Tableau Connector for Microsoft Exchange

Build 23.0.8839


Create, update, delete, and query subfolders for a given folder.

Table Specific Information

Update and Delete

The connector will need the FolderChangeKey to update or delete an item. However, if you are unsure of the FolderChangeKey, the connector is able to retrieve it from the Exchange server automatically. Note that this may increase the time it take to perform a query.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
FolderId [KEY] String True

Contains the unique identifier of an folder in the Exchange store.

FolderChangeKey String True

Contains the unique change key of an folder in the Exchange store.

ParentFolderId String False

Represents the unique identifier of the parent folder that contains the item or folder.

ParentFolderChangeKey String True

Represents the unique change key of the parent folder that contains the item or folder.

FolderClass String False

Represents the folder class for a given folder.

DisplayName String False

Contains the display name of a folder.

TotalCount Integer True

Represents the total count of items within a given folder.

ChildFolderCount Integer True

Represents the number of child folders that are contained within a folder.

CanDelete Boolean True

Indicates whether a managed folder can be deleted by a customer.

CanRenameOrMove Boolean True

Indicates whether a given managed folder can be renamed or moved by the customer.

MustDisplayComment Boolean True

Indicates whether the managed folder comment must be displayed.

HasQuota Boolean True

Indicates whether the managed folder has a quota.

IsManagedFoldersRoot Boolean True

Indicates whether the managed folder is the root for all managed folders.

ManagedFolderId String True

Contains the folder Id of the managed folder.

Comment String True

Contains the comment that is associated with a managed folder.

StorageQuota Integer True

Describes the storage quota for the managed folder.

FolderSize Integer True

Describes the total size of all the contents of a managed folder.

HomePage String True

Specifies the URL that will be the default home page for the managed folder.

UnreadCount Integer True

Represents the count of unread items within a given folder.

EffectiveRights_CreateAssociated Boolean True

Indicates whether a client can create an associated contents table.

EffectiveRights_CreateContents Boolean True

Indicates whether a client can create a contents table.

EffectiveRights_CreateHierarchy Boolean True

Indicates whether a client can create a hierarchy table.

EffectiveRights_Delete Boolean True

Indicates whether a client can delete a folder or item.

EffectiveRights_Modify Boolean True

Indicates whether a client can modify a folder or item.

EffectiveRights_Read Boolean True

Indicates whether a client can read a folder or item.

EffectiveRights_ViewPrivateItems Boolean True

Indicates whether a private item can be viewed.

SharingEffectiveRights String False

Indicates the permissions that the user has for the contact data that is being shared.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ImpersonationUser String

The Identifier of the user to impersonate.

ImpersonationType String

The type of Identifier used for the impersonation user (PrincipalName, SID, PrimarySmtpAddress, SmtpAddress).

ParentFolderName String

Represents the distinguished folder Id of the parent folder.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839