CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるSage Intacct へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してSage Intacct に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、Sage Intacct への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのSage Intacct への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのSage Intacct への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してSage Intacct からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、Sage Intacct に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
Web サービスに接続するには、最初にWeb サービスのサブスクリプションを有効にする必要があります。会社 -> 管理タブ -> サブスクリプションに移動してWeb サービスを有効化します。
Intacct では、Web サービスのみのユーザーの作成も推奨しています。これは、会社 -> 管理タブに移動し、Web サービスユーザーの横にある+ サインをクリックすることで作成できます。
埋め込みクレデンシャルか独自のクレデンシャルのいずれかを使用して、Sage Intacct への接続を確立できます。
認証するには、CompanyID を設定し、User およびPassword をSage Intacct へのログオンに使用するクレデンシャルに設定します。 また、自身のSenderID とSenderPassword を指定するか、CData Cloud 内で埋め込みクレデンシャルを使用する必要があります。
NOTE:埋め込みクレデンシャルは読み取り専用です。読み取りと書き込みを行うにはBasic を使用します。
独自のWeb サービスクレデンシャルを使用して、Intacct にデータを書き込むことができます。認証するには以下のように設定します。
The following connection properties are used to connect to Okta:
The following is an example connection string:
AuthScheme=Okta; SSOLoginURL=''; User=oktaUserName; Password=oktaPassword; SSOProperties='IntacctUserID=intacct_user';
You can use the following properties to gain more control over the data returned from Sage Intacct:
LocationsID and ClientID cannot be specified at the same time.
The new API adds support for server-side filtering, ORDERBY, offset and aggregate functions including count, avg, min, max and sum.
Enable this support by setting UseLegacy to False.
The new API also supports the displaying of attributes related to objects using IncludeRelatedAttributes.
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
CData Cloud は、Sage Intacct エンティティをリレーショナルテーブルにモデル化します。
テーブル定義は動的に取得されます。Cloud を使用して接続する際、新しいテーブルの追加、新しいカラムの追加、カラムのデータ型の変更など、あらゆる変更内容が即座に反映されます。
ドキュメントに記載されたテーブル およびビュー は、Intacct アカウントでアクセスすると考えられるデータのサンプルです。
Sage Intacct は、特定のドキュメントタイプと一致する様々なドキュメントテーブルをサポートしています。 デフォルトでは、ドキュメントテーブルにはテーブルに関連するカスタムフィールドは含まれませんが、ユーザーは以下のテーブルにアクセスして、ドキュメントタイプに関連するカスタムフィールドを取得することができます。
PODocument | PODocumentPurchaseOrder |
SODocument | SODocumentSalesOrder |
INVDocument | INVDocumentAdjustmentIncrease |
Aisle | AISLEID |
Allocation | ALLOCATIONID |
APBillPayment | PAYITEMKEY |
Bin | BINID |
Class | CLASSID |
CreditCard | CARDID |
Customer | CUSTOMERID |
Employee | EMPLOYEEID |
ExpensePaymentType | NAME |
GLAcctGrp | NAME |
InvPriceList | NAME |
Journal | TITLE |
POPriceList | NAME |
PositionSkill | NAME |
Project | PROJECTID |
StatJournal | TITLE |
TransactionRule | NAME |
TrxCurrencies | CODE |
UoM | NAME |
UserAdjJrnl | TITLE |
Vendor | VENDORID |
Warehouse | LOCATIONID |
Cloud はSage Intacct のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
AcctLabelTaxGroup | Retrieves AcctLabelTaxGroup report data. |
AcctRange | Retrieves AcctRange report data. |
ActivityLog | Retrieves ActivityLog report data. |
Aisle | Retrieves Aisle report data. |
Allocation | Retrieves Allocation report data. |
APAccountLabel | Retrieves APAccountLabel report data. |
APAdjustment | Retrieves APAdjustment report data. |
APBill | Retrieves APBill report data. |
APBillBatch | Retrieves APBillBatch report data. |
APPymt | Retrieves APPymt report data. |
APRecurBill | Retrieves APRecurBill report data. |
APTerm | Retrieves APTerm report data. |
ARAccountLabel | Retrieves ARAccountLabel report data. |
ARAdjustment | Retrieves ARAdjustment report data. |
ARInvoice | Retrieves ARInvoice report data. |
ARInvoiceBatch | Retrieves ARInvoiceBatch report data. |
ARPaymentBatch | Retrieves ARPaymentBatch report data. |
ARTerm | Retrieves ARTerm report data. |
Attendee | Retrieves Attendee report data. |
Billing_Contact | Retrieves Billing_Contact report data. |
Bin | Retrieves Bin report data. |
CheckingAccount | Retrieves CheckingAccount report data. |
Class | Retrieves Class report data. |
Comments | Retrieves Comments report data. |
Contact | Retrieves Contact report data. |
Contract | A collection of Contract items. |
CreditCard | Retrieves CreditCard report data. |
Customer | Retrieves Customer report data. |
CustomerEmailTemplate | Retrieves CustomerEmailTemplate report data. |
CustomerGroup | Retrieves CustomerGroup report data. |
CustomerVisibility | Retrieves CustomerVisibility report data. |
CustType | Retrieves CustType report data. |
Department | Retrieves Department report data. |
EarningType | Retrieves EarningType report data. |
EEAccountLabel | Retrieves EEAccountLabel report data. |
EExpenses | Retrieves EExpenses report data. |
EmailTemplate | Retrieves EmailTemplate report data. |
Employee | Retrieves Employee report data. |
EmployeeEntityContacts | Retrieves EmployeeEntityContacts report data. |
EmployeeGroup | Retrieves EmployeeGroup report data. |
EmployeeOutOfOffice | Retrieves EmployeeOutOfOffice report data. |
EmployeePositionSkill | Retrieves EmployeePositionSkill report data. |
EmployeeRate | Retrieves EmployeeRate report data. |
EmployeeType | Retrieves EmployeeType report data. |
ExchangeRate | Retrieves ExchangeRate report data. |
ExpenseAdjustments | Retrieves ExpenseAdjustments report data. |
ExpensePaymentType | Retrieves ExpensePaymentType report data. |
GAAPAdjJrnl | Retrieves GAAPAdjJrnl report data. |
GLAccount | Retrieves GLAccount report data. |
GLAcctGrp | Retrieves GLAcctGrp report data. |
GLAcctGrpMember | Retrieves GLAcctGrpMember report data. |
GLBatch | Retrieves GLBatch report data. |
Glbudgetheader | The GLBudgetHeader table |
Glbudgetitem | The GLBudgetItem table |
GLCoaCatMember | Retrieves GLCoaCatMember report data. |
GLCompGrpMember | Retrieves GLCompGrpMember report data. |
ICRow | Retrieves ICRow report data. |
InvDocument | Retrieves InvDocument report data. |
InvDocumentParams | Retrieves InvDocumentParams report data. |
InvPriceList | Retrieves InvPriceList report data. |
Item | Retrieves Item report data. |
ItemTaxGroup | Retrieves ItemTaxGroup report data. |
ItemWarehouseInfo | Retrieves Item Warehouse data. |
Journal | Retrieves Journal report data. |
Location | Retrieves Location report data. |
Misc_Supporting_Document | Retrieves Misc_Supporting_Document report data. |
OutOfOffice | Retrieves OutOfOffice report data. |
PODocumentParams | Retrieves PODocumentParams report data. |
POPriceList | Retrieves POPriceList report data. |
PositionSkill | Retrieves PositionSkill report data. |
ProductLine | Retrieves ProductLine report data. |
Project | Retrieves Project report data. |
PjEstimate | Retreives Project Estimate report data |
ProjectGroup | Retrieves ProjectGroup report data. |
ProjectResources | Retrieves ProjectResources report data. |
ProjectStatus | Retrieves ProjectStatus report data. |
ProjectTransactionRule | Retrieves ProjectTransactionRule report data. |
ProjectType | Retrieves ProjectType report data. |
Ratetable | Retrieves Ratetable report data. |
Ratetableapentry | Retrieves Ratetableapentry report data |
Ratetableccentry | Retrieves Ratetableccentry report data. |
Ratetableexpenseentry | Retrieves Ratetableexpenseentry report data. |
Ratetableglentry | Retrieves Ratetableglentry report data. |
Ratetablepoentry | Retrieves Ratetablepoentry report data. |
Ratetabletsentry | Retrieves Ratetabletsentry report data. |
RecurGLBatch | Retrieves RecurGLBatch report data. |
RenewalMacro | Retrieves RenewalMacro report data. |
ReportingPeriod | Retrieves ReportingPeriod report data. |
Revrecschedule | Retrieves RevRecSchedule report data. |
Revrecscheduleentry | Retrieves RevRecScheduleEntry report data. |
RevRecTemplate | Retrieves RevRecTemplate report data. |
RevRecTemplMilestone | Retrieves RevRecTemplMilestone report data. |
SavingsAccount | Retrieves SavingsAccount report data. |
Seminar | Retrieves Seminar report data. |
Seminar_Package | Retrieves Seminar_Package report data. |
Seminar_Registration | Retrieves Seminar_Registration report data. |
SODocument | Retrieves SODocument report data. |
SODocumentParams | Retrieves SODocumentParams report data. |
SOPriceList | Retrieves SOPriceList report data. |
StatAccount | Retrieves StatAccount report data. |
StatJournal | Retrieves StatJournal report data. |
STKitDocument | Retrieves STKitDocument report data. |
Task | Retrieves Task report data. |
TaskResources | Retrieves TaskResources report data. |
TaxGroup | Retrieves TaxGroup report data. |
TerritoryGroup | Retrieves TerritoryGroup report data. |
Timesheet | Retrieves Timesheet report data. |
TimeType | Retrieves TimeType report data. |
Track | A collection of Track items. |
TransactionRule | Retrieves TransactionRule report data. |
TransactionRuleDetail | Retrieves TransactionRuleDetail report data. |
TrxCurrencies | Retrieves TrxCurrencies report data. |
UoM | Retrieves UoM report data. |
UserAdjJrnl | Retrieves UserAdjJrnl report data. |
UserInfo | Retrieves UserInfo report data. |
UserRoles | Retrieves UserRoles report data. |
Vendor | Retrieves Vendor report data. |
VendorGroup | Retrieves VendorGroup report data. |
VendorVisibility | Retrieves VendorVisibility report data. |
VendType | Retrieves VendType report data. |
Warehouse | Retrieves Warehouse report data. |
Retrieves AcctLabelTaxGroup report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the AcctLabelTaxGroup object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the AcctLabelTaxGroup object. |
Grouptype | String | False |
The Grouptype field of the AcctLabelTaxGroup object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the AcctLabelTaxGroup object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the AcctLabelTaxGroup object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the AcctLabelTaxGroup object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the AcctLabelTaxGroup object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the AcctLabelTaxGroup object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the AcctLabelTaxGroup object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the AcctLabelTaxGroup object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the AcctLabelTaxGroup object. |
Retrieves AcctRange report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the AcctRange object. |
Parentkey | Int64 | False |
The Parentkey field of the AcctRange object. |
Sortord | Int64 | False |
The Sortord field of the AcctRange object. |
Rangefrom | String | False |
The Rangefrom field of the AcctRange object. |
Rangeto | String | False |
The Rangeto field of the AcctRange object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the AcctRange object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the AcctRange object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the AcctRange object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the AcctRange object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the AcctRange object. |
Retrieves ActivityLog report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the ActivityLog object. |
Obj_id | Int64 | False |
The Obj_id field of the ActivityLog object. |
Trail_text | String | False |
The Trail_text field of the ActivityLog object. |
Email_text | String | False |
The Email_text field of the ActivityLog object. |
Createdbyuser | String | False |
The Createdbyuser field of the ActivityLog object. |
Created_at | Datetime | False |
The Created_at field of the ActivityLog object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ActivityLog object. |
Retrieves Aisle report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Aisle object. |
Aisleid [KEY] | String | False |
The Aisleid field of the Aisle object. |
Aisledesc | String | False |
The Aisledesc field of the Aisle object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Aisle object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Aisle object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Aisle object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Aisle object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Aisle object. |
Retrieves Allocation report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Allocation object. |
Allocationid [KEY] | String | False |
The Allocationid field of the Allocation object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the Allocation object. |
Type | String | False |
The Type field of the Allocation object. |
Docnumber | String | False |
The Docnumber field of the Allocation object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the Allocation object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Allocation object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Allocation object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Allocation object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Allocation object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the Allocation object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the Allocation object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the Allocation object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Allocation object. |
Retrieves APAccountLabel report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Accountlabel | String | False |
The Accountlabel field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Glaccountno | String | False |
The Glaccountno field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Glaccounttitle | String | False |
The Glaccounttitle field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Offsetglaccountno | String | False |
The Offsetglaccountno field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Taxable | Boolean | False |
The Taxable field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Istax | Boolean | False |
The Istax field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Subtotal | Boolean | False |
The Subtotal field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Taxgroup_name | String | False |
The Taxgroup_name field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Taxcode | String | False |
The Taxcode field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the APAccountLabel object. |
Retrieves APAdjustment report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the APAdjustment object. |
Recordtype | String | False |
The Recordtype field of the APAdjustment object. |
Recordid | String | False |
The Recordid field of the APAdjustment object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the APAdjustment object. |
Rawstate | String | False |
The Rawstate field of the APAdjustment object. |
Entity | String | False |
The Entity field of the APAdjustment object. |
Vendorid | String | False |
The Vendorid field of the APAdjustment object. |
Vendorname | String | False |
The Vendorname field of the APAdjustment object. |
Trx_entitydue | Double | False |
The Trx_entitydue field of the APAdjustment object. |
Docnumber | String | False |
The Docnumber field of the APAdjustment object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the APAdjustment object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the APAdjustment object. |
Whenposted | Datetime | False |
The Whenposted field of the APAdjustment object. |
Whenpaid | Datetime | False |
The Whenpaid field of the APAdjustment object. |
Basecurr | String | False |
The Basecurr field of the APAdjustment object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the APAdjustment object. |
Exch_rate_date | Datetime | False |
The Exch_rate_date field of the APAdjustment object. |
Exch_rate_type_id | Int64 | False |
The Exch_rate_type_id field of the APAdjustment object. |
Exchange_rate | Double | False |
The Exchange_rate field of the APAdjustment object. |
Totalentered | Double | False |
The Totalentered field of the APAdjustment object. |
Totalselected | Double | False |
The Totalselected field of the APAdjustment object. |
Totalpaid | Double | False |
The Totalpaid field of the APAdjustment object. |
Totaldue | Double | False |
The Totaldue field of the APAdjustment object. |
Trx_totalentered | Double | False |
The Trx_totalentered field of the APAdjustment object. |
Trx_totalselected | Double | False |
The Trx_totalselected field of the APAdjustment object. |
Trx_totalpaid | Double | False |
The Trx_totalpaid field of the APAdjustment object. |
Trx_totaldue | Double | False |
The Trx_totaldue field of the APAdjustment object. |
Billtopaytocontactname | String | False |
The Billtopaytocontactname field of the APAdjustment object. |
Shiptoreturntocontactname | String | False |
The Shiptoreturntocontactname field of the APAdjustment object. |
Billtopaytokey | Int64 | False |
The Billtopaytokey field of the APAdjustment object. |
Shiptoreturntokey | Int64 | False |
The Shiptoreturntokey field of the APAdjustment object. |
Prbatch | String | False |
The Prbatch field of the APAdjustment object. |
Prbatchkey | Int64 | False |
The Prbatchkey field of the APAdjustment object. |
Prbatch_open | String | False |
The Prbatch_open field of the APAdjustment object. |
Prbatch_nogl | Boolean | False |
The Prbatch_nogl field of the APAdjustment object. |
Modulekey | String | False |
The Modulekey field of the APAdjustment object. |
Auwhencreated | Datetime | False |
The Auwhencreated field of the APAdjustment object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the APAdjustment object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the APAdjustment object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the APAdjustment object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the APAdjustment object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the APAdjustment object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the APAdjustment object. |
Retrieves APBill report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the APBill object. |
Recordtype | String | False |
The Recordtype field of the APBill object. |
Recordid | String | False |
The Recordid field of the APBill object. |
Financialentity | String | False |
The Financialentity field of the APBill object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the APBill object. |
Rawstate | String | False |
The Rawstate field of the APBill object. |
Entity | String | False |
The Entity field of the APBill object. |
Vendorid | String | False |
The Vendorid field of the APBill object. |
Vendorname | String | False |
The Vendorname field of the APBill object. |
Form1099type | String | False |
The Form1099type field of the APBill object. |
Vendtype1099type | String | False |
The Vendtype1099type field of the APBill object. |
Trx_entitydue | Double | False |
The Trx_entitydue field of the APBill object. |
Docnumber | String | False |
The Docnumber field of the APBill object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the APBill object. |
Description2 | String | False |
The Description2 field of the APBill object. |
Termname | String | False |
The Termname field of the APBill object. |
Termkey | Int64 | False |
The Termkey field of the APBill object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the APBill object. |
Whenposted | Datetime | False |
The Whenposted field of the APBill object. |
Whendiscount | Datetime | False |
The Whendiscount field of the APBill object. |
Whendue | Datetime | False |
The Whendue field of the APBill object. |
Whenpaid | Datetime | False |
The Whenpaid field of the APBill object. |
Recpaymentdate | Datetime | False |
The Recpaymentdate field of the APBill object. |
Paymentpriority | String | False |
The Paymentpriority field of the APBill object. |
Onhold | Boolean | False |
The Onhold field of the APBill object. |
Basecurr | String | False |
The Basecurr field of the APBill object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the APBill object. |
Exch_rate_date | Datetime | False |
The Exch_rate_date field of the APBill object. |
Exch_rate_type_id | Int64 | False |
The Exch_rate_type_id field of the APBill object. |
Exchange_rate | Double | False |
The Exchange_rate field of the APBill object. |
Totalentered | Double | False |
The Totalentered field of the APBill object. |
Totalselected | Double | False |
The Totalselected field of the APBill object. |
Totalpaid | Double | False |
The Totalpaid field of the APBill object. |
Totaldue | String | False |
The Totaldue field of the APBill object. |
Trx_totalentered | Double | False |
The Trx_totalentered field of the APBill object. |
Trx_totalselected | Double | False |
The Trx_totalselected field of the APBill object. |
Trx_totalpaid | Double | False |
The Trx_totalpaid field of the APBill object. |
Trx_totaldue | Double | False |
The Trx_totaldue field of the APBill object. |
Billtopaytocontactname | String | False |
The Billtopaytocontactname field of the APBill object. |
Shiptoreturntocontactname | String | False |
The Shiptoreturntocontactname field of the APBill object. |
Billtopaytokey | Int64 | False |
The Billtopaytokey field of the APBill object. |
Shiptoreturntokey | Int64 | False |
The Shiptoreturntokey field of the APBill object. |
Prbatch | String | False |
The Prbatch field of the APBill object. |
Prbatchkey | Int64 | False |
The Prbatchkey field of the APBill object. |
Modulekey | String | False |
The Modulekey field of the APBill object. |
Schopkey | Int64 | False |
The Schopkey field of the APBill object. |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
The Systemgenerated field of the APBill object. |
Auwhencreated | Datetime | False |
The Auwhencreated field of the APBill object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the APBill object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the APBill object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the APBill object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the APBill object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the APBill object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the APBill object. |
Retrieves APBillBatch report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the APBillBatch object. |
Title | String | False |
The Title field of the APBillBatch object. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created field of the APBillBatch object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the APBillBatch object. |
Recordtype | String | False |
The Recordtype field of the APBillBatch object. |
Total | Double | False |
The Total field of the APBillBatch object. |
Open | String | False |
The Open field of the APBillBatch object. |
Parentkey | String | False |
The Parentkey field of the APBillBatch object. |
Nogl | Boolean | False |
The Nogl field of the APBillBatch object. |
Accountnokey | String | False |
The Accountnokey field of the APBillBatch object. |
Autocreated | String | False |
The Autocreated field of the APBillBatch object. |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
The Systemgenerated field of the APBillBatch object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the APBillBatch object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the APBillBatch object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the APBillBatch object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the APBillBatch object. |
Retrieves APPymt report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the APPymt object. |
Recordtype | String | False |
The Recordtype field of the APPymt object. |
Recordid | String | False |
The Recordid field of the APPymt object. |
Financialentity | String | False |
The Financialentity field of the APPymt object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the APPymt object. |
Paymentmethod | String | False |
The Paymentmethod field of the APPymt object. |
Paymentmethodkey | Int64 | False |
The Paymentmethodkey field of the APPymt object. |
Entity | String | False |
The Entity field of the APPymt object. |
Vendorid | String | False |
The Vendorid field of the APPymt object. |
Vendorname | String | False |
The Vendorname field of the APPymt object. |
Docnumber | String | False |
The Docnumber field of the APPymt object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the APPymt object. |
Description2 | String | False |
The Description2 field of the APPymt object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the APPymt object. |
Whenpaid | Datetime | False |
The Whenpaid field of the APPymt object. |
Basecurr | String | False |
The Basecurr field of the APPymt object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the APPymt object. |
Exch_rate_date | Datetime | False |
The Exch_rate_date field of the APPymt object. |
Exch_rate_type_id | String | False |
The Exch_rate_type_id field of the APPymt object. |
Exchange_rate | Double | False |
The Exchange_rate field of the APPymt object. |
Totalentered | Double | False |
The Totalentered field of the APPymt object. |
Totalselected | Double | False |
The Totalselected field of the APPymt object. |
Totalpaid | Double | False |
The Totalpaid field of the APPymt object. |
Totaldue | String | False |
The Totaldue field of the APPymt object. |
Trx_totalentered | Double | False |
The Trx_totalentered field of the APPymt object. |
Trx_totalselected | Double | False |
The Trx_totalselected field of the APPymt object. |
Trx_totalpaid | Double | False |
The Trx_totalpaid field of the APPymt object. |
Trx_totaldue | Double | False |
The Trx_totaldue field of the APPymt object. |
Billtopaytocontactname | String | False |
The Billtopaytocontactname field of the APPymt object. |
Prbatch | String | False |
The Prbatch field of the APPymt object. |
Auwhencreated | Datetime | False |
The Auwhencreated field of the APPymt object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the APPymt object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the APPymt object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the APPymt object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the APPymt object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the APPymt object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the APPymt object. |
Retrieves APRecurBill report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the APRecurBill object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the APRecurBill object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the APRecurBill object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the APRecurBill object. |
Termname | String | False |
The Termname field of the APRecurBill object. |
Recordid | String | False |
The Recordid field of the APRecurBill object. |
Totalentered | String | False |
The Totalentered field of the APRecurBill object. |
Docnumber | String | False |
The Docnumber field of the APRecurBill object. |
Modulekey | String | False |
The Modulekey field of the APRecurBill object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the APRecurBill object. |
Schopkey | Int64 | False |
The Schopkey field of the APRecurBill object. |
Entity | String | False |
The Entity field of the APRecurBill object. |
Contractid | String | False |
The Contractid field of the APRecurBill object. |
Contractdesc | String | False |
The Contractdesc field of the APRecurBill object. |
Vendorid | String | False |
The Vendorid field of the APRecurBill object. |
Vendorname | String | False |
The Vendorname field of the APRecurBill object. |
Username | String | False |
The Username field of the APRecurBill object. |
Paytocontactname | String | False |
The Paytocontactname field of the APRecurBill object. |
Returntocontactname | String | False |
The Returntocontactname field of the APRecurBill object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the APRecurBill object. |
Trx_totalentered | String | False |
The Trx_totalentered field of the APRecurBill object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the APRecurBill object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the APRecurBill object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the APRecurBill object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the APRecurBill object. |
Retrieves APTerm report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the APTerm object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the APTerm object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the APTerm object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the APTerm object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the APTerm object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the APTerm object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the APTerm object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the APTerm object. |
Duedate | Int64 | False |
The Duedate field of the APTerm object. |
Duefrom | String | False |
The Duefrom field of the APTerm object. |
Discdate | Int64 | False |
The Discdate field of the APTerm object. |
Discfrom | String | False |
The Discfrom field of the APTerm object. |
Discamount | Int64 | False |
The Discamount field of the APTerm object. |
Discpercamn | String | False |
The Discpercamn field of the APTerm object. |
Discfudgedays | Int64 | False |
The Discfudgedays field of the APTerm object. |
Pen_types | String | False |
The Pen_types field of the APTerm object. |
Penamount | Int64 | False |
The Penamount field of the APTerm object. |
Penpercamn | String | False |
The Penpercamn field of the APTerm object. |
Penfudgedays | Int64 | False |
The Penfudgedays field of the APTerm object. |
Disccalcon | String | False |
The Disccalcon field of the APTerm object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the APTerm object. |
Retrieves ARAccountLabel report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Accountlabel | String | False |
The Accountlabel field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Glaccountno | String | False |
The Glaccountno field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Glaccounttitle | String | False |
The Glaccounttitle field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Offsetglaccountno | String | False |
The Offsetglaccountno field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Taxable | Boolean | False |
The Taxable field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Istax | Boolean | False |
The Istax field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Subtotal | Boolean | False |
The Subtotal field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Taxgroup_name | String | False |
The Taxgroup_name field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Taxcode | String | False |
The Taxcode field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Deferredrevacctkey | String | False |
The Deferredrevacctkey field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Revrectemplkey | String | False |
The Revrectemplkey field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ARAccountLabel object. |
Retrieves ARAdjustment report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Recordtype | String | False |
The Recordtype field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Recordid | String | False |
The Recordid field of the ARAdjustment object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Rawstate | String | False |
The Rawstate field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Entity | String | False |
The Entity field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Customerid | String | False |
The Customerid field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Customername | String | False |
The Customername field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Trx_entitydue | Double | False |
The Trx_entitydue field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Docnumber | String | False |
The Docnumber field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Whenposted | Datetime | False |
The Whenposted field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Whenpaid | Datetime | False |
The Whenpaid field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Basecurr | String | False |
The Basecurr field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Exch_rate_date | Datetime | False |
The Exch_rate_date field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Exch_rate_type_id | String | False |
The Exch_rate_type_id field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Exchange_rate | Double | False |
The Exchange_rate field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Totalentered | Double | False |
The Totalentered field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Totalselected | Double | False |
The Totalselected field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Totalpaid | Double | False |
The Totalpaid field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Totaldue | String | False |
The Totaldue field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Trx_totalentered | Double | False |
The Trx_totalentered field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Trx_totalselected | Double | False |
The Trx_totalselected field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Trx_totalpaid | Double | False |
The Trx_totalpaid field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Trx_totaldue | Double | False |
The Trx_totaldue field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billtopaytocontactname | String | False |
The Billtopaytocontactname field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shiptoreturntocontactname | String | False |
The Shiptoreturntocontactname field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billtopaytokey | Int64 | False |
The Billtopaytokey field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shiptoreturntokey | Int64 | False |
The Shiptoreturntokey field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_contactname | String | False |
The Shipto_contactname field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_prefix | String | False |
The Shipto_prefix field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_firstname | String | False |
The Shipto_firstname field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_initial | String | False |
The Shipto_initial field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_lastname | String | False |
The Shipto_lastname field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_companyname | String | False |
