Cmdlets for Azure Active Directory

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieves all Devices for the authenticated user.

Table Specific Information


You can query Devices by specifying an Id or selecting all:

SELECT * FROM Devices WHERE Id = '2b9c0347-9640-4ba4-bd2d-50965fb026e7'

Select a certain column from the entity and filter by that column:

SELECT * FROM Devices WHERE DisplayName LIKE '%Desk%'


Specify deviceId, accountEnabled, displayName, operatingSystem, operatingSystemVersion, and alternativeSecurityIds values in order to create a new Device:

INSERT INTO Devices (deviceId, accountEnabled, displayName, operatingSystem, operatingSystemVersion, alternativeSecurityIds) VALUES ('4c299165-6e8f-4b45-a5ba-c5d250a707ff', false, 'JustinBTest', 'Windows', '15.1', '[{"type":2,"key":"101010101011"}]')


To update a Device record you need to specify the Id in WHERE clause.

UPDATE Devices SET OperatingSystemVersion = 10.0.13439.0 WHERE Id = '6c32edb5-7f28-41f8-9965-f3f9a1718fde'


To delete a Device record, you need to specify the Id in WHERE clause.

DELETE FROM Devices WHERE Id = '6c32edb5-7f28-41f8-9965-f3f9a1718fde'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

The Id of the device.

deletedDateTime Datetime False

The datetime when the device was deleted.

accountEnabled Bool False

Indicator if device is account enabled.

alternativeSecurityIds String False

The alternativeSecurityIds of the device.

approximateLastSignInDateTime Datetime False

The approximateLastSignInDateTime of the device.

complianceExpirationDateTime Datetime False

The complianceExpirationDateTime of the device.

deviceCategory String False

The deviceCategory of the device.

deviceId String False

The deviceId of the device.

deviceMetadata String False

The deviceMetadata of the device.

deviceOwnership String False

The deviceOwnership of the device.

deviceVersion Int False

The deviceVersion of the device.

displayName String False

The displayName of the device.

enrollmentProfileName String False

The enrollmentProfileName of the device.

isCompliant Bool False

Indicator if device is compliant.

isManaged Bool False

Indicator if device is managed.

isManagementRestricted Bool False

Indicator if device is management restricted.

mdmAppId String False

The mdmAppId of the device.

onPremisesLastSyncDateTime Datetime False

The onPremisesLastSyncDateTime of the device.

onPremisesSecurityIdentifier String False

The onPremisesSecurityIdentifier of the device.

onPremisesSyncEnabled Bool False

Indicator if device is on premises sync enabled.

operatingSystem String False

The operatingSystem of the device.

operatingSystemVersion String False

The operatingSystemVersion of the device.

physicalIds String False

The physicalIds of the device.

profileType String False

The profileType of the device.

registrationDateTime Datetime False

The registrationDateTime of the device.

systemLabels String False

The systemLabels of the device.

trustType String False

The trustType of the device.

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Build 24.0.8963