JDBC Driver for Square

Build 24.0.9060


Create, configure, and publish invoices for orders that were created.

Table Specific Information


The driver uses the Square API to process search criteria that refer to the Id column, while other filters are processed client side within the driver.

Retrieve all invoices from a location specified in the filter.

SELECT * from Invoices where locationid = '92BYHNBR6W77E'

Retrieve an invoice by invoice ID.

SELECT * from Invoices where id = 'inv:0-ChCEwgC9pIyJcHaTpPUDOxHLEL0M'


To create a draft invoice for an order, you will need to specify OrderId, DeliveryMethod columns and PaymentRequests pseudo columns.

INSERT INTO Invoices(OrderId,AcceptedPaymentMethodCashAppPay,DeliveryMethod,PaymentRequestsRequestType,PaymentRequestsDueDate) VALUES('ASXK4JVIMPx33BTJ2iLEzaTXwxZZY',true,'EMAIL','BALANCE','2024-10-12')


To update an invoice, you will need to set current version number of the invoice in the query.

UPDATE Invoices SET Title = 'Testing@001', Version = 7 where id = 'inv:0-ChC4p4-kE0gkhzWD2-NPhXiuEL0M'


Delete the specified invoice.

DELETE from invoices where id = 'inv:0-ChCFV-a1tLofCBvdpj5UA4qgEL0M'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True

The Square-assigned ID of the invoice.

Version Int32 False

The Square-assigned version number, which is incremented each time an update is committed to the invoice.

LocationId String False

The ID of the location that this invoice is associated with.

OrderId String False

The ID of the order for which the invoice is created.

PrimaryRecipientCustomerId String False

TThe ID of the customer who receives the invoice.

PrimaryRecipientGivenName String True

The recipient's given (that is, first) name.

PrimaryRecipientFamilyName String True

The recipient's family (that is, last) name.

PrimaryRecipientEmail String True

The recipient's email address.

PrimaryRecipientAddress String True

The recipient's physical address.

PrimaryRecipientPhoneNumber String True

The recipient's phone number.

PrimaryRecipientCompanyName String True

The name of the recipient's company.

PrimaryRecipientTaxIds String True

The recipient's tax IDs. The country of the seller account determines whether this field is available for the customer.

PaymentRequests String False

The payment schedule for the invoice, represented by one or more payment requests that define payment settings, such as amount due and due date.

DeliveryMethod String False

The delivery method that Square uses to send the invoice, reminders, and receipts to the customer.

InvoiceNumber String False

A user-friendly invoice number that is displayed on the invoice. The value is unique within a location.

Title String False

The title of the invoice, which is displayed on the invoice.

Description String False

The description of the invoice, which is displayed on the invoice.

ScheduledAt Datetime False

The timestamp when the invoice is scheduled for processing, in RFC 3339 format.

PublicUrl String True

The URL of the Square-hosted invoice page.

NextPaymentMoneyAmount Int64 True

The current amount due for the invoice. In addition to the amount due on the next payment request, this includes any overdue payment amounts.

NextPaymentMoneyCurrency String True

The type of currency of the current amount due for the invoice, in ISO 4217 format.

Status String True

The status of the invoice.

Timezone String True

The time zone used to interpret calendar dates on the invoice, such as due_date. When an invoice is created, this field is set to the timezone specified for the seller location. The value cannot be changed.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The timestamp when the invoice was created, in RFC 3339 format.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The timestamp when the invoice was last updated, in RFC 3339 format.

AcceptedPaymentMethodCard Boolean False

Indicates whether credit card or debit card payments are accepted.

AcceptedPaymentMethodSquareGiftCard Boolean False

Indicates whether Square gift card payments are accepted.

AcceptedPaymentMethodBankAccount Boolean False

Indicates whether ACH bank transfer payments are accepted.

AcceptedPaymentMethodBuyNowPayLater Boolean False

Indicates whether Afterpay (also known as Clearpay) payments are accepted.

AcceptedPaymentMethodCashAppPay Boolean False

Indicates whether Cash App payments are accepted.

CustomFields String False

Additional seller-defined fields that are displayed on the invoice.

SubscriptionId String True

The ID of the subscription associated with the invoice.

SaleOrServiceDate Datetime False

The date of the sale or the date that the service is rendered, in YYYY-MM-DD format.

PaymentConditions String False

France only. The payment terms and conditions that are displayed on the invoice. For countries other than France, Square returns an INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR with a BAD_REQUEST code.

StorePaymentMethodEnabled Boolean False

Indicates whether to allow a customer to save a credit or debit card as a card on file or a bank transfer as a bank account on file.

Attachments String True

Metadata about the attachments on the invoice.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
PaymentRequestsRequestType String

Identifies the payment request type. This type defines how the payment request amount is determined.

The allowed values are BALANCE, DEPOSIT, INSTALLMENT.

PaymentRequestsDueDate Datetime

The due date (in the invoice's time zone) for the payment request, in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9060