Excel Add-In for Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Build 23.0.8839


The DynamicsNAV table Currency.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Code [KEY] String False

The Code column for the table Currency.

Amount_Decimal_Places String False

The Amount_Decimal_Places column for the table Currency.

Amount_Rounding_Precision Decimal False

The Amount_Rounding_Precision column for the table Currency.

Appln_Rounding_Precision Decimal False

The Appln_Rounding_Precision column for the table Currency.

Conv_LCY_Rndg_Credit_Acc String False

The Conv_LCY_Rndg_Credit_Acc column for the table Currency.

Conv_LCY_Rndg_Debit_Acc String False

The Conv_LCY_Rndg_Debit_Acc column for the table Currency.

CurrencyFactor Decimal False

The CurrencyFactor column for the table Currency.

Description String False

The Description column for the table Currency.

EMU_Currency Boolean False

The EMU_Currency column for the table Currency.

ETag String False

The ETag column for the table Currency.

Invoice_Rounding_Precision Decimal False

The Invoice_Rounding_Precision column for the table Currency.

Invoice_Rounding_Type String False

The Invoice_Rounding_Type column for the table Currency.

Last_Date_Adjusted Datetime False

The Last_Date_Adjusted column for the table Currency.

Last_Date_Modified Datetime False

The Last_Date_Modified column for the table Currency.

Max_Payment_Tolerance_Amount Decimal False

The Max_Payment_Tolerance_Amount column for the table Currency.

Max_VAT_Difference_Allowed Decimal False

The Max_VAT_Difference_Allowed column for the table Currency.

Payment_Tolerance_Percent Decimal False

The Payment_Tolerance_Percent column for the table Currency.

Realized_G_L_Gains_Account String False

The Realized_G_L_Gains_Account column for the table Currency.

Realized_G_L_Losses_Account String False

The Realized_G_L_Losses_Account column for the table Currency.

Realized_Gains_Acc String False

The Realized_Gains_Acc column for the table Currency.

Realized_Losses_Acc String False

The Realized_Losses_Acc column for the table Currency.

Residual_Gains_Account String False

The Residual_Gains_Account column for the table Currency.

Residual_Losses_Account String False

The Residual_Losses_Account column for the table Currency.

Symbol String False

The Symbol column for the table Currency.

Unit_Amount_Decimal_Places String False

The Unit_Amount_Decimal_Places column for the table Currency.

Unit_Amount_Rounding_Precision Decimal False

The Unit_Amount_Rounding_Precision column for the table Currency.

Unrealized_Gains_Acc String False

The Unrealized_Gains_Acc column for the table Currency.

Unrealized_Losses_Acc String False

The Unrealized_Losses_Acc column for the table Currency.

VAT_Rounding_Type String False

The VAT_Rounding_Type column for the table Currency.

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Build 23.0.8839