ODBC Driver for Sage Intacct

Build 24.0.9032


Retrieves SODocumentEntry report data.


Name Type Description
Recordno [KEY] Long Record Number
Dochdrno Long Document Header Number
Dochdrid String The Dochdrid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Docparid String Document Template ID
Bundlenumber String Bundle Number
Line_no Long Line Number
Itemid String Item ID
Itemname String Item Name
Itemdesc String Item Description
Unit String Unit
Warehouse_location_no String Warehouse Id
Warehouse_name String Free form name for this warehouse location.
Memo String Memo
Pricecalcmemo String The Pricecalcmemo field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Quantity Decimal Quantity
Qty_converted Decimal Quantity Converted
Retailprice Decimal RetailPrice
Price Decimal Price
Total Decimal Extended Total Price
Whencreated Date Date Created
Whenmodified Datetime Date Modified
Auwhencreated Datetime Audit timestamp when record was created.
Createdby Long User who created this.
Modifiedby Long User who modified this.
Item_taxable Bool Taxable
Item_taxgroup_recordno Long Record Number
Item_renewalmacro_macroid String Renewal template ID
Extended_description String The Extended_description field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Itemglgroup Long The Itemglgroup field of the SODocumentEntry Table
State Bool State
Status String Active/Inactive
Cost Decimal Cost
Cost_method String Cost Method
Uiqty Decimal Quantity
Discountpercent Decimal Discount %
Multiplier Decimal Multiplier
Uiprice Decimal Price
Uivalue Decimal Extended Total Price
Locationid String Locationid
Locationname String The Locationname field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Departmentid String Departmentid
Departmentname String The Departmentname field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Deptkey String The Deptkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Locationkey String The Locationkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Timetypekey Long The Timetypekey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Timetypename String The Timetypename field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Timenotes String The Timenotes field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Eeaccountlabelkey Long The Eeaccountlabelkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Eeaccountlabel String The Eeaccountlabel field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Source_dockey String The Source_dockey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Source_doclinekey String The Source_doclinekey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Adjdochdrkey Long The Adjdochdrkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Adjdocentrykey Long The Adjdocentrykey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Revrectemplate String Revenue Recognition Template
Revrectemplatekey String The Revrectemplatekey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Revrecstartdate Date Revenue Recognition Start Date
Itemterm String Default Term Period
Termperiod Long Default # of Periods
Revrecenddate Date Revenue Recognition End Date
Prorateprice Bool Prorate Price
Deferrevenue String The Deferrevenue field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Sc_revrectemplate String Revenue Recognition Template
Sc_revrectemplatekey String The Sc_revrectemplatekey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Sc_revrecstartdate Date Revenue Recognition Start Date
Sc_revrecenddate Date Revenue Recognition Start Date
Sc_startdate Date Schedule Start Date
Item_itemtype String Item Type
Item_numdec_sale Long The Item_numdec_sale field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Item_numdec_std Long The Item_numdec_std field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Item_numdec_pur Long The Item_numdec_pur field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Item_revposting String The Item_revposting field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Item_computeforshortterm Bool The Item_computeforshortterm field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Item_renewalmacrokey Long The Item_renewalmacrokey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Item_uomgrpkey Long The Item_uomgrpkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Item_dropship Bool Available for drop ship
Item_buytoorder Bool Available for buy to order
Discount_memo String Discount/Charge
Item_revprinting String The Item_revprinting field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Currency String Txn Currency
Basecurr String Base Currency
Exchratedate Date The Exchratedate field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Exchratetype Decimal The Exchratetype field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Exchrate Decimal The Exchrate field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Trx_price Decimal Transaction Price
Trx_value Decimal Extended Transaction Price
Schedulename String Recurring Schedule
Scheduleid Long The Scheduleid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Recurdocname String Document Type
Recurdocid Long The Recurdocid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Recurdocentrykey Long Recurring Document Key
Renewalmacro String The Renewalmacro field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Renewalmacrokey String The Renewalmacrokey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Overridetax Bool enable tax
Sc_createrecursched String Create Recurring Template
Sc_existingsched String Existing Template
Sc_extendlineperiod Bool Extend Line Period
Sc_installpricing Bool Installment Pricing
Recurcontractid String The Recurcontractid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Source_docid String The Source_docid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Billable Bool Billable
Billed Bool Billed
Billabletimeentrykey Long The Billabletimeentrykey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Billableglentrykey Long The Billableglentrykey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Billableprentrykey Long The Billableprentrykey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Billabledocentrykey Long The Billabledocentrykey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Billablecontractschentrykey Long The Billablecontractschentrykey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Billablecontractusagebillingid Long The Billablecontractusagebillingid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Percentval Decimal Line Tax Rate
Taxabsval Decimal Line Tax
Taxableamount Decimal Taxable amount
Linetotal Decimal Totals amount for line
Discount Decimal Line Discount
Trx_taxabsval Decimal Transaction Line Tax
Trx_linetotal Decimal Transaction totals amount for line
Taxvaloverride Bool The Taxvaloverride field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Total_amount_converted Decimal Total Amount Converted
Total_amount_remaining Decimal Total Amount Remaining
Qty_remaining Decimal Quantity Remaining
Price_converted Decimal Price converted