The Shipto_companyname field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_printas | String | False |
The Shipto_printas field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_phone1 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone1 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_phone2 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone2 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_cellphone | String | False |
The Shipto_cellphone field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_pager | String | False |
The Shipto_pager field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_fax | String | False |
The Shipto_fax field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_email1 | String | False |
The Shipto_email1 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_email2 | String | False |
The Shipto_email2 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_url1 | String | False |
The Shipto_url1 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_url2 | String | False |
The Shipto_url2 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_visible | Boolean | False |
The Shipto_visible field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_recordkey | Int64 | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_recordkey field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address1 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address2 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_city field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_state field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_zip field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_country field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_contactname | String | False |
The Billto_contactname field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_prefix | String | False |
The Billto_prefix field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_firstname | String | False |
The Billto_firstname field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_initial | String | False |
The Billto_initial field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_lastname | String | False |
The Billto_lastname field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_companyname | String | False |
The Billto_companyname field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_printas | String | False |
The Billto_printas field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_phone1 | String | False |
The Billto_phone1 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_phone2 | String | False |
The Billto_phone2 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_cellphone | String | False |
The Billto_cellphone field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_pager | String | False |
The Billto_pager field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_fax | String | False |
The Billto_fax field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_email1 | String | False |
The Billto_email1 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_email2 | String | False |
The Billto_email2 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_url1 | String | False |
The Billto_url1 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_url2 | String | False |
The Billto_url2 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_visible | Boolean | False |
The Billto_visible field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_mailaddress_recordkey | Int64 | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_recordkey field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address1 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address2 field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_city field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_state field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_zip field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_country field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Billto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Prbatch | String | False |
The Prbatch field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Prbatchkey | Int64 | False |
The Prbatchkey field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Modulekey | String | False |
The Modulekey field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Auwhencreated | Datetime | False |
The Auwhencreated field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ARAdjustment object. |
Retrieves ARInvoice report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the ARInvoice object. |
Recordtype | String | False |
The Recordtype field of the ARInvoice object. |
Recordid | String | False |
The Recordid field of the ARInvoice object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the ARInvoice object. |
Rawstate | String | False |
The Rawstate field of the ARInvoice object. |
Entity | String | False |
The Entity field of the ARInvoice object. |
Custentity | String | False |
The Custentity field of the ARInvoice object. |
Customerid | String | False |
The Customerid field of the ARInvoice object. |
Customername | String | False |
The Customername field of the ARInvoice object. |
Trx_entitydue | Double | False |
The Trx_entitydue field of the ARInvoice object. |
Custmessageid | String | False |
The Custmessageid field of the ARInvoice object. |
Delivery_options | String | False |
The Delivery_options field of the ARInvoice object. |
Docnumber | String | False |
The Docnumber field of the ARInvoice object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the ARInvoice object. |
Description2 | String | False |
The Description2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Termname | String | False |
The Termname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Termkey | Int64 | False |
The Termkey field of the ARInvoice object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ARInvoice object. |
Whenposted | Datetime | False |
The Whenposted field of the ARInvoice object. |
Whendiscount | Datetime | False |
The Whendiscount field of the ARInvoice object. |
Whendue | Datetime | False |
The Whendue field of the ARInvoice object. |
Whenpaid | Datetime | False |
The Whenpaid field of the ARInvoice object. |
Basecurr | String | False |
The Basecurr field of the ARInvoice object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the ARInvoice object. |
Exch_rate_date | Datetime | False |
The Exch_rate_date field of the ARInvoice object. |
Exch_rate_type_id | Int64 | False |
The Exch_rate_type_id field of the ARInvoice object. |
Exchange_rate | Double | False |
The Exchange_rate field of the ARInvoice object. |
Totalentered | Double | False |
The Totalentered field of the ARInvoice object. |
Totalselected | Double | False |
The Totalselected field of the ARInvoice object. |
Totalpaid | Double | False |
The Totalpaid field of the ARInvoice object. |
Totaldue | Double | False |
The Totaldue field of the ARInvoice object. |
Trx_totalentered | Double | False |
The Trx_totalentered field of the ARInvoice object. |
Trx_totalselected | Double | False |
The Trx_totalselected field of the ARInvoice object. |
Trx_totalpaid | Double | False |
The Trx_totalpaid field of the ARInvoice object. |
Trx_totaldue | Double | False |
The Trx_totaldue field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billtopaytocontactname | String | False |
The Billtopaytocontactname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shiptoreturntocontactname | String | False |
The Shiptoreturntocontactname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billtopaytokey | Int64 | False |
The Billtopaytokey field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shiptoreturntokey | Int64 | False |
The Shiptoreturntokey field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_contactname | String | False |
The Contact_contactname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_prefix | String | False |
The Contact_prefix field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_firstname | String | False |
The Contact_firstname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_initial | String | False |
The Contact_initial field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_lastname | String | False |
The Contact_lastname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_companyname | String | False |
The Contact_companyname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_printas | String | False |
The Contact_printas field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_phone1 | String | False |
The Contact_phone1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_phone2 | String | False |
The Contact_phone2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_cellphone | String | False |
The Contact_cellphone field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_pager | String | False |
The Contact_pager field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_fax | String | False |
The Contact_fax field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_email1 | String | False |
The Contact_email1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_email2 | String | False |
The Contact_email2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_url1 | String | False |
The Contact_url1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_url2 | String | False |
The Contact_url2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_visible | Boolean | False |
The Contact_visible field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_address1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_address2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_city field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_state field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_zip field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_country field of the ARInvoice object. |
Contact_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_countrycode field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_contactname | String | False |
The Shipto_contactname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_prefix | String | False |
The Shipto_prefix field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_firstname | String | False |
The Shipto_firstname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_initial | String | False |
The Shipto_initial field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_lastname | String | False |
The Shipto_lastname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_companyname | String | False |
The Shipto_companyname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_printas | String | False |
The Shipto_printas field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_phone1 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_phone2 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_cellphone | String | False |
The Shipto_cellphone field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_pager | String | False |
The Shipto_pager field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_fax | String | False |
The Shipto_fax field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_email1 | String | False |
The Shipto_email1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_email2 | String | False |
The Shipto_email2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_url1 | String | False |
The Shipto_url1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_url2 | String | False |
The Shipto_url2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_visible | Boolean | False |
The Shipto_visible field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_city field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_state field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_zip field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_country field of the ARInvoice object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_contactname | String | False |
The Billto_contactname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_prefix | String | False |
The Billto_prefix field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_firstname | String | False |
The Billto_firstname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_initial | String | False |
The Billto_initial field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_lastname | String | False |
The Billto_lastname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_companyname | String | False |
The Billto_companyname field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_printas | String | False |
The Billto_printas field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_phone1 | String | False |
The Billto_phone1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_phone2 | String | False |
The Billto_phone2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_cellphone | String | False |
The Billto_cellphone field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_pager | String | False |
The Billto_pager field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_fax | String | False |
The Billto_fax field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_email1 | String | False |
The Billto_email1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_email2 | String | False |
The Billto_email2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_url1 | String | False |
The Billto_url1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_url2 | String | False |
The Billto_url2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address1 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address2 field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_city field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_state field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_zip field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_country field of the ARInvoice object. |
Billto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the ARInvoice object. |
Prbatch | String | False |
The Prbatch field of the ARInvoice object. |
Prbatchkey | Int64 | False |
The Prbatchkey field of the ARInvoice object. |
Modulekey | String | False |
The Modulekey field of the ARInvoice object. |
Schopkey | Int64 | False |
The Schopkey field of the ARInvoice object. |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
The Systemgenerated field of the ARInvoice object. |
Haspostedrevrec | String | False |
The Haspostedrevrec field of the ARInvoice object. |
Auwhencreated | Datetime | False |
The Auwhencreated field of the ARInvoice object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ARInvoice object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ARInvoice object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ARInvoice object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ARInvoice object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ARInvoice object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ARInvoice object. |
Retrieves ARInvoiceBatch report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Title | String | False |
The Title field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Recordtype | String | False |
The Recordtype field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Total | Double | False |
The Total field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Open | String | False |
The Open field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Parentkey | String | False |
The Parentkey field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Nogl | Boolean | False |
The Nogl field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Accountnokey | String | False |
The Accountnokey field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Autocreated | String | False |
The Autocreated field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
The Systemgenerated field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ARInvoiceBatch object. |
Retrieves ARPaymentBatch report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Title | String | False |
The Title field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Recordtype | String | False |
The Recordtype field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Total | Double | False |
The Total field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Open | String | False |
The Open field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Parentkey | String | False |
The Parentkey field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Nogl | Boolean | False |
The Nogl field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Accountnokey | String | False |
The Accountnokey field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Autocreated | String | False |
The Autocreated field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
The Systemgenerated field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ARPaymentBatch object. |
Retrieves ARTerm report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the ARTerm object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the ARTerm object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the ARTerm object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the ARTerm object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ARTerm object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ARTerm object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ARTerm object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ARTerm object. |
Duedate | Int64 | False |
The Duedate field of the ARTerm object. |
Duefrom | String | False |
The Duefrom field of the ARTerm object. |
Discdate | Int64 | False |
The Discdate field of the ARTerm object. |
Discfrom | String | False |
The Discfrom field of the ARTerm object. |
Discamount | Int64 | False |
The Discamount field of the ARTerm object. |
Discpercamn | String | False |
The Discpercamn field of the ARTerm object. |
Discfudgedays | Int64 | False |
The Discfudgedays field of the ARTerm object. |
Pen_types | String | False |
The Pen_types field of the ARTerm object. |
Penamount | Int64 | False |
The Penamount field of the ARTerm object. |
Penpercamn | String | False |
The Penpercamn field of the ARTerm object. |
Penfudgedays | Int64 | False |
The Penfudgedays field of the ARTerm object. |
Disccalcon | String | False |
The Disccalcon field of the ARTerm object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ARTerm object. |
Retrieves Attendee report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Rcustomer [KEY] | String | False |
The Rcustomer field of the Attendee object. |
Remployee | String | False |
The Remployee field of the Attendee object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Attendee object. |
Retrieves Billing_Contact report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Rcustomer [KEY] | String | False |
The Rcustomer field of the Billing_Contact object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Billing_Contact object. |
Retrieves Bin report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Bin object. |
Binid [KEY] | String | False |
The Binid field of the Bin object. |
Bindesc | String | False |
The Bindesc field of the Bin object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Bin object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Bin object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Bin object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Bin object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Bin object. |
Retrieves CheckingAccount report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Bankaccountid [KEY] | String | False |
The Bankaccountid field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Bankaccountno | String | False |
The Bankaccountno field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Glaccountno | String | False |
The Glaccountno field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Bankname | String | False |
The Bankname field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Routingno | String | False |
The Routingno field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Branchid | String | False |
The Branchid field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Bankaccounttype | String | False |
The Bankaccounttype field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_sigline2amount | String | False |
The Checklayout_sigline2amount field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_checkpaperformat | String | False |
The Checklayout_checkpaperformat field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_checkprintformat | String | False |
The Checklayout_checkprintformat field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_signatureimage1 | String | False |
The Checklayout_signatureimage1 field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_signatureimage2 | String | False |
The Checklayout_signatureimage2 field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_printlineitems | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_printlineitems field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_displaylocationas | String | False |
The Checklayout_displaylocationas field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_bankacctalign | String | False |
The Checklayout_bankacctalign field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_spacestoappend | String | False |
The Checklayout_spacestoappend field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_checknolength | String | False |
The Checklayout_checknolength field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_dfltcnyaddr | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_dfltcnyaddr field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_voidtext | String | False |
The Checklayout_voidtext field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_usesig1belowamt | String | False |
The Checklayout_usesig1belowamt field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_usesig2belowamt | String | False |
The Checklayout_usesig2belowamt field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_micrtranscode | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_micrtranscode field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_usdtext | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_usdtext field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_onus | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_onus field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_onus32 | String | False |
The Checklayout_onus32 field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_usesecondsignaturechecks | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_usesecondsignaturechecks field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_printcnylogo | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_printcnylogo field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_company_logo | String | False |
The Checklayout_company_logo field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checklayout_usecnyaddress | String | False |
The Checklayout_usecnyaddress field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Mailaddress_address1 field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Mailaddress_address2 field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Mailaddress_city field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Mailaddress_state field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Mailaddress_zip field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Mailaddress_country field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Mailaddress_countrycode field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_contactname | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_contactname field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_companyname | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_companyname field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_address1 field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_address2 field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_city field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_state field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_zip field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_country field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_countrycode field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_phone1 | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_phone1 field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Financialdata_apjournal | String | False |
The Financialdata_apjournal field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Financialdata_arjournal | String | False |
The Financialdata_arjournal field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Servicechargeglaccount | String | False |
The Servicechargeglaccount field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Servicechargeaccountlabel | String | False |
The Servicechargeaccountlabel field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Interestearnedglaccount | String | False |
The Interestearnedglaccount field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Interestearnedaccountlabel | String | False |
The Interestearnedaccountlabel field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Departmentid | String | False |
The Departmentid field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Locationid | String | False |
The Locationid field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Lastreconciledbalance | String | False |
The Lastreconciledbalance field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Lastreconcileddate | Datetime | False |
The Lastreconcileddate field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Nextcheck | String | False |
The Nextcheck field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Sharecheckno | Boolean | False |
The Sharecheckno field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Cutoffdate | Datetime | False |
The Cutoffdate field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Financialdata_reconmode | String | False |
The Financialdata_reconmode field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Forwfpm | Boolean | False |
The Forwfpm field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Achcompanyid | String | False |
The Achcompanyid field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Pmchecktemplateid | String | False |
The Pmchecktemplateid field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Achbankid | String | False |
The Achbankid field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Companyname | String | False |
The Companyname field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Companyidentification | String | False |
The Companyidentification field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Financialinstitution | String | False |
The Financialinstitution field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Discretionarydata | String | False |
The Discretionarydata field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Recordtypecode | String | False |
The Recordtypecode field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Serviceclasscode | String | False |
The Serviceclasscode field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Originatorstatuscode | String | False |
The Originatorstatuscode field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Batchid | String | False |
The Batchid field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Tracenumberseq | String | False |
The Tracenumberseq field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Docnumberseq | String | False |
The Docnumberseq field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Usetracenumber | String | False |
The Usetracenumber field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Achenabled | Boolean | False |
The Achenabled field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Userecommendedsetup | Boolean | False |
The Userecommendedsetup field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Printon | String | False |
The Printon field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Outsourcecheck | String | False |
The Outsourcecheck field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Fractionalroutingno | String | False |
The Fractionalroutingno field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Nameontheaccount | String | False |
The Nameontheaccount field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Automate_check_print | Boolean | False |
The Automate_check_print field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Automate_pymt_conf | Boolean | False |
The Automate_pymt_conf field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Automate_ach_pymt_send | Boolean | False |
The Automate_ach_pymt_send field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Automate_ach_pymt_conf | Boolean | False |
The Automate_ach_pymt_conf field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Amex_payve_accountid | String | False |
The Amex_payve_accountid field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Amexchecknum | String | False |
The Amexchecknum field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Abo_first_name | String | False |
The Abo_first_name field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Abo_middle_name | String | False |
The Abo_middle_name field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Abo_last_name | String | False |
The Abo_last_name field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Abo_phone_number | String | False |
The Abo_phone_number field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Abo_email_id | String | False |
The Abo_email_id field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Outsourceach | String | False |
The Outsourceach field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the CheckingAccount object. |
Retrieves Class report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Class object. |
Classid [KEY] | String | False |
The Classid field of the Class object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the Class object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the Class object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the Class object. |
Parentkey | Int64 | False |
The Parentkey field of the Class object. |
Parentid | String | False |
The Parentid field of the Class object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Class object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Class object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Class object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Class object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the Class object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the Class object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the Class object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Class object. |
Retrieves Comments report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the Comments object. |
Obj_id | Int64 | False |
The Obj_id field of the Comments object. |
Obj_def_id | Int64 | False |
The Obj_def_id field of the Comments object. |
Comment_text | String | False |
The Comment_text field of the Comments object. |
Createdbyuser | String | False |
The Createdbyuser field of the Comments object. |
Created_at | Datetime | False |
The Created_at field of the Comments object. |
Updatedbyuser | String | False |
The Updatedbyuser field of the Comments object. |
Updated_at | Datetime | False |
The Updated_at field of the Comments object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Comments object. |
Retrieves Contact report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Contact object. |
Contactname | String | False |
The Contactname field of the Contact object. |
Companyname | String | False |
The Companyname field of the Contact object. |
Prefix | String | False |
The Prefix field of the Contact object. |
Firstname | String | False |
The Firstname field of the Contact object. |
Lastname | String | False |
The Lastname field of the Contact object. |
Initial | String | False |
The Initial field of the Contact object. |
Printas | String | False |
The Printas field of the Contact object. |
Taxable | Boolean | False |
The Taxable field of the Contact object. |
Taxgroup | String | False |
The Taxgroup field of the Contact object. |
Phone1 | String | False |
The Phone1 field of the Contact object. |
Phone2 | String | False |
The Phone2 field of the Contact object. |
Cellphone | String | False |
The Cellphone field of the Contact object. |
Pager | String | False |
The Pager field of the Contact object. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax field of the Contact object. |
Email1 | String | False |
The Email1 field of the Contact object. |
Email2 | String | False |
The Email2 field of the Contact object. |
Url1 | String | False |
The Url1 field of the Contact object. |
Url2 | String | False |
The Url2 field of the Contact object. |
Visible | Boolean | False |
The Visible field of the Contact object. |
Mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Mailaddress_address1 field of the Contact object. |
Mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Mailaddress_address2 field of the Contact object. |
Mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Mailaddress_city field of the Contact object. |
Mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Mailaddress_state field of the Contact object. |
Mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Mailaddress_zip field of the Contact object. |
Mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Mailaddress_country field of the Contact object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the Contact object. |
Mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Mailaddress_countrycode field of the Contact object. |
Priceschedule | String | False |
The Priceschedule field of the Contact object. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount field of the Contact object. |
Pricelist | String | False |
The Pricelist field of the Contact object. |
Pricelistkey | Int64 | False |
