JDBC Driver for Microsoft Project

Build 24.0.8963


The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are SharePointOnlineCookies,OAuth,OKTA,ADFS,AzureAD and OneLogin.

Possible Values

SharePointOnlineCookies, OAuth, ADFS, OKTA, OneLogin, AzureAD






This field is used to authenticate to Microsoft Project. SharePointOnlineCookies is the default option.

  • SharePointOnlineCookies: Set the User and Password to perform the cookie based authentication to your SharePoint Online server.
  • OAuth: Set this to use OAuth authentication.
  • ADFS: Set this to use Single Sign-On authentication with ADFS.
  • OKTA: Set this to use Single Sign-On authentication with OKTA.
  • OneLogin: Set this to use Single Sign-On authentication with OneLogin.
  • AzureAD: Set this to use Azure Active Directory authentication.

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Build 24.0.8963