FireDAC Components for Mailchimp

Build 23.0.8839


Statistics for the top-performing email domains in a campaign.

Table Specific Information

SELECT is supported for ReportDomainPerformance.


A CampaignId is required to retrieve data from this table. If none is specified in the WHERE clause, the first one available for your account will be used.


Name Type Description
CampaignId [KEY] String The CampaignId for the table.
Domain String The name of the domain (,,
EmailsSent Integer The number of emails sent to that specific domain.
Bounces Integer The number of bounces at a domain.
Opens Integer The number of opens for a domain.
Clicks Integer The number of clicks for a domain.
Unsubs Integer The total number of unsubscribes for a domain.
Delivered Integer The number of successful deliveries for a domain.
EmailsPct Double The percentage of total emails that went to this domain.
BouncesPct Double The percentage of total bounces that came from this domain.
OpensPct Double The percentage of total opens that came from this domain.
ClicksPct Double The percentage of total clicks tht came from this domain.
UnsubsPct Double The percentage of total unsubscribes taht came from this domain.

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Build 23.0.8839