ADO.NET Provider for Square

Build 24.0.8963


Charges a card represented by a card nonce or a customer's card on file.

Stored Procedure Specific Information


You must include in your query either of the following:

  • A value for the CardNonce parameter (to charge a card nonce generated with the SqPaymentForm).
  • Values for the CustomerCardId and CustomerId parameters (to charge a customer's card on file).

Note: If you provide the OrderId, the AmountMoney value must exactly match the TotalMoneyAmount value of the order you have created.

EXECUTE Charge OrderId = 'XKKB7LD30TpfNyW3e843ziklKh4vWEvweQyL5l4ESJLH3N2XXNBN8yqnf11qTrg3W3AelXC1kB',
  AmountMoney = 55555,
  AmountMoneyCurrency = 'USD',
  CardNonce = 'fake-card-nonce-ok',
  ReferenceId = 'some optional reference id',
  Note = 'some optional note',
  ShippingAddressLine1 = '123 Main St',
  ShippingAddressLocality = 'San Francisco',
  ShippingAddressAdministrativeDistrictLevel1 = 'CA',
  ShippingAddressPostalCode = '94114',
  ShippingAddressCountry= 'US',
  BillingAddressLine1= '500 Electric Ave',
  BillingAddressLine2 = 'Suite 600',
  BillingAddressAdministrativeDistrictLevel1 = 'NY',
  BillingAddressLocality = 'New York',
  BillingAddressPostalCode = '10003',
  BillingAddressCountry = 'US'


Name Type Required Description
IdempotencyKey String False A value you specify that uniquely identifies this transaction among transactions you've created.
AmountMoney String True The amount of money to charge.
AmountMoneyCurrency String True The value of currency must match the currency associated with the business that is charging the card.
CardNonce String False A nonce generated from the SqPaymentForm that represents the card to charge.
CustomerCardId String False The ID of the customer card on file to charge.
DelayCapture Boolean False If true, the request will only perform an Auth on the provided card. You can then later perform either a Capture or a Void.
ReferenceId String False An optional ID you can associate with the transaction for your own purposes.
Note String False An optional note to associate with the transaction.
CustomerId String False The ID of the customer to associate this transaction with.
BuyerEmailAddress String False The buyer's email address, if available. This value is optional, but this transaction is ineligible for chargeback protection if it is not provided.
OrderId String False The ID of the order to associate with this transaction.
BillingAddressLine1 String False The first line of the address.
BillingAddressLine2 String False The second line of the address.
BillingAddressLine3 String False The third line of the address.
BillingAddressLocality String False The city or town of the address.
BillingAddressSubLocality String False A civil region within the address's locality.
BillingAddressSubLocality2 String False A civil region within the address's sublocality.
BillingAddressSubLocality3 String False A civil region within the address's sublocality_2.
BillingAddressAdministrativeDistrictLevel1 String False A civil entity within the address's country. In the US, this is the state.
BillingAddressAdministrativeDistrictLevel2 String False A civil entity within the address's administrative_district_level_1. In the US, this is the county.
BillingAddressAdministrativeDistrictLevel3 String False A civil entity within the address's administrative_district_level_2.
BillingAddressPostalCode String False The address's postal code.
BillingAddressCountry String False The address's country, in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format.
BillingAddressFirstName String False Optional first name when it's representing recipient.
BillingAddressLastName String False Optional last name when it's representing recipient.
BillingAddressOrganization String False Optional organization name when it's representing recipient.
ShippingAddressLine1 String False The first line of the address.
ShippingAddressLine2 String False The second line of the address.
ShippingAddressLine3 String False The third line of the address.
ShippingAddressLocality String False The city or town of the address.
ShippingAddressSubLocality String False A civil region within the address's locality.
ShippingAddressSubLocality2 String False A civil region within the address's sublocality.
ShippingAddressSubLocality3 String False A civil region within the address's sublocality_2.
ShippingAddressAdministrativeDistrictLevel1 String False A civil entity within the address's country. In the US, this is the state.
ShippingAddressAdministrativeDistrictLevel2 String False A civil entity within the address's administrative_district_level_1. In the US, this is the county.
ShippingAddressAdministrativeDistrictLevel3 String False A civil entity within the address's administrative_district_level_2.
ShippingAddressPostalCode String False The address's postal code.
ShippingAddressCountry String False The address's country, in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format.
ShippingAddressFirstName String False Optional first name when it's representing recipient.
ShippingAddressLastName String False Optional last name when it's representing recipient.
ShippingAddressOrganization String False Optional organization name when it's representing recipient.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success Boolean Whether the transaction was successful.
TransactionId String The transaction's unique ID, issued by Square payments servers.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963