CData Python Connector for Mailchimp

Build 24.0.8963


A summary of the campaigns within an account.


Campaigns では、SELECT、UPDATE、およびDELETE がサポートされています。


UPDATE Campaigns SET Settings_Title = "Test" WHERE Id = "1234"

UPDATE Campaigns SET Recipients_SegmentOpts = "{"match":"any","saved_segment_id":314699}" WHERE Id = "cfb12c2228" 

UPDATE Campaigns SET Settings_Title = "Test", Recipients_ListId = "1234", RssOpts_FeedUrl = "exampleUrl", Type = "rss", RssOpts_Frequency = "daily" WHERE Id = "1234"

Note: UPDATE operation cannot be performed on already SENT campaigns. Also, the type of a campaign cannot be updated once it is set. Depending on the campaign type, specific options can be updateable only for specific campaign types. For example: If a campaign is of type "rss" then only the Rss Options fields can be updateable for this campaign. Variant and AbSplitOps settings will not be updateable in this case.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True

A string that uniquely identifies this campaign.

Type String False

The type of campaign (regular, plaintext, absplit, or rss).

CreateTime Datetime True

The date and time the campaign was created.

ArchiveUrl String True

The link to the campaign's archive version.

LongArchiveUrl String True

The original link to the campaign's archive version.

Status String True

The current status of the campaign ('save', 'paused', 'schedule', 'sending', 'sent').

EmailsSent Integer True

The total number of emails sent for this campaign.

SendTime Datetime True

The time and date a campaign was sent.

ContentType String False

How the campaign's content is put together ('template', 'drag_and_drop', 'html', 'url').

Recipients_ListId String False

The id of the list.

Recipients_ListName String True

The name of the list.

Recipients_SegmentText String False

A string marked-up with HTML explaining the segment used for the campaign in plain English.

Recipients_RecipientCount Integer True

Count of the recipients on the associated list. Formatted as an integer

Recipients_SegmentOpts String False

Segment options.

Settings_SubjectLine String False

The subject line for the campaign.

Settings_Title String False

The title of the campaign.

Settings_FromName String False

The 'from' name on the campaign (not an email address).

Settings_ReplyTo String False

The reply-to email address for the campaign.

Settings_UseConversation Boolean False

Use MailChimp Conversation feature to manage out of office replies.

Settings_ToName String False

The campaign's custom 'to' name. Typically something like the first name merge var.

Settings_FolderId String False

If the campaign is listed in a folder, the id for that folder.

Settings_Authenticate Boolean False

Whether or not the campaign was authenticated by MailChimp. Defaults to 'true'.

Settings_AutoFooter Boolean False

Automatically append MailChimp's default footer to the campaign.

Settings_InlineCss Boolean False

Automatically inline the CSS included with the campaign content.

Settings_AutoTweet Boolean False

Automatically tweet a link to the campaign archive page when the campaign is sent.

Settings_AutoFbPost String False

An array of Facebook page ids to auto-post to.

Settings_FbComments Boolean False

Allows Facebook comments on the campaign (also force-enables the Campaign Archive toolbar). Defaults to 'true'.

Settings_Timewarp Boolean True

Send this campaign using 'timewarp.' For more info, see the Knowledge Base article:

Settings_TemplateId Integer False

The id for the template used in this campaign.

Settings_DragAndDrop Boolean True

Whether the campaign uses the drag-and-drop editor.

VariateSettings_WinningCombinationId String True

ID of the combination that was chosen as the winner

VariateSettings_WinningCampaignId String True

ID of the campaign that was sent to the remaining recipients based on the winning combination

VariateSettings_WinnerCriteria String False

How the winning campaign will be chosen

VariateSettings_WaitTime Integer False

The number of minutes to wait before the winning campaign is picked

VariateSettings_TestSize Integer False

The percentage of subscribers to send the test combinations to, from 10 to 100

VariateSettings_SubjectLines String False

Possible subject lines

VariateSettings_SendTimes String False

Possible send times

VariateSettings_FromNames String False

Possible from names

VariateSettings_ReplyToAddresses String False

Possible reply To addresses

VariateSettings_Contents String True

Descriptions of possible email contents

VariateSettings_Combinations String True

Combinations of possible variables that were used to build emails

Tracking_Opens Boolean False

Whether to track opens. Defaults to 'true'.

