Retrieves SORecurDocument report data.
Name | Type | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | The Recordno field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Status | String | The Status field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Ponumber | String | The Ponumber field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | The Whenmodified field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Vendordocno | String | The Vendordocno field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Shipvia | String | The Shipvia field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Userkey | String | The Userkey field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Warehouse_locationid | String | The Warehouse_locationid field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Shiptokey | String | The Shiptokey field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Billtokey | String | The Billtokey field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Message | String | The Message field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Entity | String | The Entity field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Contractid | String | The Contractid field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Contractdesc | String | The Contractdesc field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Note | String | The Note field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Subtotal | String | The Subtotal field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Total | String | The Total field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Schopkey | Int64 | The Schopkey field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Sourcedocument | String | The Sourcedocument field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Docid | String | The Docid field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Startdate | Datetime | The Startdate field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Enddate | Datetime | The Enddate field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Nextexecdate | Datetime | The Nextexecdate field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Lastexecdate | Datetime | The Lastexecdate field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Recurduedate | Datetime | The Recurduedate field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Frequency | String | The Frequency field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Execcount | Int64 | The Execcount field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Repeatcount | Int64 | The Repeatcount field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Repeatby | String | The Repeatby field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Interval | Int64 | The Interval field of the SORecurDocument object. |
User | String | The User field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Customername | String | The Customername field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Term_name | String | The Term_name field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Scheduledcontactemail | String | The Scheduledcontactemail field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Contact_contactname | String | The Contact_contactname field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Contact_email1 | String | The Contact_email1 field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Contact_email2 | String | The Contact_email2 field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Shipto_contactname | String | The Shipto_contactname field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Shipto_email1 | String | The Shipto_email1 field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Shipto_email2 | String | The Shipto_email2 field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Billto_contactname | String | The Billto_contactname field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Billto_email1 | String | The Billto_email1 field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Billto_email2 | String | The Billto_email2 field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Dochdrno | Int64 | The Dochdrno field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Basecurr | String | The Basecurr field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Currency | String | The Currency field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Exchratedate | Datetime | The Exchratedate field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Exchratetypes_name | String | The Exchratetypes_name field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Exchrate | Double | The Exchrate field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Trx_subtotal | String | The Trx_subtotal field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Trx_total | String | The Trx_total field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Docstatus | String | The Docstatus field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Paymethod | String | The Paymethod field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Payinfull | Boolean | The Payinfull field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Paymentamount | String | The Paymentamount field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Customercreditcardkey | String | The Customercreditcardkey field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Customerbankaccountkey | String | The Customerbankaccountkey field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Creditcardtype | String | The Creditcardtype field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Accounttype | String | The Accounttype field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Bankaccountid | String | The Bankaccountid field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Glaccountkey | String | The Glaccountkey field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | The Megaentitykey field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Megaentityid | String | The Megaentityid field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Megaentityname | String | The Megaentityname field of the SORecurDocument object. |
Record_url | String | The Record_url field of the SORecurDocument object. |