ODBC Driver for LinkedIn

Build 24.0.9111


Query statistics about the time watched in milliseconds for video.


Name Type Description
UGCPostId String Id of the Post associated with the video in the following format urn:li:ugcPost:{id}.
TimeWatchedForVideoViews Long The time watched in milliseconds for video play-pause cycles that are at least 3 seconds.
TimeGranularity String Granularity of the statistics. Can be DAY, WEEK, or ALL (default).
TimeRangeStart Datetime Exclusive starting timestamp of when the query should begin. Queries from beginning of time when not set.
TimeRangeEnd Datetime Inclusive ending timestamp of when the query should end. Queries until current time when not set.
IntervalStartTime Datetime Date start covered by the report data point. For start date of the range covered by the complete report, see the TimeRangeStart column.
IntervalEndTime Datetime Date end covered by the report data point. For the end date of the range covered by the complete report, see the TimeRangeEnd column.

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Build 24.0.9111