JDBC Driver for Azure Active Directory

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieves all Domains for the authenticated user.

Table Specific Information


You can query Domains by specifying an Id or selecting all:

SELECT * FROM Domains WHERE Id = 'rssbus.cn'

Select a certain column from the entity and filter by that column:

SELECT Id FROM Domains WHERE Id LIKE '%rssbus%'


Specify an Id in order to create a new Domain, the Id should be the name of the new Domain:

INSERT INTO Domains (Id) VALUES ('cdata.com')


To update a Domain record you need to specify the Id in WHERE clause.

UPDATE Domains SET passwordNotificationWindowInDays = 14 WHERE Id = 'cdata.com'


To delete a Domain record, you need to specify the Id in WHERE clause.

DELETE FROM Domains WHERE Id = 'cdata.com'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

The id of the domain.

authenticationType String False

The authenticationType of the domain.

availabilityStatus String False

The availabilityStatus of the domain.

isAdminManaged Bool False

Indicator if domain is admin managed.

isDefault Bool False

Indicator if domain is default.

isInitial Bool False

Indicator if domain is initial.

isRoot Bool False

Indicator if domain is root.

isVerified Bool False

Indicator if domain is verified.

passwordNotificationWindowInDays Int False

The passwordNotificationWindowInDays of the domain.

passwordValidityPeriodInDays Int False

The passwordValidityPeriodInDays of the domain.

state_lastActionDateTime Datetime False

The lastActionDateTime of the state.

state_operation String False

The operation of the state.

state_status String False

The status of the state.

supportedServices String False

The supported services of the domain.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963