Tableau Connector for LinkedIn

Build 24.0.8963


Query organization information from any LinkedIn organization, whethere you administer that organziation or not.


This view differs from CompanyDetails, because it only exposes Non-Admin Organization data, meaning that you can use this view whether you are querying information on an organization you own or not. If you don't want just the Non-Admin data, but other fields as well, and you are an Organization Administrator, you can use CompanyDetails.

Either the Id or VanityName columns must be specified in the criteria to use this view. If both are specified using an AND clause, the criterion for Id will take precedence over the criterion for VanityName. The OR logical operator is not supported in the criteria for columns other than Id or VanityName.

The = and IN operators are fully supported server-side for the Id column. Refer to the query examples below:

SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE Id = '4975021';
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE Id IN ('4975021', '6554901');

The = operator is fully supported server-side for the VanityName column, while the IN operator is processed client-side. The values specified in the criteria are case-insensitive. Refer to the query examples below:

SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE VanityName = 'cdatasoftware';
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE VanityName IN ('CDataSoftware', 'OtherOrganization');


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String The identifier of the organziation.
Name String The name of the organization.
VanityName String The vanity name of the organization.
Website String The organization's website.
PrimaryType String The primary type of the organization.
LogoAssetURN String The digital media asset URN for the organization's logo.
HierarchyClassification String The classification for the school's hierarchy in case the organization is a school.
SchoolType String The type of school in case the organization is a school.
YearLevel String The classification of the length of the school's educational programs in case the organization is a school.

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Build 24.0.8963