Retrieves all Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) groups, which can be Office 365 groups, or security groups.
Table Specific Information
Groups require Administrator permissions. To work with them, you must create your own custom OAuth App and set the appropriate OAuthClientId and OAuthClientSecret. In this app, you must configure it to request the Group.Read.All and the Group.ReadWrite.All permissions. This can be done at, or in the App Registrations panel at See Creating an Azure AD Application for more details on creating a custom app.
To authorize Groups permissions, an administrator must grant the Groups permissions for your organization at large. This can be done via the administrator authorization endpoint. Simply have the administrator grant permissions. Then run the OAuth authorization as normal afterwards.
Note that if your organization has multiple tenants, you may replace the /common/ in the url with the tenant Id to indicate which tenant to grant permissions for.
Retrieve all groups, specify a GroupId (Id), or simply filter by a certain column:
SELECT * FROM Groups WHERE Id = '029b15a8-dfd1-460e-83b6-262a75328c13' SELECT Id, Description, DisplayName FROM Groups WHERE Name = 'test'
The following are required to create a new Security Group:
INSERT INTO Groups (DisplayName, MailEnabled, MailNickname, SecurityEnabled) VALUES ('Test group', false, 'test', true)
To update a group record you need to specify the Id in WHERE clause.
UPDATE Groups SET Description = 'updated description from api' WHERE Id = 'bc48eaf7-0dc6-45d1-b17a-5b5397466ee1'
To delete a group record, you need to specify the Id in WHERE clause.
DELETE FROM Groups WHERE Id = 'bc48eaf7-0dc6-45d1-b17a-5b5397466ee1'
Retrieve recently deleted groups. Deleted groups remain available for up to 30 days.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
id [KEY] | String | False |
The Id of the group. |
deletedDateTime | Datetime | False |
The datetime when the group was deleted. |
allowExternalSenders | Bool | False |
The indicator showing if external senders should be allowed or not. |
assignedLabels | String | False |
The assigned labels of the group. |
assignedLicenses | String | False |
The assigned licenses of the group. |
autoSubscribeNewMembers | Bool | False |
The indicator showing if new members should be autosubscribed. |
classification | String | False |
The classification of the group. |
createdDateTime | Datetime | False |
The created DateTime of the group. |
description | String | False |
The description of the group. |
displayName | String | False |
The display name of the group. |
expirationDateTime | Datetime | False |
The expiration datetime of the group. |
groupTypes | String | False |
The types of the group. |
hasMembersWithLicenseErrors | Bool | False |
Indicator if there are members with license error. |
hideFromAddressLists | Bool | False |
Whether or not to hide the group from address lists. |
hideFromOutlookClients | Bool | False |
Whether or not to hide the group from Outlook Clients. |
isArchived | Bool | False |
Indicator if group is archived. |
isAssignableToRole | Bool | False |
Indicator if group is assignable to role. |
isManagementRestricted | Bool | False |
Indicator if group is management restricted. |
isSubscribedByMail | Bool | False |
Indicator if group is subscribed by email. |
licenseProcessingState | String | False |
The license processing state of the group. |
String | False |
The mail of the group. | |
mailEnabled | Bool | False |
Indicator if mail is enabled in the group. |
mailNickname | String | False |
The mail nickname of the group. |
membershipRule | String | False |
The membership rule of the group. |
membershipRuleProcessingState | String | False |
The membership rule processing state of the group. |
onPremisesDomainName | String | False |
The Domain Name of the group. |
onPremisesLastSyncDateTime | Datetime | False |
The LastSync DateTime of the group. |
onPremisesProvisioningErrors | String | False |
The provisioning errors of the group. |
onPremisesSamAccountName | String | False |
The Sam Account Name of the group. |
onPremisesSecurityIdentifier | String | False |
The security identifier of the group. |
onPremisesSyncEnabled | Bool | False |
Indicator if sync is enabled in the group. |
preferredDataLocation | String | False |
The preferred data location of the group. |
preferredLanguage | String | False |
Preferred language in the group. |
proxyAddresses | String | False |
The proxy addresses of the group. |
renewedDateTime | Datetime | False |
The renewed DateTime of the group. |
securityEnabled | Bool | False |
Indicator if security is enabled in the group. |
securityIdentifier | String | False |
The security identifier of the group. |
serviceProvisioningErrors | String | False |
The service provisioning errors of the group. |
theme | String | False |
The theme of the group. |
unseenCount | Int | False |
The unseen count of the group. |
visibility | String | False |
The visibility of the group. |