ADO.NET Provider for LinkedIn

Build 24.0.9111


Query location information for any LinkedIn organization, whether you administer that organization or not.


Either the OrganizationId or OrganizationVanityName columns must be specified in the criteria to use this view. If both are specified using an AND clause, the criterion for OrganizationId will take precedence over the criterion for OrganizationVanityName. The OR logical operator is not supported in the criteria for columns other than OrganizationId or OrganizationVanityName.

Refer to the query examples below:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationLocations WHERE OrganizationId = '4975021';
SELECT * FROM OrganizationLocations WHERE OrganizationId IN ('4975021', '6554901');
SELECT * FROM OrganizationLocations WHERE OrganizationVanityName IN ('CDataSoftware', 'OtherOrganization');


Name Type Description
OrganizationId String The identifier of the organization.
OrganizationVanityName String The vanity name of the organization.
GeoLocationURN [KEY] String The geolocation URN of the organization's location.
LocationType String The type of the organization's location.
Description String The description of the organization's location.
StaffCountRange String The range of staff members of the organization's location.
AddressLine1 String The first line of the address of the organization's location.
AddressLine2 String The second line of the address of the organization's location.
City String The city of the organization's location.
AdministrativeUnit String This refers to the administrative unit (e.g. state, country, province) of the organization's location.
PostalCode String The postal code of the organization's location.
Country String The country of the organization's location.

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Build 24.0.9111