JDBC Driver for Azure Active Directory

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieves the Role Assignments for the Azure AD.

Table Specific Information


Most filters are handled server side, but the specific field of Id will change the endpoint we use to retrieve the data. It must be specified with an '=' or IN condition. For example:

SELECT * FROM RoleAssignments WHERE Id = '4yeYchSc90m7G5YI8Va7uM8rSNTfthJJt-QfAs-zqcI-1'
SELECT * FROM RoleAssignments WHERE RoleDefinitionId = '62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10'
SELECT * FROM RoleAssignments WHERE PrincipalId = 'e5d250bd-92b4-44b2-b002-bc559f6d79e5'


Name Type Description
id [KEY] String The id of the roleAssignment.
condition String The condition of the roleAssignment.
roleDefinitionId String The roleDefinitionId of the roleAssignment.
principalId String The principalId of the roleAssignment.
directoryScopeId String The directoryScopeId of the roleAssignment.
appScopeId String The appScopeId of the roleAssignment.

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Build 24.0.8963