Power BI Connector for LinkedIn

Build 24.0.8963


Query update statistics about a company. If the TimeRange filters are not specified, the default result set is for the last 12 months.

Note: Requires the r_organization_admin scope.


The 本製品 uses the LinkedIn API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • CompanyId supports only the '=' operator.
  • TimeGranularity supports only the '=' operator.
  • TimeRangeStart supports only the '=' operator.
  • TimeRangeEnd supports only the '=' operator.
  • UGCPostId supports the '=,IN' comparisons.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM CompanyUpdateStatistics WHERE TimeRangeStart = '2019-10-20' AND TimeRangeEnd = '2020-10-15'
SELECT * FROM CompanyUpdateStatistics WHERE TimeRangeStart = '2019-10-15' AND TimeGranularity = 'DAY'
SELECT * FROM CompanyUpdateStatistics WHERE TimeGranularity = 'MONTH' AND TimeRangeStart = '2019-10-15' AND TimeRangeEnd = '2020-10-15' AND CompanyId = '10904095'
SELECT * FROM CompanyUpdateStatistics WHERE CompanyId = '183432'
SELECT * FROM CompanyUpdateStatistics WHERE UGCPostId = 'urn:li:ugcPost:1234'
SELECT * FROM CompanyUpdateStatistics WHERE UGCPostId IN ('urn:li:ugcPost:1234', 'urn:li:ugcPost:2345')

Time-Based Data Queries

The three inputs that control time-based data queries are TimeGranularity, TimeRangeStart, and TimeRangeEnd. TimeGranularity is not always required, but if it is specified you must also specify TimeRange Start, TimeRangeEnd, or both.

The behavior of TimeGranularity in a query depends on what other inputs are specified.

Inputs specified Result
None The driver returns all data from the time the company page was created until the present time, in one record.
TimeRangeStart only
(no TimeRangeEnd or TimeGranularity)
The driver returns all data from the time specified in TimeRangeStart until the present time, in one record.
TimeRangeStart and TimeRangeEnd
(no TimeRangeGranularity)
The driver returns all data from the time specified in TimeRangeStart until the time specified in TimeRangeEnd, in one record. If the value specified in TimeRangeStart is older than the time when the page was created, it retrieves all data from the time the page was created to the time specified in TimeRangeEnd.
TimeRangeEnd only
(no TimeRangeStart or TimeGranularity)
The driver returns all data from the time the company page was created, until the time specified in TimeRangeEnd, in one record.
All The driver breaks down the data into multiple records with different time intervals: one record for every day/month beginning from TimeRangeStart until TimeRangeEnd, depending on the value specified in TimeGranularity.


Name Type Description
Clicks Integer Total clicks count.
Comments Integer Total comments count.
CommentMentions Integer Total comment mentions count.
Engagement Double Total engagement count.
Impressions Integer Total impressions count.
Likes Integer Total likes count.
Shares Integer Total shares count.
ShareMentions Integer Total share mentions count.
UniqueImpressions Integer Total share mentions count.
TimeRangeStart Datetime Exclusive starting datetime of when the query should begin. When not set, queries from the beginning of time.
TimeRangeEnd Datetime Inclusive ending datetime of when the query should end. When not set, queries until the current time.
TimeGranularity String Granularity of the statistics. Must be either DAY or MONTH. Requires TimeRangeStart and TimeRangeEnd.
UGCPostId String The ID of the UGC post.
ShareId String The ID of the share.
CompanyId String Id of the Company associated with the update statistics.
IntervalStartTime Datetime Date start covered by the report data point. For start date of the range covered by the complete report, see the TimeRangeStart column.
IntervalEndTime Datetime Date end covered by the report data point. For the end date of the range covered by the complete report, see the TimeRangeEnd column.

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Build 24.0.8963