ADO.NET Provider for Mailchimp

Build 24.0.8963


A list of an ecommerce cart's lines.

Table Specific Information


The provider will use the Mailchimp API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the provider.

The StoreId can be retrieved by selecting the ECommerceStores view.

  • StoreId supports the '=' operator.
  • CartId supports the '=' operator.
  • Id supports the '=' operator.
For example:
SELECT * FROM EcommerceCartLines WHERE StoreId = 'Test_Store123' and CartId = '44'

SELECT * FROM EcommerceCartLines WHERE StoreId = 'Test_Store123' and CartId = '44' and Id = '88'


Note : API will throw error if the cart contains only one line item. You will have to delete the cart to delete all the lines.

 DELETE FROM EcommerceCartLines WHERE StoreId = 'Test_Store123' and CartId = '44' and Id = '88' 


Name Type ReadOnly Description
StoreId [KEY] String False

The StoreId for the table.

CartId [KEY] String False

The CartId for the table.

Id [KEY] String False

A unique identifier for the cart line item.

ProductId String False

A unique identifier for the product associated with the cart line item.

ProductTitle String True

The name of the product for the cart line item.

ProductVariantId String False

A unique identifier for the product variant associated with the cart line item.

ProductVariantTitle String True

The name of the product variant for the cart line item.

Quantity Integer False

The quantity of a cart line item.

Price Decimal False

The price of a cart line item.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963