Tableau Connector for Couchbase

Build 23.0.8839


Whether the provider allows queries to use columns that it has not discovered.






By default connector will only allow queries to use columns that it has found during the metadata discovery process (see TypeDetectionScheme for details). This means that the connector has the full information for each column it presents, but it also means that fields set on only a few documents may not be exposed. Disabling this option means that the connector will allow you to write a query with any columns you want. If you use columns in a query that have not been discovered the connector will assume that they are simple strings.

For example, the connector uses column type information to automatically convert dates for comparision since Couchbase cannot natively compare dates directly. If the connector detects that datecol is a date field, it can apply the STR_TO_MILLIS conversion automatically:

/* SQL */
WHERE datecol < '2020-06-12';

/* N1QL */
WHERE STR_TO_MILLIS(datecol) < STR_TO_MILLIS('2020-06-12');

When using undiscovered columns the connector cannot make this type of conversion for you. You must apply any needed conversions manually to ensure that operations behave the way you want them to.

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Build 23.0.8839