Cmdlets for Microsoft Project

Build 24.0.9062

ODataV2 Data Model

The ODataV2 schema implements the ProjectServer service endpoints, which has support for full CRUD operations.


テーブル are retrieved dynamically from the authenticated Microsoft Project account.


Read-only ビュー are retrieved dynamically from the authenticated Microsoft Project account.

Stored Procedures

ストアドプロシージャ are function-like interfaces to Microsoft Project. Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Microsoft Project.

ODataV2 advantages compared to ODataV1

  • Supports write operations (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) on the exposed tables.

ODataV2 limitations

  • In order to query some tables and views, such as Assignments, ProjectResources, TaskLinks and Tasks, the ProjectId must be specified either in the query's WHERE clause criteria or via the ProjectId connection property.
  • The custom fields are not exposed.

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Build 24.0.9062