshipafterdate Date Do not ship after date
Promiseddate Date Promised by date
Contractstartdate Date Contract start date
Contractenddate Date Contract end date
Cancelafterdate Date Cancel after date
Megaentitykey Long No description specified
Megaentityid String No description specified
Megaentityname String No description specified
Rseminar String No description specified
Warehouse_recordno [KEY] Long Foreign key for related object: WAREHOUSE
Userinfo_recordno [KEY] Long Foreign key for related object: USERINFO
Contact_contactname [KEY] String Foreign key for related object: CONTACT
Vendor_recordno [KEY] Long Foreign key for related object: VENDOR
Apbill_recordno [KEY] Long Foreign key for related object: APBILL
Project_recordno [KEY] Long Foreign key for related object: PROJECT
Itemaggregate String

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Build 24.0.9029