Retrieves the user sign-ins for your tenant.
Table Specific Information
Most filters are handled server side, but the specific field of Id will change the endpoint we use to retrieve the data. It must be specified with an '=' or IN condition.
For example:
SELECT * FROM SignIns WHERE Id = '8b0a526e-178d-4494-a276-8819b74d7933' SELECT * FROM SignIns WHERE Id IN ('8b0a526e-178d-4494-a276-8819b74d7933', 'a8f14261-fb3b-42f7-a27a-d29877b5010b') SELECT * FROM SignIns WHERE ResourceDisplayName LIKE '%Test%'
Name | Type | Description |
id [KEY] | String | The id of the SignIns. |
appDisplayName | String | The appDisplayName of the SignIns. |
appId | String | The appId of the SignIns. |
appliedConditionalAccessPolicies | String | The appliedConditionalAccessPolicies of the SignIns. |
clientAppUsed | String | The clientAppUsed of the SignIns. |
conditionalAccessStatus | String | The conditionalAccessStatus of the SignIns. |
correlationId | String | The correlationId of the SignIns. |
createdDateTime | Datetime | The createdDateTime of the SignIns. |
deviceDetail_browser | String | The deviceDetail_browser of the SignIns. |
deviceDetail_deviceId | String | The deviceDetail_deviceId of the SignIns. |
deviceDetail_displayName | String | The deviceDetail_displayName of the SignIns. |
deviceDetail_isCompliant | Bool | The deviceDetail_isCompliant of the SignIns. |
deviceDetail_isManaged | Bool | The deviceDetail_isManaged of the SignIns. |
deviceDetail_operatingSystem | String | The deviceDetail_operatingSystem of the SignIns. |
deviceDetail_trustType | String | The deviceDetail_trustType of the SignIns. |
ipAddress | String | The ipAddress of the SignIns. |
isInteractive | Bool | The isInteractive of the SignIns. |
signInLocation_city | String | The signInLocation_city of the SignIns. |
signInLocation_countryOrRegion | String | The signInLocation_countryOrRegion of the SignIns. |
signInLocation_state | String | The signInLocation_state of the SignIns. |
resourceDisplayName | String | The resourceDisplayName of the SignIns. |
resourceId | String | The resourceId of the SignIns. |
riskDetail | String | The riskDetail of the SignIns. |
riskEventTypes | String | The riskEventTypes of the DirectoryAudit. |
riskEventTypes_v2 | String | The riskEventTypes_v2 of the DirectoryAudit. |
riskLevelAggregated | String | The riskLevelAggregated of the SignIns. |
riskLevelDuringSignIn | String | The riskLevelDuringSignIn of the SignIns. |
riskState | String | The riskState of the SignIns. |
signInStatus_additionalDetails | String | The signInStatus_additionalDetails of the SignIns. |
signInStatus_errorCode | Int | The signInStatus_errorCode of the application. |
signInStatus_failureReason | String | The signInStatus_failureReason of the SignIns. |
userDisplayName | String | The userDisplayName of the SignIns. |
userId | String | The userId of the SignIns. |
userPrincipalName | String | The userPrincipalName of the SignIns. |