JDBC Driver for Microsoft Exchange

Build 23.0.8839


The optional attendees for a particular event. An ItemId must be specified when querying this view.

Table Specific Information

Update and Delete

The driver will need the ItemChangeKey to update or delete an item. However, if you are unsure of the ItemChangeKey, the driver is able to retrieve it from the Exchange server automatically. Note that this may increase the time it takes to perform a query.


When performing a SELECT operation on the Calendar table, the driver will not include individual recurring events by default (only the master item will be included). If you wish to view the individual recurrences of a recurring event, you'll need to filter the search by the IsRecurring column and use Start and End to specify a time period. Your query will need to include a WHERE clause similar to the following:

INSERT INTO Calendar_OptionalAttendees (EmailAddress, ItemId, SendMeetingInvitations) VALUES ('johndoe@example.com', 'itemid', 'SendOnlyToChanged')


Name Type ReadOnly Description
EmailAddress [KEY] String False

ItemId [KEY] String False

Name String False


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ImpersonationUser String

The Identifier of the user to impersonate.

ImpersonationType String

The type of Identifier used for the impersonation user (PrincipalName, SID, PrimarySmtpAddress, SmtpAddress).

SendMeetingInvitations String

The allowed values are SendToNone, SendOnlyToAll, SendOnlyToChanged and SendToAllAndSaveCopy. The default is SendToNone.

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Build 23.0.8839