The Pricelistkey field of the Contact object. |
Taxid | String | False |
The Taxid field of the Contact object. |
Taxgroupkey | Int64 | False |
The Taxgroupkey field of the Contact object. |
Priceschedulekey | Int64 | False |
The Priceschedulekey field of the Contact object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Contact object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Contact object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Contact object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Contact object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the Contact object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the Contact object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the Contact object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Contact object. |
A collection of Contract items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | True |
Record Number |
Parentkey | Long | False |
Parent key |
Parentid | String | True |
Original contract |
Description | String | False |
Description |
Contractid | String | False |
Unique ID of Contract |
State | String | True |
State |
Begindate | Date | False |
Start date |
Enddate | Date | False |
End date |
Canceldate | Date | True |
Cancel date |
Name | String | False |
Contract name |
Customerkey | Long | False |
Customer key |
Customerid | String | False |
Customer ID |
Customername | String | False |
Customer name |
Displaycontact_email1 | String | False |
Primary email address |
Displaycontact_email2 | String | False |
Secondary Email Address |
Billtokey | Long | False |
Bill-to contact key |
Billtocontactname | String | False |
Bill to |
Billto_email1 | String | False |
Primary email address |
Billto_email2 | String | False |
Secondary Email Address |
Shiptokey | Long | False |
Ship-to contact key |
Shiptocontactname | String | False |
Ship to |
Shipto_email1 | String | False |
Primary email address |
Shipto_email2 | String | False |
Secondary Email Address |
Billingfrequency | String | False |
Billing frequency |
Termkey | Long | False |
Term key |
Termname | String | False |
Term |
Renewal | Bool | False |
Renew |
Renewalmacrokey | Long | False |
Renewal template key |
Renewedcontractkey | Long | False |
Renewed contract key |
Renewedcontractid | String | True |
Renewal source |
Renewalmacro | String | False |
Renewal template |
Renewcontract_schopkey | Long | False |
Renewal scheduled operation key |
Renewemailalert_schopkey | Long | False |
Renewal alert scheduled operation key |
Nonrenewcontract_schopkey | Long | False |
Non-renewal contract cancelation scheduled operation key |
Renewcustomeralert_schopkey | Long | False |
Renewal customer alert scheduled operation key |
Renewtermlength | Long | False |
Renewal term length |
Renewtermperiod | String | False |
Renewal term period |
Prclstkey | Long | False |
Price list key |
Prclist | String | False |
Billing price list |
Meaprclist | String | False |
Fair value price list |
Meaprclstkey | Long | False |
Fair value price list key |
Billinghold | Bool | False |
Billing hold |
Revenuehold | Bool | False |
Revenue hold |
Crhold | Bool | False |
Hold for cash receipt |
Expensehold | Bool | False |
Expense hold |
Basecurr | String | True |
Base currency |
Currency | String | False |
Transaction currency |
Exchratetype | String | False |
Exchange rate type |
Exch_rate_type_id | Long | False |
Exchange rate type Id |
Locationkey | String | False |
Location key |
Locationid | String | False |
Location ID |
Locationname | String | False |
Location name |
Deptkey | String | False |
Department key |
Departmentid | String | False |
Department ID |
Departmentname | String | False |
Department name |
Advbillby | Long | False |
Bill in advance |
Advbillbytype | String | False |
Bill in advance type |
Renewaladvbillby | Long | False |
Bill in advance for Renewal |
Renewaladvbillbytype | String | False |
Bill in advance type for Renewal |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Supdocid | String | False |
Attachment |
Status | String | False |
Active/Inactive |
Contracttypekey | Long | False |
Contract type key |
Contracttype | String | False |
Contract type |
Timesheetaggregation | String | False |
Defer estimated time-based revenue by |
Postmemo | String | True |
Post memo |
Megaentitykey | Long | True |
Created at - Entity key |
Megaentityid | String | True |
Created at - Entity ID |
Megaentityname | String | True |
Created at - Entity name |
Test_specialcharacters | String | False |
test field with special characters |
Test_specialcharacters2 | String | False |
testing with special chars |
Projectdimkey | Long | False |
Projectdimkey |
Projectid | String | False |
Project |
Projectname | String | False |
Project Name |
Vendordimkey | Long | False |
Vendordimkey |
Vendorid | String | False |
Vendor |
Vendorname | String | False |
Vendor Name |
Employeedimkey | Long | False |
Employeedimkey |
Employeeid | String | False |
Employee |
Employeename | String | False |
Employee Name |
Classdimkey | Long | False |
Classdimkey |
Classid | String | False |
Class |
Classname | String | False |
Class Name |
Warehousedimkey | Long | False |
Warehousedimkey |
Warehouseid | String | False |
Warehouse |
Warehousename | String | False |
Warehouse Name |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
Gldimtestegi1 | String | False |
Retrieves CreditCard report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the CreditCard object. |
Cardid [KEY] | String | False |
The Cardid field of the CreditCard object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the CreditCard object. |
Cardtype | String | False |
The Cardtype field of the CreditCard object. |
Exp_month | String | False |
The Exp_month field of the CreditCard object. |
Exp_year | String | False |
The Exp_year field of the CreditCard object. |
Mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Mailaddress_address1 field of the CreditCard object. |
Mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Mailaddress_address2 field of the CreditCard object. |
Mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Mailaddress_city field of the CreditCard object. |
Mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Mailaddress_state field of the CreditCard object. |
Mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Mailaddress_zip field of the CreditCard object. |
Mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Mailaddress_country field of the CreditCard object. |
Mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Mailaddress_countrycode field of the CreditCard object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the CreditCard object. |
Liabacctkey | String | False |
The Liabacctkey field of the CreditCard object. |
Feesacctkey | String | False |
The Feesacctkey field of the CreditCard object. |
Vendorid | String | False |
The Vendorid field of the CreditCard object. |
Dept | String | False |
The Dept field of the CreditCard object. |
Location | String | False |
The Location field of the CreditCard object. |
Liabilitytype | String | False |
The Liabilitytype field of the CreditCard object. |
Recdate | Datetime | False |
The Recdate field of the CreditCard object. |
Recbal | Double | False |
The Recbal field of the CreditCard object. |
Financialdata_journal | String | False |
The Financialdata_journal field of the CreditCard object. |
Financialdata_journaltitle | String | False |
The Financialdata_journaltitle field of the CreditCard object. |
Financialdata_jrnlkey2 | String | False |
The Financialdata_jrnlkey2 field of the CreditCard object. |
Financialdata_journaltitle2 | String | False |
The Financialdata_journaltitle2 field of the CreditCard object. |
Financialdata_parententity | String | False |
The Financialdata_parententity field of the CreditCard object. |
Financialdata_parententityname | String | False |
The Financialdata_parententityname field of the CreditCard object. |
Useforintacct | String | False |
The Useforintacct field of the CreditCard object. |
Feesacctlabelkey | String | False |
The Feesacctlabelkey field of the CreditCard object. |
Finchrgacct | String | False |
The Finchrgacct field of the CreditCard object. |
Finchrgacctlabel | String | False |
The Finchrgacctlabel field of the CreditCard object. |
Cutoffdate | Datetime | False |
The Cutoffdate field of the CreditCard object. |
Financialdata_disableiet | Boolean | False |
The Financialdata_disableiet field of the CreditCard object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the CreditCard object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the CreditCard object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the CreditCard object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the CreditCard object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the CreditCard object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the CreditCard object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the CreditCard object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the CreditCard object. |
Retrieves Customer report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Customer object. |
Customerid [KEY] | String | False |
The Customerid field of the Customer object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the Customer object. |
Entity | String | False |
The Entity field of the Customer object. |
Parentkey | Int64 | False |
The Parentkey field of the Customer object. |
Parentid | String | False |
The Parentid field of the Customer object. |
Parentname | String | False |
The Parentname field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_contactname | String | False |
The Displaycontact_contactname field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_companyname | String | False |
The Displaycontact_companyname field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_prefix | String | False |
The Displaycontact_prefix field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_firstname | String | False |
The Displaycontact_firstname field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_lastname | String | False |
The Displaycontact_lastname field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_initial | String | False |
The Displaycontact_initial field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_printas | String | False |
The Displaycontact_printas field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_taxable | Boolean | False |
The Displaycontact_taxable field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_taxgroup | String | False |
The Displaycontact_taxgroup field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_phone1 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_phone1 field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_phone2 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_phone2 field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_cellphone | String | False |
The Displaycontact_cellphone field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_pager | String | False |
The Displaycontact_pager field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_fax | String | False |
The Displaycontact_fax field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_email1 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_email1 field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_email2 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_email2 field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_url1 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_url1 field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_url2 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_url2 field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_visible | Boolean | False |
The Displaycontact_visible field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_address1 field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_address2 field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_city field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_state field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_zip field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_country field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_countrycode field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontact_status | String | False |
The Displaycontact_status field of the Customer object. |
Termname | String | False |
The Termname field of the Customer object. |
Termvalue | String | False |
The Termvalue field of the Customer object. |
Custrepid | String | False |
The Custrepid field of the Customer object. |
Custrepname | String | False |
The Custrepname field of the Customer object. |
Resaleno | String | False |
The Resaleno field of the Customer object. |
Taxid | String | False |
The Taxid field of the Customer object. |
Creditlimit | Double | False |
The Creditlimit field of the Customer object. |
Totaldue | Double | False |
The Totaldue field of the Customer object. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments field of the Customer object. |
Accountlabel | String | False |
The Accountlabel field of the Customer object. |
Araccount | String | False |
The Araccount field of the Customer object. |
Araccounttitle | String | False |
The Araccounttitle field of the Customer object. |
Last_invoicedate | String | False |
The Last_invoicedate field of the Customer object. |
Last_statementdate | String | False |
The Last_statementdate field of the Customer object. |
Delivery_options | String | False |
The Delivery_options field of the Customer object. |
Territoryid | String | False |
The Territoryid field of the Customer object. |
Shippingmethod | String | False |
The Shippingmethod field of the Customer object. |
Custtype | String | False |
The Custtype field of the Customer object. |
Glgroup | String | False |
The Glgroup field of the Customer object. |
Priceschedule | String | False |
The Priceschedule field of the Customer object. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount field of the Customer object. |
Pricelist | String | False |
The Pricelist field of the Customer object. |
Vsoepricelist | String | False |
The Vsoepricelist field of the Customer object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_contactname | String | False |
The Contactinfo_contactname field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_prefix | String | False |
The Contactinfo_prefix field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_firstname | String | False |
The Contactinfo_firstname field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_initial | String | False |
The Contactinfo_initial field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_lastname | String | False |
The Contactinfo_lastname field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_companyname | String | False |
The Contactinfo_companyname field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_printas | String | False |
The Contactinfo_printas field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_phone1 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_phone1 field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_phone2 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_phone2 field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_cellphone | String | False |
The Contactinfo_cellphone field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_pager | String | False |
The Contactinfo_pager field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_fax | String | False |
The Contactinfo_fax field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_email1 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_email1 field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_email2 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_email2 field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_url1 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_url1 field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_url2 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_url2 field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_visible | Boolean | False |
The Contactinfo_visible field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_address1 field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_address2 field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_city field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_state field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_zip field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_country field of the Customer object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_countrycode field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_contactname | String | False |
The Shipto_contactname field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_prefix | String | False |
The Shipto_prefix field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_firstname | String | False |
The Shipto_firstname field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_initial | String | False |
The Shipto_initial field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_lastname | String | False |
The Shipto_lastname field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_companyname | String | False |
The Shipto_companyname field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_printas | String | False |
The Shipto_printas field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_taxable | Boolean | False |
The Shipto_taxable field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_taxgroup | String | False |
The Shipto_taxgroup field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_phone1 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone1 field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_phone2 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone2 field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_cellphone | String | False |
The Shipto_cellphone field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_pager | String | False |
The Shipto_pager field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_fax | String | False |
The Shipto_fax field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_email1 | String | False |
The Shipto_email1 field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_email2 | String | False |
The Shipto_email2 field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_url1 | String | False |
The Shipto_url1 field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_url2 | String | False |
The Shipto_url2 field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_visible | Boolean | False |
The Shipto_visible field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address1 field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address2 field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_city field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_state field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_zip field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_country field of the Customer object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the Customer object. |
Billto_contactname | String | False |
The Billto_contactname field of the Customer object. |
Billto_prefix | String | False |
The Billto_prefix field of the Customer object. |
Billto_firstname | String | False |
The Billto_firstname field of the Customer object. |
Billto_initial | String | False |
The Billto_initial field of the Customer object. |
Billto_lastname | String | False |
The Billto_lastname field of the Customer object. |
Billto_companyname | String | False |
The Billto_companyname field of the Customer object. |
Billto_printas | String | False |
The Billto_printas field of the Customer object. |
Billto_taxable | Boolean | False |
The Billto_taxable field of the Customer object. |
Billto_taxgroup | String | False |
The Billto_taxgroup field of the Customer object. |
Billto_phone1 | String | False |
The Billto_phone1 field of the Customer object. |
Billto_phone2 | String | False |
The Billto_phone2 field of the Customer object. |
Billto_cellphone | String | False |
The Billto_cellphone field of the Customer object. |
Billto_pager | String | False |
The Billto_pager field of the Customer object. |
Billto_fax | String | False |
The Billto_fax field of the Customer object. |
Billto_email1 | String | False |
The Billto_email1 field of the Customer object. |
Billto_email2 | String | False |
The Billto_email2 field of the Customer object. |
Billto_url1 | String | False |
The Billto_url1 field of the Customer object. |
Billto_url2 | String | False |
The Billto_url2 field of the Customer object. |
Billto_visible | Boolean | False |
The Billto_visible field of the Customer object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address1 field of the Customer object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address2 field of the Customer object. |
Billto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_city field of the Customer object. |
Billto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_state field of the Customer object. |
Billto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_zip field of the Customer object. |
Billto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_country field of the Customer object. |
Billto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the Customer object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the Customer object. |
Onetime | Boolean | False |
The Onetime field of the Customer object. |
Custmessageid | String | False |
The Custmessageid field of the Customer object. |
Onhold | Boolean | False |
The Onhold field of the Customer object. |
Prclst_override | String | False |
The Prclst_override field of the Customer object. |
Oeprclstkey | Int64 | False |
The Oeprclstkey field of the Customer object. |
Oepriceschedkey | Int64 | False |
The Oepriceschedkey field of the Customer object. |
Enableonlinecardpayment | Boolean | False |
The Enableonlinecardpayment field of the Customer object. |
Enableonlineachpayment | Boolean | False |
The Enableonlineachpayment field of the Customer object. |
Vsoeprclstkey | Int64 | False |
The Vsoeprclstkey field of the Customer object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Customer object. |
Arinvoiceprinttemplateid | String | False |
The Arinvoiceprinttemplateid field of the Customer object. |
Oequoteprinttemplateid | String | False |
The Oequoteprinttemplateid field of the Customer object. |
Oeorderprinttemplateid | String | False |
The Oeorderprinttemplateid field of the Customer object. |
Oelistprinttemplateid | String | False |
The Oelistprinttemplateid field of the Customer object. |
Oeinvoiceprinttemplateid | String | False |
The Oeinvoiceprinttemplateid field of the Customer object. |
Oeadjprinttemplateid | String | False |
The Oeadjprinttemplateid field of the Customer object. |
Oeotherprinttemplateid | String | False |
The Oeotherprinttemplateid field of the Customer object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Customer object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Customer object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Customer object. |
Objectrestriction | String | False |
The Objectrestriction field of the Customer object. |
Displaycontactkey | Int64 | False |
The Displaycontactkey field of the Customer object. |
Contactkey | Int64 | False |
The Contactkey field of the Customer object. |
Shiptokey | Int64 | False |
The Shiptokey field of the Customer object. |
Billtokey | Int64 | False |
The Billtokey field of the Customer object. |
Custrepkey | Int64 | False |
The Custrepkey field of the Customer object. |
Shipviakey | Int64 | False |
The Shipviakey field of the Customer object. |
Territorykey | String | False |
The Territorykey field of the Customer object. |
Termskey | Int64 | False |
The Termskey field of the Customer object. |
Accountlabelkey | Int64 | False |
The Accountlabelkey field of the Customer object. |
Accountkey | Int64 | False |
The Accountkey field of the Customer object. |
Custtypekey | Int64 | False |
The Custtypekey field of the Customer object. |
Priceschedulekey | String | False |
The Priceschedulekey field of the Customer object. |
Offsetglaccountno | String | False |
The Offsetglaccountno field of the Customer object. |
Offsetglaccountnotitle | String | False |
The Offsetglaccountnotitle field of the Customer object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the Customer object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the Customer object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the Customer object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Customer object. |
Retrieves CustomerEmailTemplate report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the CustomerEmailTemplate object. |
Customerkey | Int64 | False |
The Customerkey field of the CustomerEmailTemplate object. |
Customerid | String | False |
The Customerid field of the CustomerEmailTemplate object. |
Docparid | String | False |
The Docparid field of the CustomerEmailTemplate object. |
Emailtemplatekey | String | False |
The Emailtemplatekey field of the CustomerEmailTemplate object. |
Emailtemplatename | String | False |
The Emailtemplatename field of the CustomerEmailTemplate object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the CustomerEmailTemplate object. |
Retrieves CustomerGroup report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Id | String | False |
The Id field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Grouptype | String | False |
The Grouptype field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the CustomerGroup object. |
Retrieves CustomerVisibility report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Customerid [KEY] | String | False |
The Customerid field of the CustomerVisibility object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the CustomerVisibility object. |
Visibility | String | False |
The Visibility field of the CustomerVisibility object. |
Restrictedlocations | String | False |
The Restrictedlocations field of the CustomerVisibility object. |
Restricteddepartments | String | False |
The Restricteddepartments field of the CustomerVisibility object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the CustomerVisibility object. |
Retrieves CustType report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the CustType object. |
Parent_name | String | False |
The Parent_name field of the CustType object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the CustType object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the CustType object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the CustType object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the CustType object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the CustType object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the CustType object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the CustType object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the CustType object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the CustType object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the CustType object. |
Retrieves Department report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Departmentid [KEY] | String | False |
The Departmentid field of the Department object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Department object. |
Title | String | False |
The Title field of the Department object. |
Parentkey | Int64 | False |
The Parentkey field of the Department object. |
Parentid | String | False |
The Parentid field of the Department object. |
Supervisorkey | Int64 | False |
The Supervisorkey field of the Department object. |
Supervisorid | String | False |
The Supervisorid field of the Department object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Department object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Department object. |
Supervisorname | String | False |
The Supervisorname field of the Department object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the Department object. |
Custtitle | String | False |
The Custtitle field of the Department object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Department object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Department object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Department object. |
Retrieves EarningType report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the EarningType object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the EarningType object. |
Method | String | False |
The Method field of the EarningType object. |
Billableacctkey | String | False |
The Billableacctkey field of the EarningType object. |
Nonbillableacctkey | String | False |
The Nonbillableacctkey field of the EarningType object. |
Billableacctno | String | False |
The Billableacctno field of the EarningType object. |
Nonbillableacctno | String | False |
The Nonbillableacctno field of the EarningType object. |
Ratemultiplier | Double | False |
The Ratemultiplier field of the EarningType object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the EarningType object. |
Retrieves EEAccountLabel report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Accountlabel [KEY] | String | False |
The Accountlabel field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Glaccountno | String | False |
The Glaccountno field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Glaccounttitle | String | False |
The Glaccounttitle field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Offsetglaccountno | String | False |
The Offsetglaccountno field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Unitcurrency | String | False |
The Unitcurrency field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the EEAccountLabel object. |
Retrieves EExpenses report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordid [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordid field of the EExpenses object. |
Contact_lastname | String | False |
The Contact_lastname field of the EExpenses object. |
Contact_firstname | String | False |
The Contact_firstname field of the EExpenses object. |
Recordno | String | False |
The Recordno field of the EExpenses object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the EExpenses object. |
Whenposted | Datetime | False |
The Whenposted field of the EExpenses object. |
Totalentered | Double | False |
The Totalentered field of the EExpenses object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the EExpenses object. |
Totalpaid | Double | False |
The Totalpaid field of the EExpenses object. |
Totalselected | Double | False |
The Totalselected field of the EExpenses object. |
Totaldue | Double | False |
The Totaldue field of the EExpenses object. |
Recordtype | String | False |
The Recordtype field of the EExpenses object. |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
The Systemgenerated field of the EExpenses object. |
Prbatch | String | False |
The Prbatch field of the EExpenses object. |
Prbatchkey | Int64 | False |
The Prbatchkey field of the EExpenses object. |
Empentity | String | False |
The Empentity field of the EExpenses object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the EExpenses object. |
Whenpaid | Datetime | False |
The Whenpaid field of the EExpenses object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the EExpenses object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the EExpenses object. |
Basecurr | String | False |
The Basecurr field of the EExpenses object. |
Entity | String | False |
The Entity field of the EExpenses object. |
Userkey | String | False |
The Userkey field of the EExpenses object. |
Employeeid | String | False |
The Employeeid field of the EExpenses object. |
Nr_totalentered | Double | False |
The Nr_totalentered field of the EExpenses object. |
Nr_trx_totalentered | Double | False |
The Nr_trx_totalentered field of the EExpenses object. |
Auwhencreated | Datetime | False |
The Auwhencreated field of the EExpenses object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the EExpenses object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the EExpenses object. |
Memo | String | False |
The Memo field of the EExpenses object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the EExpenses object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the EExpenses object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the EExpenses object. |
Retrieves EmailTemplate report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the EmailTemplate object. |
EmailTemplatename | String | False |
The EmailTemplatename field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Fromname | String | False |
The Fromname field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Fromaddress | String | False |
The Fromaddress field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Toaddress | String | False |
The Toaddress field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Ccaddress | String | False |
The Ccaddress field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Bccaddress | String | False |
The Bccaddress field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Subject | String | False |
The Subject field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Body | String | False |
The Body field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Include_logo | Boolean | False |
The Include_logo field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Vertical_logo_position | String | False |
The Vertical_logo_position field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Horizontal_logo_position | String | False |
The Horizontal_logo_position field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Include_attachments | Boolean | False |
The Include_attachments field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the EmailTemplate object. |
Retrieves Employee report data.
INSERT-the Personalinfo_contactname column is a required input. This column is mapped to the Contactname column of Contact table, which links these two tables.
DELETE-specify the Recordno column in the WHERE statement to delete the record.
