Create, configure, and publish invoices for orders that were created.
Table Specific Information
The add-in uses the Square API to process search criteria that refer to the Id column, while other filters are processed client side within the add-in.
Retrieve all invoices from a location specified in the filter.
SELECT * from Invoices where locationid = '92BYHNBR6W77E'
Retrieve an invoice by invoice ID.
SELECT * from Invoices where id = 'inv:0-ChCEwgC9pIyJcHaTpPUDOxHLEL0M'
To create a draft invoice for an order, you will need to specify OrderId, DeliveryMethod columns and PaymentRequests pseudo columns.
INSERT INTO Invoices(OrderId,AcceptedPaymentMethodCashAppPay,DeliveryMethod,PaymentRequestsRequestType,PaymentRequestsDueDate) VALUES('ASXK4JVIMPx33BTJ2iLEzaTXwxZZY',true,'EMAIL','BALANCE','2024-10-12')
To update an invoice, you will need to set current version number of the invoice in the query.
UPDATE Invoices SET Title = 'Testing@001', Version = 7 where id = 'inv:0-ChC4p4-kE0gkhzWD2-NPhXiuEL0M'
Delete the specified invoice.
DELETE from invoices where id = 'inv:0-ChCFV-a1tLofCBvdpj5UA4qgEL0M'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The Square-assigned ID of the invoice. |
Version | Int32 | False |
The Square-assigned version number, which is incremented each time an update is committed to the invoice. |
LocationId | String | False |
The ID of the location that this invoice is associated with. |
OrderId | String | False |
The ID of the order for which the invoice is created. |
PrimaryRecipientCustomerId | String | False |
TThe ID of the customer who receives the invoice. |
PrimaryRecipientGivenName | String | True |
The recipient's given (that is, first) name. |
PrimaryRecipientFamilyName | String | True |
The recipient's family (that is, last) name. |
PrimaryRecipientEmail | String | True |
The recipient's email address. |
PrimaryRecipientAddress | String | True |
The recipient's physical address. |
PrimaryRecipientPhoneNumber | String | True |
The recipient's phone number. |
PrimaryRecipientCompanyName | String | True |
The name of the recipient's company. |
PrimaryRecipientTaxIds | String | True |
The recipient's tax IDs. The country of the seller account determines whether this field is available for the customer. |
PaymentRequests | String | False |
The payment schedule for the invoice, represented by one or more payment requests that define payment settings, such as amount due and due date. |
DeliveryMethod | String | False |
The delivery method that Square uses to send the invoice, reminders, and receipts to the customer. |
InvoiceNumber | String | False |
A user-friendly invoice number that is displayed on the invoice. The value is unique within a location. |
Title | String | False |
The title of the invoice, which is displayed on the invoice. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the invoice, which is displayed on the invoice. |
ScheduledAt | Datetime | False |
The timestamp when the invoice is scheduled for processing, in RFC 3339 format. |
PublicUrl | String | True |
The URL of the Square-hosted invoice page. |
NextPaymentMoneyAmount | Int64 | True |
The current amount due for the invoice. In addition to the amount due on the next payment request, this includes any overdue payment amounts. |
NextPaymentMoneyCurrency | String | True |
The type of currency of the current amount due for the invoice, in ISO 4217 format. |
Status | String | True |
The status of the invoice. |
Timezone | String | True |
The time zone used to interpret calendar dates on the invoice, such as due_date. When an invoice is created, this field is set to the timezone specified for the seller location. The value cannot be changed. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The timestamp when the invoice was created, in RFC 3339 format. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The timestamp when the invoice was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. |
AcceptedPaymentMethodCard | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether credit card or debit card payments are accepted. |
AcceptedPaymentMethodSquareGiftCard | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether Square gift card payments are accepted. |
AcceptedPaymentMethodBankAccount | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether ACH bank transfer payments are accepted. |
AcceptedPaymentMethodBuyNowPayLater | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether Afterpay (also known as Clearpay) payments are accepted. |
AcceptedPaymentMethodCashAppPay | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether Cash App payments are accepted. |
CustomFields | String | False |
Additional seller-defined fields that are displayed on the invoice. |
SubscriptionId | String | True |
The ID of the subscription associated with the invoice. |
SaleOrServiceDate | Datetime | False |
The date of the sale or the date that the service is rendered, in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
PaymentConditions | String | False |
France only. The payment terms and conditions that are displayed on the invoice. For countries other than France, Square returns an INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR with a BAD_REQUEST code. |
StorePaymentMethodEnabled | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether to allow a customer to save a credit or debit card as a card on file or a bank transfer as a bank account on file. |
Attachments | String | True |
Metadata about the attachments on the invoice. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PaymentRequestsRequestType | String |
Identifies the payment request type. This type defines how the payment request amount is determined. The allowed values are BALANCE, DEPOSIT, INSTALLMENT. |
PaymentRequestsDueDate | Datetime |
The due date (in the invoice's time zone) for the payment request, in YYYY-MM-DD format. |