Tracking_HtmlClicks Boolean False

Whether to track clicks in the HTML version of the campaign. Defaults to 'true'.

Tracking_TextClicks Boolean False

Whether to track clicks in the plain-text version of the campaign. Defaults to 'true'.

Tracking_GoalTracking Boolean False

Whether to enable Goal tracking. For more information, see this Knowledge Base article:

Tracking_Ecomm360 Boolean False

Whether to enable eCommerce360 tracking.

Tracking_GoogleAnalytics String False

The custom slug for Google Analytics tracking (max of 50 bytes).

Tracking_Clicktale String False

The custom slug for ClickTale Analytics tracking (max of 50 bytes).

Tracking_Salesforce String False

Salesforce tracking options for a campaign. Must be using MailChimp's built-in Salesforce integration.

Tracking_Highrise String False

Highrise tracking options for a campaign. Must be using MailChimp's built-in Highrise integration.

Tracking_Capsule String False

Capsule tracking option sfor a campaign. Must be using MailChimp's built-in Capsule integration.

RssOpts_FeedUrl String False

The URL for the RSS feed.

RssOpts_Frequency String False

The frequency of the RSS-to-Email campaign ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly').

RssOpts_Schedule String False

The schedule for sending the RSS campaign.

RssOpts_LastSent String True

The date the campaign was last sent.

RssOpts_ConstrainRssImg Boolean False

If true we will add css to images in the rss feed to constrain their width in the campaign content.

AbSplitOpts_SplitTest String False

The type of AB split to run ('subject', 'from_name', or 'schedule').

AbSplitOpts_PickWinner String False

How we should evaluate a winner. Based on 'opens', 'clicks', or 'manual'.

AbSplitOpts_WaitUnits String False

How unit of time for measuring the winner ('hours' or 'days'). This cannot be changed after a campaign is sent.

AbSplitOpts_WaitTime Integer False

The amount of time to wait before picking a winner. This cannot be changed after a campaign is sent.

AbSplitOpts_SplitSize Integer False

The size of the split groups. Campaigns split based on 'schedule' are forced to have a 50/50 split. Valid split integers are between 1-50. Ex. A 10% split would result in two groups of 10% of the subscribers plus a winner sending to the remaining 80%.

AbSplitOpts_FromNameA String False

For campaigns split on 'From Name', the name for Group A.

AbSplitOpts_FromNameB String False

For campaigns split on 'From Name', the name for Group B.

AbSplitOpts_ReplyEmailA String False

For campaigns split on 'From Name', the reply-to address for Group A.

AbSplitOpts_ReplyEmailB String False

For campaigns split on 'From Name', the reply-to address for Group B.

AbSplitOpts_SubjectA String False

For campaings split on 'Subject Line', the subject line for Group A.

AbSplitOpts_SubjectB String False

For campaings split on 'Subject Line', the subject line for Group B.

AbSplitOpts_SendTimeA Datetime False

The send time for Group A.

AbSplitOpts_SendTimeB Datetime False

The send time for Group B.

AbSplitOpts_SendTimeWinner Datetime False

The send time for the winning version.

SocialCard_ImageUrl String False

The url for the header image for the card.

SocialCard_Description String False

A short summary of the campaign to display.

SocialCard_Title String False

The title for the card. Typically the subject line of the campaign.

ReportSummary String False

For sent campaigns, a summary of opens, clicks, and unsubscribes.

DeliveryStatus String False

Updates on campaigns in the process of sending.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963