Up to the previous 180 days of daily detailed aggregated activity stats for a given list. Does not include AutoResponder or Automation activity.
Table Specific Information
SELECT is supported for ListActivity.
A ListId is required to retrieve data from this table. If none is specified in the WHERE clause, the first one available for your account will be used.
Name | Type | Description |
ListId [KEY] | String | The ListId for the table. |
Day [KEY] | Date | The date for the activity summary. |
EmailsSent | Integer | The total number of emails sent on the date for the activity summary. |
UniqueOpens | Integer | The number of unique opens. |
RecipientClicks | Integer | The number of clicks. |
HardBounce | Integer | The number of hard bounces. |
SoftBounce | Integer | The number of soft bounces |
Subs | Integer | The number of subscribes. |
Unsubs | Integer | The number of unsubscribes. |
OtherAdds | Integer | The number of subscribers who may have been added outside of the double opt-in process such as imports or API activity. |
OtherRemoves | Integer | The number of subscribers who may have been removed outside of unsubscribing or reporting an email as spam. For example, deleted subscribers. |