INSERT INTO Employee (Employeeid, Title, Personalinfo_contactname) VALUES ('Test', 'Test', 'Valid_record_from_Contactname_in_Contact_table')DELETE
DELETE FROM Employee WHERE Recordno = 3
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Employee object. |
Employeeid [KEY] | String | False |
The Employeeid field of the Employee object. |
Title | String | False |
The Title field of the Employee object. |
Locationid | String | False |
The Locationid field of the Employee object. |
Locationkey | Int64 | False |
The Locationkey field of the Employee object. |
Departmentid | String | False |
The Departmentid field of the Employee object. |
Departmentkey | Int64 | False |
The Departmentkey field of the Employee object. |
Parentkey | Int64 | False |
The Parentkey field of the Employee object. |
Supervisorid | String | False |
The Supervisorid field of the Employee object. |
Supervisorname | String | False |
The Supervisorname field of the Employee object. |
Birthdate | Datetime | False |
The Birthdate field of the Employee object. |
Startdate | Datetime | False |
The Startdate field of the Employee object. |
Enddate | Datetime | False |
The Enddate field of the Employee object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the Employee object. |
Employeetype | String | False |
The Employeetype field of the Employee object. |
Employeetype1099type | String | False |
The Employeetype1099type field of the Employee object. |
Emptypekey | Int64 | False |
The Emptypekey field of the Employee object. |
Gender | String | False |
The Gender field of the Employee object. |
Terminationtype | String | False |
The Terminationtype field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_contactname | String | False |
The Personalinfo_contactname field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_prefix | String | False |
The Personalinfo_prefix field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_firstname | String | False |
The Personalinfo_firstname field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_initial | String | False |
The Personalinfo_initial field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_lastname | String | False |
The Personalinfo_lastname field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_companyname | String | False |
The Personalinfo_companyname field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_printas | String | False |
The Personalinfo_printas field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_phone1 | String | False |
The Personalinfo_phone1 field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_phone2 | String | False |
The Personalinfo_phone2 field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_cellphone | String | False |
The Personalinfo_cellphone field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_pager | String | False |
The Personalinfo_pager field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_fax | String | False |
The Personalinfo_fax field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_email1 | String | False |
The Personalinfo_email1 field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_email2 | String | False |
The Personalinfo_email2 field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_url1 | String | False |
The Personalinfo_url1 field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_url2 | String | False |
The Personalinfo_url2 field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Personalinfo_mailaddress_address1 field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Personalinfo_mailaddress_address2 field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Personalinfo_mailaddress_city field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Personalinfo_mailaddress_state field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Personalinfo_mailaddress_zip field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Personalinfo_mailaddress_country field of the Employee object. |
Personalinfo_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Personalinfo_mailaddress_countrycode field of the Employee object. |
Entity | String | False |
The Entity field of the Employee object. |
Supdocfoldername | String | False |
The Supdocfoldername field of the Employee object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the Employee object. |
Name1099 | String | False |
The Name1099 field of the Employee object. |
Form1099type | String | False |
The Form1099type field of the Employee object. |
Form1099box | String | False |
The Form1099box field of the Employee object. |
Earningtypekey | Int64 | False |
The Earningtypekey field of the Employee object. |
Earningtypename | String | False |
The Earningtypename field of the Employee object. |
Earningtypemethod | String | False |
The Earningtypemethod field of the Employee object. |
Postactualcost | Boolean | False |
The Postactualcost field of the Employee object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Employee object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Employee object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Employee object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Employee object. |
Classid | String | False |
The Classid field of the Employee object. |
Classname | String | False |
The Classname field of the Employee object. |
Classkey | Int64 | False |
The Classkey field of the Employee object. |
Paymethodkey | Int64 | False |
The Paymethodkey field of the Employee object. |
Achenabled | Boolean | False |
The Achenabled field of the Employee object. |
Achbankroutingnumber | String | False |
The Achbankroutingnumber field of the Employee object. |
Achaccounttype | String | False |
The Achaccounttype field of the Employee object. |
Achremittancetype | String | False |
The Achremittancetype field of the Employee object. |
Paymentnotify | Boolean | False |
The Paymentnotify field of the Employee object. |
Generic | Boolean | False |
The Generic field of the Employee object. |
Mergepaymentreq | Boolean | False |
The Mergepaymentreq field of the Employee object. |
Contactkey | Int64 | False |
The Contactkey field of the Employee object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the Employee object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the Employee object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the Employee object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Employee object. |
Retrieves EmployeeEntityContacts report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the EmployeeEntityContacts object. |
Categoryname | String | False |
The Categoryname field of the EmployeeEntityContacts object. |
Contact_name | String | False |
The Contact_name field of the EmployeeEntityContacts object. |
Employee_employeeid | String | False |
The Employee_employeeid field of the EmployeeEntityContacts object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the EmployeeEntityContacts object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the EmployeeEntityContacts object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the EmployeeEntityContacts object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the EmployeeEntityContacts object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the EmployeeEntityContacts object. |
Retrieves EmployeeGroup report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Id | String | False |
The Id field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Grouptype | String | False |
The Grouptype field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the EmployeeGroup object. |
Retrieves EmployeeOutOfOffice report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the EmployeeOutOfOffice object. |
Employeekey | Int64 | False |
The Employeekey field of the EmployeeOutOfOffice object. |
Employeeid | String | False |
The Employeeid field of the EmployeeOutOfOffice object. |
Employeecontactname | String | False |
The Employeecontactname field of the EmployeeOutOfOffice object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the EmployeeOutOfOffice object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the EmployeeOutOfOffice object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the EmployeeOutOfOffice object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the EmployeeOutOfOffice object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the EmployeeOutOfOffice object. |
Retrieves EmployeePositionSkill report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the EmployeePositionSkill object. |
Positionskillkey | Int64 | False |
The Positionskillkey field of the EmployeePositionSkill object. |
Positionskillname | String | False |
The Positionskillname field of the EmployeePositionSkill object. |
Employeekey | Int64 | False |
The Employeekey field of the EmployeePositionSkill object. |
Employeeid | String | False |
The Employeeid field of the EmployeePositionSkill object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the EmployeePositionSkill object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the EmployeePositionSkill object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the EmployeePositionSkill object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the EmployeePositionSkill object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the EmployeePositionSkill object. |
Retrieves EmployeeRate report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Employeekey | Int64 | False |
The Employeekey field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Employeeid | String | False |
The Employeeid field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Employeename | String | False |
The Employeename field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Billingrate | Double | False |
The Billingrate field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Salaryrate | Double | False |
The Salaryrate field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Ratestartdate | Datetime | False |
The Ratestartdate field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Rateenddate | Datetime | False |
The Rateenddate field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the EmployeeRate object. |
Retrieves EmployeeType report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the EmployeeType object. |
Parent_name | String | False |
The Parent_name field of the EmployeeType object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the EmployeeType object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the EmployeeType object. |
Form1099type | String | False |
The Form1099type field of the EmployeeType object. |
Form1099box | String | False |
The Form1099box field of the EmployeeType object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the EmployeeType object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the EmployeeType object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the EmployeeType object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the EmployeeType object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the EmployeeType object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the EmployeeType object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the EmployeeType object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the EmployeeType object. |
Retrieves ExchangeRate report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Typename [KEY] | String | False |
The Typename field of the ExchangeRate object. |
Recordno | String | False |
The Recordno field of the ExchangeRate object. |
Type_id | Int64 | False |
The Type_id field of the ExchangeRate object. |
From_currency | String | False |
The From_currency field of the ExchangeRate object. |
To_currency | String | False |
The To_currency field of the ExchangeRate object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ExchangeRate object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ExchangeRate object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ExchangeRate object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ExchangeRate object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ExchangeRate object. |
Retrieves ExpenseAdjustments report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordid [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordid field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Contact_lastname | String | False |
The Contact_lastname field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Contact_firstname | String | False |
The Contact_firstname field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Recordno | String | False |
The Recordno field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Whenposted | Datetime | False |
The Whenposted field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Totalentered | Double | False |
The Totalentered field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Totalpaid | Double | False |
The Totalpaid field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Totalselected | Double | False |
The Totalselected field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Totaldue | Double | False |
The Totaldue field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Recordtype | String | False |
The Recordtype field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
The Systemgenerated field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Prbatch | String | False |
The Prbatch field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Prbatchkey | Int64 | False |
The Prbatchkey field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Empentity | String | False |
The Empentity field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Whenpaid | Datetime | False |
The Whenpaid field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Basecurr | String | False |
The Basecurr field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Entity | String | False |
The Entity field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Userkey | String | False |
The Userkey field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Employeeid | String | False |
The Employeeid field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Docnumber | String | False |
The Docnumber field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Nr_totalentered | Double | False |
The Nr_totalentered field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Nr_trx_totalentered | Double | False |
The Nr_trx_totalentered field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Auwhencreated | Datetime | False |
The Auwhencreated field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ExpenseAdjustments object. |
Retrieves ExpensePaymentType report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Nonreimbursable | Boolean | False |
The Nonreimbursable field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Offsetacctkey | Int64 | False |
The Offsetacctkey field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Offsetacctno | String | False |
The Offsetacctno field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ExpensePaymentType object. |
Retrieves GAAPAdjJrnl report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the GAAPAdjJrnl object. |
Symbol | String | False |
The Symbol field of the GAAPAdjJrnl object. |
Title [KEY] | String | False |
The Title field of the GAAPAdjJrnl object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the GAAPAdjJrnl object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the GAAPAdjJrnl object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the GAAPAdjJrnl object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the GAAPAdjJrnl object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the GAAPAdjJrnl object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the GAAPAdjJrnl object. |
Retrieves GLAccount report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the GLAccount object. |
Accountno [KEY] | String | False |
The Accountno field of the GLAccount object. |
Title | String | False |
The Title field of the GLAccount object. |
Accounttype | String | False |
The Accounttype field of the GLAccount object. |
Normalbalance | String | False |
The Normalbalance field of the GLAccount object. |
Closingtype | String | False |
The Closingtype field of the GLAccount object. |
Closingaccountno | String | False |
The Closingaccountno field of the GLAccount object. |
Closingaccounttitle | String | False |
The Closingaccounttitle field of the GLAccount object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the GLAccount object. |
Requiredept | Boolean | False |
The Requiredept field of the GLAccount object. |
Requireloc | Boolean | False |
The Requireloc field of the GLAccount object. |
Taxable | Boolean | False |
The Taxable field of the GLAccount object. |
Categorykey | String | False |
The Categorykey field of the GLAccount object. |
Category | String | False |
The Category field of the GLAccount object. |
Taxcode | String | False |
The Taxcode field of the GLAccount object. |
Mrccode | String | False |
The Mrccode field of the GLAccount object. |
Closetoacctkey | Int64 | False |
The Closetoacctkey field of the GLAccount object. |
Alternativeaccount | String | False |
The Alternativeaccount field of the GLAccount object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the GLAccount object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the GLAccount object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the GLAccount object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the GLAccount object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the GLAccount object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the GLAccount object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the GLAccount object. |
Requireproject | Boolean | False |
The Requireproject field of the GLAccount object. |
Requirecustomer | Boolean | False |
The Requirecustomer field of the GLAccount object. |
Requirevendor | Boolean | False |
The Requirevendor field of the GLAccount object. |
Requireemployee | Boolean | False |
The Requireemployee field of the GLAccount object. |
Requireitem | Boolean | False |
The Requireitem field of the GLAccount object. |
Requireclass | Boolean | False |
The Requireclass field of the GLAccount object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the GLAccount object. |
Retrieves GLAcctGrp report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Normal_balance | String | False |
The Normal_balance field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Asof | String | False |
The Asof field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Includechildamt | Boolean | False |
The Includechildamt field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Title | String | False |
The Title field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Totaltitle | String | False |
The Totaltitle field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Dbcr | String | False |
The Dbcr field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Filterdept | String | False |
The Filterdept field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Filterloc | String | False |
The Filterloc field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Membertype | String | False |
The Membertype field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Deptno | String | False |
The Deptno field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Locno | String | False |
The Locno field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Iskpi | Boolean | False |
The Iskpi field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Filtervendor | String | False |
The Filtervendor field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Filtercustomer | String | False |
The Filtercustomer field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Filterproject | String | False |
The Filterproject field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Filteremployee | String | False |
The Filteremployee field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Filteritem | String | False |
The Filteritem field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Filterclass | String | False |
The Filterclass field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Projectdimkey | Int64 | False |
The Projectdimkey field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Projectid | String | False |
The Projectid field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Projectname | String | False |
The Projectname field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Customerdimkey | Int64 | False |
The Customerdimkey field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Customerid | String | False |
The Customerid field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Customername | String | False |
The Customername field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Vendordimkey | Int64 | False |
The Vendordimkey field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Vendorid | String | False |
The Vendorid field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Vendorname | String | False |
The Vendorname field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Employeedimkey | Int64 | False |
The Employeedimkey field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Employeeid | String | False |
The Employeeid field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Employeename | String | False |
The Employeename field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Itemdimkey | Int64 | False |
The Itemdimkey field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Itemid | String | False |
The Itemid field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Itemname | String | False |
The Itemname field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Classdimkey | Int64 | False |
The Classdimkey field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Classid | String | False |
The Classid field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Classname | String | False |
The Classname field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the GLAcctGrp object. |
Retrieves GLAcctGrpMember report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the GLAcctGrpMember object. |
Parentkey | Int64 | False |
The Parentkey field of the GLAcctGrpMember object. |
Childname | String | False |
The Childname field of the GLAcctGrpMember object. |
Childkey | Int64 | False |
The Childkey field of the GLAcctGrpMember object. |
Sortord | Int64 | False |
The Sortord field of the GLAcctGrpMember object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the GLAcctGrpMember object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the GLAcctGrpMember object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the GLAcctGrpMember object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the GLAcctGrpMember object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the GLAcctGrpMember object. |
Retrieves GLBatch report data.
Sage Intacct allows the user to update the GLBatch table and the associated GLEntry child table(read only) by adding new GLEntry items to the assocaited GLBatch object.
The driver does this by using the ItemAggregate field. The following is an example of an UPDATE statemet:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the GLBatch object. |
Batchno | Int64 | False |
The Batchno field of the GLBatch object. |
Batch_title | String | False |
The Batch_title field of the GLBatch object. |
Balance | Double | False |
The Balance field of the GLBatch object. |
Journal | String | False |
The Journal field of the GLBatch object. |
Batch_date | Datetime | False |
The Batch_date field of the GLBatch object. |
Module | String | False |
The Module field of the GLBatch object. |
Userkey | Int64 | False |
The Userkey field of the GLBatch object. |
Referenceno | String | False |
The Referenceno field of the GLBatch object. |
Reversed | Datetime | False |
The Reversed field of the GLBatch object. |
Reversedkey | Int64 | False |
The Reversedkey field of the GLBatch object. |
Reversedfrom | String | False |
The Reversedfrom field of the GLBatch object. |
Templatekey | Int64 | False |
The Templatekey field of the GLBatch object. |
Prbatchkey | Int64 | False |
The Prbatchkey field of the GLBatch object. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified field of the GLBatch object. |
Modifiedbyid | String | False |
The Modifiedbyid field of the GLBatch object. |
Schopkey | Int64 | False |
The Schopkey field of the GLBatch object. |
Baselocation | String | False |
The Baselocation field of the GLBatch object. |
Baselocation_no | String | False |
The Baselocation_no field of the GLBatch object. |
Userinfo_loginid | String | False |
The Userinfo_loginid field of the GLBatch object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the GLBatch object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the GLBatch object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the GLBatch object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the GLBatch object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the GLBatch object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the GLBatch object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the GLBatch object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the GLBatch object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the GLBatch object. |
ItemAggregate | String | False |
The GLEntry items related to the GLBatch object. |
The GLBudgetHeader table
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | True |
Record number |
Budgetid [KEY] | String | False |
Budget ID |
Description | String | False |
Description |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
True/false |
Default_budget | Bool | False |
Default budget |
User | String | False |
Modified by |
Status | String | False |
Active or inactive |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Isconsolidated | Bool | False |
Single currency budget |
Currency | String | False |
Consolidated currency |
Ispabudget | Bool | False |
Project estimate |
Ispcnbudget | Bool | False |
Project contract |
Megaentitykey | Long | True |
Created at - Entity key |
Megaentityid | String | True |
Created at - Entity ID |
Megaentityname | String | True |
Created at - Entity name |
Budget_custom | String | False |
Budget_Custom |
Field_after | String | False |
Field after |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
The GLBudgetItem table
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | False |
Record number |
Budgetkey | Long | False |
Budget header key |
Budgetid | String | False |
Budget ID |
Currency | String | False |
Currency |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
System generated |
Periodkey | Long | False |
Period key |
Accountkey | Long | False |
Account key |
Deptkey | Long | False |
Department key |
Locationkey | Long | False |
Location key |
Amount | Decimal | False |
Amount |
Basedon | String | False |
Based on |
Growby | Decimal | False |
Grow by |
Perperiod | String | False |
Per period |
Note | String | False |
Note |
Acct_no | String | False |
Account number |
Account_type | String | False |
Account type |
Accttitle | String | False |
Account title |
Normalbalance | Long | False |
Normal balance |
Statistical | String | False |
Statistical |
Dept_no | String | False |
Department |
Deptitle | String | False |
Department title |
Location_no | String | False |
Location number |
Locationtitle | String | False |
Location title |
Periodname | String | False |
Period name |
Reportingperiodname | String | False |
Reporting period name |
Pstartdate | Date | False |
Start date |
Penddate | Date | False |
End date |
Megaentitykey | Long | True |
Created at - Entity key |
Megaentityid | String | True |
Created at - Entity ID |
Megaentityname | String | True |
Created at - Entity name |
Projectdimkey | Long | False |
Projectdimkey |
Projectid | String | False |
Project |
Projectname | String | False |
Project name |
Customerdimkey | Long | False |
Customerdimkey |
Customerid | String | False |
Customer |
Customername | String | False |
Customer name |
Vendordimkey | Long | False |
Vendordimkey |
Vendorid | String | False |
Vendor |
Vendorname | String | False |
Vendor name |
Employeedimkey | Long | False |
Employeedimkey |
Employeeid | String | False |
Employee |
Employeename | String | False |
Employee name |
Itemdimkey | Long | False |
Itemdimkey |
Itemid | String | False |
Item |
Itemname | String | False |
Item name |
Classdimkey | Long | False |
Classdimkey |
Classid | String | False |
Class |
Classname | String | False |
Class name |
Warehousedimkey | Long | False |
Warehousedimkey |
Warehouseid | String | False |
Warehouse |
Warehousename | String | False |
Warehouse name |
Contractdimkey | Long | False |
Contract key |
Contractid | String | False |
Contract |
Contractname | String | False |
Contract name |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
Gldimtestegi1 | String | False | |
Gldimtest | String | False |
Retrieves GLCoaCatMember report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the GLCoaCatMember object. |
Parentkey | Int64 | False |
The Parentkey field of the GLCoaCatMember object. |
Sortord | Int64 | False |
The Sortord field of the GLCoaCatMember object. |
Categoryname | String | False |
The Categoryname field of the GLCoaCatMember object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the GLCoaCatMember object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the GLCoaCatMember object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the GLCoaCatMember object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the GLCoaCatMember object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the GLCoaCatMember object. |
Retrieves GLCompGrpMember report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Parentkey | Int64 | False |
The Parentkey field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Lhsacctno | String | False |
The Lhsacctno field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Lhsacctgrpname | String | False |
The Lhsacctgrpname field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Lhsconst | String | False |
The Lhsconst field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Operator | String | False |
The Operator field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Rhsacctno | String | False |
The Rhsacctno field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Rhsacctgrpname | String | False |
The Rhsacctgrpname field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Rhsconst | String | False |
The Rhsconst field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Precision | String | False |
The Precision field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Displayas | String | False |
The Displayas field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Uom | String | False |
The Uom field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Lhsasof | String | False |
The Lhsasof field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Rhsasof | String | False |
The Rhsasof field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Uomalignment | String | False |
The Uomalignment field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the GLCompGrpMember object. |
Retrieves ICRow report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the ICRow object. |
Rowkey [KEY] | String | False |
The Rowkey field of the ICRow object. |
Rowdesc | String | False |
The Rowdesc field of the ICRow object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ICRow object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ICRow object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ICRow object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ICRow object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ICRow object. |
Retrieves InvDocument report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the InvDocument object. |
Docno | String | False |
The Docno field of the InvDocument object. |
Docid | String | False |
The Docid field of the InvDocument object. |
Createdfrom | String | False |
The Createdfrom field of the InvDocument object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the InvDocument object. |
Closed | Boolean | False |
The Closed field of the InvDocument object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the InvDocument object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the InvDocument object. |
Whendue | Datetime | False |
The Whendue field of the InvDocument object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the InvDocument object. |
Ponumber | String | False |
The Ponumber field of the InvDocument object. |
Vendordocno | String | False |
The Vendordocno field of the InvDocument object. |
Docparid | String | False |
The Docparid field of the InvDocument object. |
Docparkey | String | False |
The Docparkey field of the InvDocument object. |
Docparclass | String | False |
The Docparclass field of the InvDocument object. |
Term_name | String | False |
The Term_name field of the InvDocument object. |
Note | String | False |
The Note field of the InvDocument object. |
Warehouse_locationid | String | False |
The Warehouse_locationid field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipvia | String | False |
The Shipvia field of the InvDocument object. |
User | String | False |
The User field of the InvDocument object. |
Createduser | String | False |
The Createduser field of the InvDocument object. |
Userid | String | False |
The Userid field of the InvDocument object. |
Createduserid | String | False |
The Createduserid field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_contactname | String | False |
The Contact_contactname field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_prefix | String | False |
The Contact_prefix field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_firstname | String | False |
The Contact_firstname field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_initial | String | False |
The Contact_initial field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_lastname | String | False |
The Contact_lastname field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_companyname | String | False |
The Contact_companyname field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_printas | String | False |
The Contact_printas field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_phone1 | String | False |
The Contact_phone1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_phone2 | String | False |
The Contact_phone2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_cellphone | String | False |
The Contact_cellphone field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_pager | String | False |
The Contact_pager field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_fax | String | False |
The Contact_fax field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_email1 | String | False |
The Contact_email1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_email2 | String | False |
The Contact_email2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_url1 | String | False |
The Contact_url1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_url2 | String | False |
The Contact_url2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_visible | Boolean | False |
The Contact_visible field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_address1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_address2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_city field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_state field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_zip field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_country field of the InvDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_countrycode field of the InvDocument object. |
Shiptokey | String | False |
The Shiptokey field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_contactname | String | False |
The Shipto_contactname field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_prefix | String | False |
The Shipto_prefix field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_firstname | String | False |
The Shipto_firstname field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_initial | String | False |
The Shipto_initial field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_lastname | String | False |
The Shipto_lastname field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_companyname | String | False |
The Shipto_companyname field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_printas | String | False |
The Shipto_printas field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_phone1 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_phone2 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_cellphone | String | False |
The Shipto_cellphone field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_pager | String | False |
The Shipto_pager field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_fax | String | False |
The Shipto_fax field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_email1 | String | False |
The Shipto_email1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_email2 | String | False |
The Shipto_email2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_url1 | String | False |
The Shipto_url1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_url2 | String | False |
The Shipto_url2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_visible | Boolean | False |
The Shipto_visible field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_city field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_state field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_zip field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_country field of the InvDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the InvDocument object. |
Billtokey | String | False |
The Billtokey field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_contactname | String | False |
The Billto_contactname field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_prefix | String | False |
The Billto_prefix field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_firstname | String | False |
The Billto_firstname field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_initial | String | False |
The Billto_initial field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_lastname | String | False |
The Billto_lastname field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_companyname | String | False |
The Billto_companyname field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_printas | String | False |
The Billto_printas field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_phone1 | String | False |
The Billto_phone1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_phone2 | String | False |
The Billto_phone2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_cellphone | String | False |
The Billto_cellphone field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_pager | String | False |
The Billto_pager field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_fax | String | False |
The Billto_fax field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_email1 | String | False |
The Billto_email1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_email2 | String | False |
The Billto_email2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_url1 | String | False |
The Billto_url1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_url2 | String | False |
The Billto_url2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_visible | Boolean | False |
The Billto_visible field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address1 field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address2 field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_city field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_state field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_zip field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_country field of the InvDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the InvDocument object. |
Message | String | False |
The Message field of the InvDocument object. |
Prrecordkey | String | False |
The Prrecordkey field of the InvDocument object. |
Invbatchkey | String | False |
The Invbatchkey field of the InvDocument object. |
Prinvbatchkey | String | False |
The Prinvbatchkey field of the InvDocument object. |
Printed | String | False |
The Printed field of the InvDocument object. |
Backorder | String | False |
The Backorder field of the InvDocument object. |
Subtotal | Double | False |
The Subtotal field of the InvDocument object. |
Total | Double | False |
The Total field of the InvDocument object. |
Entglgroup | Int64 | False |
The Entglgroup field of the InvDocument object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the InvDocument object. |
Exchratedate | Datetime | False |
The Exchratedate field of the InvDocument object. |
Exchratetypes_name | String | False |
The Exchratetypes_name field of the InvDocument object. |
Exchrate | Double | False |
The Exchrate field of the InvDocument object. |
Schopkey | String | False |
The Schopkey field of the InvDocument object. |
Salescontract | String | False |
The Salescontract field of the InvDocument object. |
Usedascontract | String | False |
The Usedascontract field of the InvDocument object. |
Trx_subtotal | Double | False |
The Trx_subtotal field of the InvDocument object. |
Trx_total | Double | False |
The Trx_total field of the InvDocument object. |
Exch_rate_type_id | String | False |
The Exch_rate_type_id field of the InvDocument object. |
Reneweddoc | String | False |
The Reneweddoc field of the InvDocument object. |
Basecurr | String | False |
The Basecurr field of the InvDocument object. |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
The Systemgenerated field of the InvDocument object. |
Invoicerunkey | Int64 | False |
The Invoicerunkey field of the InvDocument object. |
Docpar_in_out | String | False |
The Docpar_in_out field of the InvDocument object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the InvDocument object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the InvDocument object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the InvDocument object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the InvDocument object. |
Retrieves InvDocumentParams report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Docid | String | False |
The Docid field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Docclass | String | False |
The Docclass field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Category | String | False |
The Category field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Userperm | Boolean | False |
The Userperm field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Edittype | String | False |
The Edittype field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Deltype | String | False |
The Deltype field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Enable_seqnum | Boolean | False |
The Enable_seqnum field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Sequence | String | False |
The Sequence field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Preserve_seqnum | Boolean | False |
The Preserve_seqnum field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Inherit_source_docno | Boolean | False |
The Inherit_source_docno field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Updates_inv | String | False |
The Updates_inv field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
In_out | String | False |
The In_out field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Convtype | String | False |
The Convtype field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Updates_cost | Boolean | False |
The Updates_cost field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Pricelistid | String | False |
The Pricelistid field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Special_pricelistid | String | False |
The Special_pricelistid field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Show_totals | Boolean | False |
The Show_totals field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Locoverride | Boolean | False |
The Locoverride field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Deptoverride | Boolean | False |
The Deptoverride field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Xsltemplate | String | False |
The Xsltemplate field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Fixed_mesg | String | False |
The Fixed_mesg field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Warnonlowqty | Boolean | False |
The Warnonlowqty field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Warehouseselmethod | String | False |
The Warehouseselmethod field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Default_warehouse | String | False |
The Default_warehouse field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Sale_pur_trans | String | False |
The Sale_pur_trans field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Cust_vend | String | False |
The Cust_vend field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Createtype | String | False |
The Createtype field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the InvDocumentParams object. |
Retrieves InvPriceList report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the InvPriceList object. |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the InvPriceList object. |
Datefrom | Datetime | False |
The Datefrom field of the InvPriceList object. |
Dateto | Datetime | False |
The Dateto field of the InvPriceList object. |
Salepurchase | String | False |
The Salepurchase field of the InvPriceList object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the InvPriceList object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the InvPriceList object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the InvPriceList object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the InvPriceList object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the InvPriceList object. |
Retrieves Item report data.
