Cmdlets for Microsoft Exchange

Build 24.0.8963


Messages table for Exchange data provider.

Table Specific Information


You can retrieve all from Messages, specify a Message (Id), ParentFolderId, or you can filter results by a certain column:

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE Id = 'MyMessageId'

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE ParentFolderId = 'MyParentfolderId' 

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE ParentFolderId = 'Drafts'

Note: Unless specifying the AlwaysRequstTableDependencies connection property, or selecting/filtering by the reference columns ParentFolderId, the value for ParentFolderId will remain null.


After the insert a new Message will be created in the User's Drafts folder.

INSERT INTO Messages (Subject, Body_Content) VALUES ('New test Email', 'Test Email created.')


Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

categories String False

changeKey String False

createdDateTime Datetime False

lastModifiedDateTime Datetime False

bccRecipients String False

body_contentType String False

body_content String False

bodyPreview String False

ccRecipients String False

conversationId String False

flag_completedDateTime_dateTime String False

flag_completedDateTime_timeZone String False

flag_flagStatus String False

from_emailAddress_name String False

from_emailAddress_address String False

hasAttachments Bool False

importance String False

inferenceClassification String False

internetMessageHeaders String False

internetMessageId String False

isDeliveryReceiptRequested Bool False

isDraft Bool False

isRead Bool False

isReadReceiptRequested Bool False

parentFolderId String False

receivedDateTime Datetime False

replyTo String False

sender_emailAddress_name String False

sender_emailAddress_address String False

sentDateTime Datetime False

subject String False

toRecipients String False

uniqueBody_contentType String False

uniqueBody_content String False

webLink String False


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
userId String

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Build 24.0.8963