Selecting Exchange Data
Note: The following describes the behavior when Schema is set to EWS. It has no impact on MSGraph.
FindItem vs. GetItem
By default, the add-in will perform the Exchange Web Services FindItem API call and only request summary information about items when a SELECT operation is performed. Any request that could return more than one item will only return summary information. For example:SELECT ItemId, Surname, EmailAddress1 FROM Contacts WHERE Surname='Smith'
If you wish to request the contents of a message or more information about a contact or calendar event, you will need to set IncludeContent to TRUE, specify the ItemIds of the items, or limit your results to a single item. For example:
SELECT ItemId, Surname, EmailAddress1 FROM Contacts WHERE ItemId='AZQ111222...'OR
SELECT ItemId, Surname, EmailAddress1 FROM Contacts WHERE ItemdId IN ('AZQ111222...', 'AZQ111223...', 'AZQ111224...', 'AZQ111225...')OR
SELECT ItemId, Surname, EmailAddress1 FROM Contacts WHERE Surname='Smith' LIMIT 1
Public and Custom Folders
If you wish to read from a Public or Custom folder, you'll need to first identify the FolderId of the folder you wish to read from. This can be done by submitting a read query from the ParentFolder (for a custom folder) or from the relevant table for the type of object stored in a Public Folder, using Inbox if the Public Folder contains messages. For example:Finding the FolderId of a subfolder of the Inbox:
SELECT DisplayName, FolderId FROM InboxFinding the FolderId of a Custom Folder that contains Contacts:
SELECT DisplayName, FolderId FROM Contacts WHERE ParentFolderName='publicfoldersroot'
If your public folder is nested, you may need to do a separate SELECT query on the parent custom folder:
SELECT DisplayName, FolderId FROM Contacts WHERE ParentFolderId='AAEuAAAAAAAa...'