JDBC Driver for Couchbase

Build 23.0.8839


JDBC データソースの作成

Java アプリケーションから接続するJDBC データソースを作成できます。CData JDBC Driver for Couchbase に基づくJDBC データソースの作成は、3つの基本ステップで構成されます。

  • ドライバーのJAR ファイルをクラスパスに追加します。JAR ファイルはインストールディレクトリの[lib]サブフォルダ内にあります。.lic ファイルはJAR ファイルと同じフォルダ内に配置される必要があることに注意してください。
  • ドライバークラスを入力します。次に例を示します。
  • JDBC URL を入力します。次に例を示します。

    上記の2つ目の形式は、同じURL 形式を使用しているドライバー間でアプリケーションに競合がある場合は、CData ドライバーを使用していることを確認するために常に使用できます。URL は "jdbc:couchbase:" または"jdbc:cdata:couchbase:" のいずれかから始まり、任意の接続プロパティの名前と値のペアをセミコロン区切りで入力します。

Connecting to Couchbase

To connect to data, set the Server property to the hostname or IP address of the Couchbase server(s) you are authenticating to.

If your Couchbase server is configured to use SSL, you can enable it either by using an https URL for Server (like https://couchbase.server), or by setting the UseSSL property to True.

Couchbase Analytics

By default, the 本製品 connects to the N1QL Query service. In order to connect to the Couchbase Analytics service, you will also need to set the CouchbaseService property to Analytics.

Couchbase Cloud

Set the following to connect to Couchbase Cloud:

  • AuthScheme: Set this to Basic.
  • ConnectionMode: Set this to Cloud.
  • DNSServer: Set this to a DNS server. In most cases, this should be a public DNS service like or
  • SSLServerCert: Set this to the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected. Alternatively, set "*" to accept all certificates.

Authenticating to Couchbase

The 本製品 supports several forms of authentication. Couchbase Cloud only accepts Standard authentication, while Couchbase Server accepts Standard authentication, client certificates, and credentials files.

Standard Authentication

To authenticate with standard authentication, set the following:

  • AuthScheme: Set this to Basic.
  • User: The user authenticating to Couchbase.
  • Password: The password of the user authenticating to Couchbase.

Client Certificates

The 本製品 supports authenticating with client certificates when SSL is enabled. To use client certificate authentication, set the following properties:

  • AuthScheme: Set this to SSLCertificate.
  • SSLClientCertType: The type of client certificate set within SSLClientCert.
  • SSLClientCert: The client certificate in the format given by SSLClientCertType.
  • SSLClientCertPassword (optional): The password of the client certificate, if it is encrypted.
  • SSLClientCertSubject (optional): The subject of the client certificate, which, by default, is the first certificate found in the store. This is required if more than one certificate is available in the certificate store.

Credentials File

You can also authenticate using using a credentials file containing multiple logins. This is included for legacy use and is not recommended when connecting to a Couchbase Server that supports role-based authentication.

  • AuthScheme: Set this to CredentialsFile.
  • CredentialsFile: The path to the credentials file. Refer to Couchbase's documentation for more information on the format of this file.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839