Cmdlets for SugarCRM

Build 24.0.8963


The PurchasedLineItems table.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Account_Id String False

Account related to the parent Purchase of this PLI

Account_Name String True

Acl_Team_Names String True

Acl_Team_Set_Id String False

Annual_Revenue Decimal True

Asset_Number String False

Asset tag number of sales item in use

Assigned_User_Id String False

User ID assigned to record

Assigned_User_Name String True

Base_Rate String False

Book_Value Decimal True

Book value of sales item in use

Book_Value_Date Date False

Date of book value for sales item in use

Book_Value_Usdollar Decimal True

Book value expressed in USD

Catalog_Service_Duration_Unit String True

Stores a Product Catalog item's Service Duration Unit, used for duration comparisons

Catalog_Service_Duration_Value Int True

Stores a Product Catalog item's Service Duration Value, used for duration comparisons

Category_Id String False

Product category

Category_Name String True

Commentlog String True

Cost_Price Decimal True

Product cost

Cost_Usdollar Decimal True

Cost expressed in USD

Created_By String True

User who created record

Created_By_Name String True

Currency_Id String False

Currency_Name String True

Currency_Symbol String True

Date_Closed Date False

Expected or actual date the purchased line item will close

Date_Closed_Timestamp String True

Date_Entered Datetime True

Date record created

Date_Modified Datetime True

Date record last modified

Date_Purchased Date False

Date sales item purchased

Date_Support_Expires Date False

Support expiration date

Date_Support_Starts Date False

Support start date

Deal_Calc Decimal True

Calculated Revenue or Loss

Deal_Calc_Usdollar Decimal True

Calculated Revenue or Loss in US Dollars

Deleted Bool False

Record deletion indicator

Denorm_Account_Name String False

Name of the Company

Description String False

Full text of the note

Discount_Amount String True

Discounted amount (Displayed as Total Discount Amount)

Discount_Amount_Signed Decimal True

Discounted Amount Signed

Discount_Amount_Usdollar Decimal True

Discount_Price Decimal False

Discounted price (

Discount_Select Bool False

Discount_Usdollar Decimal True

Discount price expressed in USD

Following Bool False

Is user following this record

Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier

List_Price Decimal True

List price of sales item

List_Usdollar Decimal True

List price expressed in USD

Lock_Duration Bool False

Turn on or off a user ability to directly edit the duration field

Locked_Fields String True

Manufacturer_Id String False

Manufacturer of product

Manufacturer_Name String True

Mft_Part_Num String False

Manufacturer part number

Modified_By_Name String True

Modified_User_Id String True

User who last modified record

My_Favorite Bool False

Favorite for the user

Name String False

Name of the product

Pricing_Factor Int True

Variable pricing factor depending on pricing_formula

Pricing_Formula String False

Pricing formula (ex: Fixed, Markup over Cost)

Product_Template_Id String False

Product (in Admin Products) from which this purchased item is derived.

Product_Template_Name String True

Product_Type_Id String False

Product type (ex: hardware, software)

Product_Type_Name String True

Purchase_Id String False

Purchase which spawned this PLI

Purchase_Name String False

Quantity Decimal True

Quantity in use

Renewable Bool False

Indicates whether the sales item is renewable (e.g. a service)

Renewal Bool True

Indicates whether this line item is a renewal

Renewal_Opp_Id String False

Renewal opportunity of this PLI

Renewal_Opp_Name String True

Revenue Decimal False

Revenue_Usdollar Decimal True

Revenue expressed in USD

Revenuelineitem_Id String False

If PLI was created from RLI, this is that RLIs ID

Revenuelineitem_Name String True

RLI Name

Serial_Number String False

Serial number of sales item in use

Service Bool False

Indicates whether the sales item is a service or a product

Service_Duration_Multiplier Decimal True

Stores a multiplier based on the ratio of this sales item's duration to another duration (such as a Product Template's)

Service_Duration_Unit String False

Service Duration unit like Year(s), Month(s) or Day(s)

Service_Duration_Value Int True

Value of the service duration, if service duration is 4 Months the value is 4

Service_End_Date String True

End date of the service

Service_Start_Date Date False

Start date of the service

Status String False

Subtotal Decimal True

The total of the line item before any discounts are applied, taking any proration into consideration

Support_Contact String False

Contact for support purposes

Support_Description String False

Description of sales item for support purposes

Support_Name String False

Name of sales item for support purposes

Support_Term String False

Term (length) of support contract

Sync_Key String True

Tag String False

Tax_Class String False

Tax classification (ex: Taxable, Non-taxable)

Team_Count String False

Team_Id String False

Team ID for the account

Team_Name String False

Team_Set_Id String False

Total_Amount Decimal True

Vendor_Part_Num String False

Vendor part number

Website String False

Sales item URL

Weight Decimal True

Weight of the sales item

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963