Tableau Connector for Mailchimp

Build 24.0.8963


A collection of subscriber lists associated with this account. Lists contain subscribers who have opted-in to receive correspondence from you or your organization.


Lists ではSELECT、INSERT、UPDATE、およびDELETE がサポートされています。


INSERT には、Name、PermissionReminder、EmailTypeOption、Contact_Company、Contact_Address1、Contact_City、Contact_State、Contact_Zip、Contact_Country、CampaignDefaults_FromName、CampaignDefaults_FromEmail、CampaignDefaults_Subject、およびCampaignDefaults_Language の指定が必要です。

INSERT INTO Lists (Name, PermissionReminder, EmailTypeOption, Contact_Company, Contact_Address1, Contact_City, Contact_State, Contact_Zip, Contact_Country, CampaignDefaults_FromName, CampaignDefaults_FromEmail, CampaignDefaults_Subject, CampaignDefaults_Language) VALUES ('myName', 'myPermissionReminder', 'true', 'myCompany', 'myAddress', 'myCity', 'myState', 'myZip', 'myCountry', 'myFromName', 'myFromEmail', 'myDefaultSubject', 'myDefaultLanguage')


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True

A string that uniquely identifies this list

Name String False

The name of the list.

Contact_Company String False

The company name associated with the list.

Contact_Address1 String False

The street address for the list contact.

Contact_Address2 String False

The street address for the list contact.

Contact_City String False

The city for the list contact.

Contact_State String False

The state for the list contact.

Contact_Zip String False

The postal or zip code for the list contact.

Contact_Country String False

A two-character ISO3166 country code. Defaults to US if invalid.

Contact_Phone String False

The phone number for the list contact.

PermissionReminder String False

The permission reminder for the list: a line of text that appears in the footer of each campaign that explains why subscribers are receiving the email campaign.

UseArchiveBar Boolean False

Whether or not campaigns for this list use the Archive Bar in archives by default.

CampaignDefaults_FromName String False

The default from name for campaigns sent to this list.

CampaignDefaults_FromEmail String False

The default from email (must be a valid email address) for campaigns sent to this list.

CampaignDefaults_Subject String False

The default subject line for campaigns sent to this list.

CampaignDefaults_Language String False

The default language for this lists's forms.

NotifyOnSubscribe String False

The email address to send subscribe notifications to, when enabled.

NotifyOnUnsubscribe String False

The email address to send unsubscribe notifications to, when enabled.

DateCreated Datetime True

The date and time that this list was created.

ListRating Integer True

An auto-generated activity score for the list (0-5).

EmailTypeOption Boolean False

Whether or not the list supports multiple formats for emails.

SubscribeUrlShort String True

Our eepurl shortened version of this list's subscribe form.

SubscribeUrlLong String True

The full version of this list's subscribe form (host will vary).

BeamerAddress String True

The email address to use for this list's Email Beamer.

Visibility String False

Whether this list is public (pub) or private (prv). Used internally for projects like Wavelength.

Modules String True

Any list-specific modules installed for this list.

Stats_MemberCount Integer True

The number of active members in the given list.

Stats_UnsubscribeCount Integer True

The number of members who have unsubscribed from the given list.

Stats_CleanedCount Integer True

The number of members cleaned from the given list.

Stats_MemberCountSinceSend Integer True

The number of active members in the given list since the last campaign was sent.

Stats_UnsubscribeCountSinceSend Integer True

The number of members who have unsubscribed since the last campaign was sent.

Stats_CleanedCountSinceSend Integer True

The number of members cleaned from the given list since the last campaign was sent.

Stats_CampaignCount Integer True

The number of campaigns in any status that use this list.

Stats_CampaignLastSent Datetime True

The date and time the last campaign was sent to this list.

Stats_MergeFieldCount Integer True

The number of merge vars for this list (not including the required EMAIL one).

Stats_AvgSubRate Double True

The average number of subscriptions per month for the list (not returned if we haven't calculated it yet).

Stats_AvgUnsubRate Double True

The average number of unsubscriptions per month for the list (not returned if we haven't calculated it yet).

Stats_TargetSubRate Double True

The target numberof subscriptions per month for the list to keep it growing (not returned if we haven't calculated it yet).

Stats_OpenRate Double True

The average open rate (a percentage represented as a number between 0 and 100) per campaign for the list (not returned if we haven't calculated it yet).

Stats_ClickRate Double True

The average click rate (a percentage represented as a number between 0 and 100) per campaign for the list (not returned if we haven't calculated it yet).

Stats_LastSubDate Datetime True

The date and time of the last time someone subscribed to this list.

Stats_LastUnsubDate Datetime True

The date and time of the last time someone unsubscribed from this list.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963