Create, update, delete, and query Calendar items.
Update およびDelete
本製品 では、アイテムの更新および削除にはItemChangeKey が必要です。ただし、ItemChangeKey が不明な場合には、本製品 は自動的にExchange サーバーからこれを取得することができます。 これはクエリ実行にかかる時間を増加させることに注意してください。
Calendar テーブルでSELECT 処理を実行するとき、本製品 は個別の定期的なイベントをデフォルトで含めません(マスターアイテムのみが含まれます)。
クエリには次のようなWHERE 句を含む必要があります:
SELECT Subject, IsRecurring, Recurrence_StartDate, Recurrence_EndDate, Recurrence_Interval, Recurrence_Type, Recurrence_NumberOfOccurrences, FirstOccurrence_Start FROM Calendar WHERE ItemId = 'myid'If you wish to view the individual recurrences of a recurring event, you'll need to add filters START and END with greaterthan and lessthan operators respectively. The interval between START and END should not be more than 2 years. The API will return atmost 1000 entries for recurring events. Please give the interval between START and END filters accordingly. Your query will need to include a WHERE clause similar to the following:
SELECT * FROM Calendar WHERE start >= '2021-05-11 00:50:59.0' AND end <= '2023-02-28 11:20:30.0'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ItemId [KEY] | String | True |
Contains the unique identifier of an item in the Exchange store. This property is read-only. |
MimeContent | String | True |
Contains the native Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) stream of an object that is represented in Base64 binary format. |
ItemChangeKey | String | True |
Contains the unique change key of an item in the Exchange store. This property is read-only. |
ParentFolderId | String | False |
Represents the unique identifier of the parent folder that contains the item or folder. This property is read-only. |
ParentFolderChangeKey | String | True |
Represents the unique change key of the parent folder that contains the item or folder. This property is read-only. |
ItemClass | String | False |
Represents the message class of an item. |
Subject | String | False |
Represents the subject for Exchange store items and response objects. The subject is limited to 255 characters. |
Sensitivity | String | True |
Indicates the sensitivity level of an item. |
Body | String | False |
Body of the Calendar Item. |
DateTimeReceived | Datetime | True |
Represents the date and time that an item in a mailbox was received. |
Size | Integer | True |
Represents the size in bytes of an item. This property is read-only. |
Categories | String | False |
Represents a collection of strings that identify to which categories an item in the mailbox belongs. |
Importance | String | False |
Describes the importance of an item. |
InReplyTo | String | True |
Represents the identifier of the item to which this item is a reply. |
IsSubmitted | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether an item has been submitted to the Outbox default folder. |
IsDraft | Boolean | True |
Represents whether an item has not yet been sent. |
IsFromMe | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether a user sent an item to himself or herself. |
IsResend | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether the item had previously been sent. |
IsUnmodified | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether the item has been modified. |
InternetMessageHeaders | String | True |
Represents the collection of all Internet message headers that are contained within an item in a mailbox. |
DateTimeSent | Datetime | True |
Represents the date and time that an item in a mailbox was sent. |
DateTimeCreated | Datetime | True |
Represents the date and time that a given item in the mailbox was created. |
ReminderDueBy | Datetime | False |
Represents the date and time when the event occurs. |
ReminderIsSet | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether a reminder has been set for an item in the Exchange store. |
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart | Integer | False |
Represents the number of minutes before an event occurs when a reminder is displayed. |
DisplayCc | String | True |
Represents the display string that is used for the contents of the To box. This is the concatenated string of all To recipient display names. |
DisplayTo | String | True |
Represents a property that is set to true if an item has at least one visible attachment. This property is read-only. |
HasAttachments | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether an item has attachments. |
Culture | String | False |
Represents the Culture of an item. |
Start | Datetime | False |
Represents the start of a duration. |
End | Datetime | False |
Represents the end of a duration. |
OriginalStart | Datetime | False |
Represents the original start time of a calendar item. |
IsAllDayEvent | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether a calendar item or meeting request represents an all-day event. |
LegacyFreeBusyStatus | String | False |
Represents the free/busy status of the calendar item. |
Location | String | False |
Represents the location of a meeting, appointment, or persona. |
When | String | False |
Provides information about when a calendar or meeting item occurs. |
IsMeeting | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether the calendar item is a meeting or an appointment. |
IsCancelled | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether an appointment or meeting has been cancelled. |
IsRecurring | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether a calendar item, meeting request, or task is part of a recurring item. This element is read-only. |
MeetingRequestWasSent | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether a meeting request has been sent to requested attendees. |
IsResponseRequested | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether a response to an item is requested. |
CalendarItemType | String | True |
Represents the type of a calendar item. |
MyResponseType | String | False |
Contains the status of or response to a calendar item. |
OrganizerName | String | False |
Defines the name of the mailbox user. |
OrganizerEmailAddress | String | False |
Defines the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address of the Organizer mailbox user. |
OrganizerRoutingType | String | False |
Defines the routing that is used for the Organizer mailbox. The default is SMTP. |
ConflictingMeetingCount | Integer | True |
Represents the number of meetings that conflict with the calendar item. |
AdjacentMeetingCount | Integer | True |
Represents the total number of calendar items that are adjacent to a meeting time. |
Duration | String | True |
Represents the duration of a calendar item. |
TimeZone | String | True |
Provides a text description of a time zone. |
AppointmentReplyTime | Datetime | False |
