JDBC Driver for Azure Active Directory

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieves the Organization for the authenticated user.

Table Specific Information


SELECT * FROM Organization


To update an Organization record you need to specify the Id in WHERE clause.

Update Organization set marketingNotificationEmails = '[email protected]' where Id = 'bf6e4267-a9fb-419b-ae7b-7586fab0ff66'


Name Type Description
id [KEY] String The id of the organization.
deletedDateTime Datetime The datetime when the organization was deleted.
assignedPlans String The assignedPlans of the organization.
businessPhones String The businessPhones of the organization.
city String The city of the organization.
country String The country of the organization.
countryLetterCode String The countryLetterCode of the organization.
createdDateTime Datetime The createdDateTime of the organization.
defaultUsageLocation String The defaultUsageLocation of the organization.
displayName String The displayName of the organization.
marketingNotificationEmails String The marketingNotificationEmails of the organization.
mobileDeviceManagementAuthority String The mobileDeviceManagementAuthority of the organization.
onPremisesLastPasswordSyncDateTime Datetime The onPremisesLastPasswordSyncDateTime of the organization.
onPremisesLastSyncDateTime Datetime The onPremisesLastSyncDateTime of the organization.
onPremisesSyncEnabled Bool Indicator if organization is onPremisesSyncEnabled.
partnerTenantType String The partnerTenantType of the organization.
postalCode String The postalCode of the organization.
preferredLanguage String The preferredLanguage of the organization.
privacyProfile_contactEmail String The contactEmail of the privacyProfile.
privacyProfile_statementUrl String The statementUrl of the privacyProfile.
provisionedPlans String The provisionedPlans of the organization.
securityComplianceNotificationMails String The securityComplianceNotificationMails of the organization.
securityComplianceNotificationPhones String The securityComplianceNotificationPhones of the organization.
state String The state of the organization.
street String The street of the organization.
technicalNotificationMails String The technicalNotificationMails of the organization.
tenantType String The tenantType of the organization.
verifiedDomains String The verifiedDomains of the organization.

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Build 24.0.8963