To retrieve multi-warehouse items, set the following:
Setting ReadByName to true exposes the Warehouseinfo field, which can be used to query for the warehouse details for each item.
SELECT Warehouseinfo FROM Item WHERE Itemid IN (SELECT Itemid FROM Item)
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Item object. |
Itemid [KEY] | String | False |
The Itemid field of the Item object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the Item object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the Item object. |
Extended_description | String | False |
The Extended_description field of the Item object. |
Podescription | String | False |
The Podescription field of the Item object. |
Sodescription | String | False |
The Sodescription field of the Item object. |
Productlineid | String | False |
The Productlineid field of the Item object. |
Cycle | String | False |
The Cycle field of the Item object. |
Producttype | String | False |
The Producttype field of the Item object. |
Substituteid | String | False |
The Substituteid field of the Item object. |
Ship_weight | Double | False |
The Ship_weight field of the Item object. |
Whenlastsold | Datetime | False |
The Whenlastsold field of the Item object. |
Whenlastreceived | Datetime | False |
The Whenlastreceived field of the Item object. |
Incomeacctkey | String | False |
The Incomeacctkey field of the Item object. |
Expenseacctkey | String | False |
The Expenseacctkey field of the Item object. |
Invacctkey | String | False |
The Invacctkey field of the Item object. |
Cogsacctkey | String | False |
The Cogsacctkey field of the Item object. |
Offsetoeglaccountkey | String | False |
The Offsetoeglaccountkey field of the Item object. |
Offsetpoglaccountkey | String | False |
The Offsetpoglaccountkey field of the Item object. |
Deferredrevacctkey | String | False |
The Deferredrevacctkey field of the Item object. |
Defaultrevrectemplkey | String | False |
The Defaultrevrectemplkey field of the Item object. |
Allow_backorder | String | False |
The Allow_backorder field of the Item object. |
Taxable | String | False |
The Taxable field of the Item object. |
Taxgroup_name | String | False |
The Taxgroup_name field of the Item object. |
Taxcode | String | False |
The Taxcode field of the Item object. |
Cost_method | String | False |
The Cost_method field of the Item object. |
Standard_cost | String | False |
The Standard_cost field of the Item object. |
Average_cost | String | False |
The Average_cost field of the Item object. |
Uomgrp | String | False |
The Uomgrp field of the Item object. |
Uom_invuomdetail_unit | String | False |
The Uom_invuomdetail_unit field of the Item object. |
Uom_pouomdetail_unit | String | False |
The Uom_pouomdetail_unit field of the Item object. |
Uom_pouomdetail_convfactor | Double | False |
The Uom_pouomdetail_convfactor field of the Item object. |
Uom_souomdetail_unit | String | False |
The Uom_souomdetail_unit field of the Item object. |
Uom_souomdetail_convfactor | Double | False |
The Uom_souomdetail_convfactor field of the Item object. |
Default_warehouse | String | False |
The Default_warehouse field of the Item object. |
Warehouseinfo | String | False |
The Itemwarehouse field of the Item object. Only exposed when ReadByName is set to True. |
Glgroup | String | False |
The Glgroup field of the Item object. |
Note | String | False |
The Note field of the Item object. |
Inv_precision | String | False |
The Inv_precision field of the Item object. |
Po_precision | String | False |
The Po_precision field of the Item object. |
So_precision | String | False |
The So_precision field of the Item object. |
Itemtype | String | False |
The Itemtype field of the Item object. |
Enable_serialno | String | False |
The Enable_serialno field of the Item object. |
Serial_maskkey | String | False |
The Serial_maskkey field of the Item object. |
Enable_lot_category | String | False |
The Enable_lot_category field of the Item object. |
Lot_categorykey | String | False |
The Lot_categorykey field of the Item object. |
Enable_bins | String | False |
The Enable_bins field of the Item object. |
Enable_expiration | String | False |
The Enable_expiration field of the Item object. |
Upc | String | False |
The Upc field of the Item object. |
Revposting | String | False |
The Revposting field of the Item object. |
Revprinting | String | False |
The Revprinting field of the Item object. |
Vsoecategory | String | False |
The Vsoecategory field of the Item object. |
Vsoedlvrstatus | String | False |
The Vsoedlvrstatus field of the Item object. |
Vsoerevdefstatus | String | False |
The Vsoerevdefstatus field of the Item object. |
Hasstartenddates | Boolean | False |
The Hasstartenddates field of the Item object. |
Termperiod | String | False |
The Termperiod field of the Item object. |
Totalperiods | Int64 | False |
The Totalperiods field of the Item object. |
Computeforshortterm | Boolean | False |
The Computeforshortterm field of the Item object. |
Renewalmacroid | String | False |
The Renewalmacroid field of the Item object. |
Renewalmacrokey | Int64 | False |
The Renewalmacrokey field of the Item object. |
Itemglgroup_incomeaccount_acctno | String | False |
The Itemglgroup_incomeaccount_acctno field of the Item object. |
Itemglgroup_expenseaccount_acctno | String | False |
The Itemglgroup_expenseaccount_acctno field of the Item object. |
Itemglgroup_inventoryaccount_acctno | String | False |
The Itemglgroup_inventoryaccount_acctno field of the Item object. |
Itemglgroup_cogsaccount_acctno | String | False |
The Itemglgroup_cogsaccount_acctno field of the Item object. |
Itemglgroup_defrrglaccount_acctno | String | False |
The Itemglgroup_defrrglaccount_acctno field of the Item object. |
Itemglgroup_oeglaccount_acctno | String | False |
The Itemglgroup_oeglaccount_acctno field of the Item object. |
Itemglgroup_poglaccount_acctno | String | False |
The Itemglgroup_poglaccount_acctno field of the Item object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Item object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Item object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Item object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Item object. |
Ionorder | Double | False |
The Ionorder field of the Item object. |
Ionhand | Double | False |
The Ionhand field of the Item object. |
Ionhold | Double | False |
The Ionhold field of the Item object. |
Glgrpkey | Int64 | False |
The Glgrpkey field of the Item object. |
Uomgrpkey | Int64 | False |
The Uomgrpkey field of the Item object. |
Taxgroupkey | Int64 | False |
The Taxgroupkey field of the Item object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the Item object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the Item object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the Item object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Item object. |
Retrieves ItemTaxGroup report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the ItemTaxGroup object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the ItemTaxGroup object. |
Grouptype | String | False |
The Grouptype field of the ItemTaxGroup object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ItemTaxGroup object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ItemTaxGroup object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ItemTaxGroup object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ItemTaxGroup object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ItemTaxGroup object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ItemTaxGroup object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the ItemTaxGroup object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ItemTaxGroup object. |
Retrieves Item Warehouse data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Item object. |
Itemid [KEY] | String | False |
The Itemid field of the Item object. |
Warehouseid | String | False |
The Warehouseid field of the Item object. |
DefaultSubsection | String | False |
The DefaultSubsection field of the Item object. |
Cycle | String | False |
The Cycle field of the Item object. |
StandardCost | String | False |
The StandardCost field of the Item object. |
LastCost | String | False |
The LastCost field of the Item object. |
AverageCost | String | False |
The AverageCost field of the Item object. |
ReorderMethod | String | False |
The ReorderMethod field of the Item object. |
EconomicOrderQty | Int64 | False |
The EconomicOrderQty field of the Item object. |
ReorderPoint | Int64 | False |
The ReorderPoint field of the Item object. |
ReorderQty | Int64 | False |
The ReorderQty field of the Item object. |
MinOrderQty | Int64 | False |
The MinOrderQty field of the Item object. |
MaxOrderQty | Int64 | False |
The MaxOrderQty field of the Item object. |
MaxStock | Int64 | False |
The MaxStock field of the Item object. |
MinStock | Int64 | False |
The MinStock field of the Item object. |
DateLastsold | Datetime | False |
The DateLastsold field of the Item object. |
DateLastreceived | Datetime | False |
The DateLastreceived field of the Item object. |
DefaultAisle | String | False |
The DefaultAisle field of the Item object. |
DefaultRow | String | False |
The DefaultRow field of the Item object. |
DefaultBin | String | False |
The DefaultBin field of the Item object. |
Wonorder | Decimal | False |
The Wonorder field of the Item object. |
Wintransit | Decimal | False |
The Wintransit field of the Item object. |
Wonhand | Decimal | False |
The Wonhand field of the Item object. |
Wonhold | Decimal | False |
The Wonhold field of the Item object. |
Wreserved | Decimal | False |
The Wreserved field of the Item object. |
Wallocated | Decimal | False |
The Wallocated field of the Item object. |
WhseCurrency | String | False |
The WhseCurrency field of the Item object. |
SafetyStock | Int64 | False |
The SafetyStock field of the Item object. |
ReplenishmentMethod | String | False |
The ReplenishmentMethod field of the Item object. |
EnableReplenishment | Bool | False |
The EnableReplenishment field of the Item object. |
RecordUrl | String | False |
The RecordUrl field of the Item object. |
Retrieves Journal report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
RecordNUM | Int64 | False |
The Record# field of the Journal object. |
Symbol | String | False |
The Symbol field of the Journal object. |
Title [KEY] | String | False |
The Title field of the Journal object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the Journal object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Journal object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Journal object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Journal object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Journal object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Journal object. |
Retrieves Location report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Locationid [KEY] | String | False |
The Locationid field of the Location object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Location object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the Location object. |
Parentid | String | False |
The Parentid field of the Location object. |
Supervisorname | String | False |
The Supervisorname field of the Location object. |
Supervisorid | String | False |
The Supervisorid field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_contactname | String | False |
The Contactinfo_contactname field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_printas | String | False |
The Contactinfo_printas field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_phone1 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_phone1 field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_phone2 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_phone2 field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_email1 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_email1 field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_email2 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_email2 field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_fax | String | False |
The Contactinfo_fax field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_address1 field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_address2 field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_city field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_state field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_zip field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_country field of the Location object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_countrycode field of the Location object. |
Startdate | Datetime | False |
The Startdate field of the Location object. |
Enddate | Datetime | False |
The Enddate field of the Location object. |
Shipto_contactname | String | False |
The Shipto_contactname field of the Location object. |
Shipto_phone1 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone1 field of the Location object. |
Shipto_phone2 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone2 field of the Location object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address1 field of the Location object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address2 field of the Location object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_city field of the Location object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_state field of the Location object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_zip field of the Location object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_country field of the Location object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the Location object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the Location object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Location object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Location object. |
Federalid | String | False |
The Federalid field of the Location object. |
Firstmonth | String | False |
The Firstmonth field of the Location object. |
Weekstart | String | False |
The Weekstart field of the Location object. |
Iepayable_account | String | False |
The Iepayable_account field of the Location object. |
Iepayable_number | String | False |
The Iepayable_number field of the Location object. |
Iereceivable_account | String | False |
The Iereceivable_account field of the Location object. |
Iereceivable_number | String | False |
The Iereceivable_number field of the Location object. |
Message_text | String | False |
The Message_text field of the Location object. |
Marketing_text | String | False |
The Marketing_text field of the Location object. |
Footnotetext | String | False |
The Footnotetext field of the Location object. |
Reportprintas | String | False |
The Reportprintas field of the Location object. |
Isroot | String | False |
The Isroot field of the Location object. |
Reserveamt | String | False |
The Reserveamt field of the Location object. |
Vendorname | String | False |
The Vendorname field of the Location object. |
Vendorid | String | False |
The Vendorid field of the Location object. |
Customerid | String | False |
The Customerid field of the Location object. |
Customername | String | False |
The Customername field of the Location object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the Location object. |
Has_ie_relation | Boolean | False |
The Has_ie_relation field of the Location object. |
Custtitle | String | False |
The Custtitle field of the Location object. |
Businessdays | String | False |
The Businessdays field of the Location object. |
Weekends | String | False |
The Weekends field of the Location object. |
Firstmonthtax | String | False |
The Firstmonthtax field of the Location object. |
Contactkey | Int64 | False |
The Contactkey field of the Location object. |
Supervisorkey | Int64 | False |
The Supervisorkey field of the Location object. |
Parentkey | Int64 | False |
The Parentkey field of the Location object. |
Shiptokey | Int64 | False |
The Shiptokey field of the Location object. |
Vendentity | String | False |
The Vendentity field of the Location object. |
Custentity | String | False |
The Custentity field of the Location object. |
Taxid | String | False |
The Taxid field of the Location object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Location object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Location object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Location object. |
Retrieves Misc_Supporting_Document report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Rcustomer [KEY] | String | False |
The Rcustomer field of the Misc_Supporting_Document object. |
Rvendor | String | False |
The Rvendor field of the Misc_Supporting_Document object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Misc_Supporting_Document object. |
Retrieves OutOfOffice report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the OutOfOffice object. |
Empoutofofficekey | Int64 | False |
The Empoutofofficekey field of the OutOfOffice object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the OutOfOffice object. |
Startdate | Datetime | False |
The Startdate field of the OutOfOffice object. |
Enddate | Datetime | False |
The Enddate field of the OutOfOffice object. |
Hoursperday | Double | False |
The Hoursperday field of the OutOfOffice object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the OutOfOffice object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the OutOfOffice object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the OutOfOffice object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the OutOfOffice object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the OutOfOffice object. |
Retrieves PODocumentParams report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Docid | String | False |
The Docid field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Docclass | String | False |
The Docclass field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Category | String | False |
The Category field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Userperm | Boolean | False |
The Userperm field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Edittype | String | False |
The Edittype field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Deltype | String | False |
The Deltype field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Enable_seqnum | Boolean | False |
The Enable_seqnum field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Sequence | String | False |
The Sequence field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Preserve_seqnum | Boolean | False |
The Preserve_seqnum field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Inherit_source_docno | Boolean | False |
The Inherit_source_docno field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Updates_inv | String | False |
The Updates_inv field of the PODocumentParams object. |
In_out | String | False |
The In_out field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Updates_gl | String | False |
The Updates_gl field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Convtype | String | False |
The Convtype field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Updates_cost | Boolean | False |
The Updates_cost field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Exchratetypes_name | String | False |
The Exchratetypes_name field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Override_exch_rate_type | Boolean | False |
The Override_exch_rate_type field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Display_basecurrency | Boolean | False |
The Display_basecurrency field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Updates_pricelistid | String | False |
The Updates_pricelistid field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Term_name | String | False |
The Term_name field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Pricelistid | String | False |
The Pricelistid field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Special_pricelistid | String | False |
The Special_pricelistid field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Override_price | Boolean | False |
The Override_price field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Recallonly | Boolean | False |
The Recallonly field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Editable_price | Boolean | False |
The Editable_price field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Show_totals | Boolean | False |
The Show_totals field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Showexpandedtotals | Boolean | False |
The Showexpandedtotals field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Enableoverridetax | Boolean | False |
The Enableoverridetax field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Locoverride | Boolean | False |
The Locoverride field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Deptoverride | Boolean | False |
The Deptoverride field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Xsltemplate | String | False |
The Xsltemplate field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Fixed_mesg | String | False |
The Fixed_mesg field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Contacttitle1 | String | False |
The Contacttitle1 field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Showtitle1 | Boolean | False |
The Showtitle1 field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Alloweditbillto | Boolean | False |
The Alloweditbillto field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Contacttitle2 | String | False |
The Contacttitle2 field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Showtitle2 | Boolean | False |
The Showtitle2 field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Alloweditshipto | Boolean | False |
The Alloweditshipto field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Convert_units | Boolean | False |
The Convert_units field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Warnonlowqty | Boolean | False |
The Warnonlowqty field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Creditlimitcheck | Boolean | False |
The Creditlimitcheck field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Warehouseselmethod | String | False |
The Warehouseselmethod field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Default_warehouse | String | False |
The Default_warehouse field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Posttogl | Boolean | False |
The Posttogl field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Cust_vend | String | False |
The Cust_vend field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Sale_pur_trans | String | False |
The Sale_pur_trans field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Force_prices | Boolean | False |
The Force_prices field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Createtype | String | False |
The Createtype field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the PODocumentParams object. |
Retrieves POPriceList report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the POPriceList object. |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the POPriceList object. |
Datefrom | Datetime | False |
The Datefrom field of the POPriceList object. |
Dateto | Datetime | False |
The Dateto field of the POPriceList object. |
Salepurchase | String | False |
The Salepurchase field of the POPriceList object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the POPriceList object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the POPriceList object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the POPriceList object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the POPriceList object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the POPriceList object. |
Retrieves PositionSkill report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the PositionSkill object. |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the PositionSkill object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the PositionSkill object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the PositionSkill object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the PositionSkill object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the PositionSkill object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the PositionSkill object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the PositionSkill object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the PositionSkill object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the PositionSkill object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the PositionSkill object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the PositionSkill object. |
Retrieves ProductLine report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the ProductLine object. |
ProductLineid [KEY] | String | False |
The ProductLineid field of the ProductLine object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the ProductLine object. |
Parentline | String | False |
The Parentline field of the ProductLine object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the ProductLine object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ProductLine object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ProductLine object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ProductLine object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ProductLine object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ProductLine object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ProductLine object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the ProductLine object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ProductLine object. |
Retrieves Project report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Project object. |
Projectid [KEY] | String | False |
The Projectid field of the Project object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the Project object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the Project object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the Project object. |
Projectcategory | String | False |
The Projectcategory field of the Project object. |
Projectstatuskey | Int64 | False |
The Projectstatuskey field of the Project object. |
Projectstatus | String | False |
The Projectstatus field of the Project object. |
Preventtimesheet | Boolean | False |
The Preventtimesheet field of the Project object. |
Preventexpense | Boolean | False |
The Preventexpense field of the Project object. |
Preventappo | Boolean | False |
The Preventappo field of the Project object. |
Preventgeninvoice | Boolean | False |
The Preventgeninvoice field of the Project object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the Project object. |
Begindate | Datetime | False |
The Begindate field of the Project object. |
Enddate | Datetime | False |
The Enddate field of the Project object. |
Budgetamount | Double | False |
The Budgetamount field of the Project object. |
Contractamount | Double | False |
The Contractamount field of the Project object. |
Actualamount | Double | False |
The Actualamount field of the Project object. |
Budgetqty | Double | False |
The Budgetqty field of the Project object. |
Estqty | Double | False |
The Estqty field of the Project object. |
Actualqty | Double | False |
The Actualqty field of the Project object. |
Approvedqty | Double | False |
The Approvedqty field of the Project object. |
Remainingqty | Double | False |
The Remainingqty field of the Project object. |
Percentcomplete | Double | False |
The Percentcomplete field of the Project object. |
Obspercentcomplete | Double | False |
The Obspercentcomplete field of the Project object. |
Billingtype | String | False |
The Billingtype field of the Project object. |
Sonumber | String | False |
The Sonumber field of the Project object. |
Ponumber | String | False |
The Ponumber field of the Project object. |
Poamount | Double | False |
The Poamount field of the Project object. |
Pqnumber | String | False |
The Pqnumber field of the Project object. |
Sfdckey | String | False |
The Sfdckey field of the Project object. |
Qarrowkey | String | False |
The Qarrowkey field of the Project object. |
Oakey | String | False |
The Oakey field of the Project object. |
Parentkey | Int64 | False |
The Parentkey field of the Project object. |
Parentid | String | False |
The Parentid field of the Project object. |
Parentname | String | False |
The Parentname field of the Project object. |
Invoicewithparent | Boolean | False |
The Invoicewithparent field of the Project object. |
Customerkey | Int64 | False |
The Customerkey field of the Project object. |
Customerid | String | False |
The Customerid field of the Project object. |
Customername | String | False |
The Customername field of the Project object. |
Salescontactkey | Int64 | False |
The Salescontactkey field of the Project object. |
Salescontactid | String | False |
The Salescontactid field of the Project object. |
Salescontactname | String | False |
The Salescontactname field of the Project object. |
Projecttypekey | Int64 | False |
The Projecttypekey field of the Project object. |
Projecttype | String | False |
The Projecttype field of the Project object. |
Managerkey | Int64 | False |
The Managerkey field of the Project object. |
Managerid | String | False |
The Managerid field of the Project object. |
Managercontactname | String | False |
The Managercontactname field of the Project object. |
Projectdeptkey | Int64 | False |
The Projectdeptkey field of the Project object. |
Departmentid | String | False |
The Departmentid field of the Project object. |
Departmentname | String | False |
The Departmentname field of the Project object. |
Projectlocationkey | Int64 | False |
The Projectlocationkey field of the Project object. |
Locationid | String | False |
The Locationid field of the Project object. |
Locationname | String | False |
The Locationname field of the Project object. |
Contactinfo_contactname | String | False |
The Contactinfo_contactname field of the Project object. |
Shipto_contactname | String | False |
The Shipto_contactname field of the Project object. |
Billto_contactname | String | False |
The Billto_contactname field of the Project object. |
Termskey | Int64 | False |
The Termskey field of the Project object. |
Termname | String | False |
The Termname field of the Project object. |
Docnumber | String | False |
The Docnumber field of the Project object. |
Custuserkey | Int64 | False |
The Custuserkey field of the Project object. |
Custuserid | String | False |
The Custuserid field of the Project object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Project object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Project object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Project object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Project object. |
Budgetedcost | Double | False |
The Budgetedcost field of the Project object. |
Classid | String | False |
The Classid field of the Project object. |
Classname | String | False |
The Classname field of the Project object. |
Classkey | Int64 | False |
The Classkey field of the Project object. |
Userrestrictions | String | False |
The Userrestrictions field of the Project object. |
Billableexpdefault | Boolean | False |
The Billableexpdefault field of the Project object. |
Billableappodefault | Boolean | False |
The Billableappodefault field of the Project object. |
Budgetid | String | False |
The Budgetid field of the Project object. |
Budgetkey | Int64 | False |
The Budgetkey field of the Project object. |
Billingrate | Double | False |
The Billingrate field of the Project object. |
Billingpricing | String | False |
The Billingpricing field of the Project object. |
Expenserate | Double | False |
The Expenserate field of the Project object. |
Expensepricing | String | False |
The Expensepricing field of the Project object. |
Poaprate | Double | False |
The Poaprate field of the Project object. |
Poappricing | String | False |
The Poappricing field of the Project object. |
Contactkey | Int64 | False |
The Contactkey field of the Project object. |
Shiptokey | Int64 | False |
The Shiptokey field of the Project object. |
Billtokey | Int64 | False |
The Billtokey field of the Project object. |
Invoicemessage | String | False |
The Invoicemessage field of the Project object. |
Invoicecurrency | String | False |
The Invoicecurrency field of the Project object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the Project object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the Project object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the Project object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Project object. |
Retreives Project Estimate report data
When updating the PjEstimate table, Sage Intacct needs to have LocationsId or ClientID connection properties set if updating IsPrimary field. One Entity-Level Project Estimate cannot be updated from the Top-Level. Therefore when updating the Project Estimate table, you must provide an ID representing the Entity to which the Project Estimate relates. The Above properties must be configured to the value of the MegaEntityId column, which is found in the ProjectEstimate table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | True |
Record number |
Pjestimateid | String | False |
Estimate ID |
Description | String | False |
Description |
Estimatedate | Date | False |
Estimate date |
Isprimary | Bool | False |
Primary |
Status | String | False |
Active/Inactive/Finalized |
Posted | Bool | False |
Post to GL budgets |
Glbudgetheaderkey | Long | True |
GL Budget Header Key |
Glbudgetid | String | False |
GL budget ID |
Postto | String | False |
Posting period |
Projectkey | Long | True |
Project key |
Projectid | String | False |
Project ID |
Projectname | String | True |
Project name |
Pjestimatetypekey | Long | True |
Estimate type key |
Pjestimatetypename | String | False |
Estimate type |
Selectedwftypes | String | True |
Selected estimate entry workflow types |
Currency | String | True |
Currency |
Projectbegindate | Date | True |
Project begin date |
Projectenddate | Date | True |
Project end date |
Total | Decimal | True |
Estimate total |
Locationkey | Long | True |
Location key |
Locationid | String | True |
Location |
Locationname | String | True |
Location name |
Parentprojectkey | Long | True |
Parent project key |
Parentprojectid | String | True |
Parent project ID |
Parentprojectname | String | True |
Parent project name |
Customerkey | Long | True |
Customer key |
Customerid | String | True |
Customer |
Customername | String | True |
Customer name |
Supdocid | String | False |
Attachment |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Megaentitykey | Long | True |
No description specified |
Megaentityid | String | True |
No description specified |
Megaentityname | String | True |
No description specified |
Retrieves ProjectGroup report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Id | String | False |
The Id field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Grouptype | String | False |
The Grouptype field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ProjectGroup object. |
Memberfilters | String | False |
The filters that are applied to a ProjectGroup object. |
Retrieves ProjectResources report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the ProjectResources object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ProjectResources object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ProjectResources object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ProjectResources object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ProjectResources object. |
Projectkey | Int64 | False |
The Projectkey field of the ProjectResources object. |
Projectid | String | False |
The Projectid field of the ProjectResources object. |
Projectname | String | False |
The Projectname field of the ProjectResources object. |
Employeekey | Int64 | False |
The Employeekey field of the ProjectResources object. |
Employeeid | String | False |
The Employeeid field of the ProjectResources object. |
Employeecontactname | String | False |
The Employeecontactname field of the ProjectResources object. |
Itemkey | Int64 | False |
The Itemkey field of the ProjectResources object. |
Itemid | String | False |
The Itemid field of the ProjectResources object. |
Itemname | String | False |
The Itemname field of the ProjectResources object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the ProjectResources object. |
Startdate | Datetime | False |
The Startdate field of the ProjectResources object. |
Billingpricing | String | False |
The Billingpricing field of the ProjectResources object. |
Billingrate | Double | False |
The Billingrate field of the ProjectResources object. |
Expensepricing | String | False |
The Expensepricing field of the ProjectResources object. |
Expenserate | Double | False |
The Expenserate field of the ProjectResources object. |
Poappricing | String | False |
The Poappricing field of the ProjectResources object. |
Poaprate | Double | False |
The Poaprate field of the ProjectResources object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ProjectResources object. |
Retrieves ProjectStatus report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Preventtimesheet | Boolean | False |
The Preventtimesheet field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Preventexpense | Boolean | False |
The Preventexpense field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Preventappo | Boolean | False |
The Preventappo field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Preventgeninvoice | Boolean | False |
The Preventgeninvoice field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ProjectStatus object. |
Retrieves ProjectTransactionRule report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the ProjectTransactionRule object. |
Projectkey | Int64 | False |
The Projectkey field of the ProjectTransactionRule object. |
Projectid | String | False |
The Projectid field of the ProjectTransactionRule object. |
Rulekey | Int64 | False |
The Rulekey field of the ProjectTransactionRule object. |
Rulename | String | False |
The Rulename field of the ProjectTransactionRule object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ProjectTransactionRule object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ProjectTransactionRule object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ProjectTransactionRule object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ProjectTransactionRule object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ProjectTransactionRule object. |
Retrieves ProjectType report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the ProjectType object. |
Parent_name | String | False |
The Parent_name field of the ProjectType object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the ProjectType object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the ProjectType object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ProjectType object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ProjectType object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ProjectType object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ProjectType object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ProjectType object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ProjectType object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the ProjectType object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ProjectType object. |
Retrieves Ratetable report data.
