Tableau Connector for Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Build 23.0.8839


The DynamicsNAV table PurchaseOrders.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Document_No [KEY] String False

The Document_No column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Document_Type [KEY] String False

The Document_Type column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Line_No [KEY] Int32 False

The Line_No column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Amount Decimal False

The Amount column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Buy_from_Vendor_No String False

The Buy_from_Vendor_No column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Currency_Code String False

The Currency_Code column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Description String False

The Description column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Direct_Unit_Cost Decimal False

The Direct_Unit_Cost column for the table PurchaseOrders.

ETag String False

The ETag column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Expected_Receipt_Date Datetime False

The Expected_Receipt_Date column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Line_Discount_Percent Decimal False

The Line_Discount_Percent column for the table PurchaseOrders.

No String False

The No column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Outstanding_Quantity Decimal False

The Outstanding_Quantity column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Quantity Decimal False

The Quantity column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Type String False

The Type column for the table PurchaseOrders.

Unit_of_Measure_Code String False

The Unit_of_Measure_Code column for the table PurchaseOrders.

LinkedCurrency_Code_Link String False

The LinkedCurrency_Code_Link column for the table PurchaseOrders.

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Build 23.0.8839