Represents the date and time that an attendee replied to a meeting request. |
AppointmentSequenceNumber | String | False |
Specifies the sequence number of a version of an appointment. |
AppointmentState | String | True |
Specifies the status of the appointment. |
Recurrence_Type | String | False |
Contains the recurrence type for calendar items and meeting requests. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。RelativeYearlyRecurrence, AbsoluteYearlyRecurrence, RelativeMonthlyRecurrence, AbsoluteMonthlyRecurrence, WeeklyRecurrence, DailyRecurrence |
Recurrence_DaysOfWeek | String | False |
Describes days of the week that are used in item recurrence patterns. |
Recurrence_DayOfWeekIndex | String | False |
Describes which week in a month is used in a relative yearly recurrence pattern. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。First, Second, Third, Fourth, Last |
Recurrence_Month | String | False |
Describes the month when a yearly recurring item occurs. |
Recurrence_DayOfMonth | Integer | False |
Describes the day in a month on which a recurring item occurs. |
Recurrence_Interval | Integer | False |
Defines the interval between two consecutive recurring items. |
Recurrence_FirstDayOfWeek | String | False |
Specifies the first day of the week. |
Recurrence_Duration | String | False |
Contains the recurrence duration type for calendar items and meeting requests. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NoEndRecurrence, EndDateRecurrence, NumberedRecurrence |
Recurrence_StartDate | Date | False |
Represents the start date of a recurring task or calendar item. |
Recurrence_EndDate | Date | False |
Represents the end date of a recurring task or calendar item. |
Recurrence_NumberOfOccurrences | Integer | False |
Contains the number of occurrences of a recurring item. |
FirstOccurrence_ItemId | String | False |
Contains the unique identifier of the last occurrence of a recurring calendar item. |
FirstOccurrence_Start | Datetime | False |
Represents the start time of the last occurrence of a recurring calendar item. |
FirstOccurrence_End | Datetime | False |
Represents the end time of the last occurrence of a recurring calendar item. |
FirstOccurrence_OriginalStart | Datetime | False |
Represents the original start time of the last occurrence of a recurring calendar item. |
LastOccurrence_ItemId | String | False |
Contains the unique identifier of the last occurrence of a recurring calendar item. |
LastOccurrence_Start | Datetime | False |
Represents the start time of the last occurrence of a recurring calendar item. |
LastOccurrence_End | Datetime | False |
Represents the end time of the last occurrence of a recurring calendar item. |
LastOccurrence_OriginalStart | Datetime | False |
Represents the original start time of the last occurrence of a recurring calendar item. |
ModifiedOccurrences_Aggregate | String | True |
Modified occurrences of the calendar, as aggregate. |
DeletedOccurrences_Aggregate | String | True |
Deleted occurrences as aggregate. |
StartTimeZone_Id | String | True |
Represents the unique identifier of the time zone definition for the start time. |
StartTimeZone_Name | String | True |
Represents the descriptive name of the time zone definition for the start time. |
EndTimeZone_Id | String | True |
Represents the unique identifier of the time zone definition for the end time. |
EndTimeZone_Name | String | True |
Represents the descriptive name of the time zone definition for the end time. |
ConferenceType | Integer | False |
Describes the type of conferencing that is performed with a calendar item (0 = NetMeeting, 1 = NetShow, 2 = Chat. |
AllowNewTimeProposal | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether a new meeting time can be proposed for a meeting by an attendee. |
IsOnlineMeeting | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether the meeting is online. |
MeetingWorkspaceUrl | String | False |
Contains the URL for the meeting workspace that is linked to by the calendar item. |
NetShowUrl | String | False |
Specifies the URL for a Microsoft NetShow online meeting. |
EffectiveRights_CreateAssociated | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether a client can create an associated contents table. |
EffectiveRights_CreateContents | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether a client can create a contents table. |
EffectiveRights_CreateHierarchy | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether a client can create a hierarchy table. |
EffectiveRights_Delete | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether a client can delete a folder or item. |
EffectiveRights_Modify | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether a client can modify a folder or item. |
EffectiveRights_Read | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether a client can read a folder or item. |
EffectiveRights_ViewPrivateItems | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether a private item can be viewed. |
LastModifiedName | String | True |
Contains the display name of the last user to modify an item. |
LastModifiedTime | Datetime | True |
Indicates when an item was last modified. |
IsAssociated | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether the item is associated with a folder. |
WebClientReadFormQueryString | String | True |
Represents a URL to concatenate to the Microsoft Office Outlook Web App endpoint to read an item in Outlook Web App. |
WebClientEditFormQueryString | String | True |
Represents a URL to concatenate to the Outlook Web App endpoint to edit an item in Outlook Web App. |
ConversationId | String | True |
Contains the identifier of an item or conversation. |
ConversationChangeKey | String | True |
Contains the change key of an item or conversation. |
UniqueBody | String | True |
Represents an HTML fragment or plain-text which represents the unique body of this conversation. |
UniqueBodyType | String | True |
Describes how the unique item body is stored in the item (HTML or TEXT). |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ImpersonationUser | String |
The Identifier of the user to impersonate. |
ImpersonationType | String |
The type of Identifier used for the impersonation user (PrincipalName, SID, PrimarySmtpAddress, SmtpAddress). |
SendMeetingInvitations | String |
The allowed values are SendToNone, SendOnlyToAll, and SendToAllAndSaveCopy. The default is SendToNone. |
SendCancellationsMode | String |
The allowed values are SendToNone, SendOnlyToAll, and SendToAllAndSaveCopy. The default is SendToNone. |
SharedMailboxEmail | String |
The email of a shared mailbox. Use this to retrieve the calendar events in a shared mailbox. |