To retrieve information from the Ratetable table, Sage Intacct needs to have the Construction subscription enabled and the EnableSubscriptions connection property set.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | True |
Record number |
Ratetableid | String | False |
Rate table ID |
Name | String | False |
Rate table name |
Description | String | False |
Description |
Status | String | False |
Active or inactive |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Megaentitykey | Long | True |
Created at - Entity key |
Megaentityid | String | True |
Created at - Entity ID |
Megaentityname | String | True |
Created at - Entity name |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
Retrieves Ratetableapentry report data
To retrieve information from the Ratetablepoentry table, Sage Intacct needs to have the Construction subscription enabled and the EnableSubscriptions connection property set.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | True |
Record number |
Lineno | Long | True |
Line number |
Ratetablekey | Long | True |
Rate table key |
Ratetableid | String | False |
Rate table ID |
Ratetablename | String | False |
Rate table name |
Description | String | False |
Description |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Standardtaskid | String | False |
Standard cost code ID |
Standardtaskkey | Long | True |
Standard cost code key |
Standardtaskname | String | False |
Standard cost code name |
Standardcosttypeid | String | False |
Standard cost type ID |
Standardcosttypekey | Long | True |
Standard cost type key |
Standardcosttypename | String | False |
Standard cost type name |
Accumulationtypekey | Long | True |
Accumulation type key |
Accumulationtypename | String | False |
Accumulation type name |
Locationkey | Long | True |
Location key |
Location | String | False |
Location |
Locationname | String | False |
Location name |
Departmentkey | Long | True |
Department key |
Department | String | False |
Department |
Departmenttitle | String | False |
Department title |
Startdate | Date | False |
Start date |
Markuppct | Decimal | False |
Markup percent |
Projectdimkey | Long | False |
Projectdimkey |
Projectid | String | False |
Job |
Projectname | String | False |
Job name |
Customerdimkey | Long | False |
Customerdimkey |
Customerid | String | False |
Customer |
Customername | String | False |
Customer name |
Vendordimkey | Long | False |
Vendordimkey |
Vendorid | String | False |
Vendor |
Vendorname | String | False |
Vendor name |
Employeedimkey | Long | False |
Employeedimkey |
Employeeid | String | False |
Employee |
Employeename | String | False |
Employee name |
Itemdimkey | Long | False |
Itemdimkey |
Itemid | String | False |
Item |
Itemname | String | False |
Item name |
Taskdimkey | Long | False |
Taskdimkey |
Taskid | String | False |
Cost Code |
Taskname | String | False |
Cost Code name |
Costtypedimkey | Long | False |
Costtypedimkey |
Costtypeid | String | False |
Cost type |
Costtypename | String | False |
Cost type name |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
Retrieves Ratetableccentry report data.
To retrieve information from the Ratetableccentry table, Sage Intacct needs to have the Construction subscription enabled and the EnableSubscriptions connection property set.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | True |
Record number |
Lineno | Long | True |
Line number |
Ratetablekey | Long | True |
Rate table key |
Ratetableid | String | False |
Rate table ID |
Ratetablename | String | False |
Rate table name |
Description | String | False |
Description |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Standardtaskid | String | False |
Standard cost code ID |
Standardtaskkey | Long | True |
Standard cost code key |
Standardtaskname | String | False |
Standard cost code name |
Standardcosttypeid | String | False |
Standard cost type ID |
Standardcosttypekey | Long | True |
Standard cost type key |
Standardcosttypename | String | False |
Standard cost type name |
Accumulationtypekey | Long | True |
Accumulation type key |
Accumulationtypename | String | False |
Accumulation type name |
Locationkey | Long | True |
Location key |
Location | String | False |
Location |
Locationname | String | False |
Location name |
Departmentkey | Long | True |
Department key |
Department | String | False |
Department |
Departmenttitle | String | False |
Department title |
Startdate | Date | False |
Start date |
Markuppct | Decimal | False |
Markup percent |
Projectdimkey | Long | False |
Projectdimkey |
Projectid | String | False |
Job |
Projectname | String | False |
Job name |
Customerdimkey | Long | False |
Customerdimkey |
Customerid | String | False |
Customer |
Customername | String | False |
Customer name |
Vendordimkey | Long | False |
Vendordimkey |
Vendorid | String | False |
Vendor |
Vendorname | String | False |
Vendor name |
Employeedimkey | Long | False |
Employeedimkey |
Employeeid | String | False |
Employee |
Employeename | String | False |
Employee name |
Itemdimkey | Long | False |
Itemdimkey |
Itemid | String | False |
Item |
Itemname | String | False |
Item name |
Taskdimkey | Long | False |
Taskdimkey |
Taskid | String | False |
Cost Code |
Taskname | String | False |
Cost Code name |
Costtypedimkey | Long | False |
Costtypedimkey |
Costtypeid | String | False |
Cost type |
Costtypename | String | False |
Cost type name |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
Retrieves Ratetableexpenseentry report data.
To retrieve information from the Ratetable table, Sage Intacct needs to have the Construction subscription enabled and the EnableSubscriptions connection property set.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | True |
Record number |
Lineno | Long | True |
Line number |
Ratetablekey | Long | True |
Rate table key |
Ratetableid | String | False |
Rate table ID |
Ratetablename | String | False |
Rate table name |
Description | String | False |
Description |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Standardtaskid | String | False |
Standard cost code ID |
Standardtaskkey | Long | True |
Standard cost code key |
Standardtaskname | String | False |
Standard cost code name |
Standardcosttypeid | String | False |
Standard cost type ID |
Standardcosttypekey | Long | True |
Standard cost type key |
Standardcosttypename | String | False |
Standard cost type name |
Accumulationtypekey | Long | True |
Accumulation type key |
Accumulationtypename | String | False |
Accumulation type name |
Locationkey | Long | True |
Location key |
Location | String | False |
Location |
Locationname | String | False |
Location name |
Departmentkey | Long | True |
Department key |
Department | String | False |
Department |
Departmenttitle | String | False |
Department title |
Startdate | Date | False |
Start date |
Markuppct | Decimal | False |
Markup percent |
Projectdimkey | Long | False |
Projectdimkey |
Projectid | String | False |
Job |
Projectname | String | False |
Job name |
Customerdimkey | Long | False |
Customerdimkey |
Customerid | String | False |
Customer |
Customername | String | False |
Customer name |
Vendordimkey | Long | False |
Vendordimkey |
Vendorid | String | False |
Vendor |
Vendorname | String | False |
Vendor name |
Employeedimkey | Long | False |
Employeedimkey |
Employeeid | String | False |
Employee |
Employeename | String | False |
Employee name |
Itemdimkey | Long | False |
Itemdimkey |
Itemid | String | False |
Item |
Itemname | String | False |
Item name |
Taskdimkey | Long | False |
Taskdimkey |
Taskid | String | False |
Cost Code |
Taskname | String | False |
Cost Code name |
Costtypedimkey | Long | False |
Costtypedimkey |
Costtypeid | String | False |
Cost type |
Costtypename | String | False |
Cost type name |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
Retrieves Ratetableglentry report data.
To retrieve information from the Ratetableglentry table, Sage Intacct needs to have the Construction subscription enabled and the EnableSubscriptions connection property set.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | True |
Record number |
Lineno | Long | True |
Line number |
Ratetablekey | Long | True |
Rate table key |
Ratetableid | String | False |
Rate table ID |
Ratetablename | String | False |
Rate table name |
Description | String | False |
Description |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Standardtaskid | String | False |
Standard cost code ID |
Standardtaskkey | Long | True |
Standard cost code key |
Standardtaskname | String | False |
Standard cost code name |
Standardcosttypeid | String | False |
Standard cost type ID |
Standardcosttypekey | Long | True |
Standard cost type key |
Standardcosttypename | String | False |
Standard cost type name |
Accumulationtypekey | Long | True |
Accumulation type key |
Accumulationtypename | String | False |
Accumulation type name |
Locationkey | Long | True |
Location key |
Location | String | False |
Location |
Locationname | String | False |
Location name |
Departmentkey | Long | True |
Department key |
Department | String | False |
Department |
Departmenttitle | String | False |
Department title |
Startdate | Date | False |
Start date |
Markuppct | Decimal | False |
Markup percent |
Projectdimkey | Long | False |
Projectdimkey |
Projectid | String | False |
Job |
Projectname | String | False |
Job name |
Customerdimkey | Long | False |
Customerdimkey |
Customerid | String | False |
Customer |
Customername | String | False |
Customer name |
Vendordimkey | Long | False |
Vendordimkey |
Vendorid | String | False |
Vendor |
Vendorname | String | False |
Vendor name |
Employeedimkey | Long | False |
Employeedimkey |
Employeeid | String | False |
Employee |
Employeename | String | False |
Employee name |
Itemdimkey | Long | False |
Itemdimkey |
Itemid | String | False |
Item |
Itemname | String | False |
Item name |
Taskdimkey | Long | False |
Taskdimkey |
Taskid | String | False |
Cost Code |
Taskname | String | False |
Cost Code name |
Costtypedimkey | Long | False |
Costtypedimkey |
Costtypeid | String | False |
Cost type |
Costtypename | String | False |
Cost type name |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
Retrieves Ratetablepoentry report data.
To retrieve information from the Ratetable table, Sage Intacct needs to have the Construction subscription enabled and the EnableSubscriptions connection property set.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | True |
Record number |
Lineno | Long | True |
Line number |
Ratetablekey | Long | True |
Rate table key |
Ratetableid | String | False |
Rate table ID |
Ratetablename | String | False |
Rate table name |
Description | String | False |
Description |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Standardtaskid | String | False |
Standard cost code ID |
Standardtaskkey | Long | True |
Standard cost code key |
Standardtaskname | String | False |
Standard cost code name |
Standardcosttypeid | String | False |
Standard cost type ID |
Standardcosttypekey | Long | True |
Standard cost type key |
Standardcosttypename | String | False |
Standard cost type name |
Accumulationtypekey | Long | True |
Accumulation type key |
Accumulationtypename | String | False |
Accumulation type name |
Itemdimkey | Long | True |
Item key |
Itemid | String | False |
Item ID |
Itemname | String | False |
Item name |
Locationkey | Long | True |
Location key |
Location | String | False |
Location |
Locationname | String | False |
Location name |
Startdate | Date | False |
Start date |
Markuppct | Decimal | False |
Markup percent |
Unitprice | Decimal | False |
Unit price |
Projectdimkey | Long | False |
Projectdimkey |
Projectid | String | False |
Job |
Projectname | String | False |
Job name |
Customerdimkey | Long | False |
Customerdimkey |
Customerid | String | False |
Customer |
Customername | String | False |
Customer name |
Vendordimkey | Long | False |
Vendordimkey |
Vendorid | String | False |
Vendor |
Vendorname | String | False |
Vendor name |
Employeedimkey | Long | False |
Employeedimkey |
Employeeid | String | False |
Employee |
Employeename | String | False |
Employee name |
Taskdimkey | Long | False |
Taskdimkey |
Taskid | String | False |
Cost Code |
Taskname | String | False |
Cost Code name |
Costtypedimkey | Long | False |
Costtypedimkey |
Costtypeid | String | False |
Cost type |
Costtypename | String | False |
Cost type name |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
Retrieves Ratetabletsentry report data.
