ODBC Driver for Sage Intacct

Build 24.0.9032


Retrieves Item report data.

To retrieve multi-warehouse items, set the following:

  • UseLegacy: Set this to true to utilize the legacy API.
  • ReadByName: Set this to true to include the ReadByName clause in the XML request. The warehouseinfo field will not populate without ReadByName being set to True.

Setting ReadByName to true exposes the Warehouseinfo field, which can be used to query for the warehouse details for each item.

SELECT Warehouseinfo FROM Item WHERE Itemid IN (SELECT Itemid FROM Item)


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Recordno Int64 False

The Recordno field of the Item object.

Itemid [KEY] String False

The Itemid field of the Item object.

Status String False

The Status field of the Item object.

Name String False

The Name field of the Item object.

Extended_description String False

The Extended_description field of the Item object.

Podescription String False

The Podescription field of the Item object.

Sodescription String False

The Sodescription field of the Item object.

Productlineid String False

The Productlineid field of the Item object.

Cycle String False

The Cycle field of the Item object.

Producttype String False

The Producttype field of the Item object.

Substituteid String False

The Substituteid field of the Item object.

Ship_weight Double False

The Ship_weight field of the Item object.

Whenlastsold Datetime False

The Whenlastsold field of the Item object.

Whenlastreceived Datetime False

The Whenlastreceived field of the Item object.

Incomeacctkey String False

The Incomeacctkey field of the Item object.

Expenseacctkey String False

The Expenseacctkey field of the Item object.

Invacctkey String False

The Invacctkey field of the Item object.

Cogsacctkey String False

The Cogsacctkey field of the Item object.

Offsetoeglaccountkey String False

The Offsetoeglaccountkey field of the Item object.

Offsetpoglaccountkey String False

The Offsetpoglaccountkey field of the Item object.

Deferredrevacctkey String False

The Deferredrevacctkey field of the Item object.

Defaultrevrectemplkey String False

The Defaultrevrectemplkey field of the Item object.

Allow_backorder String False

The Allow_backorder field of the Item object.

Taxable String False

The Taxable field of the Item object.

Taxgroup_name String False

The Taxgroup_name field of the Item object.

Taxcode String False

The Taxcode field of the Item object.

Cost_method String False

The Cost_method field of the Item object.

Standard_cost String False

The Standard_cost field of the Item object.

Average_cost String False

The Average_cost field of the Item object.

Uomgrp String False

The Uomgrp field of the Item object.

Uom_invuomdetail_unit String False

The Uom_invuomdetail_unit field of the Item object.

Uom_pouomdetail_unit String False

The Uom_pouomdetail_unit field of the Item object.

Uom_pouomdetail_convfactor Double False

The Uom_pouomdetail_convfactor field of the Item object.

Uom_souomdetail_unit String False

The Uom_souomdetail_unit field of the Item object.

Uom_souomdetail_convfactor Double False

The Uom_souomdetail_convfactor field of the Item object.

Default_warehouse String False

The Default_warehouse field of the Item object.

Warehouseinfo String False

The Itemwarehouse field of the Item object. Only exposed when ReadByName is set to True.

Glgroup String False

The Glgroup field of the Item object.

Note String False

The Note field of the Item object.

Inv_precision String False

The Inv_precision field of the Item object.

Po_precision String False

The Po_precision field of the Item object.

So_precision String False

The So_precision field of the Item object.

Itemtype String False

The Itemtype field of the Item object.

Enable_serialno String False

The Enable_serialno field of the Item object.

Serial_maskkey String False

The Serial_maskkey field of the Item object.

Enable_lot_category String False

The Enable_lot_category field of the Item object.

Lot_categorykey String False

The Lot_categorykey field of the Item object.

Enable_bins String False

The Enable_bins field of the Item object.

Enable_expiration String False

The Enable_expiration field of the Item object.

Upc String False

The Upc field of the Item object.

Revposting String False

The Revposting field of the Item object.

Revprinting String False

The Revprinting field of the Item object.

Vsoecategory String False

The Vsoecategory field of the Item object.

Vsoedlvrstatus String False

The Vsoedlvrstatus field of the Item object.

Vsoerevdefstatus String False

The Vsoerevdefstatus field of the Item object.

Hasstartenddates Boolean False

The Hasstartenddates field of the Item object.

Termperiod String False

The Termperiod field of the Item object.

Totalperiods Int64 False

The Totalperiods field of the Item object.

Computeforshortterm Boolean False

The Computeforshortterm field of the Item object.

Renewalmacroid String False

The Renewalmacroid field of the Item object.

Renewalmacrokey Int64 False

The Renewalmacrokey field of the Item object.

Itemglgroup_incomeaccount_acctno String False

The Itemglgroup_incomeaccount_acctno field of the Item object.

Itemglgroup_expenseaccount_acctno String False

The Itemglgroup_expenseaccount_acctno field of the Item object.

Itemglgroup_inventoryaccount_acctno String False

The Itemglgroup_inventoryaccount_acctno field of the Item object.

Itemglgroup_cogsaccount_acctno String False

The Itemglgroup_cogsaccount_acctno field of the Item object.

Itemglgroup_defrrglaccount_acctno String False

The Itemglgroup_defrrglaccount_acctno field of the Item object.

Itemglgroup_oeglaccount_acctno String False

The Itemglgroup_oeglaccount_acctno field of the Item object.

Itemglgroup_poglaccount_acctno String False

The Itemglgroup_poglaccount_acctno field of the Item object.

Whencreated Datetime False

The Whencreated field of the Item object.

Whenmodified Datetime False

The Whenmodified field of the Item object.

Createdby Int64 False

The Createdby field of the Item object.

Modifiedby Int64 False

The Modifiedby field of the Item object.

Ionorder Double False

The Ionorder field of the Item object.

Ionhand Double False

The Ionhand field of the Item object.

Ionhold Double False

The Ionhold field of the Item object.

Glgrpkey Int64 False

The Glgrpkey field of the Item object.

Uomgrpkey Int64 False

The Uomgrpkey field of the Item object.

Taxgroupkey Int64 False

The Taxgroupkey field of the Item object.

Megaentitykey Int64 False

The Megaentitykey field of the Item object.

Megaentityid String False

The Megaentityid field of the Item object.

Megaentityname String False

The Megaentityname field of the Item object.

Record_url String False

The Record_url field of the Item object.

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Build 24.0.9032