Conversiontype String Conversion type
Quantityreserved Decimal Quantity reserved
Quantityallocated Decimal Quantity allocated (Allocated)
Quantityreservedwhenopen Decimal Quantity reserved before fulfillment
Quantityallocatedwhenopen Decimal Quantity allocated before fulfillment
Allocreserveisenabled Bool Alloc and reserve is enabled
Projectkey String The Projectkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Projectname String The Projectname field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Taskkey String Task
Taskid String Task
Taskname String Task
Billingtemplatekey String The Billingtemplatekey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Billingtemplate String Billing Template
Geninvoicelinekey Long Preview line key
Linelevelsimpletaxtype String The Linelevelsimpletaxtype field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Needbydate Date Need by date
Shipby Date Ship by date
Donotshipbeforedate Date Do not ship before date
Donotshipafterdate Date Do not ship after date
Datepickticketprinted Date Pick ticket printed date
Cancelafterdate Date Cancel after date
Shippeddate Date Shipped date
Shiptokey String Bill-to contact key
Shipto_contactname String Ship to contact name
Shipto_prefix String Mr./Ms./Mrs.
Shipto_firstname String First Name
Shipto_initial String Middle Name
Shipto_lastname String Last Name
Shipto_companyname String Full name of the company
Shipto_printas String Name as appears on official documents
Shipto_phone1 String Primary phone
Shipto_phone2 String Seconday phone
Shipto_cellphone String Cellular Phone Number
Shipto_pager String Pager
Shipto_fax String Fax
Shipto_email1 String Primary email address
Shipto_email2 String Secondary Email Address
Shipto_url1 String Primary URL
Shipto_url2 String Secondary URL
Shipto_visible Bool Visible
Shipto_mailaddress_address1 String Address Line 1
Shipto_mailaddress_address2 String Address Line 2
Shipto_mailaddress_city String City
Shipto_mailaddress_state String State/Province
Shipto_mailaddress_zip String Zip/Postal Code
Shipto_mailaddress_country String Country
Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode String Country Code
Btoshiptokey String Buy to Order Deliver to key
Btoshiptocontactname String Buy to Order Deliver to
Retainagepercentage String The Retainagepercentage field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Amountretained Decimal The Amountretained field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Trx_amountretained Decimal The Trx_amountretained field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Relateddockey String Related doc key
Relateddoclinekey String Related doc line key
Revisedunitqty Decimal Revised quantity
Revisedqty Decimal Revised quantity
Draftchangeunitqty Decimal Draft quantity change
Draftchangeqty Decimal Draft quantity change
Revisedunitvalue Decimal Revised extended base price
Revisedvalue Decimal Revised extended price
Trx_revisedvalue Decimal Revised extended price
Revisedprice Decimal Revised price
Revisedunitprice Decimal Revised base price
Trx_revisedprice Decimal Revised price
Relateddoclineno String The Relateddoclineno field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Draftchangeprice Decimal Draft change price
Postedqtychanges Decimal The Postedqtychanges field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Postedchangeextprice Decimal The Postedchangeextprice field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Postedchangeextbaseprice Decimal The Postedchangeextbaseprice field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Addedbychange Bool The Addedbychange field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Projectcontractid String Project contract id
Projectcontractname String Project contract name
Projectcontractkey Long Project contract key
Projectcontractlineid String The Projectcontractlineid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Projectcontractlinename String Project contract line name
Projectcontractlinekey Long The Projectcontractlinekey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Pcblexternalrefno String External Reference
Pcbldescription String Description
Pcblbillingtype String Billing type
Contractlinevalue Decimal Contract line value
Priorapplicationamt Decimal Amount from prior application
Completedthisperiod Decimal Completed this period
Storedmaterials Decimal Stored materials
Totalcompletedtodate Decimal Total completed to date
Percentcompletedtodate Decimal Percentage completed to date
Balanceremaining Decimal Balance remaining
Draftchangebaseprice Decimal Draft base price changes
Previousretainagebalance Decimal Previous retainage balance
Isretainagerelease Bool Retainage release
Retainagetobill Decimal Retainage to bill
Retainagebalance Decimal Retainage balance
Itemaliasid String Item cross reference ID
Projectdimkey Long The Projectdimkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Projectid String The Projectid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Customerdimkey Long The Customerdimkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Customerid String The Customerid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Customername String The Customername field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Vendordimkey Long The Vendordimkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Vendorid String The Vendorid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Vendorname String The Vendorname field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Employeedimkey Long The Employeedimkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Employeeid String The Employeeid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Employeename String The Employeename field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Classdimkey Long The Classdimkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Classid String The Classid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Classname String The Classname field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Contractdimkey Long The Contractdimkey field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Contractid String The Contractid field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Contractname String The Contractname field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Billed_timesheetentry_entrydate Date The Billed_timesheetentry_entrydate field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Gldimtestegi1 String The Gldimtestegi1 field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Gldimtest String The Gldimtest field of the SODocumentEntry Table
Item_recordno [KEY] Long Foreign key for related object: ITEM
Department_recordno [KEY] Long Foreign key for related object: DEPARTMENT
Location_recordno [KEY] Long Foreign key for related object: LOCATION
Warehouse_recordno [KEY] Long Foreign key for related object: WAREHOUSE
Sodocument_recordno [KEY] String Foreign key for related object: SODOCUMENT
Task_recordno [KEY] Long Foreign key for related object: TASK

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9032