JDBC Driver for Mailchimp

Build 22.0.8462


Up to the previous 180 days of daily detailed aggregated activity stats for a given list. Does not include AutoResponder or Automation activity.

Table Specific Information

SELECT is supported for ListActivity.


A ListId is required to retrieve data from this table. If none is specified in the WHERE clause, the first one available for your account will be used.


Name Type Description
ListId [KEY] String The ListId for the table.
Day [KEY] Date The date for the activity summary.
EmailsSent Integer The total number of emails sent on the date for the activity summary.
UniqueOpens Integer The number of unique opens.
RecipientClicks Integer The number of clicks.
HardBounce Integer The number of hard bounces.
SoftBounce Integer The number of soft bounces
Subs Integer The number of subscribes.
Unsubs Integer The number of unsubscribes.
OtherAdds Integer The number of subscribers who may have been added outside of the double opt-in process such as imports or API activity.
OtherRemoves Integer The number of subscribers who may have been removed outside of unsubscribing or reporting an email as spam. For example, deleted subscribers.

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Build 22.0.8462