ADO.NET Provider for Microsoft Exchange

Build 24.0.9111


MailFolders table for Exchange data provider.

Table Specific Information


Get the mail folder collection directly under the root folder of the signed-in user. The returned collection includes any mail search folders directly under the root:

SELECT * FROM MailFolders
SELECT * FROM MailFolders where userId ='1c67f23f-8681-4c67-9c19-253e628442d5'

Note: This operation does not return all mail folders in a mailbox, only the child folders of the root folder. To return all mail folders in a mailbox, each child folder must be traversed separately.

SELECT * FROM CData.MSGraph.MailFolders Where userId ='1c67f23f-8681-4c67-9c19-253e628442d5' and id = 'AQMkAGY1YTc5NjE4LWE4MWYtNDI3Yy1iYgBmYi1hNDk0ZmMxZTJjZDgALgAAAz6irHRWjXlFqioVZIpcig4BAG0Pxgnb-IlHsx0QnxhOmzcAAAIBGAAAAA=='
SELECT * FROM CData.MSGraph.MailFolders Where userId ='1c67f23f-8681-4c67-9c19-253e628442d5' and id = (SELECT parentFolderId from CData.MSGraph.MailFolders where userId ='1c67f23f-8681-4c67-9c19-253e628442d5' and displayName = 'Inbox')


Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

childFolderCount Int False

displayName String False

parentFolderId String False

totalItemCount Int False

unreadItemCount Int False


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
userId String

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Build 24.0.9111