To retrieve information from the Ratetabletsentry table, Sage Intacct needs to have the Construction subscription enabled and the EnableSubscriptions connection property set.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | True |
Record number |
Lineno | Long | True |
Line number |
Ratetablekey | Long | True |
Rate table key |
Ratetableid | String | False |
Rate table ID |
Ratetablename | String | False |
Rate table name |
Description | String | False |
Description |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
Timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Standardtaskid | String | False |
Standard task ID |
Standardtaskkey | Long | True |
Standard task key |
Standardtaskname | String | False |
Standard task name |
Standardcosttypeid | String | False |
Standard cost type ID |
Standardcosttypekey | Long | True |
Standard cost type key |
Standardcosttypename | String | False |
Standard cost type name |
Accumulationtypekey | Long | True |
Accumulation type key |
Accumulationtypename | String | False |
Accumulation type name |
Emppositionkey | Long | True |
Employee position key |
Emppositionid | String | False |
Employee position ID |
Emppositionname | String | False |
Employee position name |
Timetypekey | Long | True |
Time type key |
Timetypename | String | False |
Time type name |
Laborclasskey | Long | True |
Labor class key |
Laborclassid | String | False |
Labor class ID |
Laborclassname | String | False |
Labor class name |
Laborshiftkey | Long | True |
Labor shift key |
Laborshiftid | String | False |
Labor shift ID |
Laborshiftname | String | False |
Labor shift name |
Laborunionkey | Long | True |
Labor union key |
Laborunionid | String | False |
Labor union ID |
Laborunionname | String | False |
Labor union name |
Locationkey | Long | True |
Location key |
Location | String | False |
Location |
Locationname | String | False |
Location name |
Departmentkey | Long | True |
Department key |
Department | String | False |
Department |
Departmenttitle | String | False |
Department title |
Startdate | Date | False |
Start date |
Markuppct | Decimal | False |
Markup percent |
Laborrate | Decimal | False |
Labor rate |
Projectdimkey | Long | False |
Projectdimkey |
Projectid | String | False |
Project |
Projectname | String | False |
Project name |
Customerdimkey | Long | False |
Customerdimkey |
Customerid | String | False |
Customer |
Customername | String | False |
Customer name |
Vendordimkey | Long | False |
Vendordimkey |
Vendorid | String | False |
Vendor |
Vendorname | String | False |
Vendor name |
Employeedimkey | Long | False |
Employeedimkey |
Employeeid | String | False |
Employee |
Employeename | String | False |
Employee name |
Itemdimkey | Long | False |
Itemdimkey |
Itemid | String | False |
Item |
Itemname | String | False |
Item name |
Classdimkey | Long | False |
Classdimkey |
Classid | String | False |
Class |
Classname | String | False |
Class name |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
Retrieves RecurGLBatch report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Transactionno | Int64 | False |
The Transactionno field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Referenceno | String | False |
The Referenceno field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Journal | String | False |
The Journal field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Journalkey | String | False |
The Journalkey field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Journaltitle | String | False |
The Journaltitle field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Lastposted | Datetime | False |
The Lastposted field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Lastreversed | Datetime | False |
The Lastreversed field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Statistical | Boolean | False |
The Statistical field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Startdateje | Datetime | False |
The Startdateje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Occurje | Int64 | False |
The Occurje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Enddateje | Datetime | False |
The Enddateje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Repeatintervalje | String | False |
The Repeatintervalje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Repeatje | String | False |
The Repeatje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Eomje | Boolean | False |
The Eomje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Jeexeccount | Int64 | False |
The Jeexeccount field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Jenextexecdate | Datetime | False |
The Jenextexecdate field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Emailje | String | False |
The Emailje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Startdaterevje | Datetime | False |
The Startdaterevje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Occurrevje | Int64 | False |
The Occurrevje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Enddaterevje | Datetime | False |
The Enddaterevje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Repeatintervalrevje | String | False |
The Repeatintervalrevje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Repeatrevje | String | False |
The Repeatrevje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Eomrevje | Boolean | False |
The Eomrevje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Revjeexeccount | Int64 | False |
The Revjeexeccount field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Revjenextexecdate | Datetime | False |
The Revjenextexecdate field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Emailrevje | String | False |
The Emailrevje field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Ismanualpost | Boolean | False |
The Ismanualpost field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Autorepeatby | String | False |
The Autorepeatby field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Autorepeatinterval | Int64 | False |
The Autorepeatinterval field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Baselocation_no | String | False |
The Baselocation_no field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the RecurGLBatch object. |
Retrieves RenewalMacro report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Macroid | String | False |
The Macroid field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Createsalestrans | Boolean | False |
The Createsalestrans field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Salesdocid | String | False |
The Salesdocid field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Salesdocrecordkey | String | False |
The Salesdocrecordkey field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Createsalestranswhen | String | False |
The Createsalestranswhen field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Createsalestransdays | String | False |
The Createsalestransdays field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Reneweddocdate | String | False |
The Reneweddocdate field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Renstartdateopt | String | False |
The Renstartdateopt field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Pricingtype | String | False |
The Pricingtype field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Pricingmarkup | String | False |
The Pricingmarkup field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Pricingmarkupvalue | String | False |
The Pricingmarkupvalue field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Emailtocustomer | Boolean | False |
The Emailtocustomer field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Emailtocustomerfromemailid | String | False |
The Emailtocustomerfromemailid field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Emailcontact | String | False |
The Emailcontact field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Emailcontactfilename | String | False |
The Emailcontactfilename field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Emailalert | Boolean | False |
The Emailalert field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Emailalertfromemailid | String | False |
The Emailalertfromemailid field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Emailalertfilename | String | False |
The Emailalertfilename field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Emailalertaddresses | String | False |
The Emailalertaddresses field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Emailalertwhen | String | False |
The Emailalertwhen field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Emailalertdays | String | False |
The Emailalertdays field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Createsalesopp | Boolean | False |
The Createsalesopp field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Createsalesoppwhen | String | False |
The Createsalesoppwhen field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Createsalesoppdays | String | False |
The Createsalesoppdays field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Oppcustomname | String | False |
The Oppcustomname field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Inheritoppproducts | Boolean | False |
The Inheritoppproducts field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Stageofopportunity | String | False |
The Stageofopportunity field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Latestversionkey | Double | False |
The Latestversionkey field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the RenewalMacro object. |
Retrieves ReportingPeriod report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
RecordNUM [KEY] | Int64 | False |
The Record# field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Header1 | String | False |
The Header1 field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Header2 | String | False |
The Header2 field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Start_date | Datetime | False |
The Start_date field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
End_date | Datetime | False |
The End_date field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Budgeting | String | False |
The Budgeting field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the ReportingPeriod object. |
Retrieves RevRecSchedule report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | False |
Record Number |
Revrectemplatekey | Long | False |
Rev Rec Template Key |
Revrectemplateid | String | True |
Template |
Templatepostingmethod | String | False |
Template posting method |
Recmethod | String | True |
Recognition method |
Milestonesource | String | False |
Percent or Milestone source |
Pacalcsource | String | True |
Calculation Method |
Pacalchours | String | True |
Based on |
Scheduleperiod | String | True |
Schedule Period |
Postingday | String | False |
Posting Day |
Status | String | True |
Revenue posting status |
Invoiceno | String | False |
Invoicedate | String | False |
Recordkey | Long | False |
prrecord record key |
Dochdrkey | Long | False |
Document Header Key |
Docid | String | False |
Documentdate | String | False |
Description | String | False |
Name |
Prentrykey | Long | False |
Docentrykey | Long | False |
Document Entry Key |
Revreccatkey | Long | False |
Rev Rec Category Key |
Changecategory | String | True |
rev. rec. category |
Changememo | String | False |
changememo |
Dayslastperiod | Long | False |
Days in last period |
Projectid | String | True |
Project ID |
Projectname | String | True |
Project Name |
Taskname | String | True |
Task Name |
Taskid | String | False |
Task ID |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Megaentitykey | Long | True |
Created at - Entity key |
Megaentityid | String | True |
Created at - Entity ID |
Megaentityname | String | True |
Created at - Entity name |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
Retrieves RevRecScheduleEntry report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Long | False |
Record Number |
Revrecschedulekey | Long | False |
Posted | String | True |
Period Offset |
Position | String | False |
Position |
Next | String | False |
Next |
Postingdate | Date | False |
Posting Date |
Revacctkey | String | False |
Account Key |
Accountno | String | False |
Accounttitle | String | False |
Journalkey | Long | False |
GL Journal Key |
Gljournal | String | True |
GL Journal Key |
Deferredrevacctkey | String | False |
Defered Rev Acct Key |
Amount | Decimal | True |
Amount |
Glbatchkey | Long | False |
Schopkey | Long | False |
Tr_type | Long | False |
tr type |
Trx_amount | Decimal | False |
Amount |
Currency | String | True |
Currency |
Posted_amount | Decimal | True |
Amount |
Basecurr | String | True |
Base Currency |
Exch_rate_date | Date | False |
Exchange Rate Date |
Exch_rate_type_id | Long | False |
Exchange Rate Type |
Exchange_rate | Decimal | False |
Exchange Rate |
Description | String | False |
Description |
Parentstatus | String | True |
Revenue Posting Status |
Unscheduled | Bool | False | |
Budgetqty | Decimal | True |
Budgeted hours |
Estqty | Decimal | True |
Estimated hours |
Plannedqty | Decimal | True |
Planned hours |
Actualqty | Decimal | True |
Approved hours |
Percentcompleted | Decimal | True |
Percent Completed |
Percentrecognized | Decimal | True |
Percent Recognized |
Obspercentcomplete | Decimal | True |
Observed Percent Completed |
Budgetedcost | Decimal | True |
Budgeted Cost |
Totalcost | Decimal | True |
Actual Cost |
Whencreated | Datetime | True |
timestamp marking last time this was created. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | True |
timestamp marking last time this was changed. |
Createdby | Long | True |
User who created this. |
Modifiedby | Long | True |
User who modified this. |
Projectdimkey | Long | False |
Projectdimkey |
Projectid | String | False |
Project |
Projectname | String | False |
Project Name |
Customerdimkey | Long | False |
Customerdimkey |
Customerid | String | False |
Customer |
Customername | String | False |
Customer Name |
Vendordimkey | Long | False |
Vendordimkey |
Vendorid | String | False |
Vendor |
Vendorname | String | False |
Vendor Name |
Employeedimkey | Long | False |
Employeedimkey |
Employeeid | String | False |
Employee |
Employeename | String | False |
Employee Name |
Itemdimkey | Long | False |
Itemdimkey |
Itemid | String | False |
Item |
Itemname | String | False |
Item Name |
Classdimkey | Long | False |
Classdimkey |
Classid | String | False |
Class |
Classname | String | False |
Class Name |
Warehousedimkey | Long | False |
Warehousedimkey |
Warehouseid | String | False |
Warehouse |
Warehousename | String | False |
Warehouse Name |
Contractdimkey | Long | False |
Contractdimkey |
Contractid | String | False |
Contract |
Contractname | String | False |
Contract Name |
Record_url | String | True |
A portable, user-independent, deep-link URL for viewing this record |
Gldimtestegi1 | String | False | |
Gldimtest | String | False |
Retrieves RevRecTemplate report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Templateid | String | False |
The Templateid field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Usestandard | Boolean | False |
The Usestandard field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Scheduleperiod | String | False |
The Scheduleperiod field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Postingday | Int64 | False |
The Postingday field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Totalperiods | Int64 | False |
The Totalperiods field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Recmethod | String | False |
The Recmethod field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Recstartdate | String | False |
The Recstartdate field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Postingmethod | String | False |
The Postingmethod field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Latestversionkey | Double | False |
The Latestversionkey field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Recognitionterm | String | False |
The Recognitionterm field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Resumeoption | String | False |
The Resumeoption field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Milestonesource | String | False |
The Milestonesource field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Pacalcsource | String | False |
The Pacalcsource field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Pacalchours | String | False |
The Pacalchours field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the RevRecTemplate object. |
Retrieves RevRecTemplMilestone report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the RevRecTemplMilestone object. |
Templatekey | Int64 | False |
The Templatekey field of the RevRecTemplMilestone object. |
Mperiodoffset | Int64 | False |
The Mperiodoffset field of the RevRecTemplMilestone object. |
Percamount | Double | False |
The Percamount field of the RevRecTemplMilestone object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the RevRecTemplMilestone object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the RevRecTemplMilestone object. |
Retrieves SavingsAccount report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Bankaccountid [KEY] | String | False |
The Bankaccountid field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Bankaccountno | String | False |
The Bankaccountno field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Glaccountno | String | False |
The Glaccountno field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Bankname | String | False |
The Bankname field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Routingno | String | False |
The Routingno field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Branchid | String | False |
The Branchid field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Bankaccounttype | String | False |
The Bankaccounttype field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_sigline2amount | String | False |
The Checklayout_sigline2amount field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_checkpaperformat | String | False |
The Checklayout_checkpaperformat field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_checkprintformat | String | False |
The Checklayout_checkprintformat field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_signatureimage1 | String | False |
The Checklayout_signatureimage1 field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_signatureimage2 | String | False |
The Checklayout_signatureimage2 field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_printlineitems | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_printlineitems field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_displaylocationas | String | False |
The Checklayout_displaylocationas field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_bankacctalign | String | False |
The Checklayout_bankacctalign field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_spacestoappend | String | False |
The Checklayout_spacestoappend field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_checknolength | String | False |
The Checklayout_checknolength field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_dfltcnyaddr | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_dfltcnyaddr field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_voidtext | String | False |
The Checklayout_voidtext field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_usesig1belowamt | String | False |
The Checklayout_usesig1belowamt field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_usesig2belowamt | String | False |
The Checklayout_usesig2belowamt field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_micrtranscode | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_micrtranscode field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_usdtext | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_usdtext field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_onus | Boolean | False |
The Checklayout_onus field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checklayout_onus32 | String | False |
The Checklayout_onus32 field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Mailaddress_address1 field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Mailaddress_address2 field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Mailaddress_city field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Mailaddress_state field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Mailaddress_zip field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Mailaddress_country field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Mailaddress_countrycode field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_contactname | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_contactname field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_companyname | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_companyname field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_address1 field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_address2 field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_city field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_state field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_zip field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_country field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_mailaddress_countrycode field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Checkinfocontact_phone1 | String | False |
The Checkinfocontact_phone1 field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Financialdata_apjournal | String | False |
The Financialdata_apjournal field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Financialdata_arjournal | String | False |
The Financialdata_arjournal field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Servicechargeglaccount | String | False |
The Servicechargeglaccount field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Servicechargeaccountlabel | String | False |
The Servicechargeaccountlabel field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Interestearnedglaccount | String | False |
The Interestearnedglaccount field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Interestearnedaccountlabel | String | False |
The Interestearnedaccountlabel field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Departmentid | String | False |
The Departmentid field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Locationid | String | False |
The Locationid field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Lastreconciledbalance | String | False |
The Lastreconciledbalance field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Lastreconcileddate | Datetime | False |
The Lastreconcileddate field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Nextcheck | String | False |
The Nextcheck field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Sharecheckno | Boolean | False |
The Sharecheckno field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Cutoffdate | Datetime | False |
The Cutoffdate field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Financialdata_reconmode | String | False |
The Financialdata_reconmode field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Forwfpm | Boolean | False |
The Forwfpm field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Achcompanyid | String | False |
The Achcompanyid field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Pmchecktemplateid | String | False |
The Pmchecktemplateid field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Outsourcecheck | String | False |
The Outsourcecheck field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Fractionalroutingno | String | False |
The Fractionalroutingno field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Nameontheaccount | String | False |
The Nameontheaccount field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the SavingsAccount object. |
Retrieves Seminar report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Rlocation [KEY] | String | False |
The Rlocation field of the Seminar object. |
Rpodocument | String | False |
The Rpodocument field of the Seminar object. |
Rvendor | String | False |
The Rvendor field of the Seminar object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Seminar object. |
Retrieves Seminar_Package report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Rglaccount [KEY] | String | False |
The Rglaccount field of the Seminar_Package object. |
Ritem | String | False |
The Ritem field of the Seminar_Package object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Seminar_Package object. |
Retrieves Seminar_Registration report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Rarinvoice [KEY] | String | False |
The Rarinvoice field of the Seminar_Registration object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Seminar_Registration object. |
Retrieves SODocument report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the SODocument object. |
Docno | String | False |
The Docno field of the SODocument object. |
Docid | String | False |
The Docid field of the SODocument object. |
Createdfrom | String | False |
The Createdfrom field of the SODocument object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the SODocument object. |
Closed | Boolean | False |
The Closed field of the SODocument object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the SODocument object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the SODocument object. |
Whendue | Datetime | False |
The Whendue field of the SODocument object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the SODocument object. |
Ponumber | String | False |
The Ponumber field of the SODocument object. |
Vendordocno | String | False |
The Vendordocno field of the SODocument object. |
Docparid | String | False |
The Docparid field of the SODocument object. |
Docparkey | String | False |
The Docparkey field of the SODocument object. |
Docparclass | String | False |
The Docparclass field of the SODocument object. |
Term_name | String | False |
The Term_name field of the SODocument object. |
Note | String | False |
The Note field of the SODocument object. |
Warehouse_locationid | String | False |
The Warehouse_locationid field of the SODocument object. |
Shipvia | String | False |
The Shipvia field of the SODocument object. |
User | String | False |
The User field of the SODocument object. |
Createduser | String | False |
The Createduser field of the SODocument object. |
Userid | String | False |
The Userid field of the SODocument object. |
Createduserid | String | False |
The Createduserid field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_contactname | String | False |
The Contact_contactname field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_prefix | String | False |
The Contact_prefix field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_firstname | String | False |
The Contact_firstname field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_initial | String | False |
The Contact_initial field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_lastname | String | False |
The Contact_lastname field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_companyname | String | False |
The Contact_companyname field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_printas | String | False |
The Contact_printas field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_phone1 | String | False |
The Contact_phone1 field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_phone2 | String | False |
The Contact_phone2 field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_cellphone | String | False |
The Contact_cellphone field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_pager | String | False |
The Contact_pager field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_fax | String | False |
The Contact_fax field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_email1 | String | False |
The Contact_email1 field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_email2 | String | False |
The Contact_email2 field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_url1 | String | False |
The Contact_url1 field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_url2 | String | False |
The Contact_url2 field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_visible | Boolean | False |
The Contact_visible field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_address1 field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_address2 field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_city field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_state field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_zip field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_country field of the SODocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_countrycode field of the SODocument object. |
Shiptokey | String | False |
The Shiptokey field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_contactname | String | False |
The Shipto_contactname field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_prefix | String | False |
The Shipto_prefix field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_firstname | String | False |
The Shipto_firstname field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_initial | String | False |
The Shipto_initial field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_lastname | String | False |
The Shipto_lastname field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_companyname | String | False |
The Shipto_companyname field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_printas | String | False |
The Shipto_printas field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_phone1 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone1 field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_phone2 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone2 field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_cellphone | String | False |
The Shipto_cellphone field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_pager | String | False |
The Shipto_pager field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_fax | String | False |
The Shipto_fax field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_email1 | String | False |
The Shipto_email1 field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_email2 | String | False |
The Shipto_email2 field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_url1 | String | False |
The Shipto_url1 field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_url2 | String | False |
The Shipto_url2 field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_visible | Boolean | False |
The Shipto_visible field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address1 field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address2 field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_city field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_state field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_zip field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_country field of the SODocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the SODocument object. |
Billtokey | String | False |
The Billtokey field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_contactname | String | False |
The Billto_contactname field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_prefix | String | False |
The Billto_prefix field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_firstname | String | False |
The Billto_firstname field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_initial | String | False |
The Billto_initial field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_lastname | String | False |
The Billto_lastname field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_companyname | String | False |
The Billto_companyname field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_printas | String | False |
The Billto_printas field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_phone1 | String | False |
The Billto_phone1 field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_phone2 | String | False |
The Billto_phone2 field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_cellphone | String | False |
The Billto_cellphone field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_pager | String | False |
The Billto_pager field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_fax | String | False |
The Billto_fax field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_email1 | String | False |
The Billto_email1 field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_email2 | String | False |
The Billto_email2 field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_url1 | String | False |
The Billto_url1 field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_url2 | String | False |
The Billto_url2 field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_visible | Boolean | False |
The Billto_visible field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address1 field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address2 field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_city field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_state field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_zip field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_country field of the SODocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the SODocument object. |
Message | String | False |
The Message field of the SODocument object. |
Prrecordkey | String | False |
The Prrecordkey field of the SODocument object. |
Invbatchkey | String | False |
The Invbatchkey field of the SODocument object. |
Prinvbatchkey | String | False |
The Prinvbatchkey field of the SODocument object. |
Printed | String | False |
The Printed field of the SODocument object. |
Backorder | String | False |
The Backorder field of the SODocument object. |
Subtotal | Double | False |
The Subtotal field of the SODocument object. |
Total | Double | False |
The Total field of the SODocument object. |
Entglgroup | Int64 | False |
The Entglgroup field of the SODocument object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the SODocument object. |
Exchratedate | Datetime | False |
The Exchratedate field of the SODocument object. |
Exchratetypes_name | String | False |
The Exchratetypes_name field of the SODocument object. |
Exchrate | Double | False |
The Exchrate field of the SODocument object. |
Schopkey | String | False |
The Schopkey field of the SODocument object. |
Salescontract | String | False |
The Salescontract field of the SODocument object. |
Usedascontract | String | False |
The Usedascontract field of the SODocument object. |
Trx_subtotal | Double | False |
The Trx_subtotal field of the SODocument object. |
Trx_total | Double | False |
The Trx_total field of the SODocument object. |
Exch_rate_type_id | String | False |
The Exch_rate_type_id field of the SODocument object. |
Reneweddoc | String | False |
The Reneweddoc field of the SODocument object. |
Basecurr | String | False |
The Basecurr field of the SODocument object. |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
The Systemgenerated field of the SODocument object. |
Invoicerunkey | Int64 | False |
The Invoicerunkey field of the SODocument object. |
Docpar_in_out | String | False |
The Docpar_in_out field of the SODocument object. |
Custvendid | String | False |
The Custvendid field of the SODocument object. |
Custvendname | String | False |
The Custvendname field of the SODocument object. |
Haspostedrevrec | String | False |
The Haspostedrevrec field of the SODocument object. |
Contractid | String | False |
The Contractid field of the SODocument object. |
Contractdesc | String | False |
The Contractdesc field of the SODocument object. |
Trx_totalpaid | String | False |
The Trx_totalpaid field of the SODocument object. |
Totalpaid | String | False |
The Totalpaid field of the SODocument object. |
Trx_totalentered | String | False |
The Trx_totalentered field of the SODocument object. |
Totalentered | String | False |
The Totalentered field of the SODocument object. |
Trx_totaldue | String | False |
The Trx_totaldue field of the SODocument object. |
Totaldue | String | False |
The Totaldue field of the SODocument object. |
Paymentstatus | String | False |
The Paymentstatus field of the SODocument object. |
Sign_flag | Int64 | False |
The Sign_flag field of the SODocument object. |
Vsoepricelist | String | False |
The Vsoepricelist field of the SODocument object. |
Vsoeprclstkey | String | False |
The Vsoeprclstkey field of the SODocument object. |
Origdocdate | Datetime | False |
The Origdocdate field of the SODocument object. |
Hasadvbilling | Boolean | False |
The Hasadvbilling field of the SODocument object. |
Invoicerun_expensepricemarkup | Double | False |
The Invoicerun_expensepricemarkup field of the SODocument object. |
Invoicerun_description | String | False |
The Invoicerun_description field of the SODocument object. |
Projectkey | Int64 | False |
The Projectkey field of the SODocument object. |
Project | String | False |
The Project field of the SODocument object. |
Projectname | String | False |
The Projectname field of the SODocument object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the SODocument object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the SODocument object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the SODocument object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the SODocument object. |
Retrieves SODocumentParams report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Docid | String | False |
The Docid field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Docclass | String | False |
The Docclass field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Category | String | False |
The Category field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Userperm | Boolean | False |
The Userperm field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Edittype | String | False |
The Edittype field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Deltype | String | False |
The Deltype field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Enable_seqnum | Boolean | False |
The Enable_seqnum field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Sequence | String | False |
The Sequence field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Preserve_seqnum | Boolean | False |
The Preserve_seqnum field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Inherit_source_docno | Boolean | False |
The Inherit_source_docno field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Updates_inv | String | False |
The Updates_inv field of the SODocumentParams object. |
In_out | String | False |
The In_out field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Updates_gl | String | False |
The Updates_gl field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Convtype | String | False |
The Convtype field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Updates_cost | Boolean | False |
The Updates_cost field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Exchratetypes_name | String | False |
The Exchratetypes_name field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Override_exch_rate_type | Boolean | False |
The Override_exch_rate_type field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Display_basecurrency | Boolean | False |
The Display_basecurrency field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Updates_pricelistid | String | False |
The Updates_pricelistid field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Term_name | String | False |
The Term_name field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Pricelistid | String | False |
The Pricelistid field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Special_pricelistid | String | False |
The Special_pricelistid field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Override_price | Boolean | False |
The Override_price field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Enable_discount_charge | Boolean | False |
The Enable_discount_charge field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Require_discount_memo | Boolean | False |
The Require_discount_memo field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Recallonly | Boolean | False |
The Recallonly field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Editable_price | Boolean | False |
The Editable_price field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Show_totals | Boolean | False |
The Show_totals field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Showexpandedtotals | Boolean | False |
The Showexpandedtotals field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Enableoverridetax | Boolean | False |
The Enableoverridetax field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Enablerevrec | String | False |
The Enablerevrec field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Enablerenewals | String | False |
The Enablerenewals field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Enableschedule | Boolean | False |
The Enableschedule field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Renewonlyconvertedline | Boolean | False |
The Renewonlyconvertedline field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Locoverride | Boolean | False |
The Locoverride field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Deptoverride | Boolean | False |
The Deptoverride field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Xsltemplate | String | False |
The Xsltemplate field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Fixed_mesg | String | False |
The Fixed_mesg field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Convert_units | Boolean | False |
The Convert_units field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Contacttitle1 | String | False |
The Contacttitle1 field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Showtitle1 | Boolean | False |
The Showtitle1 field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Alloweditbillto | Boolean | False |
The Alloweditbillto field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Showtitle2 | Boolean | False |
The Showtitle2 field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Contacttitle2 | String | False |
The Contacttitle2 field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Alloweditshipto | Boolean | False |
The Alloweditshipto field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Warnonlowqty | Boolean | False |
The Warnonlowqty field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Creditlimitcheck | Boolean | False |
The Creditlimitcheck field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Warehouseselmethod | String | False |
