TDV Adapter for Square

Build 22.0.8462

Create an OAuth App

The adapter enables the granular control useful in more complex integrations or network topologies; for example, connecting from behind a firewall. In this section you will find more advanced adapter configurations, as well as steps to troubleshoot connection errors.

Create an App

You can follow the procedure below to register a custom OAuth app and obtain the OAuth client credentials, the Application Id and Application Secret. You will need to sign up for a Square account before starting this procedure.

  1. Navigate to the Developer Dashboard and create an app.
  2. Enter a name to be displayed to users when they log in to grant permissions to your app.
  3. Click Create App. Set CallbackURL to be equal to the value of the Redirect URL.

Set OAuthClientId to be equal with the Application Id on the Credentials page and set OAuthClientSecret to be equal to the Application Secret on the OAuth tab.

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Build 22.0.8462