The Warehouseselmethod field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Default_warehouse | String | False |
The Default_warehouse field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Zuoratype | String | False |
The Zuoratype field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Enablepayments | Boolean | False |
The Enablepayments field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Cust_vend | String | False |
The Cust_vend field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Sale_pur_trans | String | False |
The Sale_pur_trans field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Posttogl | Boolean | False |
The Posttogl field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Force_prices | Boolean | False |
The Force_prices field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Enable_costing | Boolean | False |
The Enable_costing field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Createtype | String | False |
The Createtype field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the SODocumentParams object. |
Retrieves SOPriceList report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the SOPriceList object. |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the SOPriceList object. |
Datefrom | Datetime | False |
The Datefrom field of the SOPriceList object. |
Dateto | Datetime | False |
The Dateto field of the SOPriceList object. |
Salepurchase | String | False |
The Salepurchase field of the SOPriceList object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the SOPriceList object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the SOPriceList object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the SOPriceList object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the SOPriceList object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the SOPriceList object. |
Retrieves StatAccount report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the StatAccount object. |
Accountno [KEY] | String | False |
The Accountno field of the StatAccount object. |
Title | String | False |
The Title field of the StatAccount object. |
Accounttype | String | False |
The Accounttype field of the StatAccount object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the StatAccount object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the StatAccount object. |
Requiredept | Boolean | False |
The Requiredept field of the StatAccount object. |
Requireloc | Boolean | False |
The Requireloc field of the StatAccount object. |
Taxable | Boolean | False |
The Taxable field of the StatAccount object. |
Statistical | Boolean | False |
The Statistical field of the StatAccount object. |
Category | String | False |
The Category field of the StatAccount object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the StatAccount object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the StatAccount object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the StatAccount object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the StatAccount object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the StatAccount object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the StatAccount object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the StatAccount object. |
Retrieves StatJournal report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
RecordNUM | Int64 | False |
The Record# field of the StatJournal object. |
Symbol | String | False |
The Symbol field of the StatJournal object. |
Title [KEY] | String | False |
The Title field of the StatJournal object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the StatJournal object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the StatJournal object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the StatJournal object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the StatJournal object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the StatJournal object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the StatJournal object. |
Retrieves STKitDocument report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the STKitDocument object. |
Docno | String | False |
The Docno field of the STKitDocument object. |
Docid | String | False |
The Docid field of the STKitDocument object. |
Createdfrom | String | False |
The Createdfrom field of the STKitDocument object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the STKitDocument object. |
Closed | Boolean | False |
The Closed field of the STKitDocument object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the STKitDocument object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the STKitDocument object. |
Whendue | Datetime | False |
The Whendue field of the STKitDocument object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the STKitDocument object. |
Ponumber | String | False |
The Ponumber field of the STKitDocument object. |
Vendordocno | String | False |
The Vendordocno field of the STKitDocument object. |
Docparid | String | False |
The Docparid field of the STKitDocument object. |
Docparkey | String | False |
The Docparkey field of the STKitDocument object. |
Docparclass | String | False |
The Docparclass field of the STKitDocument object. |
Term_name | String | False |
The Term_name field of the STKitDocument object. |
Note | String | False |
The Note field of the STKitDocument object. |
Warehouse_locationid | String | False |
The Warehouse_locationid field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipvia | String | False |
The Shipvia field of the STKitDocument object. |
User | String | False |
The User field of the STKitDocument object. |
Createduser | String | False |
The Createduser field of the STKitDocument object. |
Userid | String | False |
The Userid field of the STKitDocument object. |
Createduserid | String | False |
The Createduserid field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_contactname | String | False |
The Contact_contactname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_prefix | String | False |
The Contact_prefix field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_firstname | String | False |
The Contact_firstname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_initial | String | False |
The Contact_initial field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_lastname | String | False |
The Contact_lastname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_companyname | String | False |
The Contact_companyname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_printas | String | False |
The Contact_printas field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_phone1 | String | False |
The Contact_phone1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_phone2 | String | False |
The Contact_phone2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_cellphone | String | False |
The Contact_cellphone field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_pager | String | False |
The Contact_pager field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_fax | String | False |
The Contact_fax field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_email1 | String | False |
The Contact_email1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_email2 | String | False |
The Contact_email2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_url1 | String | False |
The Contact_url1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_url2 | String | False |
The Contact_url2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_visible | Boolean | False |
The Contact_visible field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_address1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_address2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_city field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_state field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_zip field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_country field of the STKitDocument object. |
Contact_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Contact_mailaddress_countrycode field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shiptokey | String | False |
The Shiptokey field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_contactname | String | False |
The Shipto_contactname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_prefix | String | False |
The Shipto_prefix field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_firstname | String | False |
The Shipto_firstname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_initial | String | False |
The Shipto_initial field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_lastname | String | False |
The Shipto_lastname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_companyname | String | False |
The Shipto_companyname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_printas | String | False |
The Shipto_printas field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_phone1 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_phone2 | String | False |
The Shipto_phone2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_cellphone | String | False |
The Shipto_cellphone field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_pager | String | False |
The Shipto_pager field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_fax | String | False |
The Shipto_fax field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_email1 | String | False |
The Shipto_email1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_email2 | String | False |
The Shipto_email2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_url1 | String | False |
The Shipto_url1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_url2 | String | False |
The Shipto_url2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_visible | Boolean | False |
The Shipto_visible field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_address2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_city field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_state field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_zip field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_country field of the STKitDocument object. |
Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Shipto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billtokey | String | False |
The Billtokey field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_contactname | String | False |
The Billto_contactname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_prefix | String | False |
The Billto_prefix field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_firstname | String | False |
The Billto_firstname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_initial | String | False |
The Billto_initial field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_lastname | String | False |
The Billto_lastname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_companyname | String | False |
The Billto_companyname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_printas | String | False |
The Billto_printas field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_phone1 | String | False |
The Billto_phone1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_phone2 | String | False |
The Billto_phone2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_cellphone | String | False |
The Billto_cellphone field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_pager | String | False |
The Billto_pager field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_fax | String | False |
The Billto_fax field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_email1 | String | False |
The Billto_email1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_email2 | String | False |
The Billto_email2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_url1 | String | False |
The Billto_url1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_url2 | String | False |
The Billto_url2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_visible | Boolean | False |
The Billto_visible field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address1 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_address2 field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_city field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_state field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_zip field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_country field of the STKitDocument object. |
Billto_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Billto_mailaddress_countrycode field of the STKitDocument object. |
Message | String | False |
The Message field of the STKitDocument object. |
Prrecordkey | String | False |
The Prrecordkey field of the STKitDocument object. |
Invbatchkey | String | False |
The Invbatchkey field of the STKitDocument object. |
Prinvbatchkey | String | False |
The Prinvbatchkey field of the STKitDocument object. |
Printed | String | False |
The Printed field of the STKitDocument object. |
Backorder | String | False |
The Backorder field of the STKitDocument object. |
Subtotal | Double | False |
The Subtotal field of the STKitDocument object. |
Total | Double | False |
The Total field of the STKitDocument object. |
Entglgroup | Int64 | False |
The Entglgroup field of the STKitDocument object. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency field of the STKitDocument object. |
Exchratedate | Datetime | False |
The Exchratedate field of the STKitDocument object. |
Exchratetypes_name | String | False |
The Exchratetypes_name field of the STKitDocument object. |
Exchrate | Double | False |
The Exchrate field of the STKitDocument object. |
Schopkey | String | False |
The Schopkey field of the STKitDocument object. |
Salescontract | String | False |
The Salescontract field of the STKitDocument object. |
Usedascontract | String | False |
The Usedascontract field of the STKitDocument object. |
Trx_subtotal | Double | False |
The Trx_subtotal field of the STKitDocument object. |
Trx_total | Double | False |
The Trx_total field of the STKitDocument object. |
Exch_rate_type_id | String | False |
The Exch_rate_type_id field of the STKitDocument object. |
Reneweddoc | String | False |
The Reneweddoc field of the STKitDocument object. |
Basecurr | String | False |
The Basecurr field of the STKitDocument object. |
Systemgenerated | String | False |
The Systemgenerated field of the STKitDocument object. |
Invoicerunkey | Int64 | False |
The Invoicerunkey field of the STKitDocument object. |
Docpar_in_out | String | False |
The Docpar_in_out field of the STKitDocument object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the STKitDocument object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the STKitDocument object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the STKitDocument object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the STKitDocument object. |
Retrieves Task report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the Task object. |
Parentkey | Int64 | False |
The Parentkey field of the Task object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the Task object. |
Parenttaskname | String | False |
The Parenttaskname field of the Task object. |
Projectkey | Int64 | False |
The Projectkey field of the Task object. |
Projectid | String | False |
The Projectid field of the Task object. |
Projectname | String | False |
The Projectname field of the Task object. |
Projectbegindate | Datetime | False |
The Projectbegindate field of the Task object. |
Projectenddate | Datetime | False |
The Projectenddate field of the Task object. |
Customerkey | Int64 | False |
The Customerkey field of the Task object. |
Customerid | String | False |
The Customerid field of the Task object. |
Customername | String | False |
The Customername field of the Task object. |
Itemkey | Int64 | False |
The Itemkey field of the Task object. |
Itemid | String | False |
The Itemid field of the Task object. |
Itemname | String | False |
The Itemname field of the Task object. |
Pbegindate | Datetime | False |
The Pbegindate field of the Task object. |
Penddate | Datetime | False |
The Penddate field of the Task object. |
Abegindate | Datetime | False |
The Abegindate field of the Task object. |
Aenddate | Datetime | False |
The Aenddate field of the Task object. |
Budgetqty | Double | False |
The Budgetqty field of the Task object. |
Estqty | Double | False |
The Estqty field of the Task object. |
Actualqty | Double | False |
The Actualqty field of the Task object. |
Remainingqty | Double | False |
The Remainingqty field of the Task object. |
Approvedqty | Double | False |
The Approvedqty field of the Task object. |
Percentcomplete | Double | False |
The Percentcomplete field of the Task object. |
Obspercentcomplete | Double | False |
The Obspercentcomplete field of the Task object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the Task object. |
Ismilestone | Boolean | False |
The Ismilestone field of the Task object. |
Utilized | Boolean | False |
The Utilized field of the Task object. |
Billable | Boolean | False |
The Billable field of the Task object. |
Taskno | Int64 | False |
The Taskno field of the Task object. |
Priority | Int64 | False |
The Priority field of the Task object. |
Taskstatus | String | False |
The Taskstatus field of the Task object. |
Timetypekey | Int64 | False |
The Timetypekey field of the Task object. |
Timetypename | String | False |
The Timetypename field of the Task object. |
Classid | String | False |
The Classid field of the Task object. |
Classname | String | False |
The Classname field of the Task object. |
Classkey | Int64 | False |
The Classkey field of the Task object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Task object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Task object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Task object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Task object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Task object. |
Retrieves TaskResources report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the TaskResources object. |
Taskkey | String | False |
The Taskkey field of the TaskResources object. |
Taskname | String | False |
The Taskname field of the TaskResources object. |
Projectkey | Int64 | False |
The Projectkey field of the TaskResources object. |
Projectid | String | False |
The Projectid field of the TaskResources object. |
Projectname | String | False |
The Projectname field of the TaskResources object. |
Employeekey | Int64 | False |
The Employeekey field of the TaskResources object. |
Employeeid | String | False |
The Employeeid field of the TaskResources object. |
Employeecontactname | String | False |
The Employeecontactname field of the TaskResources object. |
Pbegindate | Datetime | False |
The Pbegindate field of the TaskResources object. |
Penddate | Datetime | False |
The Penddate field of the TaskResources object. |
Abegindate | Datetime | False |
The Abegindate field of the TaskResources object. |
Aenddate | Datetime | False |
The Aenddate field of the TaskResources object. |
Budgetqty | Double | False |
The Budgetqty field of the TaskResources object. |
Estqty | Double | False |
The Estqty field of the TaskResources object. |
Actualqty | Double | False |
The Actualqty field of the TaskResources object. |
Remainingqty | Double | False |
The Remainingqty field of the TaskResources object. |
Approvedqty | Double | False |
The Approvedqty field of the TaskResources object. |
Percentcomplete | Double | False |
The Percentcomplete field of the TaskResources object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the TaskResources object. |
Isfulltime | Boolean | False |
The Isfulltime field of the TaskResources object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the TaskResources object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the TaskResources object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the TaskResources object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the TaskResources object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the TaskResources object. |
Retrieves TaxGroup report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the TaxGroup object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the TaxGroup object. |
Grouptype | String | False |
The Grouptype field of the TaxGroup object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the TaxGroup object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the TaxGroup object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the TaxGroup object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the TaxGroup object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the TaxGroup object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the TaxGroup object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the TaxGroup object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the TaxGroup object. |
Retrieves TerritoryGroup report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Id | String | False |
The Id field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the TerritoryGroup object. |
Retrieves Timesheet report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the Timesheet object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the Timesheet object. |
Employeekey | Int64 | False |
The Employeekey field of the Timesheet object. |
Begindate | Datetime | False |
The Begindate field of the Timesheet object. |
Enddate | Datetime | False |
The Enddate field of the Timesheet object. |
Employeeid | String | False |
The Employeeid field of the Timesheet object. |
Employeename | String | False |
The Employeename field of the Timesheet object. |
State | String | False |
The State field of the Timesheet object. |
LinesNUM | Int64 | False |
The Lines# field of the Timesheet object. |
Employeefirstname | String | False |
The Employeefirstname field of the Timesheet object. |
Employeelastname | String | False |
The Employeelastname field of the Timesheet object. |
Config | String | False |
The Config field of the Timesheet object. |
Uom | String | False |
The Uom field of the Timesheet object. |
Hoursinday | Double | False |
The Hoursinday field of the Timesheet object. |
Employee_locationid | String | False |
The Employee_locationid field of the Timesheet object. |
Employee_departmentid | String | False |
The Employee_departmentid field of the Timesheet object. |
Employee_classid | String | False |
The Employee_classid field of the Timesheet object. |
Method | String | False |
The Method field of the Timesheet object. |
Actualcost | Boolean | False |
The Actualcost field of the Timesheet object. |
Locationkey | Int64 | False |
The Locationkey field of the Timesheet object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the Timesheet object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the Timesheet object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the Timesheet object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the Timesheet object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the Timesheet object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the Timesheet object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the Timesheet object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the Timesheet object. |
Retrieves TimeType report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the TimeType object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the TimeType object. |
Accountkey | Int64 | False |
The Accountkey field of the TimeType object. |
Accountno | String | False |
The Accountno field of the TimeType object. |
Accounttitle | String | False |
The Accounttitle field of the TimeType object. |
Offsetaccountkey | Int64 | False |
The Offsetaccountkey field of the TimeType object. |
Offsetaccountno | String | False |
The Offsetaccountno field of the TimeType object. |
Offsetaccounttitle | String | False |
The Offsetaccounttitle field of the TimeType object. |
Contraaccountkey | Int64 | False |
The Contraaccountkey field of the TimeType object. |
Contraaccountno | String | False |
The Contraaccountno field of the TimeType object. |
Contraaccounttitle | String | False |
The Contraaccounttitle field of the TimeType object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the TimeType object. |
Earningtypekey | Int64 | False |
The Earningtypekey field of the TimeType object. |
Earningtypename | String | False |
The Earningtypename field of the TimeType object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the TimeType object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the TimeType object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the TimeType object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the TimeType object. |
A collection of Track items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Createdat | Datetime | True | |
Createdby | String | True | |
Name | String | False | |
Id [KEY] | Long | True | |
Track_description | String | False | |
Updatedat | Datetime | True | |
Updatedby | String | True | |
Comment | String | False | |
Record_url | String | True |
Retrieves TransactionRule report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the TransactionRule object. |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the TransactionRule object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the TransactionRule object. |
Journalid | String | False |
The Journalid field of the TransactionRule object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the TransactionRule object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the TransactionRule object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the TransactionRule object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the TransactionRule object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the TransactionRule object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the TransactionRule object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the TransactionRule object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the TransactionRule object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the TransactionRule object. |
Retrieves TransactionRuleDetail report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno [KEY] | String | False |
The Recordno field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Rulekey | Int64 | False |
The Rulekey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Rulename | String | False |
The Rulename field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Seqno | Int64 | False |
The Seqno field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Action | String | False |
The Action field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Itemglgroupkey | Int64 | False |
The Itemglgroupkey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Itemglgroupname | String | False |
The Itemglgroupname field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Post | Boolean | False |
The Post field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Subtotalrange | String | False |
The Subtotalrange field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Source | String | False |
The Source field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Rate | Double | False |
The Rate field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Ratenote | String | False |
The Ratenote field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dbglacctkey | Int64 | False |
The Dbglacctkey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dbglacctno | String | False |
The Dbglacctno field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dblockey | Int64 | False |
The Dblockey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dblocid | String | False |
The Dblocid field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dblocname | String | False |
The Dblocname field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dbdeptkey | Int64 | False |
The Dbdeptkey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dbdeptid | String | False |
The Dbdeptid field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dbdeptname | String | False |
The Dbdeptname field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dbclasskey | Int64 | False |
The Dbclasskey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dbclassid | String | False |
The Dbclassid field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dbclassname | String | False |
The Dbclassname field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dbprojectkey | Int64 | False |
The Dbprojectkey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dbprojectid | String | False |
The Dbprojectid field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Dbprojectname | String | False |
The Dbprojectname field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crglacctkey | Int64 | False |
The Crglacctkey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crglacctno | String | False |
The Crglacctno field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crlockey | Int64 | False |
The Crlockey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crlocid | String | False |
The Crlocid field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crlocname | String | False |
The Crlocname field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crdeptkey | Int64 | False |
The Crdeptkey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crdeptid | String | False |
The Crdeptid field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crdeptname | String | False |
The Crdeptname field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crclasskey | Int64 | False |
The Crclasskey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crclassid | String | False |
The Crclassid field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crclassname | String | False |
The Crclassname field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crprojectkey | Int64 | False |
The Crprojectkey field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crprojectid | String | False |
The Crprojectid field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Crprojectname | String | False |
The Crprojectname field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the TransactionRuleDetail object. |
Retrieves TrxCurrencies report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Code [KEY] | String | False |
The Code field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Fullname | String | False |
The Fullname field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Symbol | String | False |
The Symbol field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Iso_code | String | False |
The Iso_code field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Format | String | False |
The Format field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Subname | String | False |
The Subname field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Decimal_sep | String | False |
The Decimal_sep field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Thousand_sep | String | False |
The Thousand_sep field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Alignment | String | False |
The Alignment field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Numbering_sys | String | False |
The Numbering_sys field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Isbasecurr | String | False |
The Isbasecurr field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Locationkey | Int64 | False |
The Locationkey field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the TrxCurrencies object. |
Retrieves UoM report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the UoM object. |
Name [KEY] | String | False |
The Name field of the UoM object. |
Issystem | Boolean | False |
The Issystem field of the UoM object. |
Invuom | String | False |
The Invuom field of the UoM object. |
Pouom | String | False |
The Pouom field of the UoM object. |
Oeuom | String | False |
The Oeuom field of the UoM object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the UoM object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the UoM object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the UoM object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the UoM object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the UoM object. |
Retrieves UserAdjJrnl report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the UserAdjJrnl object. |
Symbol | String | False |
The Symbol field of the UserAdjJrnl object. |
Title [KEY] | String | False |
The Title field of the UserAdjJrnl object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the UserAdjJrnl object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the UserAdjJrnl object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the UserAdjJrnl object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the UserAdjJrnl object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the UserAdjJrnl object. |
Useradjbookkey | String | False |
The Useradjbookkey field of the UserAdjJrnl object. |
Useradjbookid | String | False |
The Useradjbookid field of the UserAdjJrnl object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the UserAdjJrnl object. |
Retrieves UserInfo report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Loginid [KEY] | String | False |
The Loginid field of the UserInfo object. |
Description | String | False |
The Description field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_contactname | String | False |
The Contactinfo_contactname field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_prefix | String | False |
The Contactinfo_prefix field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_firstname | String | False |
The Contactinfo_firstname field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_initial | String | False |
The Contactinfo_initial field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_lastname | String | False |
The Contactinfo_lastname field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_companyname | String | False |
The Contactinfo_companyname field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_printas | String | False |
The Contactinfo_printas field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_phone1 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_phone1 field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_phone2 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_phone2 field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_cellphone | String | False |
The Contactinfo_cellphone field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_pager | String | False |
The Contactinfo_pager field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_fax | String | False |
The Contactinfo_fax field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_email1 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_email1 field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_email2 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_email2 field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_url1 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_url1 field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_url2 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_url2 field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_address1 field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_address2 field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_city field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_state field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_zip field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_country field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactinfo_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Contactinfo_mailaddress_countrycode field of the UserInfo object. |
Admin | String | False |
The Admin field of the UserInfo object. |
Usertype | String | False |
The Usertype field of the UserInfo object. |
Visible | String | False |
The Visible field of the UserInfo object. |
Status | String | False |
The Status field of the UserInfo object. |
Unrestricted | Boolean | False |
The Unrestricted field of the UserInfo object. |
Logindisabled | Boolean | False |
The Logindisabled field of the UserInfo object. |
Pwdneverexpires | Boolean | False |
The Pwdneverexpires field of the UserInfo object. |
Resetpassword | String | False |
The Resetpassword field of the UserInfo object. |
Pwdqlynotenforced | Boolean | False |
The Pwdqlynotenforced field of the UserInfo object. |
Whencreated | Datetime | False |
The Whencreated field of the UserInfo object. |
Whenmodified | Datetime | False |
The Whenmodified field of the UserInfo object. |
Createdby | Int64 | False |
The Createdby field of the UserInfo object. |
Modifiedby | Int64 | False |
The Modifiedby field of the UserInfo object. |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the UserInfo object. |
Contactkey | Int64 | False |
The Contactkey field of the UserInfo object. |
Chatter_disabled | Boolean | False |
The Chatter_disabled field of the UserInfo object. |
Megaentitykey | Int64 | False |
The Megaentitykey field of the UserInfo object. |
Megaentityid | String | False |
The Megaentityid field of the UserInfo object. |
Megaentityname | String | False |
The Megaentityname field of the UserInfo object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the UserInfo object. |
Retrieves UserRoles report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Rolename [KEY] | String | False |
The Rolename field of the UserRoles object. |
Userid | String | False |
The Userid field of the UserRoles object. |
Record_url | String | False |
The Record_url field of the UserRoles object. |
Retrieves Vendor report data.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Recordno | Int64 | False |
The Recordno field of the Vendor object. |
Vendorid [KEY] | String | False |
The Vendorid field of the Vendor object. |
Name | String | False |
The Name field of the Vendor object. |
Name1099 | String | False |
The Name1099 field of the Vendor object. |
Parentkey | String | False |
The Parentkey field of the Vendor object. |
Parentid | String | False |
The Parentid field of the Vendor object. |
Parentname | String | False |
The Parentname field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_contactname | String | False |
The Displaycontact_contactname field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_companyname | String | False |
The Displaycontact_companyname field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_prefix | String | False |
The Displaycontact_prefix field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_firstname | String | False |
The Displaycontact_firstname field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_lastname | String | False |
The Displaycontact_lastname field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_initial | String | False |
The Displaycontact_initial field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_printas | String | False |
The Displaycontact_printas field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_taxable | Boolean | False |
The Displaycontact_taxable field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_taxgroup | String | False |
The Displaycontact_taxgroup field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_phone1 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_phone1 field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_phone2 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_phone2 field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_cellphone | String | False |
The Displaycontact_cellphone field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_pager | String | False |
The Displaycontact_pager field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_fax | String | False |
The Displaycontact_fax field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_email1 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_email1 field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_email2 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_email2 field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_url1 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_url1 field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_url2 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_url2 field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_visible | Boolean | False |
The Displaycontact_visible field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_address1 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_address1 field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_address2 | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_address2 field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_city | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_city field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_state | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_state field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_zip | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_zip field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_country | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_country field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_mailaddress_countrycode | String | False |
The Displaycontact_mailaddress_countrycode field of the Vendor object. |
Displaycontact_status | String | False |
The Displaycontact_status field of the Vendor object. |
Entity | String | False |
The Entity field of the Vendor object. |
Termname | String | False |
The Termname field of the Vendor object. |
Termvalue | String | False |
The Termvalue field of the Vendor object. |
Vendoraccountno | String | False |
The Vendoraccountno field of the Vendor object. |
Taxid | String | False |
The Taxid field of the Vendor object. |
Creditlimit | Double | False |
The Creditlimit field of the Vendor object. |
Totaldue | Double | False |
The Totaldue field of the Vendor object. |
Billingtype | String | False |
The Billingtype field of the Vendor object. |
Vendtype | String | False |
The Vendtype field of the Vendor object. |
Vendtype1099type | String | False |
The Vendtype1099type field of the Vendor object. |
Glgroup | String | False |
The Glgroup field of the Vendor object. |
Priceschedule | String | False |
The Priceschedule field of the Vendor object. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount field of the Vendor object. |
Pricelist | String | False |
The Pricelist field of the Vendor object. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments field of the Vendor object. |
Accountlabel | String | False |
The Accountlabel field of the Vendor object. |
Apaccount | String | False |
The Apaccount field of the Vendor object. |
Apaccounttitl |